What would it take for you to accept an easy mode? I say do it but all the character voice lines are replaced by an endless barrage of insults calling the player a fag
What would it take for you to accept an easy mode...
Easy mode is only okay if it doesn't undermine the game's design. Too bad it would for From games, so my opinion on it is Tough Shit.
Nothing, because good game design is about working someone in from the assumption they're a newbie and then progressing them and giving them the tools they need to succeed but putting the onus of actually overcoming challenges on the player.
Easy mode is for people who aren't good at games but like to feel good about themselves.
But they shouldn't. They didn't actually use basic pattern recognition and critical thinking to solve any problems.
For these types of people, games are more about projection and self-inserting and validation and I don't want these faggots in my hobby anymore
They bitched about the Wolfenstein difficulty selection menu, you think they'd accept this?
What would a easy mode do? Think of it that way, the game is designed with something in mind, there is no 'hard mode' there are no modes in general so just tossing around 'ADD FUCKING EASY MODE FUCK' means nothing, just slapping buffs on the player and essentially breaking the design of the game
Besides, From games do have a easy mode. It's called level grinding.
Assurance from the developer that they didn't have to compromise development on anything else in order to be able to include it.
I don't think its elitist to imply there are multiple demographics and not every game is appropriate for every person. To me, this "I deserve to win because I bought the game so give me easy mode" thing comes off exactly the same as "I deserve to understand the themes of this book so don't make the subtext too complicated for me to understand."
If a developer feels that the difficulty is a core aspect of their game, it's their right to keep it that way, and it's your right as a consumer to be upset about that, but you have no right to tell them to betray their vision for the game. Get over it, accept that it's not for you, or dry your tears and knuckle down and learn to play the way the developer intended.
You could have linked that with 1000000000% less autism and all caps.
Gourd heals full health
Carry 6 pellets
Enemies do 50% damage
You do 200% posture and health damage
No loss of gold on death
Vendors have unlimited stock
Anyone who has beaten the game can fuck the wife of anyone who plays on easy
I don't think that's a word.
>Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1, Dark Souls 2, Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 all come out only a bit of bitching for an easy mode
>Sekiro comes out and suddenly EVERY journalist is bitching about wanting an easy mode
When you select it the controller chords of the console you are playing on bind you to your chair, heat up and brand your forehead with the Mark of the Casual.
Because the Soul series has Co-op and Bloodborne supports aggressive play with that heal-back mechanic. Both are absent in Sekiro. It's only you and the game with no easy way out.
>What would it take for you to accept an easy mode?
Make it so it can't be beaten unless you actually fucking try to git gud and attempt to correct the flaws in your playstyle rather than making excuses for them.
Then I will accept easymode.
FromSoftware games aren't even that hard. You don't have your hand held early on and it's up to you to learn how your character controls and you can't just mash buttons at every enemy you see because you're just as fragile as them. God forbid there's AAA games out there that don't play themselves
Demons Souls, Dark Souls, and Dark Souls 2 can be broken easily and you can be a nigh invincible tank with weapons that one shot most things and flammable easy mode magic.
Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 are more challenging straightforward action games but you can still summon for coop.
Sekiro has zero RPG mechanics and no coop. There's no exploiting it.
This is exactly it. Cant co op with your shitter jorno buddies to curbstomp cheese the game this time.
>easy mode gets put in
>journos: Souls Games Have Lost Their Edge
>We don't tell people to find something else to do when it comes to books or movies
If someone is too illiterate to read a book you don't demand for the author to dumb down the language to cater to your 6th grade reading skills. Accessibility for the disabled is dependent on how t is delivered, not changing the content itself to specifically cater to the disabled. We already have that in the form of controller specifically made for the disabled and for books it's braille for the blind, for movies it's subtitles for the deaf and so on.
I don’t have a problem with other souls games but ever since I’ve heard you get a bad ending if you die too much I couldn’t play sekiro anymore. It’s like adding insult to injury. I’ll probably cheat and turn invulnerable to beat it
>What would it take for you to accept an easy mode?
the developer to include it. I don't give a fuck if it's there or not, if the creators of the game don't want one that's their call.
All katanas are dildos and all dialogue is git gud or Gituu goodiuu as the Japanese dialogue.
