How do minimum wagies justify buying vidya when it cost the price of your entire work shift?
Poor Gamer
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Well, what else am I going to buy? A fucking dildo?
>buying vidya
Save your money dumbass
Save it for what?
For what, later games? More dildos? You didn't answer my question.
Thought she was naked from the thumbnail
Good quality dildos aren't cheap.
Stop trying to do things on minimum wage.
that's a man.
stop buying shit you can't comfortably afford then.
Every decade you physically become less capable of working as well as you previously did. Every decade, generally, you need more money per month, or at least will desire it. The older you get the more likely you'll need an emergency fund. The older you get the less desirable you become. Always save as much as you can, while you still can.
>Have a job
>Have a fiance with a job
>Spend money wisely
>Pay off a home that isn't too expensive
>Save money for the games we want
>Play them together
All you have to do is not spend money on shit you don't need or want.
I usually only buy 1 or 2 games a year, maybe up to 5 if it's an insanely good year. I also only spend on physical copies because digital isn't worth paying for. I have a small allotted entertainment budget that I save up to buy them if they come out. I also only play handhelds, and wait until a minimum of 5 games I want to play are currently out on a system before even considering purchasing it.
I've not purchased a Switch because it's too expensive and has too few games out, but my 3DS has a ton of mileage. I would consider Vita but I know very little about the games it has.
You're both making minimum wage?
Dont talk shit bout cinamonbon! I love her alot
Stop using "muh minimum wage" as an excuse. It takes very little effort to improve yourself and get above minimum wage.
I haven't made an excuse
>buy shitty plastic trash like funkopops
>duuur I got no money in savings
>muh college debt
>muh medicare is too expensive
>yang gung muh 1000$! bernie for president! free gibs! power to the people!
fuck millennials. if you're a millennial kill yourself. only gen z is based
RIP FreeShop
Not after being at the job for literally any decent amount of time. When we did minimum, we weren't getting video games and we were eating cheaper. Now that we're more stable, we're doing fine. It just takes a little work, user.
By not getting a worthless job or wasting money in virtual shit
>those hands
That's a man, baby.
Imagine busting a fat nut across that face, bros.
Girls who play vidya should just do porn lmao.
Of course, but then OP doesn't apply to you in any way imaginable. You specifically didn't do what he's criticizing.
Bitcoin dude just made 20k today
Unrinocally no, wages are fucked m8.
Yeah, but most people DON'T stay making minimum wage for too long. It's not hard to climb if you're consistent and reliable.
For the most part, I agree with all of that except the conclusion. Basically you're reducing life to work and emergencies (health, natural disasters, accidents, etc) and making decisions with only these factors in mind.
Happiness and enjoyment are also valuable. By your logic, they are worthless, and I disagree with that.
Why? Why would anyone want to live through old age when they're weak and easily get sick instead of enjoying your prime years?
Why? They made more money than porn
I work minimum wage and still somehow manage to save tons of money even when I buy all the new games I'm interested in which is many.
I guess I save by not drinking alcohol and not having friends that would drag me into bars.
So is your plan to an hero at 40?
No, they're not. I have no college degree under my belt and I make over $20 an hour. Get fucked you useless Bernout.
Isn't minimum wage in the US like 15 an hour? That's a AAA game per part-time day.
This too. If your biggest vice is buying a video game or two every month, you're already better off than people who drink, smoke, or party.
>work all your life so you can live a miserable last few years while you pay off medical debt
Sentience was a mistake
>thinking only millenials can't afford healthcare or what he calls "Medicare"
Retard and/or underage b& see you in 4-5 years
The alternative is far worse
She's a potato face
>He makes $41,600 per year
Enjoying that bachelor pad?
Quit your McJob and find an employer that offers health insurance. The rise in costs is because you idiots meddled and ruined the healthcare industry with your entitlements.
btw "prime years" is a meme perpetuated by machiavellian 30 year old boomers to demoralize anyone over 21 years old into thinking life passed them by thus weakening competition and allowing the previously mentioned machiavellian 30 year old boomers to more easily fuk 20 year olds
So from your point of view
I should stop eating healthy and only eat ramen noodles
I should stop working out because it costs alot of money for gym membership
I should stop fucking random fat chicks on tinder because I would be waiting gas and have to maintain my car further
I should stop playing vidya and watching TV because it would drive up the price of my electricity bill.
I should stop downloading so much because it will drive up the data cap bill on my internet
Sorry but no.
>no gf
>no friends
>was told my position is gonna be cut down to part time
>now only make like 25k a year
Life is dabbing on me my niggas, none of us are gonna make it.
This jobs are for old or retarded people
You can get every videogame consoles and subscription with bins
Mturk paid you 10k$ a month for literally 4hours of work
Crypto for short or lomg term investing
in Russia PC vidya cost ~2.5 work shifts, or 5 if its console game. Fuck you and your first world problems.
>reddit spacing
Fuck off
Would bust a nut on her face.
Sorry but no
While making only minimum wage? Yea focus on fixing that. It's shocking if you're still making minimum wage after working nearly anywhere worth working for awhile. If you plan to make minimum wage for the rest of your life, that's a massive problem itself.
15$ Per hour
-30% taxes
-x cost of rent
-x cost of living
Rest it’s available money
could you fund my vidya development?
>paying for PC vidya
>in russia of all places
learn from your own people
So fucking weird what kind of face is that. My friend makes the same damn face sometimes and it's stupid as hell. Just look at him. Is this the basedface?
I pirated tons of shit back then and bought last gen stuff if it couldnt be emulated.
My hacked PSP was a godsend
>I need a bachelor pad
I live with roommates while attending college. I pay $500 a month for rent plus give or take 20-80 for utilities.
what if i want multiplayer features?
>Is this the basedface?
Yes. Although it's more normal than people act but it's like, normal people do it sometimes but basedboys do it 100% of the time because they feel uncomfortable not distorting their ugly faces
>Make 160$ an hour without degree and its paid offshore so no taxes
Try to keep up newb
>Mturk paid you 10k$ a month for literally 4hours of work
what do you mean paid
>lives with roommates
mate you never truly moved out
yeah fuck digital copies, and unless you are a diehard fan its a waste to get new releases at launch, just wait a few months to see whats truly worth your time and money. most of us have a back catalogue that we arent playing yet.
