Why did it flop?
Why did it flop?
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because no black people
How did it flop?
Back to your basement sweetie
I wish I could Like this post. Why hasn't Yea Forums ever experimented with a Like feature? I feel like that'd be a good idea.
they did sell two millions Vavra wished to sell 500k- million coppies .. it was succes
It sold well
i hope you're being cheeky
cool, another bait thread on Yea Forums
Did it? I just didn't care for it, don't like pesudo historical games. And i would rather play as cumans cause i'm mongol tatar
brainlets like you ruin everything
It sold millions, what the fuck.
Shit combat, buggy as fuck, terrible optimization, full priced indie game, etc
I mean if the game were made well and was content heavy enough to justify it there'd be no problem with it being full priced. But usually it isn't.
Games should be priced based on their length. "AAA" games that are only like 5 hours long and are still $60 are also complete bullshit.
Because most of the realism shit is a fucking chore that doesn't do anything for immersion and the writing isn't that interesting.
It's a forest hike simulator with bad combat.
"Hurdur Cawaadooty only has 5 hours of content XDDD"
>what's multiplayer
>what's zombies/extinction/etc
People who buy games like that for SP only should be hung.
>winner of PC Game of the Year, RPG Game of the Year, and Developer of the Year
>over two million copies sold
It didn't flop. Relatively speaking in terms of an initial product debut, KC:D is a resounding success of historic proportions. Warhorse earned the respect of gamers and fellow developers through their commitment to the fan base, staying in constant communication with fans and releasing frequent and numerous patches to eliminate bugs and improve the game.
Was KC:D a mess upon release? A bit, yes. Is it a rock solid game and all around extraordinary RPG now? Asbolutely. If you ask RPG devotees which future RPGs they are most looking forward to, their first answer is KC:D2.
No trannies and chubby female muslim scientists.
Nobody said Call of Duty. Calm down, Bobby, your games are selling fine.
>chubby female muslim scientists.
Ooh, what game can I play with this?
People that play those games at all should be hung. Not long ago, people like you weren't welcome here.
It could have been a really good game if they hadn't been so autistic about how true to form everything needed to be.
That's the thing, it's not even "realistic." It's "gamer realistic."
>KC:D is a resounding success of historic proportions.
Imagine being this retarded.
Mount and Blade was a resounding success of historic proportions.
KC:D was a AAA title masquerading as an indie game.
Yeah it was definitely eurojank
The only game I've played more deserving of this description is EYE Divine Cybermancy.
What is "eurojank"?
Because the fighting mechanics were dogshit.
12% of players on stem finished main story, game sold too well for how buggy it was now if warhorse makes sequel most of them wont buy it since they just make horrible buggy games
>haha no saving for u because reasons
>oops you got stuck in foliage or died sliding down a 2 meter slope
>time to repeat the 2 hour hike except all the game you needed to hunt for a quest won't spawn this time
Overly complicated. To Kingdom Come’s credit I fucking love the thought of doing all these different sword combos
Sword based fighting game that isn’t soul caliber when?
You're a stupid nigger who can't phrase their arguments clearly.
Unpolished glitchy games you get from indie devs in Europe. People often believe it refers to just Eastern Europe but I don't. Russian games tend to be fairly well polished anyways.
>commies still butthurt about the dev shitting on communism
Was Kickstarted with bullshit
Is it actually worth buying at this point? Have the bugs been largely worked out?
They still haven't put in some of the most basic Kickstarter promises and it's been a year. This is a No Man's Sky level disaster.
ITT: retards pretend that Kingdom Come flopped when it didn't and parrot shitter complaints when they probably haven't even played it themselves
its very apparent most people in this thread haven't played the game
>TaleWorlds Entertainment
>Turkish company
>founded in 2005
>100 employees
>only released one game in their history
>sold one million copies
>made three million dollars in revenue
>user says "indie company"
>Warhorse Studios
>Czech company
>founded 2011
>120 employees
>only released one game in their history
>sold two million copies
>made fifty million dollars in revenue
>user says "AAA dev"
user, explain your buffoonery.
I thoroughly enjoyed the "realistic' mechanics. I have patience so I'm gifted with having a good time with this game
>SJWs legitimately were arguing that there were niggers in medieval Bohemia
This game exposed yet again the retardation of the idiots in games journalism
Looks like the Warhorse employees just found out about this thread!
sold pretty well for eurojank.
But it didn't.
Seethe more trannyera.
I'm buying day one considering the money they made will help make a sequel
that will fix a lot of the problems it had. I loved this game to death
It didn't flop though, try harder next time.
What the fuck is with everything selling more copies these days? And how does 1 million generate 3 million dollars in revenue while 2 million generates 50 million? Are corporations using gaming for some sort of money laundering scheme and buying copies while masquerading as real customers?
>nigs this way
>still no mod tools
it didn't?
>Why did it flop?