Lol I believe we will see our first blind airline pilot in our lifetime
Reminder to deal with hateclickbait journos the same way you deal with tripfags
>I was a tripfag once upon a time
>Everyone though I was one of those people
>I would kill threads I participated in by just being in there
>My presence doesn't falter and I keep participating in conversations
>People ignoring me get sick of knowing it's me apparently
>I get mobbed by offtopic flaming about being an attention whore
>I ironically shed my trip because the attention was growing obnoxious
>A witch hunt for my trip continues to this day even though I don't even post in the board anymore
Ironic that you're blogging about it now
You could have just ignored my post if it bothers you.
DMC5's normal mode was so mindlessly easy it's actually enough that it has stained my opinion of the game as it was the only option for the first run. I wish they let you start on SoS, though that wasn't exactly hard either.
Just thought that was funny
>we dont do it when it comes to books
dont come to Yea Forums if you dont want to get laugh at
Games should have at least 3 difficulty modes. First is the "original intent", 2nd being ramp up the damage, aggression, movesets, and a third for retards that just plays the cutscenes in order.
I realize the irony I suppose, so I don't blame you.
>never ruined a game
Uh, I don't know about that. I once lent the god of war reboot to a friend, he played it in easy mode and all he did was spamming the attack button, and he thinks the game is boring.
Not introducing an easy mode will make sales suffer but it seemed that From's vision was something greater than near-sighted profit.
The absolute butt devastation Sekiro is causing casuals and game journalists is beautiful. I give it game of the year just for that.
>I’ve heard you get a bad ending if you die too much
This is not true.
>What would it take for you to accept an easy mode?
Impossible since it WOULD ruin the game. People keep talking about elitism or prestige or whatever, but the reality is that removing the difficulty would have a knock on effect and would make just about every other aspect of the game broken.
When you read a book or watch a movie, you consume it in one steady stream. You technically can skip ahead, but you have no way of knowing what is background lore and what is vital plot information necessary to understand what is going on. Games, and especially Dark Souls, make that separation for you; and so the vital plot stuff will be force-fed via cutscenes or mandatory dialogue, but the lore relies on some vague interest from the player along with whatever incentives the game provides. And so begins the shit cascade:
>Why bother reading item descriptions? R1 spam and using estus when necessary works fine
>Why bother exploring the world? What I have works fine
>Why bother seeking out NPCs and completing questlines? Nothing they give would worth the effort of completing all the esoteric requirements
>Why bother learning mechanics like humanity, estus strengthening, etc.? The enemies don't do enough damage for it to matter
>Why bother summoning for bosses? They only last for like 30 seconds anyway
>Why bother appreciating the scenery? I'm blasting through the game and honestly it looks worse than the latest game some AAA powerhouse shit out
cont. in next post
>Why bother appreciating the music? It only lasts like 30 seconds anyway
>Why bother invading? All you get some duel, you can't do cool things with the enemies because they're so weak. Besides, there are like half as many players as there should be
>Why bother with the online at all? Invasions are so much harder than the base game its ridiculous
And so on. And so on.
The reality is that these people do not care about the any of the lore, music, story, whatever. If they really did, they could go watch some no commentary playthrough that autistically details every item, quest, NPC, and boss. The reality is that they just want to wave their dick around and say they beat the hard game, at the expense of the prestige that would have in the first place.
tl;dr: Easy mode is shit and so is everyone who asks for it.
take it up with the devs - they made the decision to have no difficulty settings
easy mode is for losers and retards
I wish jouranlist faggots would shut the fuck up about difficulty, it's not difficult it's just something that takes time and practice
these fucking retards can't sit down for a solid hour because they're too busy talking shit in their fb group chats or writing ebin tweets to bother to commit to something outside of their degenerate bubble
fuck you
i am tengu man
I no understand
We gave you easy mode in the gamu, its called "Start Game" and hard mode or "regular" is unlock later with Berru Demonu
If you want hardu mode you go to New Gamu Purusu
there's nothing wrong with an easy mode in the same way there's nothing wrong with a hard mode. kotaku may be retarded but so are you.
I don't agree with literally putting an easy mode selector in every game, however I feel the way Dark Souls has traditionally handled this is really good. Each weapon type carries with it pros and cons, but the game isn't balanced around it too strictly, so someone playing with a standard longsword and shield is gonna have a way less reaction demanding time playing than someone that plays with a 2 handed greatsword and needs to constantly roll around. Same with magic and bows essentially "breaking" the game, that's your easy mode. Along with the obvious "I give up" that is summoning help.
yes there is
The game already released as it's own easy mode, hard mode unlocks later
No game should be "snoozeable". You shouldn't be able to just "experience" a game, you have to actually play it. To just casually beat Sekiro would undermine everything about it.