>russia its a first work country ya dipshit maybe next time dont drop school
For what? More games? Dildos? I will still be making money when old.
Tell me what you fcuking do because I'm tired of working for $8 an hour after 3 years.
All I wanna do is bike all over europe with my camera and take in all the sights and sounds, so I don't mind working minimum wage right now.
Can't fucking wait for summer.
And? Should I go rent an apartment I cant afford and go beg the government for handouts?
Sure thing hit me up your kickstarter
lmao @t this seething millennial working dead end min wage job
AAA multiplayer games are generally not great but if you must, then I would try and take a little bit every so often and put it into a vidya fund. By not spending money on single player games that shouldn't be too rough.
Also back to your original point,
>first world problem
From my understanding it's significantly cheaper to live in Russia than the US. Yea we can save up for vidya easier due to higher wages but we're fucked by all sides in every other area.
Girls with blue eyes are so lovely.
Those are gray, not blue.
Why do so many "girl geeks" have those bangs ?
like $7.25 in my state
Or unironically live with your parents until you have enough in the bank to pay for mortgage
Vidya games are a comparatively cheap hobby.
No, 15 an hour is what people are yelling for. I think maybe some states have done that already but most of the US minimum is less than $8
they're cute
When i was in high school i thought i would be at least ok and have a decent paying job and that i would find a nice girl to marry. Just live a simple life....
Now im almost 30 make less than 25k a year, never had a gf, still live with my parents. I quite honestly thought i would turn out better.
I pretty much have a fetish for them so I sure as hell ain't complaining.
i refunded all the money previously donated, but too lazy to cancel it.
It has to be the cheapest hobby centered around media unless you're spending money on microtransactions. My roommates go out drinking so much and buy so much weed I have no clue how they work every day and then spend it away like that on such temporary experiences. There's no issue with what I listed just the excessive amount they spend really explains why I've never felt short on cash.
Stop playing videogames them mandchildren faggot
Me too, buddy. I'm 32 now and things didn't improved. At least I'm working smoothly with my backlog and mastered my IT job.
I fucking do this even though I don't want to. For some reason I can't part with my money at all.
>TFW if I go back to work I'm forced to do warecuck work
I'm going to end it all.
You realize bangs with longer hair is used to hide their fat faces right?
oh shit, it got canceled automatically, lol. Ok, use this then.
>minimum wage
>saving money
Really outside of safety fallbacks when you're making that little you're just hurting yourself by saving money
5k? With that i dont think you will be able to publish on steam or sell nuff to make actual profit
and? chubby girls are the cutest
As opposed to a non-fucking dildo?
I'm 24 and every so often I consider unplugging my PC and putting it away for good. But I have nothing else built up and my friends are online and met through games. I need to figure something out though, I can't still be in this position at 30. It's driving me crazy lately. I WANT to do something, I just don't know what to do and people are so vague with their advice (which I think is because they have no idea how they got what they have).
covering as many manly features as possible
old hags often have similar haircuts to cover up wrinkles
>was making minimum wage
>bouht bitcoin
>now i have nuff money that i can donate 10k$ to streamers everyday
you need only 100$ to publish it on steam, what are you talking about? I could be hit up with publisher such as Devolver once game gonna be complete enough.
Sticc with straight brown hair with bangs is my type. How the fuck is bangs gonna hide a chubby face anyway.
Fat people don't even respect their own bodies so they went respect you
better donate to vidya devs like me, lol.
>almost 30
>wasting the time in videogames because nobody spoodfeedhim how to live
Just grown up faggot you are literally a kid
Everyone knows you made fuck all from bitcoin. There's no need to lie on an anonymous chinese basket weaving forum.
Before we fucked up society with corporate culture, what you did before was you had children, then made sure they had grandchildren, so that both generations could return the favor and foster you in your dying health.
I only buy on sale stuff if I do. I might buy one game a month or go half a year without buying one. I still don't think I've paid full 60 dollars for a game ever.
This is the sort of vague shit I'm frankly too autistic to understand. I don't want to be spoonfed I just legitimately have no idea how to apply myself. I also never said I was almost 30, but I know at 18 I was thinking I'd figure stuff out soon enough and suddenly I'm mid 20s. 30 isn't far at all.
If you want your game to just be on steam them yes is just 100$ if you want to actually sell your game you need at least 25k$ at minimun and thats it if your asking a lot of favors.
google. Learn python, learn java. Coding is the one thing that is mostly self taught in pretty much all cases. compsci degrees are an actual scam. Start on codecademy.
>saving money by not buying shitty videogames is on the same level as saving money by compromising your health
If you don't make enough money for the essentials, maybe it's a good thing that you can't get videogames because you need to start bettering yourself you pathetic reddit-spacing retard
Is python the best to learn?
not to be an asshole but aren't these kinds of replies kind of crazy and absurd
like think about the internet: you can look up ANYTHING you want WHENEVER you want. you have virtually INFINITE information available to you. a few decades ago if you wanted to learn shit you had to go to the library and hope there are books on it.
the internet is the most important invention of the past 100 years but very few people utilize even 2% of its full potential.
Better go flip some burgers those languages are full nobody its going to paid you min programmer salary (180k$ a year) for doing java and phyton
It's easier to learn and a lot of companies are getting into it. It has its problems like every language though. Java is fucking annoying but it runs the entire mobile phone market basically.
>too dumb to understand he suggested python as a beginner language
It's a start and the most popular languages companies currently desire. No one is expecting to get into something making $180k from the get go and you're delusional if you think that's like a standard or something for programmers.
Another example of a bum failed by the education system, probably raised by a single mother or with an inept father. I'd feel pity if the internet didn't exist.
Yeah but the internet doesn't teach you how to love life.
by telling people to code you're only driving your own wages down, which is exactly what (((they))) want.
>begginer language
Only dumbfucks start talking without thinking how to talk
Videogames aren't the problem, for example before Sekiro i was playing like 2 hours a week.
>lmao bruh i love life, the internet, the fruit of all knowledge at this point, doesnt matter
>be neet on autismbux
>not from a wealthy or even middle class family
>barely skimming by
>still have 700 games on steam, all consoles a nice gaming pc and still fund my plastic anime girl habit from time to time
why do normies complain about money so much? If I could work even minimum wage I would have thousands in savings by now even buying most of the things I want barring batshit purchases like a $4k sex doll
i minimum wagecucked for two years and then just quit a month ago due to a mental breakdown and currently have like $10k in free spendable money on top of spending probably at least a thousand or 2 on vidya since i started
This is why I'm pro communism. Neet life while getting paid for it? Sign me up.
