Why did alt-right autists do this shit instead of just getting a new hobby?
Why did alt-right autists do this shit instead of just getting a new hobby?
Other urls found in this thread:
>pretending to be a victim
only fags do that shit
you move
How about both sides get gassed and leave your political shit out of my video games
Check em
why can't the left meme?
Why can't the right draw?
Fred Durstin’
Women and colored people scare me!
>being so braindead you don't realize leftists will absolutely never, ever, stop fucking up male, especially white male, hobbies and gamergate etc. was in REACTION to that
You stupid fuck.
>Morrigan and Felicia
When's there gonna be a new Darkstalkers, already? I remember that stunt you pulled at Comic Con, Capcom.
lets do this
imagine saying to the world "me and millions of others think alike", so robotic, so mundane
2, 15, 16, 21, 27, 69, 80, 85, or 86 please. Mostly 86
based and rollingpilled
Why do people who draw as a hobby suck cocks?
>women and coloreds
>No futa waifus
Shit chart.
Rolling for something good
Let's go boys. The boys are my penis and testicles.
y not
Let me pick my wife.
name three (3) futa vidya girls that aren't Kaine
>Dragon's Crown Sorceress
As a breast man I am extremely okay with this.
>literally rolls a no ass
I'm dying
>heart pupils
Give 21 gf right now
>"Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again." when trying to post "rollin"
Suck my dick gookmoot.
Vivian, Poison and Erica Anderson.
>Instead of just getting a new hobby
I'm confused
So you're admitting your goal was to push people out of things they enjoyed?
I'm a straight white right-leaning god-fearing man that enjoys painting Dungeons and Dragons miniatures, sometimes of scantily clad sorceresses and dryads and shit, am I not allowed to enjoy that now?
WTF I love diversity now!!
crossdresser and two trannies, none are futa. Did you want tranny waifus on that roulette?
Futa is a girl with additional penis.
6, 8, 35, 42, 74 hopefully
The shit you retards always bitch about has been part of video games since the 80s.
Devs have always tried to be inclusive and increase their market share.
Its nothing new, you idiots just started getting into your edgy teen political phase around 2014, so now shit that has happened for the entire existence of the industry is some new conspiracy to taint "your" hobby.
FFS what did you think Mrs. Pacman was? That's right, an attempt to pander to women to get more of them to play video games.
>literally "gamers rise up" before the memes
You idiots were always a joke. If GG taught us anything, it's that shit that matters will always fall to the wayside to try to make a political point.
NPC righties need their medication!
Fuck politics
Fuck /pol/
Why would I abandon my hobby just because a handful of freaks declared it their own?
It didn't work then, so why double down on the exact same bullshit 20 years afterwards?
I don't think this industry ever remembers anything.
Why did you post this
Sorry incels but I got the best girl right here
99% of these options are shit
>my actual waifu isnt on the list
STFU nigger
Thanks doc.
Ms. Pacman was an objective improvement on the original.
Games are not improving in design or storytelling anymore. At best, they're stagnating and at worst they're outright declining. The only consistent improvement is in graphics.
YAAAAAAAAS slay fellow person of colour come to Europe
There are no more safe hobbies. They are all infected with this shit and it needs to end
Oh fuck off. Your point is garbage, it wasn't NEARLY as prevalent and forced as it is now. Plus, just because cancer existed before doesn't mean worse cancer now is ok. Kill yourself, leftist shill.
>no video games in a Yea Forums thread
>no Xiao from Dark Cloud
>no originality in memes
That's three strikes, and this terrible thread is out.
Unironically based.
Smashing kike skulls is the only possible hobby left
Because you'd just turn it into another agenda pusher.
It's just like commies, everything is just a step towards blah blah blah bourgeoisie blah blah blah revolution.