I'm not even good at games typically in terms of reaction times and other shit and I beat sekiro in a weekend. The game literally teaches you how to play. At the very most it's fucking 3 buttons and an analog stick in fights. Block/Attack/Dodge and move around
It ruined world of warcraft. Each raid has four fucking tiers of difficulty with the lowest being slightly easier than opening up Youtube and watching someone else play the game for you.
>An Easy Mode Has Never Ruined A Game
Sekiro already has difficulty modifiers and it starts at the easiest mode.
While these mental midgets actually want is scalable damage modifiers, the same shit that ruined every single RPG for the last 15 years.
the point of a game is to challenge yourself, if easy mode is actually challenging enough for you, go for it. as a kid i played super monkey ball on beginner 100 times.
then again there are some games that are just so badly designed that i wouldnt care to finish them on any difficulty, see alice madness returns. i beat it on normal but i had 0 interest to play it again on a harder setting.
Honest I would go a step further and say LFD ruined it well before LFR.
The reasoning from the game journos who couldn't beat sekiro/souls/cuphead is the exact same though. They are basically the same people in MMOs who thinks their sub fee entitles them to see all the content without having to find a guild and learning their class.
I don't look down on devs who include easy mode. If they want to do it, then fine. Whatever. Literally no one gave a shit about an easy mode, until the shitters started their moral crusade, shaming devs for not making their games more "accessible".
I will always accept an easy mode. I will never accept the rationale of the shitters who demand it. Fuck those guys.
>demanding that a game be easy enough for specific players to defeat
this is horrid behavior, why dont you throw a fit at the opera because you cant understand the plot. literal child mentality.
There used to be a really tight progression curve but now there's a fucking sheer cliff after LFR where if you want to enter normal mode raiding suddenly the game expects things from you in ways it never has before and suddenly you need to know how to play and other people are furious at you and you don't like it so you just run LFR forever and ever and it's shit. The game doesn't teach you how to play anymore. You can go from level 1-120 without being challenged.
Most games don't know how to implement easy mode well. Easy mode should be a trade-off, you get to clear the game with ease but can't get the secret ending or you can't get cosmetic drops from bosses.
>tranny wants "inclusive easy mode" in all videogames for "people with [mental] disabilities"
>We already have that in the form of controller specifically made for the disabled
this. we even have controllers for QUADRIPLEGICS that they can play with their mouths.
Because KoFAGu is bigger than it was before.
because despite how much Yea Forums enjoyed them, demon/dark souls started niche and progressively built up the franchise, and now that From games are cool and hip all the socialfags and "games journalists" want to participate for normiepoints with their friends but they can't.
>this. we even have controllers for QUADRIPLEGICS that they can play with their mouths.
fucking this
my left hand is fucked up and I can't use my thumb but I'm still styling DMC5 by using my right hand on a regular controller and my two functional left fingers on WASD and 1-4 for Dante's styles
What about that immensely impaired pro Street Fighter player who still managed to get good?
I guess I don't look down on disabled people like this guy does, I think if anyone is so determined they can become good with effort.
>we don't tell people to find something else to enjoy if they don't like a book or a movie
what the fuck is this mentally ill transgendered individual smoking
>B-But the spastics!!
There is actually a hard mode on sekiro tho, you have to ring a bell near where all the monks are
only if it mocks you
It being a mod by some guy with too much free time so the developer's times go into making the game solid and improving the part that I care about
>"more players is always a good thing"
this is how I know xer doesn't actually give a shit about gaming at all. every single franchise that has ever tried to dumb down their game for more mass appeal and sales, i.e. their marketing departments have taken over creative control, has alienated their foundation and made the quality of the product suffer despite and regardless of actual sales numbers.
And I can assure you these journalists will still struggle at the game because they don't care about understanding the game's mechanics
replace enemies with helpless crying babies and force the player kill them to progress.
>when you realize game "journalists" are worse at the game than an actual cripple
Nice, user. What's your favourite Devil Arm?