Not that user but i stopped learning Java when i realized all the jobs would want me to have math skills and i have the shittiest math skills possible. I simply cannot improve no matter how much i try to get bettee at math, i got get stuck at basic algebra.
Ill give yall 10 minutes for any other good bants.
Who /yanggang/ here. Cant wait to get $1000 from rich asshole democrats and republicans whose only mission in life was to fuck over everyone beneath them
it sort of can. it can't fix your life, but if can give you tools to try.
there's plenty of information online on ways to deal with depression and apathy and those kinds of things. not everything you read is going to work perfectly for you but at least there's so much information on what things can help, how you should implement those things, what you should look for, etc.
and again not to be a dick but like you know you're not the only one who's felt this way, right? so there are already a lot of discussions online about people talking about feeling like you do so even if they're old forums at least you can see what they thought and said too.
>He cant manage his money and have disposable income for a hobby
Kek fucking loser
Considering most titles are shit with very few being worth the price at launch. I just wait for sales.
I also make about triple the minimum wage.
your parents either provide your shelter or food. that's the same scenario i'm living in so i'd know.
Those languages are for old people theres already to much competition you need something that its fresh
180k its the minimun you should accept i start at that without a degree after 3years i made 2.5x that
Let them be happy you faggot.
>like $10k in free spendable money
This is why you're a wagie
Steam sales.
What are some tips on managing money bros? I spend all my paycheck on random shit. I barely make like $300 biweekly.
while autismbux is technically a form of socialism its still funded by capitalism.
In a socialist country I'd be out on my ass or in a workcamp with much worse living conditions
Normalfags don't have an endless stream of money provided to a parasite by a host. They can't, because a parasite can't survive without one. They have to think about the future and constantly be on the lookout for opportunities. They also like to be prepared for the worst, and want the reassurance that a sinkhole isn't going to eat their house and leave them without their largest asset.
I barely play 1hour a month on my 5k$ pc kiddo try to keep up
>What are some tips on managing money bros?
>I spend all my paycheck on random shit.
Here's a tip... how about... you... don't do that...?
this is ironic, right?
Gaming is the cheapest hobby you can have, poor people find ways to buy other vices.
>I spend all my paycheck on random shit.
No thanks just watch your indiegoo page i can finish your game on unreal with better assets on a weekend and with networking implemented
>like me
This user is not a dev. He is lying, and i am going to sue him for fake claims.
Im actually the real dev. Please donate to the correct dev, and not a fake
youre a faggot @venmo
Invest. If you spend it all on vapid pointless shit you're probably incapable of doing anything better with it.
He means drugs, right?
literally what makes living with your parents different than living with roommates
"Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company."
this is how modern liberalism started
Its says user not registered where do i send you 10k$?
Then how much should I spend on my games and hobbies?
That sounds good but idk how to invest. Bst always says pennystocks but aren't those a scam
>retard friend works pizza delivery
>he gets paid by the hour plus tips
>half the time he unironically stops by his house to do nothing while on the clock and his boss doesn't care
>he spends all of his money on booze and weed and copious amounts of stupid shit like new tvs, new games that he doesn't play, etc
>complains about not having money
Nintendo is cool when your parents pay for it, young person without connections who want to start their own family don't have free money for this shit.
They do, but we're not well off at all
That's just it, I get less than $6k a year in disability
a normal fag would be making many times over that and still have far more spending money than I have every month, IF they aren't fucking retards. So if they complain about money... why is that?
I know why. Its because they buy stupid shit. $200 a week on weed, $50 a week on beer, plus fast food and even dumber shit like starbucks every single day. And they wonder why they're "poor" and have no spending money.
Honestly I just toss it on the cc and mae minimum payments. when it gets too high I balance xfer to an interest free card and keep going. I figure I can do this for the forseeable future.
do it faggot, most of the features arent even in video. There are months of work for small team. Gameplay-wise its not hard thou.
what are you talking about?
I cannot imagine the sheer amount of boomer seething that will happen if UBI is ever a thing.
What the fuck I wish I could stop by my house and do that during pizza delivery. Mine has a tracker.
same, dude complains about how bad he has it and it grates on me
for spending it on your own development in terms of training or education so you’re not permanently stuck in a dead end job making pennies. Save it to live off of while you’re apprenticing for a trade or something, motherfucker
>>They do, but we're not well off at all
yeah so that basically means you spend your neetbux on frivolous shit for yourself instead of contributing to the household. i mean i do the same thing but fuck you look like a faggot asshole by bragging about it when people out there are forced to wagie themselves to death and can't even get that.
>Its because they buy stupid shit. $200 a week on weed, $50 a week on beer, plus fast food and even dumber shit like starbucks every single day.
This is the part that's fucking astounding to me. People that complain they have no spare spending money yet are more than happy to blow massive amounts regularly on fucking coffee of all things. It utterly baffles my mind.
Damn right. Time to share that pension money boomers! These trips to in n out, buying games on ebay, and buying sex toys on amazon wont pay for themselves. Its inevitable anyway, as most countries with latin or brown hordes vote for socialism anyway. Maybe well all die out and crumble but at least it can be a fun ride to the end
>there was a time where I made $50.00 a day working all day
>$500 rent
>still bought/played vidya
How on earth did I do it.
I contribute financially when needed, but I also do other things like keep up the house and cook so it evens out
We all live comfortably enough to be able to blow some money on frivolous shit now and then, my hobbies just happen to be much cheaper and long lasting.
>saving money
>with fiat currency, that has infinite inflation
>in a generation even if you've saved up all the money you made, you'd only have enough to buy a burger and fries
Dude, 25k and living with your parents is fucking rich. I own a house, car, married, etc. Pretty much everything you imagined your life would be. I make more money than you but it's all pretty much spent by the time the check comes. You have a great foundation. I was much worse off than you at age 30. Ive always been great with girls, but my life was so messed up at 30. It really sounds like an attitude problem you need to get over. You're set up nicely to be successful even if you don't feel like you are at the moment
Where the fuck do you work? These are not saleries codemonkeys without degrees start at. You're either absurdly lucky, abnormally talented, or full of shit.
are you not in a first world country if you only get 6k? or are you converting to burgerbux?
