Dokkan Battle Thread

Getting the best unit in the game tonight?

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Why is there an exclamation mark above his tail on the right?

I don't see it.

I'll roll because I have no self control

Before the thread gets purged, how is everyone building their 8-bit freebies?

I’ll whale because my movie bosses team and wicked bloodline teams would become insane and the f2p cooler team looks super fun to use

I'll pull him in my first and only mulit

You're really going to farm 500 medals for them?

Good luck, user! I hope you don't have to spend too much money.

Got Goku, and just need 4 more for Vegeta.

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How good is SSJ Kaioken Angel Goku, thinking on spending some kais there.

I already got Gofreeza.

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pls don't play gacha

He’s alright, solid enough if you lack decent super PHY units but easily replaceable for better units
Yes I am, wish me luck
Thank you user, blessed be your pulls as well my brother

They are totally worth it

I ain't pulling on this shitty banner

>saying this when most people farmed that useless LR vegeta
At least the metal coolers are useful in SBR

I'll play the gacha game where I only need to pay once.

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I shouldn't have foddered those SRs. On the plus, I guess it means only 400 medals to grind since I still have a little over 100 left from the last time I did extensive work on that event.

It could be worse, he could go into the same event whenever he's bored and end up with more medals than he'll ever need because he already has had the unit fully awakened for nearly a year.

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Is the banner getting changed for Global? Because I want the Transforming Frieza on there instead of Future Gohan


Not seeing anything yet to suggest a shake-up, but that Frieza would be a nice fit for the banner. Wouldn't mind getting him after getting shafted the first time around.

Because I get bored and it's always the first thing to cross my mind as an event that has a decent amount of length for me to test myself against repeatedly.

Gohan is in the news announcement with Cooler, best you can hope for is Jiren being replaced by someone

I want Jiren, still don't have the cunt yet.

How much longer?

Hour and a half, I think.

Can't wait to get absolutely fucking nothing

Every single time I've thought that I've gotten the main unit, LR Vegito, PHY Broly, Transforming Vegeta.
My streak has been too good though, so I'm gonna get fucked 100%.

>Mai didnt stun Zamasu in 3 attacks
Nice fucking game you have there.

Can't wait for global to get the kid buu boss
I can already taste the salt


>he doesn't use the Turles + GrApe Turles rotation

shiggy diggy

I'm just glad I can DPS him down with my Super AGL units. I try using the Whis and had terrible luck with orb placement for him to super attack, still barely manage to win on the last possible turn.

Eh, I finally Dokkan'd my Transforming Vegeta. I dont need more units to Awaken

Guys help, I recently got LR broly but I have like 0 zenni, all this eza and farming SA got me dry, what do I do.

Where the fuck is the banner?

Do the Mr Satan event that resets every day and farm the Zeni event that shows up every weekend


>Have to farm 189 medals to raise SSJ3 Bardock SA
>Have to farm 378 medals to raise Janemba
Someone end me, I dont even have enough money.

Pick whatever active EZAs you can beat and ride that shit as far past 30 as you can.

About an hour left

02:30 EDT.

fuck, i never thought about how long that would take

I must be high as fuck cause the news says 22:30 PST

Thanks lads.

30 minutes now.

2 multis max. Same for Black.
Gotta save for the 4th anniversary.

I've been modding for a year and usually one shot ezas till about 60. Just download from dbz space, only annoying part is you have to redownload everything

>JP gets a U6 story event to easily farm hit and champa SA lvl
Good thing I didn't use kais on champa but honestly, the fuck.

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Welcome to Global, we're cucked 24/7

How much Heroes shit have they added into Dokkan? Does it have characters like ssj4 dark dragonball timebreaker Broly?
Here's all of the Heroes cards

>yfw JP gets Kefla Legendary banner next

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I gave that fat fuck all my kais and I have no regrets

Sorry gonna use my stones on an actual good character.

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don't even imply that, my stones are not ready.

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>Got her off of my last multi on the Vegeta banner
Why is she on Peppy Gals anyways? She's 9 years old, and is even younger than Pan, who isn't on the category.

My dick is ready to skip globals year 4 is that happens, don't test me

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>She's the 1st 300% category lead for Potara
How hard do you nut?