Literally just fuck off with your retarded ideas, videogames are entertainment not a political tool.
this pic is pretty embarrassing considering how much of media is controlled by sjws
>6 nepshit in it
Ultimate roulette my ass
Mongrels are very scary, they've destroyed every civilization of note and they're doing the same to Europe and the US now.
WTH, they didn't rape the woman or the dog?, amateurs.
Crazy how the guy literally use his body as a shield to protect the woman.
What the fuck?
Come on 10 or 11
nobody complained about games like Deus Ex or MGS2, because they were well crafted games with actual thought put behind it. The games now don't have any thought behind it other than "diversity gud white bad"
why did white autists elect this instead of just moving to another country?
I'm going to rape you.
Dear Mr. retard, there's limits like the soldier 69 from cuckwatch (turned into a faggot because he was a white "good guy" soldier)
Limits like having 10% of foreigners instead of 60%
Fucking this
Tbh if you aren't atleast hesitant around most niggers, then I think something is genuinely wrong with you mentally.
I don't even know who most of these broads are but rolling anyhow.
Because you can have some level of social commentary before you hit full retard "listen and believe" tier retardation.
rolling for cute waifu
Over half of this list is pure shit.
based and redpilled
I love this image; everytime rightcucks reply in complete unison with the exact same responses the image is making fun of proving this very image right.
>extremists make strawman comics attacking anyone who doesn't blindly follow their dogma
Why are leftie memes just repurposed /pol/ memes?
>barely any brown girls
Everytime gamers rise up video games become more political
Why don't we just fucking ban any wojack or pepe poster?
Centrists are fence-sitting cucks
Radical Centrists hold extremist views from both the far-left are far right
>le centrist incel with no friends
>tfw Yea Forums is going back to it's leftist roots and all of these newfag stormweenies who came here during goobergate and the elections are mad seething
>w-what's this? the image is calling me out... I would never say this... I know exactly what I will reply with
>"the left can't meme!"
When will you realize you are the NPC?
>Just get a new hobby :)
But what if they take that hobby, too? What if they keep doing this until there are no more hobbies then? A stand has to be taken at some point. I'd rather it be videogames, than my obscure tabletop train sets.
>imagine being a mentally ill, delusional leftist
I mean, I get being left in 2009, but after 2016 and all the information that flowed out, you're SERIOUSLY still a leftist? Use some critical thinking, I realize you're heavily brainwashed but break out of it man.
these waifus suck ass
oWo What's going on in this thread?
>n-no u ;_;
>"Hurr you have to either be far-right or far-left otherwise you're a centrist"
You do realize that there are other political leanings rather than "gas the kikes" and "tranny-kids for every pedo to fuck" right? You people are all retarded as shit and belong in the same gas chamber.
>you have to blindly kill our enemies and follow us without ever questioning us, otherwise YOU'RE AN EVIL CENTRIST
>imagine being a basement dwelling right-wing incel who unironically believes in every autistic anti-semitic conspiracy and race realism pseudoscience he reads on image macros made in MS paint
Geeze this is really embarrassing for rightcucks right now.
Yea Forums's roots is a bunch of stupid tripfags. You do not want to go to this place's roots
Its more like centrism is just a dumb cop-out
You either agree with immigration and the risks it brings or you don't for example. The most centrist thing with that would be accepting immigration but also allowing the government to enforce demographic control. Oh wait.. that's too far right correct?
See what I mean?
i'll have a roll ty
Fuck trannies
fuck /pol/
and fuck video games
I'm a centrist you stupid faggot, but you don't have to be a goddamn neo-nazi to realize that the left are too concerned with inclusivity and sensitivity to be funny.
Fuck the mods, ROLL!
Unironically based.
thanks doc
rollando for chicken
rolling again
Because you would have fucked that up as well. Women always invade male spaces and then demand everything to cater to them. They are unable to let us the fuck alone and make their own shit. They are uncreative, cringey and seek attention at all times.
give me Misty please if god loves me.