I'm in Canada and I get just barely over 8k USD a year.
Tons of programmers suck at math but a lot of programmers also get underpaid
>or full of shit.
whoa, Yea Forums full of shit? No way.
Don't you remember the math major 300K/year spam? I even saved the OP image.
I guess its a little over $6k at this point since they raise it every couple of years
Could be a few hundred more per month if I was living on my own or married though
>eating a bunch of sugar almost everyday of every year
>eating mdma a couple times a year
i ditched candy for drugs after high school, i honestly think it might be healthier
I don't work for minimum wage, and never have in my entire life, but here in Ontario, a 10 hour work day is enough to buy a video game, get yourself dinner and probably a cab to and from work that day.
Teach me how please
Sane. I worked at blockbuster in the early 2000s and had an apartment to myself and still had a great time for years
It means I live with people who love me and aren't strangers
I wish
>Be cucked by the system to a minimum wage job
>Still buy the system's "entertainment" instead of pirating
Dumb zoomer, prime years is when you're most healthy and capable of doing things and for everyone normal it's their 20s.
I've got literal autism and recently quit my job after having a mental breakdown from someone talking to me.
I've always felt like I shouldn't get on the tugboat but after recent happenings I was considering it.
How easy/hard was it?
meme, have fun trying to freelance against pajeets or get hired by employers who want a massive portfolio where you know 18 languages and then still might want a bachelors. FUCK that, what a joke
throw it in a certificate of deposit, numb nuts.
Go floss in the middle of the freeway, you puke.
bad dragon has really exotic ones
also she's german, so that could explain why she has man hands
Probably into scat
You don't buy a video game each day. Just like you don't blow all your money going out to drink every night.
For me I did the uncle remus' guide (google it) only I wasn't faking anything
It was "easy" for the most part. For you, since you have work history i tmight be a bit harder but you could still do it, especially if you already have a diagnosis. Might need more, I guess you have anxiety as well?
i would think mental breakdown due to job would help if anything
>I guess you have anxiety as well?
yea, and for a while my eye was twitching, went to the optometrist and he said it was stress
it has gone down since i quit though
Yeah I know dumb wagies
>Sir, we don’t accept food stamps
>Honey, you have to get a job your “grant” is literally on it’s last life
>buying vidya
she looks like she fucks asian men
The only time you can get poor from vidya if you're one of those backlog addicts that feels the need to play and buy every single fucking game there is.
yeah literally everything helps. Now you just have to go through the motions of getting it done.
Protip: When they send you to their doctor (which is "endgame") don't act your best. Just act how you normally do, since you have autism and anxiety. Don't go walking in with your sunday best and a big smile and "how are you" in other words.
I make 30k a year so I don’t have any next gen consoles. I buy myself cheaper consoles like GameCube and I got a vita for my bday and a 3ds for Christmas. I have a ps3 and play cheap 3-15 dollar games. I don’t understand people who spend their money on vidya when there are alternative options. I’m almost done with school and I will hopefully start making 70k but even then I think I will still play cheaper games. That’s just me. Call me a poorfag or a retard for doing this but desu I’m satisfied with it.
>over $20k saved up
What the fuck do you do with money? Invest it? Stocks?
I calculated that at the rate I'm saving and with my tax returns I can pay off my house in at least three years. Other than that I dunno what else I'd do.
You have my dream life. I just want to be a NEET stay home all day everyday and get a NEETbux check once a month. I envy u bro
>implying I'm not going to kill myself in 5 years
Bold implication
I work at a movie theater for minimum wage. I live with my mom im in my mid 30s
>americans cant do anything but spend their money
not surprised. there are people here that are legitimately poor and yet they still spend their money on video games. i'll never understand it
>Want to move out.
>But own a dog.
True suffering. Apartments ever only take pets under 20 lbs,and even then they charge you up the ass for places smaller than a dog house
no user, is cool, there's nothing to argue when you are enjoying it.
Is it better to work
>movie theater
I can't take being a fast food cuck much longer.
Movie theater. Retail is full of roasties
retail, no one is stealing Robert's job on my watch
Pirating, you stupid fuck.
If you're South American 3rd world poor just get a hacked ps2 or psp. The PS2 has a library that is still timeless and close to a lifetime of good game. If you're eastern euro poor just build a cheap PC. Even if you don't piratefag, so many PC games are given out free nowadays. Ubisoft gave all these games in pic related out for free at the same time. If you're USA poor or western Euro poor just beg your relatives for giftcards and use them towards a console and PC and scour the bargain bins or get a service like gamefly for $15 a month. If you cannot do any of that then admit you lead a failed life.
forgot pic
"entire work shift" isn't much considering spend even more time doing dumb shit for free.
You have to clean toilets if u work at movie theater by the way not all the time but its part of the rotation
yep, free shit on steam/humble bundle and other launchers too
not to mention there is just a literal ton of extremely good games that are totally free. Roguelikes for example (real ones) are free. Dorf Fort is free. That's thousands of hours of entertainment right there
I live in Alberta, Canada and make $16 CAD an hour, one dollar above minimum wage. Despite this, I literally manage to save $500-800 a month despite living alone, buying vidya, and eating relatively well.
Even the poorest of the poorfags has no excuse to not save money. It's absolutely pathetic and I feel like fucking spitting on some of these people who make more than me yet still manage to be broke at the end of the month.
>apprenticing for a trade
I'd rather use the money for a gun with one bullet.
I know a guy like that. Buys literally every new popular release. Someone posts a screenshot of anything, he says "ooh, what's that? might have to try it." He spends almost all his time not working gaming and I'm pretty sure all his money goes to games, as he lives with his folks and has what I imagine to be no expenses.
I think he has legitimate video game addiction.
this is a purely hypothetical situation, anons:
>be neet for a decade after high school, only working at warehouses for a year or so
>no degree, just a diploma
>family members die and leave you money
>have more than $250,000 all of a sudden
what would you do? invest? in what? would you move somewhere? what would you do?
purely hypothetical
Use it all to buy a house in a college town, rent it out to students, live on the rent money.
>Got a $1500 refund check in the beginning of march
>by the end of March I was broke
>it was all alcohol and video games
self teach yourself handyman skills and get some shit house and fix it up, rent it out to someone responsible and coast the rest of your life on that.
