The plan: release the worst game of all time, so that at your next E3 conference, you can apologize to the audience...

The plan: release the worst game of all time, so that at your next E3 conference, you can apologize to the audience, announce that the game will be fixed and released for free, and win back the gaming crowd.

Attached: fallout for you.jpg (1080x1440, 226K)

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It's never coming out for free.

>release it for free
>but fill it to the brim with microtransactions and paid mods

They already had Todd himself apologize for Fallout 4 when they announced 76, how the fuck could they pull the same stunt twice

Nobody expects a company to use the same marketing ploy twice, so when a company actually does it, it comes off as even more genuine.

Better ploy
>Release a bad game
>Next E3 announce/show off a superior game
>Game looks better by comparison
>Win the crowd

What is the best N4U episode, and why is it the one where he pretends to make a movie to so a store gets more customers?

I think ghost realtor may be my favorite. One of the few times where the people Nathan is pranking are actually crazier than he is. Also hilarious considering the ghost realtor idea actually works out really well.

>the plan: have best buy purposefully leak three imaginary games that everyone wants as free advertisement for your system. when the game turns out to be fake, put all the blame on best buy.

These are some of my favorites but I think the gas station is the most ridiculous and captures the heart of the show

>>but fill it to the brim with microtransactions and paid mods
Ummm, should we tell him?

My favorite line from this show.

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>game will be fixed
>and rereleased for free
Nigger do you even know Bethesda?

Is Nathan For You back?
Fuck I loved that show.

Nope man, cancelled forever. I mean, we can try to meme the fifth season into existence, but I doubt it would work.


I like to believe that Nathan announced the fifth season would never happen in order to make it seem like any of his crazy ideas that hits the news can't possibly be him.

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bill gates broke him

More likely Bethesda is going to announce Starfield.

I probably sound full of shit, but I would have done it. I doubt this crocodile is that dangerous and a $1 tv is too amazing of an offer to pass up.

So did Fallout 76 finally wake up the normalfags to how bad bethesda actually is or was the whole 76 debacle just a fluke?

they already did that

the one where he smuggles chilli into the stadium

normalfags gonna normalfag. They're still tons hyped for elder shits 6 and shit field.

Todd can pull it off, no matter how retarded the plan sounds, Todd can pull it off

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I mean announce as in giving more details then just the name. A proper announcement.

>nathan's autism and todd's charisma

A truly unstoppable combo if there ever was one

>Gas rebate
Very funny concept that ends with feels and then the owner starts talking about drinking child urine
>Dumb Starbucks
Very popular, good arc to episode, moderately funny
>Ghost Realtor
probably the funniest, every single person there is just batshit insane, like they're satirical characters except they are real people
a guy fucking dies of obesity somewhere in the context
>Doink-It toy episode
literally exposes 90% of toy companies, probably the most redpilled episode and i cant fathom how anti capitalist this episode made by a jew really is

Post your favorite Nathan moments.

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>a guy fucking dies of obesity somewhere in the context
This hit me way harder than it should have

also, OJ simpson apparently did do it

excellent joke. Id love to see him do something in the gaming industry.
Nathan for you is some of the most based comedy Ive ever seen


>the plan: release an unfinished game and a playable teaser for a game that will never come out, blame Konami for everything, and use your sob story and your escalated fame to scam Sony into giving you millions of dollars so you can hang out with celebrities

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The alligator electronics store one was the most masterfully crafted "reality" show episode I've ever seen in my life. The way it all comes together at the end with the court testimony of insanity.

That or the fat guy on horseback with balloons, a drone, guys with sticks was fucking funny.

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Cute narrative. How do you explain Konami still being shit without his influence?

is it just because of the cute redhead? you can tell us user.

If you haven't seen all the episodes, I recommend the gas episode where Nathan forces some people to go camping next. Very similar to the electrons store.

>tfw that milf in the ep

>I'm afraid Imma have to place you under arrest...
>for doing good businessss!

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>this entire fucking video

>whats a jungle child?
>oh its a child from the jungle

>its almost not even a joke

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Has anyone here actually bought a Summit Ice jacket? I've considered getting one once or twice, are they comfy?

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I'm a ding dong daddy from Dumas!
You ought to see me do my stuff.

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Who would win in battle, Nathan or Eric Andre?

>he died when baboons kidnapped and ate him

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Tom Green

How do you get the tv past the doggy door?

nathan for you finale is the best finale i've ever seen on television

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Please welcome our next guest, Reggie Fils-Aime!

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Pirate my game

Keikaku doori

You use a shrink-ray.

So, Reggie, when you announced your retirement, you went on twitter and tweeted "Thank god I'm done with that gook company and their pants shitting autistic fans." Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?

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Your reverse psychology won't work on me, Todd!

He'd enjoy it more than his interviews with Geoff Keighley.

Holy shit. Did he know what he was getting himself into? What happened with the moving company after this? How did he keep a straight face while lying about a jungle kid getting eaten by baboons? I have so many questions, I want him on more episodes.

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Fuck you Todd, I'm gonna pay for your game and there's nothing you can do to stop me

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I know that ghost writer is hired by Nathan again, forgot which episodes. But that bodybuilder is sadly a one episode wonder.

Another absolute classic