It didn't. It was a wild success and continues to sell DLC in great numbers.
Early alpha build was hilariously shit. I was tempted to buy it for a laugh but they patched all the entertaining bugs and left the shit ones, so I had no reason to.
Oh sorry, I mean
>muh white genocide
>"cultural hostility to muslim lands and people possessing dark skin tones" slapped right on top of Italy
Pretty sure he's just shitposting.
Steamspy says that M&B Warband sold 2M-5M while KC sold 1M-2M. Neither are bad figures desu.
Almost every game sells DLC nowadays
I wouldnt be surprised if czechs were laundering money, their country ranks pretty well in corruption rankings
>pol is still butthurt that dev is a jew
That hasn't been accurate since Steam changed its API
I played 3 hours and quit. The combat was clunky and fuck the game was so boring. I mean holy fuck it was boring
For games that came out before Steam changed its API, it's accurate. Try again.
the worst part for me is that the game is basically unfinished, the main story just ends without any resolution
Yes, as some of the primary victims of the barbary slavetrade and the home of catholicism, they had such hostility.
>Games should be priced in their length
Yeah I'd much rather play generic open world game #265 than a well-made single player experience too.
Fucking neck yourself zoomie.
>defending paying $60 for a 5 hour game
>types out "in their length" which confirms you're an ESL
Yikes. Scratch that, double yikes.
thinking about grabbing this during the next sale, is it as comfy as it looks? should i pick up the dlc as well?
Pls respond
Its not accurate after the API was changed, newer games like KC are less accurate than much older games like M&B warband, try again.
>buying the DLC before you even know if you like the game
Vavra is a jew?
Well that explains everything. No wonder the game sucks.
>Is it actually worth buying at this point? Have the bugs been largely worked out?
Yes. But the bugs are wildly exaggerated in the first place. It was better than Witcher 3 was at launch.
The market for games is much larger nowadays than it was 9 years ago. IIRC M&B warband wasn't full price and didn't release on consoles until much later, which would explain the discrepancy in revenue.
>*Jurassic Park blocks your path*
if the price is right, yes
Because the racist developers whitewashed history. In reality, the BLACK Kang Nigusmund of Hungary liberated the Kangdom of Bojangles from the wH*te invaders.
Most of those games have high replayability or multiplayer content that keeps people playing much longer than 5 hours. Fact is, if 60 dollars were too expensive for these games you decry, people wouldn't be buying them. Blame the consumer if you have a problem with it, virtually every bad practice you can think of is due to consumer enabling. Fag.
Wh*toids FEAR kara boga!
M&B fans are toaster plebs who probably never bought the games
>the worst part for me is that the game is basically unfinished, the main story just ends without any resolution
Henry doesn't get the sword back but he gains his birth father, rescues the noble woman and becomes a man. The sword doesn't make the man.
20 high quality hours is worth more than 200 mediocre hours. Hours = worth is a flawed idea.
pathetic cave beasts trying to rewrite history and our greatness
Name one 5 hour game that is 5 high quality hours.
>thinking about grabbing this during the next sale, is it as comfy as it looks?
It's really comfy if you're not an ADHD spastic. Just buy the village building DLC until you decide you like the game.
Too much "realism" in the combat and life thing. The save system is annoying, the fighting never really changes despite your level. It is a neat idea, but I truly see people just going to Witcher 3 to get same medieval feel but more casual gameplay. The story no one gives a shit about and you practically finish your main goal when you kill the knight in black only for the game to act like sequel bait half way in the game. So my complaint is like what they did with RDR2, too much "realism" things to pad out missing content or lack of polishing work items. I'm not saying it's bad, it just could have been better. Also where is my WH40K mod?
How about you name one you have a problem with you whiny fag, since you're the one insinuating that there's a problem
Name one 60 hour game that is 60 high quality hours straight through with no filler
By your retard logic procedural games should cost an infinite amount of money
>can't provide an answer
>"n-no you do it!"
I accept your concession.
No, because there's also a cap for how much games can cost. There is no game that costs more than $60.
I wish it had realistic health effects that modeled the entire body rather than just a healthbar.
>make claim
>others rebut
>demand proof for their responses without providing any for your initial statement
big dumb fag you are, my man
You haven't "rebutted" the claim at all, you enormous idiot. You're done here.
>prove yourself right first fag
>"n-no I accept your c-concession!!"
>still can't name one (1) thing objectively wrong with """""""short""""""" games being priced as highly as others when they still sell well
Feels good winning an internet argument against (you) right before I go to sleep, enjoy being mad KID
Metal Gear Rising. But that's irrelevant. Kingdome Come isn't a 5 hour game, far from it.
You're both getting desperate.
I'm going to assume you're a different person from the other two since you actually managed to provide an answer, so good job.
I accept your concession.
>n-no you!
Again? How tiresome.