It's also most of Yea Forums. Always buying a game each 1-2 weeks.
Sometimes it is better to watch somebody else play a game on twitch or youtube, time is money and limited.
Im a literal McWagie and im about to buy a 2080ti after 3 paycards of light saving. What the fuck are you faggots spending money on?
I spend a 140 on candles a week, perhaps close to $6000 dollars on candles a year. The real nice kind of woodwick candles with the really audible I part of the problem.
>hacked consoles and emulators
boom i have all the games i could ever ask for.
Invest $50k, use the rest of the money as a fallback, something i don't expect to live off of forever, but something that allows me to work a little less. Basically, be cautious as fuck with it.
Explain to me, are candle enjoyable for you to watch or what?
>tfw career
you work and sidehustle so you DONT have to wokr as hard in your 40s and 50s
No, it's just that they're very therapeutic for me to listen to when I'm thinking or reading something like I am right now.
literal garbage person making these posts
dont bother your parents like this guy
I usually buy 20-30$ of candles from Walmart a week, idk it’s just comfy to have fragrance
>while you pay off medical debt
>being a burger in 2019
Travel somewhere to see more of the world.
stream sex to americans, and get paid your months salary in an hour.
Time is more valuable than money in that case. You can't reasonably save for education with a shit job since the price to simply live will eat a good chunk of your money and you'll probably get depression if you try no transportation, no food besides rice and beans, living in some kind of budget tent, and have no stress relief. I tried focusing on work and I lost 2 years of my life to droning. Never again.
The bills you fucker
How loud are they? If a fireplace is 10 what would a candle be
You've never tried woodwick candles..? They're somewhere around that cost for the small kind but they have a wooden wick that burns audibly sort of like having a mini log fire at your desk they're also fragranced.
Who /mortgage/ here?
I dont. I cant afford vidya when i spend all my money on booze cigs and weed
I am but don't mind that really
It's the student loan payments that really suck
It varies, but at the range I'm at with mine it'd be like a 3-4 maybe, but some are like a 6 and burn out of control.
How many years?
The main good thing about having a mortgage is being able to do shit like this.
>not being such a severe autist with social anxiety and heavy depression that you get the government gibs
Having free time is nice but it doesn't make up for every day being complete misery, i think.
How you gonna travel on minimum wage? Between the cost of traveling and not having PTO?
I'm going to get one next year
>outdated boomer advice
I never figured out how to work the system for free neetbux and now theyre cracking down on it so its apparently harder than ever. I shoulda figured it out when i had the chance.
Make an ugly door?
Pretty much this, most normalfags lose far more money to substance abuse than they admit. I make shit pay but I manage to buy vidya and anime figures while still saving money. I know people making triple my wage that struggle because they smoke a fuckton of pot and do stupid shit like taking on $500/mo car payments so roasties think they're worth fucking.
In america?
That sucks, sorry to hear man.
On the other hand it probaply shouldn't be abused, if i could live a more normal life then i absolutely would.
You just gotta be an absolute jew like me. I get 800 euroscheckels per month and I manage to save up at least half that despite helping my parent with bills and general expenses. I try to get free shit all the time, abuse opportunities for free shit, I am so stingy with money my spiritual name is Goldberg
How much is minimum wage
use it frugally to spend the rest of your life playing videogames
Make my whole house as ugly as I want.
hearing that word makes me have MLM related nightmare flashbacks
Varies by state. Here in North Carolina, it's $7.25/hour.
That's atrocious, how the fuck is that legal.
>tfw night shift job is fucking up my brain due to not sleeping during the night and I'm starting to see things at the corner of my eyes
fucking send help
>tfw government job
It's the easy life lads
Is it possible to survive by yourself on that?
£8.21 ( US$ 10.82 )
Pirate everything.
So you make minimum wage because half your coworkers are here on worker visas. Congratulations.
How does one pirate games without getting caught?
They justify it by cost of living, I'd guess.
Washington has a pretty good deal at $13.25 and bit being California.
Pity Wyoming.
people that actually buy games at full price have no actual hobbies or reasons for existing, so they can justify the cost
>justifying yourself
>to anyone
I bet you don't tell people you play videogames either because you're ashamed you fucking faggot.
>Buying overpriced console games when you can get them cheap on steam/humble/fanatical etc. or just straight up pirate them or emulate
I spend like 60€ a year on games and I barely play them all. Wagecucks are just poor because they are dumb.
in my country minimum wage means "break your back for 12 hours a day for 400 eurosheckels and no contract"
How bout saving, investing and building a portfolio?
I wonder what Americans do when they graduate with a ton of student debt and end up working minimum wage earning 7 bucks a hour
It's always strange that they're broke most of the time.
Working nights sucks, I take meds to sleep because of that shit. I spite my employer by fucking off as much as possible but it's not worth it. Hoping to get a job with normalfag hours soon.
vidya is unironicaly a waste of money, pirate and emulate all you can and save your money so you can go on vacations, the the world and make memories that last
You need retarded amounts of money for that to be worthwhile.
Cost of living is lower here than other states i'd assume. Like for example, I pay maybe $500/mo in expenses (and that's probably overestimating it) but I also have an advantage in that after my mom passed, she left me the land & house so I don't have rent or anything like that beyond internet, phone, & electric (which covers water since we have a well).
That assumes that you make minimum wage, which if you have a degree you're probably making more than that. Hell I worked at a factory making $11.20/hour, and that just requires a diploma or GED.
Who is the girl she cute
not really
>make $13.85/hr with 0.25 raise every 3 months
>no diploma, not even a ged
>labor work but is fairly mundane, usually bored at the job
I lucked the fuck out. I need to get that ged soon though. Gravy train isnt going to last forever.
>parents live in a big house that will be passed down to me
>all the money is getting left to me as well since my sister married a sugar daddy
>my great aunt is also leaving me her money because she has no kids and likes me the most and has saved up a pretty penny over the decades
Just working a wage slave job in a cheap as shit apartment right now, but the future looks bright
>$500/mo in expenses
I'm not trying to be rude or anything but that seems pretty damn high to me, and I'm living in straya with our high minimum wage (whatever it is). Discounting rent and if I lived by myself and didn't split my utility bills, my monthly expenses is around 450 AUD, including groceries and petrol. It's cheaper than that since my mate pays half
>not trying to be rude
I call japes.
you can't travel on minimum wage, and if you earn minimum wage there are only 2 reasons for it; you're either have a
Not all of us are bad mannered and rude you poofter cunt
I'm living with my mom and get autism bux, I do some undocumented side work for $100 a month. I have a high end PC + Monitor and a Switch, can't complain really.