I require easy mode because I go through new games every day as a neet. I dont want challenge,I want easy mindless distraction. Maybe I'll laugh, enjoy my time, but I sure as shit will not tolerate dying once, struggling in any fight...I want to beat up the games asshole and then consume more games
Games like Dark Souls don't need easy mode, they only got popular because they were difficult, they were notorious for their punishing style. So getting into something known for being exclusively difficult and bitching about it when it turns out to be true really shows how much of an entitled retard you really are.
I thought those fucks at Kotaku dropped dead
replace all enemies and bosses with effete genderqueer games journalists who do nothing but run around passively and complain and say "heeeeeey" and "oouuuuuch" in a shrilly voice when you attack them.
King Cerberus, brings back memories when I was styling in DMC3 back when my left hand was okay
I'm also bretty gud or perhaps even better with Nero
Lucky bastard got to grow his arm back
The only thing I'd "fix" in FROM games is to simply have a "retry" option after you die in a boss fight.
6 games in and they're still avoiding to implement it even though it's a no-brainer to do so.
Breaks between attempts allow you to reflect on your strategy, and savor the experience.
they added that, it's the revive system
Why are these people so insistent on all games having easy mode? These people do realize that they don't HAVE to play and beat all games, right? It's not like playing and beating all games is a state requirement.
Besides, what kind of enjoyment would they actually derive from having these games played on easy mode? Fuck, I can't imagine playing some games on Easy Mode even on games that ALREADY have Easy Mode. I can't even conceive what it's like to just play the entirety of Devil May Cry 3 on Easy Automatic. It's just not fun. It's clearly not meant to be played that way.
Imagine if someone gave you a save file of a Dark Souls character on NG+7 and SL700. You can kill everything in like 1-2 hits, but where's the fun in that? Likewise, it's clearly not the way the game is meant to be played.
>guys we need easy mode because dudes without hands can't beat it
>even though they can, i'm just a shitter
>meanwhile in 2006: wiki.guildwars.com
The irony is lost on Blizzard but by making their game more and more accessible they actually hurt the casual community more than anyone else. Hardcore players were not daunted by having trivial content further trivialized for them, but by reducing the fairly complex social exchange necessary to build a server community to engage with WoW's content to the push of a button, Blizzard basically took a fat shit on the casual community.
Now instead of waiting till a Friday or Saturday night with no plans to go explore the big dungeons like BRD or Stratholme a casual player pushed a button and got a bite sized chunk of content. Except now everything is a bite sized chunk of content for them, and the hardcore players have zero interaction with them. And Blizzard pats everyone on the back and says their way of playing is the correct one while herding them off into isolated pens where they have almost zero interaction outside of it.
For a casual player the results are pretty simple and immediate: it's a lot harder to justify sticking around, everything feels unrewarding, the content you do play has the mouth feel and consistency of an unsalted cracker. Flavorless, unsatisfying.
>You get to the love scene with your waifu of choice
>you go into a private room with her
>Instead of the screen fading to black she burst out laughing and your character runs out of the room in tears
>No healback
>He doesn't know about Technique of Light
I would accept it if the devs wanted to do it instead of just doing it because people kept writing brain dead op eds.
Reminds me of this. I'm starting to think it might be a good idea to take some ideas from Islam into the west, namely beheading those fucking heretics.
And that cliff was done in the first place because LFR was fundamentally not intended to be progression, but because of how some specific item drops worked- MOP era trinkets in particular had ridiculous effects that one-upped themselves every raid tier- you had hardcore players who were understandably frustrated about having to work with people who fundamentally weren't there to play the game.
People complained, Blizzard just said, 'fuck it' instead of fixing the problem.
The game mocks you for selecting it.
>But they shouldn't. They didn't actually use basic pattern recognition and critical thinking to solve any problems.
It's mostly muscle memory you fag.
Souls games HAVE an easy mode, it's called playing online. Which you can choose whether or not you want to use it.
Oh yes because what we need is to turn the vidya industry into a proto-hollywood where everything is made as understandable as possible for those fucking braindead mouthbreathers
Can someone tell me why journalists are particularly butthurt about Sekiro's difficulty? It's a FROM game, so they should have expected this.
>worse then cripples
>worse than pigeons
the funniest part is that I think someone had to tell him how to do that part
>Make an Easy Mode
>All it does is grant you one extra charge in your Healing Gourd and lock you out of the best ending
>Journies complain that Easy Mode still isn’t easy enough
I’d love to see it happen.