Would prefer peppy gals to get a real lead

500 stones for lr kefla if necessary

>Why is she on Peppy Gals anyways?
We just don't know.

That should go to a character that wouldn't be able to lead any other category, like Bulma or loli Chi-Chi.

Can always make her a dual lead
200% peppy 150% potara

Literally useless, we already have a 170% Potara lead.

>Have the best possible potara team rn
>300% LR Kefla
How much do kidneys go for bros. I'm healthy, so I don't want to be given no cheap ass prices, I need this rainbow

You no longer have to make a team around LR vegito and his lack of fused fighter plus the 2 leaders would be under 200%

We've got less than 1 minute left until Metal Cooler drops, how many of you are going to be pulling for him?
How many multis are you willing to toss into the pot until you just say fuck it and give up?

Its up lads

Who else /jpfag/ only here to watch the lucklets sperg?

1, maybe 2. Most likely if I don't get him after the first multi I'll just put him on my to do list once we get those pity coins.

>want the new cooler
>also want one of the anniversary LRs, probably Vegeta if his banner has the transforming frieza
>also want the kid goku coming out after that
>also also want that int black despite his stupid-ass passive
Fuck my lack of self control.

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>2 multis
>Just get worthless Bulma, STR Piccolo and Caulifla
>Not even a Jiren
Fuck me.

Heh, i got cooler all right

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>1st multi
>Vegeta comes out
Fucking FP Frieza, did 2 more after that and got nothing

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>only SSRs I pulled were INT Beerus and a TEQ Android 17 dupe

>No discount
Fuck you too game.

My haul for 150 stones. Might throw the Beerus eza stones at it for one more multi.

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Well that was a whole lot of nothing but disappointment. Time to start building up the stash for year 4 again I guess

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>150 stones
>first two pulls are fucking jokes
>buu+hercule on last summon
>only dokkan fest card was future gohan
At least it's another team I can use I guess.

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350 stones gone just like that. Oh well time to save for LR Kefla if that becomes a thing

>Just realized that if I get Coora I can make another EZ clash team like Ginyu for the first stages

250 stones and I got one Cooler. I’m pretty much at zero stones but I’m good

Do you ever single summon to flex on filthy monekeys?

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R8 my last summon out of 300 stones lads

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I'm too much of a lucklet to put my faith in singles.


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That's one more than you need to play for Dokkan

>great ape on zamasu

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here nigga let me lay of some of my massive regret on you

please let me suck dick for stones

>the state of waifushitters

litrually 1
cooler is all hype, i can see it being a dead team within a few weeks

It is kind of weird that they do discounts on the banners everyone goes apeshit for and not the ones that are unpopular(but I'm glad it is that way)

How many times do I have to ask for how many stones will you give me for giving you that opportunity you faggot?

good one, user

When is beers eza?

Next week along with int cells eza

nig probably the second time i tried it

Only 2 multis but at least I got Jiren out of it.
Finally I can give RoG SBR a try with a stunner around.

just realized i could farm enough stones for one more multisummon for fucking teq full super power ultra 4 goku with this new cooler event I WILL GET DA MAN DAMMIT

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Damn, Pinnacle of Rage Goku Dokkans from his art at the end of the Frieza Saga into the end of the original Cooler movie?

Dont bother with int goku black, seriously.
His category is complete dogshit and he isnt a big damage dealer either. I regret pulling for him.

>His category is complete dogshit
>Has characters like LR Boujack, LR Black and Zamasu, Teq Vegito Blue and LR Cell
It's Future Saga but with more freedom with which units you can use.

big OOF..

bandai's american branch is so fuckin gay shamelessly clique-ing up with dokkan youtubers and using them to shill

Did you guys even hear Nanogenix's fucking Heroes video? It was like that midget from GoT in Destiny. Exactly like that.

GO away, reddit.

chief...this aint it..

good that i am going to download that shit, the only thing I am going to buy is the new rpg because it is the only way we can see a fusions 2 or some multiplayer dbz that isnt gay as heroes

Heroes is a bit in full retard territory but I'm still interested. Like with everything in current year + 7, I will wait for it to go $10 or less. But yea, high hopes for the RPG.