>playing your switch in public
"Its good for road trips!!"
If you're not the one driving you're either a woman, a child or a weak man
"I-I-I'm n-n-not insecure about being seen with my toy in public"
Listen kid, I know you think you look like you're in a Switch commercial, but you look like an autistic loser playing in public.
Playing your switch in public
>convincing your friends to drive you around somehow makes you their inferior
>filtering out the people who are into it
get fucked
wtfffffffff like you think you are an alpha male cause you drive a car? bitch everybody drives a car you are still a weak pussy
So if you have three or four friends and only one of you can drive, the other three are weak?
Do you have any friends who know how to drive?
>get on train
>looking for a seat, see 10 people on their switch
>think "look at these fucking degenerates that i have to sit next to"
>sit down, pull out my phone and emulate psp games while not looking like a fucking loser
Id admit 99% of the people who take their switch out in public either sitting autisticly on the sidewalk looking obese and like they haven’t shower in a week are most of the switch owners but the rare 1% are pretty much sub-chads that actually have friends and are respectable.
I’ve been to “party’s” of the sorts where everyone was just drinking, listening to music, and playing video games. Besides, the only real instance you’ll see pic related is if your at a super normie bro-chad and Stacy party that involves being fake as fuck to fake people.
I meant more of a family trip or trip with gf but big suprise, you're all single
>people on train playing games or portable console
>(you) playing game on your phone
There’s no difference, just neck yourself while you can
>blind in one eye
>legally can’t dry
>cross country move coming the day cuphead comes out
Cutting it close but will be comfy. What games are you Bros looking forward too?
>Be girl
>see loser on switch
>see guy on phone
Which is worse retard? Shes not gonna have her own, if she does shes gross as well so perfect for you
I’m with you
bought a switch for my gf and I ended up getting one too because I wanted to play games like Skyrim on the go for convenience. Mostly just take it to her place or when we go out to a friends place or when roadtripping out somewhere
>MFW a friend got laid thanks to his stupid Switch.
Well, if I'm honest, it feels like she's after his money, but still...
I didnt pay for cuphead on pc why would I get it on switch now?
>Not owning a car
Never gonna make it.
>trying to look normal/impress a hollow shell of a Stacy
Best of luck to you mate, she’ll probably end up leaving you for another “chad”
It's both the same result if you aren't attractive so that user isn't really that wrong
>want to buy a switch
>dont want to have to pay full price for a game released years ago
Not even a poorfag just spoiled by. Better prices on other platforms
>meet up with old highschool friend
>hes married with a kid after leaving marines
>talk about college puss i got
>he talks about girls he banged overseas in army
>...so play any good games?
>hell yeah i brought my switch
>dope you play breathe of the wild?!
His wife talked about comic book ideas shes working on while we played at starbucks
When you can get most of the games dirt cheap on Xbox and PS4 and lets face it free on PC if you want, cant really justify the high prices on Switch just for portability. Smash is enough.
His mentality of trying to hide himself playing ps1 games on the phone, trying to look normal is precisely the reason why he doesn’t get laid
>car payments
>higher risk of injury
>can’t multitask during commute
Imagine being so cucked you think it’s chad.
I could kick your ass
You're gonna die alone and a virgin
The only reason I don't bring my Switch in public is that it's not that portable and you'll be an easy target for gypsies/thieves.
a lonely virgin could kick your ass
>live in a city where public transport is faster than a personal car
Hi failed normalfag
dont forget parking and pedestrians
The last time I saw someone play Switch in public was on a plane. The guy spent the whole 12 hours playing the same Mario Kart track in Ghost mode.
>haha guys did I mention I pirate my games??
So in your little story he talked about his overseas girls in front of his wife?
user you shouldn't be playing Switch if you're wet
In any form of transportation everyone is miserable anyways
Being insecure enough to not okay a handheld gaming device is one thing. But being so insecure about it that you have to meddle with other people's hobbies... wew.
> marines
> army
Whats wrong? So autistic you gotta bring out a game whenever yoy have 5 minutes to spare?
Damn that train ride looks super comfy. Wish coastal cities weren't such a congested nightmare so we could get some sick public transport in here.
Are you in high school cuz your acting like a bitch in high school with that mentally the only insecure one is you
seethe harder:)
Just played it on an 8 hr plane ride last month. Caring about what others think makes you a bigger loser and a faggot.
Its fucking hilarious that there are still childish shitters on this board who think that the Switch being portable means taking it outside and sitting in the park with it.
Fucking retards.
I have never yet taken my Switch outside but its still an utter godsend for people like me. I have TWO PS4s - a launch system and a pro - neither of which are even plugged in any more. I play my Xbox and PC sparingly on occasion when a game takes my fancy. But my Switch is always with me. Its my most played gaming device of the past two years by a country mile. I don't think I can ever go back to traditional consoles now.
I think the problem is that silly little boys who still live with mommy and daddy and fester in their bedrooms all day long, simply cannot understand the appeal and are utterly BAFFLED by its success. Oh dear.
m... mein fuhrer... please do not play with ze switchenwerfer at the table
>If you're not the one driving you're either a woman, a child or a weak man
do you not know what carpooling is
dumb whores
I myself don’t have a switch but you seriously have to be a insecure faggot to be afraid to be play outside.
If I have a long train ride or flight I could see myself wanting to play. What is the problem?
yeah, either way the guy should be the one driving
i dont have a switch but you're an even bigger autistic loser if you have that much insecurity about what random strangers think about you, but im not surprised, majority of Yea Forums can only talk big online but are huge pussies irl
>tfw having a health condition that won't let him drive
Yeah, well this wasn't the case when I got pinched for DUI and had my license suspended for 6 months due to intox refusal. Not everyone lives a charmed life such as yourself.
>Imagine being so insecure in your masculinity that driving a fucking car all the time is important
I’m seriously lmao’ing your life.
yes, the other friends are weak if they can't drive, this doesn't count if they are disabled like missing arms or legs or blind/deaf some shit or actually retarded, you know what I mean.
do you live in a city or are you so rich you ride in a limo everywhere
depends on how you look to others, even if they don't care. hell even taking a nap or using the phone "looks" better
but from my experience with seeing people with switches in public, well, ive never seen someone with it