You're super gullible then, you can die a trillion times and give every NPC in the game dragonrot and it has no bearing on the ending. Choices and quests are all that effect endings.
Hard to know what's not funny about all of that.
>Make an easy mode
>It gives you a piece of paper that says "Use firecrackers"
I'm disabled and genuinely fucking despise when people can't delineate between disability accessibility (like subtitles, color correction, customizable control schemes etc) and difficulty accessibility. Its okay if a game is too hard for some people.Nobody yells at authors to release a detailed explanation of what all the symbolism and shit in their books mean, you know? And if you're not interested in the game's challenge, there are other fuckin ways to take the story in. Fuck I hate this shit
>Easy mode
>Game literally puts you on rails until you reach the bosses
>Every boss dies in one hit, will automatically die if you block, will die if they launch an attack that you dodge with precise timing, and will ultimately expire in 10 seconds if nothing happens
>All major story-related bosses kill themselves as soon as you enter the room, with zero dialogue spoken, which is then complemented by a railroad segment to the next major story-related boss
>As soon as you "defeat" the final boss, it automatically clears you for every achievement in the game at the same time, and timestamps all of them, as well as a screenshot for all of them depicting a fade to black with a giant golden "EASY MODE CHAMPION" with a three-handled trophy
>Bosses only have one life
>you can still deathblow them
Pathological desire to control 'spaces'. Sekiro represents an area of culture that they are barred from and that makes this culture "oppressive" and in needs of correction.
I'm pretty sure Ninja Gaiden Black did precisely this with Ninja Dog difficulty.
>Make an Easy Mode
>Your character is now just dragged along by an NPC who does all the work
>From Software adds difficulty modes due to popular demand
>they only add hard modes
How diamond would you be?
Remember when Yea Forums made fun of the people playing ass effect in story mode? Imaging arguing about sekiro with easy mode shutters.
Accessibility is increasingly part of games and hardware, soon most people who play games will be able to play in spite of their limitations and it will not be because video games add an easy mode, it will be because developers have and will continue to integrate things like soundbased GUIs (that mute the game) for deaf people, colorblind options for colorblind people, different other sliders so users can customize their visual experience for comfort, and controllers that are non-standard and entirely remappable or incorporate stuff for usage with their mouths or feet for people with limited movement in their digits.
Making the game easier is making the 'artist' compromise on their art. that would not be the same experience as what they were intending, and plenty of games, with their alternate difficulty modes, show how shitty games are when played on some difficulties (whether the game becomes broken from how simple it is or autistically difficult because numbers tweaking is the most common way to alter difficulty)
you can literally revive in a boss fight in sekiro.
Literally this.
You bad? grind more.
Has worked in rpgs for decades.
>that you dodge with precise timing
How unfair. Have you ever even thought about how low-functioning down syndrome gamers will play this?
I would accept an easy mode only if all UI and on screen text were in comic sans and the game was filled with non-stop condescending tuba sound effects.
Except the said limitations in this case is a classical case of vidya journo retardation. Not even joking.
I'd take it a step further into parody.
-bosses die in 5 hits
-minibosses die in 3 hits
-huge fucking waypoint telling you where to go at all times
-basic enemies stand around and dodge but rarely ever attack
-no monkeys
-active quest bars on the side or the screen
women need to add an easy mode so incels can have sex with them
an easy mode has never ruined a woman
That or you can start as a knight and have some ez mode armor, or pyromancer and get grenades.
Wonder how soon we get to the Harrison Bergeron timeline.
An easy mode advocate needs to at least set himself on fire to protest the hardgemony.
Counter Headline: Not Being Able to Play a Game Has Never Ruined A Life
These fuckin people act like they'll die if they can't play every game. They can't accept that some things are only made for some people. Can you imagine how boring the world they want would be? A world where everything appeals to everyone and everything is accessible to everyone? How fucking dull.
Even fucking Solidrev callled Journalists out on this bullshit.
A parody now legitimately looks like an instruction manual from the left.
They can have an easy mode.
But it has to be called
"Game journalist" mode.
It has to fuck with them all through the game.
The bosses just sit down and taunt them for not being worthy to even hit and just allow them to walk by.
At the end the game calls you a cowardly faggot. Takes your gamer profile and uploads it to a server that shames you.
an easy mode will ruin games that have a reputation for being hard
This. I went from almost rage quitting on Lady Butterfly, to beating 2nd Owl and the Saint in like 5 tries.