>replies with no u
>gets mad when you get a no u right back at you
hmmm sweety that's not how it works
Keep crying, would you? It's turning me on.
What's tiresome is your desperation and refusal to concede the argument even after failing to post a single $60 game with 60 high quality hours. You're done here
>n-no, no u
>I-I totally won this, now I'm just making you cry by being obnoxious
lmfao get lost faggot
Dark Souls.
No magic. No generic elves etc etc etc.
I unironically only pay for generic medival fantasy games in which I can self-insert to, but not Dragon Age fuck that SJW bullshit.
Dark souls can be beaten in less than 30 minutes and has plenty of filler what the fuck are you on
Why do you guys keep using the same words I do? Is my diction that stunning? At least you have the sense to recognize your betters.
Dark souls is definitely not a 60 hour game without repeated content
Is that how you BTFO other posters in your mind? By using "no u I'm superior" at every post than literally doing a "no u" to deflect your own embarrassment?
A lot of new games cost more than $60 for the entire experience anyway with DLCs, season passes, etc. And a game that has near infinite length would not be capped at $60 under your logic
They had 2 people when they released Mount and blade as a early version that you could buy if you wanted to support it's creation. People did and it turned into the game of the decade.
Because MnB didn't blow endless money on AAA graphix and advertising. It sold those copies by reputation of being an incredible game. Mnb is also only like 7-15$, not60$ like kcd.
I enjoyed KCD but it needed more content and didn't deliver on realistic or brutal combat.
Goddamn I loved that game. I wish I could finish it but the performence was getting too bad. Still I played at 800*600 at 20fps for ost of the game I think and it was still the best game I played last year.
Doubtful since it sold pretty well
Female protag DLC when?
I want to be useless and get raped.
How many hours do you guys have in this game?
Thanks for conceding
Is that really what the DLC is about? This dev is an asshole.
You're welcome. I have to admit, I really was wrong when I said "20 high quality hours is worth more than 200 mediocre hours. Hours = worth is a flawed idea."
Yeah, you really were superior to me this whole time. You were so right that games should be priced based on their length.
As I said, you're welcome.
How much should I pay for my autismo f2p game dev?
Yes, I know you do.
>bad combat
never had a problem with the combat myself, I loved killing 4+ plate armor dudes with my peasant chad.
Aaaand that's checkmate. Now I play the waiting game.
It hardly flopped.
Only games that have overblown AAA+ budgets need sell multiple millions to break even.
no anime girls
have sex
>ITT seething faggots who hate on a game because it wasn't ahistorical enough for them.
I bought kcd on Friday and I'm really enjoying it so far
only bug I've encountered of note is that opening the steam overlay while the game is loading will crash it
so far worth the £20 I spent for sure
probably the buggiest game I've played in the last 5 years
Didi it really? I thought it was a success and sold 4x times above the expectations of the filthy polac devs
Also, fuck on brainlets shitting on this game. The only real gameplay flaw was the lockpicking system
I do agree if you spend $60 dollars on a game it shouldn’t be over in 5 hours. I don’t thing games should be priced by length; rather, all games should strive to be worth their price.
Great way to bait people into taking about this game again.
I don't want to finish it because then I'm afraid I'll feel empty. One of the first games in a long time to make me feel that way.
>being so butthurt you lost an argument you report posts to the jannies
Now that's desperate.
What did I say? Checkmate.
You misspelled desperation
All this salt is so worth it.
>tfw making someone so salty they resort to reporting your posts
anyone else have trouble with the lockpicking system? I still have nightmares.
>tfw successfully scared him into not trying the same thing he did before because he knows what will happen
Must be such a scary feeling, knowing you've been defeated.
How is it an RPG if it's meant to be historically accurate?
how does that even work on consoles?
I didnt understand the lockpicking
if you used mouse you just make a circle and hope it doesnt shake too hard
but with controller it becomes some sort of impossible feat of coordination between two sticks and my tiny brain
I got used to it but it took me fucking forever to get it. I save scummed so many times when my pick broke at the first castle.
Though I play on xbone so it might be easier with those controls.
it doesn't
>being so insecure after losing the argument you literally cry to the mods about it
Medeival games are too simplistic to be (semi-)realistic. I'm fine with semi-realism in games with modern technology, like War Thunder for instance, because they still have a lot of detailed mechanics like changing gears, air/fuel mixture, propeller pitch, radiator vents, and other features.
Yet you shouldn't try to make a medieval game with simulator realism, they don't have any of these features. Kingdom Come was boring. Witcher 3 would have also been boring without alchemy and magic. Deal with it.
easy as fuck for me on pc
KCD was god tier, still waiting for the next part of the story, there has to be more.. I need it
>tfw successfully BTFO him into smashing the report button out of sheer asspain from being crushed in argument on Yea Forums
>he probably tried to report a second time and failed after he was called out for it
Thanks for conceding :^)