>He still believes Trump's in collusion with Russia
Top Laugh
Here's a solution: I don't want to kill women and black people, but I don't want to support giving 5 year olds hormone treatment for gender surgery. More importantly, I want to find anyone who wants politics in video games and bash them over the head.
Why has nobody even pointed out that you have totally missed the point?
It didn't have to do with having pandering or progressive ideas in the games. It had to do with literal garbage games getting signal boosted by extreme left games journalists because the games were made by their extreme left friends.
Some people bitch about any diversion from the status quo, no matter where they are. But the majority of the issue there was collusion between devs and the media to push leftist rhetoric and act like the games it appeared in were incredible.
darkstalkers 3 when
Hi, resetera. What are you pissy about today?
Why do you seething retards conflate everyone that hates your shitty PC cultural paradigm with white supremacy and nazism?
>"Hey I think forced diversity in games is retarded and people should be able to make a game without having to represent every single minority."
>"Hey I think it's okay to have perverted content in a game and I don't think developers should be boycotted for sexism because they have a thin white female with big tits in a game."
>"Hey I think this game that's doing a forced, shitty analogy of Trump in their game is lame and cringy."
>"Hey I think trannies that go ballistic over a character being referred to as a Tramp are overreacting and annoying."
>"Oh, well, clearly, you're a white supremacist/nazi."
>"The fuck? Fuck off, retard."
You losers can make as many shitty Wojak edits as you want, the truth is for the last several or so years your shitty paradigm has been falling apart thanks to the current cultural shifts.
And you can't stop it.
>still believing in your little Reddit boogeyman
Too bad, have a Mallow!
Good thread
They forgot to dilate.
Probably too much pus to clean.
Then why are the world's top comedians/hosts/etc all at worst center left? Why does the right think wojak variants are the peak of comedy?
Nobody is being genocides you tinfoil nutjobs. Whites will simply become a minority and that's a good thing. Unless... you think minorities are treated badly MMMMHH got anything to say drumpfie?
>desperate projection
>le race isn't even real
>I mean it's factually real and genetics form the majority of your being, including IQ, temperament, average behavior etc.
Seriously. Break out your brainwashing. Races are different. Africa sucks because africans live there. Mexico sucks because mexicans live there. You notice how every nice place to live is a white place? It's reality. It's not fair, it's not what we would prefer, it'd be great if africans could actually get their shit together. But that's life.
This was true before but the left got new ammunition with their own buzzwords like incel and the gamers rise up meme and so on. The right hasn't had a fun meme since basedboy.
Men should be joining the army anyway. Or doing something that a well-functioning adult would do like going to school to become an engineer or woodcutting.
As a christian, my faith will guide me to 86
>W-What's this? My shitty Wojak image was called out because I can't meme. No, that's not true... I know what I'll reply with
>"No, you're the NPC!"
Kill yourself.
>Mexico sucks because mexicans live there
Mexican here, I can confirm.
>n-no u!
Because these people literally are stupid. They think that if they can't win an argument, they'll slam a person with a baseless accusation like "you're a Nazi!" or "Fuck Trump!" and then cry when asked for even an iota of fucking proof to substantiate their damn stance.
The left-right dichotomy is absolutely retarded. There was a time when supporting the working class above all others was considered peak socialism, but now in Europe its apparently far-right populism. I considered myself a social democrat for the longest while, now I had some sperg call me a neo-fascist for supporting immigration limitations.
>a centrist calling someone else stupid
If you are so devoid of thought that you will accept a conglomeration of hypocritical beliefs wholesale, just so you can be on a "side", then yes, you are an NPC.
But what if you don't agree that all the risks are accurate, and that immigration is mostly zero-sum?
I'd like to return mai waifu in exchange for a new one please
Did I get best girl Yea Forums?
bumping this shit thread
>He thinks Stephen Colbert and John Oliver are actually funny
At least say, "yes its never been this bad and we went into turbo mode when trump got elected, but its a good thing for our society and culture"......but to just pretend its not happening is so insane and makes you lose all credibility
You'd be wrong and would need to think critically.