>pick easy mode
>credits roll
After seeing MK11 girls, the comedy of this is lost on me, looks too real.
If you're playing a game on fucking easy mode you deserve to be shit talked.
If you disagree with this sentiment it means you don't understand the purpose of video games and you want them to just be interactive movies.
>Sekiro easy mode
>you have unlimited hp
>after you beat Genichiro in the tutorial the game ends
I think the reason Game Journalists fear difficulty so much is because they're trying to race through games as much as possible in order to write and publish an article really fast in order to capitalise on the pre-release or release hype. Though this still doesn't make any goddamn sense because it means they're coming at games from a completely different angle to the average consumer of games, so who are they even writing the articles for?
Have any non-journalist players of games actually clamoured for easy mode? Because I haven't seen any.
Yeah some shitters do
The primary reason this issue has come up yet again is because the majority of “game” journalists don’t want to invest time or effort into what they’re writing about. They want to get through the “game” part of their job as quickly as possible so they can write about how bad enemy AI is proof of corporate racism or other nonsense. Their angle of calling high difficulty ableism is their way of trying to get outsiders to rally to their side to force change to happen so that their job will become easier, and isn’t borne of any actual concern or understanding of the system they want to be changed. This is the problem with game journos, they are usually extremely uninterested in video games, and oftentimes are journalists that failed to end up in their actual areas of interest and ended up getting “shafted” into video games. How am I supposed to take the opinion of someone with a transparent lack of passion for the thing they are covering seriously?
Easy mode makes you permanently equip a jester's hat to your character that can't be hidden no matter what you do. All it does is make you completely invincible. It also disables any sort of achievements, secret endings or such, and online multiplayer features.
There done, an easy mode that takes no dev time and gives the people what they want.
a lot of people have under the guise of "not having a braindead mode is ableism" even though none of them are actually disabled
You can also just summon people to literally play the game for you.
easy mode by itself is not a problem, you can just play with a harder difficulty
the casuals who play easy mode deserve to be burnt in hell, however
I'm not a soul fan but if it's for accessibility then there should be a watermark/achievement system similar to Risk of Rain 2 that clearly show which difficulty you play on so that the challenge still exists and no amounts of fags can brag about their game performance.
>Download trainer
>Government yourself infinite HP
Easy mode activated
My sides.
>"...... yet."
Made me chuckle user.
sekiro doesnt let you summon help to skip the gameplay like in other from games
>Trannies: we don't tell people to find something else to enjoy when it comes to books or movies
Hypocrites, user. Every last one of them.
Literally suscribed to him when I first watched the video. "Game reviewers" should be ashamed of being so bad at videogames
If I really can't play the game without it, easy mode will show me how to play. That's the way to easy mode properly.
I played through the original DMC on Easy after unlocking it by dying in Normal. I proceeded to beat the game on DMD by getting gud.
That said, if a game doesn't have easy and I don't want to learn to play it that's fine too.
Have an easy mode only ending. Something like the Ashura ending but even worse, or an ending of Sekiro being tortured to death over and over after failing his mission. Slowly giving dragonrot to everyone around him until it kills everyone.
The way he jumps on the box and then tries to get over the pillar normally really shows that he wasn't trying to "learn" the game at all and was instead trying to cheat it.
He didn't trust the tutorial level to give him the tools to beat it, and so he thought something was broken and instead tried to take a shortcut without reading/understanding the step of the tutorial he was in.
>Nobody yells at authors to release a detailed explanation of what all the symbolism and shit in their books mean, you know?
Sometimes the author's do that on their own on twitter and people HATE it, in fact.
>AC7 comes out
>IGN reviews it badly because it didnt feel like a full experience
>creator points out theyre playing easy mode with gimped controls
>this article comes out
why did nintendo ruin everything with ez mode
Nothing, just put it in. It doesn't affect how I play and I'm not nearly fat enough to need videogame achievements to validate my existence.
The leveling in WoW is also so boring nowadays that I couldn't be bothered to level to max lvl more than one character. You can kill almost all monsters in 2 spells... you can "play" the game while your brain is afk
>even though none of them are actually disabled
call it "game journalist mode" and have it constantly insult the player. There would be a rating system unique to that mode which rates the player poorly regardless of what they do.
There would be two other modes, "easy" and "normal", which have absolutely no difference between the two.