What do you plan to do when Mommy passes away?
>lol just wait a decade to get a 3% return or possibly a major loss
Yeah no. Unless you have tens of thousands of dollars to play with and a lot of knowledge about markets investing isn't a viable option. Small investors lose most of their gains to inflation.
? Do you even understand what you are arguing? To begin with the process of investing and saving is something that should be planned to and for multiple decades. 3% every year is a lovely result, much better than total loss on some shitty useless forniture, and it can be used as a safety net against any moment of crisis. Holy shit you're retarded.
I just continue living my normal live but instead I will fap up to 5 times per day instead twice.
You should see Hungary and other poor as fuck countries in the east.
These people all have no money, literally no money, they don't own anything or have rich parents. Yet they drive expensive cars, wear expensive clothes and always have a new phone if not console/vidya.
Either they are going into massive debt or they are criminals, I don't fucking know.
>it costs alot of money for gym membership
Where the fuck do you live?
>What do you plan to do when Mommy passes away?
What kind of moronic question is that?
Live with daddy of course!
The longer you work in your career, the more money you'll make for doing less work.
you've never been to Hungary or any EEurope country. They don't drive expensive cars or wear expensive clothes.
I want to hit on cute impoverished eastern european girls
>spend your entire life stashing away every cent you possibly can for a paltry 3% return, never enjoy the finer things in life or treat yourself due to your "responsible" nature
>get diagnosed with terminal cancer and die when you're 52/get hit by a car crossing the street on the way to work/do it and successfully toil away your entire life with a just-good-enough life to be able to spend out your final days in near destitution because retirement will be completely unfeasible for our generation regardless of what you do
what a great life that'll be
Sorry that you live in a rural area.
user, are you speaking out of experience? where do you recommend streaming?
slav girls are the greatest
obedient, beautiful and subservient
>spend your entire life stashing away
So once you have enough for your safety net you can also spend it on things, more expensive things, you want without owing money to anyone. This isn't rocket science, why the fuck are you even trying to argue against basic common sense? Most people get fucked by their own bad decisions, such as not being prepared for unforeseen events.
Why are you making the implication that needlessly spending money on useless garbage means "enjoying the finer things in life"? Where the fuck did you got the mentality that you need money for that? Or that you can't both have some fun and also save if you don't waste your money? Might as well argue for the heavy use of cocaine because "lmao yolo".
I'm not Hungarian or from Eastern Europe...
Why can't you guys get jobs better than minimum wage ones?
>he doesn't abuse cocaine
what a loser
>the absolute unenthusiasm in this roast's face
almost like she doesn't actually care for the game
Having my mother die would be a big relief because then I wouldn't have to take care of someone that stopped believing in me long ago yet tries to emotionally blackmail me into being part of her family that also thinks badly of me.
Having your family die away with you being the last one is an absolute Kino fantasy of mine I can't wait to happen because then I will have nobody I need to care for.
vidya is a relatively cheap hobby if you don't buy every new AAA game
I'm not minimum wage, but honestly with how fucked everything seems it makes more sense to just live your life then retire with a 9mm to the dome.
this is pretty much the proper advice, even people born into massive wealth basically just live their youth out with hard drugs and go down in flames, so who gives a shit? What is all this class war bullshit as if any of it matters
>it makes more sense to just live your life then retire with a 9mm to the dome.
I would by anytime I think of retirement, they announce some new vidya i just have to play, that inevitably doesn't live up to my increasingly low expectations, which makes me consider retirement again and the cycle repeats.
i don't recommend hungarian girls
>tfw suicidal but catholic
If I saved all the money I spent on games in a year, in 50 years it would add up to around 25k big whoopty doo. Many dollars such wow.
>the price of your entire work shift
actually a full price game would cost me two work shifts.
Just pre-pay, dude.
same familia
'cause I don't have any degree because I'm too dumb for college teachings.
>paying for media regardless of how much you earn
It's like you enjoy throwing money down the drain
then fail your suicide within an inch of your death and then ask for forgiveness just before dying
I make $4k a month and a new game thats worth a damn comes out maybe 3-4 times a year. Games definitely aren't breaking the bank here.
What's wrong with them
Saving all your pennies just leaves you with a lot of pennies. You have to be making decent money already for savings to actually be worth anything.
Be selective about your games/buy on sale, if you are good with money you should have plenty to spare on vidya
Just do something that wrecklessly endangers yourself and could be fatal, like trying to walk a tightrope/wire between two buildings. This way if you fall it'll be an accident, not a suicide.
Same famalam. Still pirate most things since I got that habit growing up with no money
>implying I won't kill myself by the age of 30
>with a lot of pennies
Which you can then properly use to improve your situation. Again this isn't rocket science, wasting your money, little money or big money, is still wasting your money.
I thought Eastern European girls were meant to be skinny and underweight. The type you'd see their visible ribs if they took off their tops
>Having my mother die would be a big relief because then I wouldn't have to take care of someone that stopped believing in me long ago yet tries to emotionally blackmail me into being part of her family that also thinks badly of me.
Jesus fucking christ faggot you need to man up and grow up
Go out and build your own life instead of obsessing over your relationship to your mother lmao
I mean offing yourself at like 65 dude.
Feels that way.
That sucks dude.
Maybe in other eastern eu countries but not here,people are eating really unhealthy and they continue to get diabetes and gain more weight.
>tfw no sensitive german gf
it hurts
>be wagecucking in 3rd world
>mase $1000/mo
>swear to save money and only pirate from now on because fuck 1st worlder
>haven't pirated anything because everything is so tiresome now
I'm feeling so empty.
>I should stop eating healthy and only eat ramen noodles
It's not expensive to eat healthy
>I should stop working out because it costs alot of money for gym membership
Why the fuck would you buy a gym membership? You can workout anywhere
>I should stop fucking random fat chicks on tinder because I would be waiting gas and have to maintain my car further
Literally lost your virgnity so not a wizard. Shame, but I'm still willing to help you
>I should stop playing vidya and watching TV because it would drive up the price of my electricity bill.
