Stop supporting indieshit.
Stop supporting indieshit
Why is every modern male hairstyle just some variation of short back and sides? It looks so fucking disgusting. At least grow a moustache or something you cybermen looking faggots.
Why the fuck do you care? No one’s forcing you to buy Indie games, you can just ignore that they exist and continue supporting ur corporate overlords pumping up AAA games of shooting simulator no. 500.
white people are so fucking gay
I'm going to penetrate him 12 times with my 12 inch cock
How fucking old is that image by now?
Easy to maintain, girls like it, looks good on most guys, and doesn't look too tryhard
>western spy
Jealous of our beauty?
Short back and sides has been a staple for western men for the last 100+ years
Stop paying for digital distribution
I can smell the s o y in his hair roots.
Because all you have to do is run your hand through it once and you're good for the day
>looks good
So that i can have long hair to be different
This. The worst is when only the sides are so buzzed down that it makes them look like they’re wearing a fucking hairpiece. Why is it such a popular trend to pretend like you DON’T have hair and are trying to cover it up with a shitty toupee?
Whites can use magicka to make gaems, stamina to explore and strength to mog wogs.
Truly the greatest race put on Earth by God to give it meaning. Imagine a world of brown smelly races...pitiful
Oh no no no what the fuck how do we stop him bros?
The feet look very nice post more.
Starbucks barefoot and squatting in a parking lot. God I fucking hate the city. Never ever come to my small town I swear I’d rather have niggers than these fucking insufferable hippie privilege checking cunts.
What the fuck is try hard? Isn’t it good to try hard? Are you a lazy piece of shit who has never tried hard?
How does he do it? I can't make game in 10 years, yet he make game in 1 month??
where are his SHOES
t. hairlet
Would sieg heil with/10
Wheres his shoes
I'd rather buy CoD and buy the SP for $25 and enjoy zombies than play indie shit.
Supposedly 2 of his startups make him at least $50K a year, though I don't think they were included in the 12. And according to several articles, the purpose of the startups were more or less a way for him to experiment, with the notable exception of a single page app he made called "Go Fucking Do It" or something. An app where you enter a thing you want to do, a date to complete it by, and a dollar amount, and if the task isn't completed by that day, then it'll automatically pay HIM that amount.
coping baldies LOL
What should I support? Genuine question.
medium sized European and Japanese vidya companies
Anyone who makes games you like and want more of.
Okay get out then, Yea Forums is for people who play games
hairstyles are for women. Real men dgaf about their hair and keep it short and grow a beard
What if I enjoy indie games, like Terraria? If I avoided all indie there would be plenty of games I wouldn't have gotten to enjoy.
That's a good system. Props to the guy for exploiting weak-willed losers.
Why aren’t there any African or South American vidya companies oni-San?
If they don’t accept diversity and then they become the majority...what will happen?
>Yea Forums is for people who play games
why is he posing like that
>Yea Forums is for people who play games
This guy has "bay area" written all over him.
thats the faggiest reply you could have given him
so 'play games' is synonymous for 'eating up shovelware'?
i have nothing against indie devs, its great that you set out to do your dream job. just like every other moron that sets out to do their dream food truck or dream restaraunt. but you're not guaranteed success for shitting out a subpar product.
>"...Making 12 games in 12 months"
Must be some pretentious shit-quality games then.
Another hentai puzzle realised on steam
At least wear some fucking shoes.
he cant even fucking squat the faggot
nothing, videogames suck
>tfw mohawk, stache and stubble
>look handsome as fuck
>actually get ton more attention from girls
This shitty Nazi Youth haircut is so bland lmao imagine actually having this cut or being friends with someone with such a shitty cut.
>user's mom finds this on his computer
Back to your telephone scam pajeet. No one likes your pedo stache
>not liked by men and women
you're just a testosteronelet so no wonder you're getting a pedicure stache lmao
Why do we have to deal with brown people
Because they're people just like you and me
Imagine thinking that the amount of melanin in someone's skin makes them worth less than you lmfao hahahahaha
Poverty. The only reason eastern bloc countries make games while being poor is that the Soviet Union pushed STEM hard and it carried over
they don't want to be nazi-adjacent
Pokémon Sun and Moon.
Coffee Finder EX
>South American
ACE Team is from Chile which is a South American country.
bro at least stop wearing cargo shorts and unbuttoned shirts with flames on them
imagine thinking it doesn't lmfaoooo
He looks like a cross between pewdiepie and that flossin kid
Imagine endangering yourself amongst people who hate you for your skin color thinking you’re above them for not hating them for their skin color, despite them wanting to kill you for your skin color.
Terrible “game” company.
Nope, it’s because Whites are smart and browns are dumb. Cunt
pajeets can't even touch a computer without manifesting teamviewer and 3 fucking third world anti-viruses.
Imagine being a retarded liberal who’s so much of a white supremacist they think whites can’t experience racism or any negative effects from diversity. Like Whites are fucking immortal God-like beings who are untouchable by stinky brown vermin.
t. Gachacuck
Indies release games with microtransactions. I'll take Risk of Rain over Overwatch or FGO any day of the week
Africans have a ton of mobile games since they don't have a lot of consoles. Regardless Yea Forums still got BTFO by a Nigerian in Street Fighter,lmao
put some shoes on ya fuckin hippie
Sounds rather pathetic and immensely deprived of the nutrients of life, knowledge and understanding.
Yeah Yea Forums is a pretty terrible shit heap. You would think poor Nigerians wouldn't be able to best a pampered community, but 4chinners neglect to take care of themselves
spoken like someone who gets no pussy and is probably ugly as fuck, stay ugly and stay short haired cuckboy
They literally sell human meat on the open market and kill whites in Africa. Wanna know how I know you’re a kike?
>They literally sell human meat on the open market
They don't though.
>and kill whites in Africa.
Blacks get killed more per capita. It's almost like a destabilized country is shit. Whites have killed hundreds of millions of their own in a span of a decade less than a century ago
God I wish that were me
Everyone wants the Hitler Youth style
because you cant grow it on the top of your head so you grow it on your face instead
this post reminds me of that couple cycling to prove humans are kind but get killed in the middle east. basically there are just some areas you don't go to depending on your race, ethnicity, religion, if you go alone or not, and definitely gender.
Reminder: Some gaming journalists review-bombed RDR2 to support this trash indie culture
Also, is it healthy to only shit once a month?
Humans are vindictive. Don't fuck with them and they don't fuck with you. Whites are ignorant to their crimes and think they haven't bombed schools or cut up leaders and dipped them in acid.
>middle east
Islam would still be a shit religion even if white people followed it.
A girl referred to this look as "classy", and then I realized I was not with it anymore. Just like what Grandpa Simpson said.
For some reason, I thought everyone else thought it was a trashy look. But they actually think this crap is classy. I just don't know anymore.
Lmao you got btfo
Whites created bombs and schools. Show some respect you abhorrent cretin or scuttle back to your hive