None of them are legally disabled.
yeah but in other From games you always had a crutch such as overpowered builds, grinding or summoning for help
you can't do any of that and actually have to beat the game yourself so now obviously people are buttblasted
Ain't the first time, won't be the last.
Source on that AC7 thing? I can't find it from searching it.
Just watch it in jewtube, bro.
Fucking this.
This is what happens if you listen to fucking casuals. You ruin your fucking game.
He literally, physically couldn't.
>nothing wrong with a hard mode
There is though, games shouldn't have difficulty sliders because almost always it breaks the balance or pacing in some way.
for example, heroic is a great time in halo, while legendary becomes just complete unfun bullshit, and easy turns it into a braindead walk
hard more in gw1 is fantastic, though
I'm fine with easy mode as long as everything is balanced around the hardest mode, and easier modes are the ones to get shallower experience. Too many games have easy mode as default and hard mode just adds level grinding and bullet sponges.
Kirby's Dreamland for the gameboy had a pretty decent hard mode from memory, you beat the game and got a code to activate it from the title-screen. It upgraded and altered a bunch of enemy movement patterns and weaknesses.
never played it, if its something that changes the experience in a fun way, then sure, but I'm referring to hard mode as a counter brought up against easy mode.
better example than halo would be hardcore mode in fallout new vegas(adds new gameplay considerations and mechanics to make the experience tenser/immersive) as opposed to expert mode in skyrim(lowers your damage, buffs enemy health and damage)
Add an indication of which mode the game was beaten at. I don't mean something insulting and/or always visible. Just a line attached to your save in load menu or elsewhere. Oh, and make it so you can't switch up or down midway.
That's how I would accept it, but I really don't give a fuck if some people are even worse at vidya than I am, so fuck 'em, don't bother.
I take these difficulty complaints by journos to be an even greater praise for FromSoftware games. Many of them have argued that greater accessibility would let more people experience the rich worlds that From have crafted and considering that these people trip over themselves creaming over TLOU and the like, its a testament to how God tier From is at world building that their games have something appealing even to these fags.
I don't require convincing just to accept the mere existence of an easy mode. Just go ahead and include one if you want to. If people want to use it, that's fine. It's stupid to get on someone's case for playing easy mode and tell them they're having fun wrong.
I just don't understand the insistence that everyone should be able to play it.
If in it's current state, the reasons that are cited as praise for the game are reasons that you do not enjoy it, then maybe just accept that its not something you'll enjoy. If you ABSOLUTELY need to see the riveting(lol) story then just watch it on youtube.
I fucking despise fighting games but that doesn't mean they should change to cater to what I like, because the shit I hate about them is what makes them good fighting games and as such makes people enjoy them. and i can still watch injustice cutscenes and be A-okay
like if I tell someone "oh man sekiro is so fun because it feels really good to get noticeably better at it" and they don't want to play difficult games(which is FINE) then what exactly is the appeal for them here?
>if its something that changes the experience in a fun way, then sure
if boosted every mob in every area and gave them more/elite skills. in starting areas mobs went from level 4 to 24, max player level is 20. it's basically a mix of "we have different skills now" and "we have a shitload of health and damage now", it's pretty fun and challenging.
Games journalists are shotafags.
I accept an easy mode if the artist envisions one.
Every author is free to write whatever he wants. Every painter is free to paint whatever he wants. Every designer is free to design whatever he wants and every game developer is free to develop whatever he wants.
And I, as a consumer am free to decide what I want to buy.
That's it.
It would have to be a punishment for being shit at the game, much like in DMC 1 and 3.
Fuck that, if they can't play the game they can go watch it on youtube. If they still can't beat it they can keep watching it.
To be fair, flights are almost fully automated nowadays.
This shit is a slippery slope. Used to be nobody gave a shit and just took the banter about playing on easy. Then people started to get triggered about games calling easy mode some joke name or having it represented by a baby's pacifier or whatever the fuck. Then people started getting triggered about the absence of a super easy mode, even in games that were not only already relatively easy, but also already had an equivalent of easy mode like Dark Souls. Eventually people will start to complain about shit like DMC locking easy mode until you die too often or lowering your rank for using automatic mode for being too "patronizing to disabled people" (in spite of them not being disabled themselves). From there it's just straight up going to proceed to people complaining about difficulties above easy mode existing at all, because "the implication that disabled people aren't 'normal' is problematic"
So, tl;dr: fuck em
Not single player games maybe, but easy mode pretty much killed Runescape & World of Warcraft, now both of them are rebooting their games with a classic mode to salvage it
What kind of vidya do Muslims make?