Turn the lights off you dumbnut
>I should stop downloading so much because it will drive up the data cap bill on my internet
What the hell could you be downloading that raises your bills? stop it
What country?
>be neet with rich parents
>don't do anything with life but live on vices and do whatever I want
>0 fulfillment
It doesn't matter what station you are born into, eventually the human condition kicks your ass I guess.
>Be me
>hikikomori otaku weeb
>Neet for years
>decide to put autism to use
>Do editing for Twitch and Youtube gamers
>Make $50 an hour
>Now comfy
>Now never leave home or my room
>Enough money to buy vidya forever
>only downside is gain weight
>no gf
You literally in a house of other losers that failed at life like yourself
Ooooh you get a slightly more expensive car out of it. Big deal. This isn't 1952, shit is expensive.
Is this enough to get a cute gold digger gf
I just didn't buy games that weren't heavily discounted. But now that I make really good money....I still only buy games used and on heavy discounts. That shit adds up.
If you're poor dont make yourself more poor. Pay off any debt before buying any video game, dont get yourself more debt, make sure you have enough in your bank account to live off of for a minimum of 3 if not at least 6 months. You guys can make it
>Buy dollar store panties
>rub on sweaty taint
>post on ebay as "Sweaty" girl panties and use a random face generating AI for some gril faces
>buy vidya
Stupid wagies cant use their imaginations to make a buck without selling 40 hours of their life a week
Which is no excuse to waste your money on garbage.
And generally speaking, no, things are comparatively much cheaper now.
>Buying games
lmao, no wonder you are poor
Gotta be a millionaire senpai
If' it's garbage then why the fuck are you here
>things are comparatively much cheaper now
is this bait
Diversity fuck yeah.
Cause it's free and it can be entertaining, enjoying the finer things in life.
Do you even know how much it costed to buy a fucking television back then? Or a computer? Jesus you kids are absolutely isolated from reality and history.
Electronics are cheaper but literally everything else in the world is more expensive
Sure, a tv cost a thousand but a house cost like 18k and a car 2k and you could get bread for 10 cents.
>have two people pay for all of your essentials
stupid NEET
how do you find someone who needs help with editing
Food is a lot cheaper, too. Cars are cheaper if you buy them used, which is fine because cars now last longer. Honestly the FEW things I have to say they are much more expensive is top of the line medical treatment, because much of it is literally from the last 5 years. Houses/rent/property, which are the actual problem which should be discussed, and that's it.
>and you could get bread for 10 cents
You don't understand the meaning of purchasing power m8.
Just don't be a dropkick and you can make decent money
Sounds real comfy to me, maybe try and find cheaper ones if they give you the same feels
Typically either kill themselves or flee the country.
or they have children so that the children accrue the debt when they die
Straight bangs make my peepee go big and hard
Children don't inherit their parent's debts though
Indonesia. Apparently I'm on rather upper spectrum in terms of pay. That's not saying much really.
The rent for my rat hole is $50/mo with pretty nice internet speed (2MB/s) and free electricity.
Been thinking to invest on property and then rent it out, but I hate dealing with people.
I will be lucky if my parents don't inherit me debt. As far as I know, I'm safe but my father is a retard so dunno.
>You don't understand the meaning of purchasing power m8.
Actually I do. $100 in 1950 could buy you what $1k buys you today.
Still surprises me there are people in my country stuck on shit tier jobs who aren't teenagers working their first job or ESL immigrants
Fuck off back to Yea Forums
>monthly cost of living in my home country is $100
Burger wages are godsent. I just jack off and sometimes make CAD models in my cubicle and get $40/hr. At this rate I will be retiring before I turn 25.
He said blue eyes.
So you're working in America but intend to go home to retire early?
I save half my paycheck and still have money for vidya
Buying power also has to take into account how much the person earns, fuckface. The wages rose as well.
Wish I had a gf that looks like this
That's the plan for now, yes. I feel so lucky getting such cushy job considering I only had rice and fermented grass for food around two years ago.
>saving fiat
My dad's intending on doing the same and moving from Australia when he retires (obviously not in his 20s). Can't really fault him for doing it because his savings are going to last a hell of a lot longer
Being old sucks fucking ass I'll just put myself down when I get to that point
>used autism
>post all the time on new videos, streams until noticed
>took time to put up examples everday of a quick edit I did so experience looked huge.
Emo teens are a godsend
I've been planning my suicide for about a month now. I think my work will be down sizing again since the bosses didn't bring home enough bonuses. Not that the company is in the red, they are making money, just not enough for the bosses.
How do I get a gf if I got a good job and don't live with my parents
Congrats user. What you described is called having a trade and ability to market it. Which is a respectable thing. Having investment isn't a bad thing so you can be neet longer.
No they have not, they have not made that much inflation since the 80s.
They might be crazy, but they are so fun.
>being ./fit/ and still fucking fatties
you failed at life
It is a girl.
I just like their look
Edgy thots, goths, emos/scene, punks you name it, muh dick loves it
You LITERALLY posted a study saying that the purchasing powers haven't changed. What the fuck is your point? A lot of shit got cheaper, some shit like houses got more expensive.
Literally see the other retard replying to me.
Yeah, the dark clothes and black hair contrasting with the pale skin and light eyes.
It's pretty cute, and their hairstyles too.
That's fucking gross. The outside of a banana is bitter and sour because all the sugar is drawn to the center of the banana. Not to mention it's dirty and gross, think of all the dirty hands and bacteria on the outside of that thing. Disgusting.
I'm sure she cleaned it beforehand.
>23 yo zoomer
>grew up in 2008-2012 when this was the style
>never banged one of these heavy eye shadow with frilly hair types when i was a teen
i wish i could painlessly die
>23 year old too
>always had a hard on for those girls
>they weren't really a thing around here
>only emo I knew and was close with was my sister
At least I got to hug and snuggle her constantly.
>save up money
>ignore the fact that inflation is eating up everything you save
Great life advice you fucking retard
you got at least that. i fucked a fat blonde girl in the butt in her car. even if that sounds amazing to some, i never got a taste of these emo types when i wanted it so bad. i wish i couldve hugged your sister. nothing perverted or with bad intentions, just the touch of one of these girls...youre lucky man
>How do minimum wagies justify buying vidya when it cost the price of your entire work shift?