I have right-wing views and left-wing views. Doesn't mean I have to be a fucking fence-sitting faggot about it like other centrists.
>Use some critical thinking
>Says /pol/
I can't breathe
>This man will prove our BASELESS conspiracy real
>"Sorry, but you guys were totally wrong"
Is it really THAT difficult for these people to admit they're wrong even once?
you're being a faggot right now.
Those conversations aren't met with "you're a nazi" they're met with "you are retarded, no one is saying games have to have every single minority, you're either schizophrenic or just wanting to play the victim against assumed aggressors who are mad about trivial shit". You're making an issue where there is none and framing it in such a way where victim status is already claimed.
They are women and niggers they have no sense of pride or respect for property, what's yours is theirs.
If they're not funny, why are they more successful than any "comedian" the right has ever produced?
They're an uncooked chicken sitting on a trolley?
The left is a beautiful lie.
the right is a horrible truth.
The only winning game is not to play. The queens are already lined up on the chess board.
This. Thanks doc.
>respect for property
hello, EU
>History constantly repeats itself
>People make the same mistakes over and over
>In this day and age the consequences are pointless as the struggle to adapt is ultimately futile in the long run
>Millennials are absolutely doomed and a lot of us will kill ourselves into our late 40's unless nature beats us to it
Might as well kick back, relax, and hope death is as painless as they promise.
gib waifu
>Those conversations aren't met with "you're a nazi"
No, they most DEFINITELY literally call people nazis.
>they're met with "you are retarded, no one is saying games have to have every single minority
No. That's a typical leftist position, that "ticking diversity boxes" is representation and the correct way to do things. Why do you lie?
>Nooo my visual novels!
Unless all white places to live are nice places, your argument is facile as fuck, yo.
Africa sucks partially because its a shitty country and partially because mighty whitey destabilized the whole goddamn continent for a couple hundred years. Mexico does suck because of the mexicans though. And maybe a bit because of the spanish.
nice derailing of a thread
rolling for touhou waifu
Except several of them are met with such statements. These people drudge up dead things like Gamergate and claim that it's still a huge thing and that it was supported (without any evidence) by Nazis and Pedophiles and other shit whenever people make a fair point that games don't need to prance around their "diverse characters" when it has no bearing on the thing that matters most; the fucking gameplay.
Is that why you constantly demand games to be censored and attack people left and right if they don't blindly follow your dogma? You literally call people fascists over video games, and then you beat and kill them.
rowelf3rgt pewasd
> repurposed rightie memes as retaliatory rhetoric to rhetoric that leftie cannot meme.
Ebin. Simbly ebin.
Reroll. Bless me Ho-Oh.
>6 posts of 200% mad
Keep being reactionaries newfags.
Wait, so you guys are nazis? Didn't we beat you in WW2?
Ah yes, the big bang theory is fantastic.
Look at this dumb nigger.
>"Loser" men get a hobby they can lose themselves in and maybe meet similar people (Comics, Games, Tabletop, etc)
>Eventually hobby gets sniffed out by the mainstream, and attracts people who think the MESSAGE is the MOST IMPORTANT PART that make the games/comics/shows.
>Any grumblings about the direction the thing you once enjoyed is smacked down because you must be a bad person to not like what the morally superior people are doing.
Nazis don't exist anymore, retard.
user, seriously. Use critical thinking, take a step back, stop thinking about what you'd like to be true and realize that things like race, immigration, censorship, diversity etc. are not the rainbow wonderland the left tries to spin it as. This is factually the case. I get you're getting hit with leftist propaganda from almost every angle and that it's easier to believe it, especially when you get criticized and attacked for rebuking it, but be brave, think critically. I know you can break free, user.
I'm not a pedo so give me a milf
let's go