WoW didn't get easier over time, vanilla was one of the easiest iterations. Its current iteration is much easier of course, but don't mistake QOL for difficulty. WoW was never truly difficult, it was just tedious retard corralling.
LFR & LFD alone are easy mode, i don't even have to go into removal of CC, classes being dumbed down, vendor epics, etc
>LFR & LFD alone are easy mode,
Those are QOL, not difficulty. They ease the tedium of corralling retards, they don't make clearing content with said retards any easier.
>removal of CC, classes being dumbed down, vendor epics, etc
These are actual difficulty problems though. Learn the fucking difference
Easy mode should be boring.
>enemies are slow and have basic abilities
>items/weapons are basic
Then each increase in level provides more fun.
>enemies have more abilities
>enemies have different types
>random encounters
>better rewards
>cooler weapons
>different modes
If difficulty in the game can only be scaled through more dmg/HP, then really the game only has one difficulty worth playing.
Say that to Cataclysm once they dumbed down stuff because of casuals
No, LFR is easy mode, you can see all the content with it
imagine if the default game made you take damage through block like NG+ does, yikes
It's From's decision to have the challenge of the gameplay be part of the experience. As sad as it might be, most games aren't trying to say anything in their mechanics, meaning easy, normal, hard mode is perfectly understandable. But it's From's decision to have one single difficulty and have every single player in the world go through the same challenge.
Make the enemies do pitiful damage, but also massively increase their health.
He wasnt a games journalist so i'll cut him some slack, he had to fill in so you know he's some old boomer who's never touched a modern game/controller in his life
the entire crux of what makes these games special is lost if you just let anyone beat it. the point is that the players climb the mountain together and share their experiences.
...nigga, no, he's been "reviewing" games for decades now.
>What would it take for you to accept an easy mode?
Not much. I sometimes buy what I'd like to call "filler games" to play between big releases. They're mostly just to have something to play and I have trouble playing games on normal, but if they're too hard; I have no issue playing the game on Easy mode.
Make it so only half of the game is playable and you get a shit ending at the halfway point cause the pc is "too weak"
only unlock the true ending options in hard or above
That's the excuse he used but it's a straight up lie. It's not the only thing he does but he has reviewed several games before.
>Easy mode.
The fuck is the point of that? All a game needs is normal and hard. Easy modes are as if the game is playing itself and kind of defeats the point of conquering all the crazy bullshit the devs can throw at you. These idiots do not understand that single player modes are you VS the dev, the original and purest form of video competition.
Why don't From just sell an easy mode as DLC? You're used to taking shortcuts in life, so why not pay 10-15$ for an easy mode?
It's funny how the usual excuse for easy modes is "won't someone think of the disabled". And while you can argue this guy is just the exception, this proves that there's nothing in this game that can't be overcome if you put in the time.
There needs to be a very clear difference between "accessibility options" like subtitles, improved sound for blind players, hud elements for deaf people, color correction for colorblind, aim assist for FPS, etc, but most other things come down to the hardware. The actual difficulty of the game should still fall on what the developer wants.
It's up to the creator if there should be a hard mode or not. If they want the game to be experienced in a certain way, and refuse to compromise, that's their right.
Sure, it's your right too to bitch about shit you don't like, but there are literally thousands of games that have what you are looking for.
>those "muslim" women
>they're just white feminists who think being muslim is empowering to women
feminism is the most retarded thing in the world
all but ruined Super Mario 3D Land for me, taunting me for dying to get some fucking coin
my little brothers liked it though
How abou this: the next from game has an easy mode but you have to beat the game on the regular difficulty to unlock it
I mean, what's the practical use other than a middle finger?
None whatsoever.
>three handled trophy
Fuck you user that made me laugh more than it should've
Games journalism was a mistake. It should never have deviated from games reviewer.
Now there is an excuse to have hot takes about everything surrounding the game but ignore or simplify anything about the game because they simply cannot play them.
>We need allow everybody to participate in the experience by replacing it with a shittier one
The opportunity tot take it easy and focus on other things on second playthroughs.Like a NG+ where you get to carry over your stats but the enemies don't get stronger.