Wait for a sale.
t. third worlder who earns 160 USD a month
>tfw pirated Sekiro because I'm poor.
>have a super easy banking job
>work from home 3-4 days per week
>super overpaid for my skill set/experience due to 3 signficant raises I was entitled to for technical reasons (thank you corporate bureaucracy) rather than merit
>company closes our department entirely, laid off
>get nice redundancy payment, move back in with my parents to avoid having to spend it on rent, sponge off them for last 3 months
>starting a real job, for roughly the same money, but 5 days a week in the office and a 90 minute each way commute next month
Pray for me.
I don't buy AAA games
I almost always buy games on sale.
The most I've paid in the past 6 years for a game is $40, and that was one time.
Vidya provides the best overall value despite the high entry price, I can get hundreds to thousands of hours of entertainment for the cost of 3 or 4 movie tickets.
A couple nights out partying could pay for a new graphics card or an entire game console.
Don't even get me started on membership fees and equipment costs for sports.
It's candles not candies you fucking retards
The "garbage" things you're talking about wasting money on make up most of the things that became cheap. That is why minimum wage is so hard to live on. Even if you save a few hundred a year, in 20 years that's not going to make you not still broke. Having 50k for emergencies is not a bad thing, but it's not enough to actually upgrade your wealth either. If you start spending it, it'll be gone quicker than you think.
>adam's apple
>bulge in front of pants
Your logic checks out.
Damn dude, I could hire you to clean my shit and keep my vidya in order and I'd pay you more than that
Yeah, it's weird.
Every evening I had the kind of girl I wanted in my arms, or leaning on my shoulder, and yet that's the most I could do.
So close, yet so far.
>starting a real job, for roughly the same money, but 5 days a week in the office and a 90 minute each way commute next month
I did that for a year and a half. I'd have thrown myself off the bridge I drove across each day if I hadn't transferred to a better location and job
>adam's apple
>bulge in front of pants
Compare her shoulders and hips.
It's a girl.
>The "garbage" things you're talking about wasting money on make up most of the things that became cheap
Yeah no
>musical instruments
>professional software
You're just shit at money management, trying to find an excuse for it.
>but it's not enough to actually upgrade your wealth either
It is if you invest it.
yeah...again lucky for you and i still wish i could painlessly die. even if i tried i know i couldnt make it and the style is dead or its just sjws that adopted it. i wish i could freeze everything in 2009...
Load your phone up with books and take a couple deliberate half hour shit breaks just to read every day, breaking up the tedium of the day will reduce your stress massively.
Working for minimum wage isn’t even the worst part about being a wage slave it’s essentially having no schedule of any time. My managers at burger king consistently ignore my prerequisite starting time for weekdays, ask me to work on my off days, and ask me to stay for hours after my shift ends.
Look for punk girls.
Those still exist and look kinda similar, although more likely to have tattoos and all that.
At least they tend to be as girly as those emos.
>girl gets weeb/vidya tattoos for the sole purpose of attracting orbiters to give her paypal bucks and to buy her stuff off her wishlist
imagine the regret once she grows out of this shit
>investing tiny amounts of money into a cd
I'm sure that extra 10 bucks after a year will really help him out
She has no paypal or patreon on her instagram.
And from her posts, it's either her parents or her boyfriend paying for all that stuff.
As if you've ever invested in anything.
Considering she probably makes most people's yearly salaries in a month, I'd say she wont regret it when she's sitting pretty atop a pile of cash.
Managed to get my family outta a massive debt, can you say the same?
I always wondered how the statistic that said 50% of people don’t have $1000 saved could be possible now I know how. Complete brainlets. Save some of your money.
>le "i´ve been 5 days in X country therefore i know their culture" meme
Also what gives. Paris, London, NY...they´re all the same now. Just brown people with low IQ and whites who had their identity droped.
you faggots think that's bad? imagine living in a 3rd world shithole and every new AAA title costs 1/4 of your monthly income
be thankful vydia is a 1st world problem, you really are lucky
they probably live with their parents or their bf pays for everything
I saved $13000 and I still don't want to spend $60 on a video game.
Ihave a 16 inch dick this iz the internet faggot.
I can say I've never been in debt to begin with. I pay my rent.
>Expecting your relatives to die because of their money
What a sad life
That's good for you, but it's one thing to be good enough with money to not get in debt, it's another thing to actually manage to get OUT of debt.
Main reason I'm not in debt is that I'm too broke for actual credit that isn't at some predatory interest which I know better than to get into.
I can afford games and I still only play cs and ow, that is when I'm not being entertained by the funny folks at Some things never change.
Gifts from family or piracy.
>Yea Forums boomers trying to give out financial advice
This board is a fucking joke
Unless you're rich, games in SEA can reach up to $200-250 each due to taxes and currency conversion
Also buying a console is out of question since all most are sold within $1700-2200++ price tag which is ridiculous
I pirate all my games lmao. Adapt, improvise, overcome.
There's a lot of SEAfags when I play FFXIV, how do they afford to pay a subscription?
>Main reason I'm not in debt is that I'm too broke for actual credit that isn't at some predatory interest which I know better than to get into
Sometimes you have no choice, not that it was my decision to make back then. But still, I hope you never have to fight your way out of this hole.
Subscription rates are dirt cheap since my isp supported it
What is actually wrong with recommending that one save their money.
>mfw you're so poor you can only watch anime adaptation of the game
>Graduated last semester
>4 months later and still at my retail job
>Tried applying for a warehouse job nearby
>Didnt get a callback
At least I can still buy vidya.
I guess that's why my FC is 90% Indonesian and Singaporean
Yes until recessions happen.
I agree with you on the investing part, but it's not a sure thing ,user
That's why I mentioned a portfolio, you don't want to have all your investments in one specific area. In fact I'd say, have investments in different countries, and keep some sort of valuable material in a safe (not necessarily at your home) in came something really bad happens.
That's so gay, no one likes berserk this much.
Which sea? It is not that expensive here in Indonland. Around 50 burgers for console games. Less for steam.
S**g**o*e. Fuckin hate it
Hey man thanks for your words, i just woke up and read the thread. Seriously, thanks, it help to read them.
You'd have to stop being a coward to change so it will never happen. You don't change because you don't want to.