Why is persona 4 the best persona?

Why is persona 4 the best persona?

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3 = 5 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4

hey persona 5 was released in 2016 just in case you missed it

This, 100%
Persona 4 had a great setting, tone, and soundtrack. That's about all it had going for it.

because my wife Naoto is best.

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cast felt like they were genuine friends with each other, and weren't forced to hang out like in 3 or were just coworkers like in 5

I'll give you that. I liked the vibe of friendship that P4 emphasized. Too bad half the cast fucking sucked.

that's reality. persona 4 felt like a Nickelodeon show.

Every persona is the worst persona.

It’s an anime jrpg with high school kids getting super powers/stands and punching god in the face to save the world. What the fuck makes you think I want reality

i bet you love marvel movies.

Just imagine what Chie's feet smell like after an entire day of wearing her shoes during shoes.

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Because a faggot cat doesn't tell you to sleep.

Are there any other oldfags ITT who remember when Yea Forums wouldn't let anyone like 4 and had to shit on it constantly by comparing it to 3?

What changed?


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>Why is persona 4 the best persona?
Story didn't escalate too big too fast, the end sure it was for the true ending but fine.
Music was pretty damn good
Small town focus was way easier to build around the characters without making shit unimportant
You don't just make friends with literally everyone at first contact willing to go into randomville with you
No damn cat, teddy has issues but most are forgivable since it isn't naggingly bad
No stupid social shit that is overall more a chore than anything
Gameplay isn't broken with mementos, nor is there a huge plot hole because of it

>You don't just make friends with literally everyone at first contact willing to go into randomville with you
isn't that just how 3 4 and 5 work though?

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I'ma stick it in her scathatch.

There's a bunch of characters, especially the main characters, who you work on for weeks just to start their social links. Each of the main characters tells yu to fuck off the first time they meet because they think he's some kind of weirdo.

Compared to 5, 4 at least they are just classmates that you don't get shoved into dealing with on day 1. You see them fling back and forth for a little bit before actual interaction. P5 you don't even get in the door and shoved into your friend and he's your friend because you got yelled at next to him.

P4 at least has some kind of build up into an interesting main plot point that you share throughout the game. P5 you are just instantly good for everyone right out the gate.

non argument dumbasssssss

>Outcast delinquent is stuck in the rain with another Outcast
>They begin socializing once the new guy realizes they should stick together
It's a little contrived, but it makes sense. Some of the others are really bad, but Ryuji's meeting is totally fine.

yeah, youske is weirded the fuck out by you after seeing the shadow shit he pulls. Then comes around and is far more warm to you, even the dialouge has him stating he thought yu was a fucking weirdo.


It was too fucking happy and fuck teddy
Couldnt fuck your little sister
3&5 are way better

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I'd stick it right inn

EP > 3 > 5 > IS > 4

Comfy setting, Kanji. It has the best characters in my opinion.

Teddie never told me to go to fucking bed, if anything he'd keep you up all night.

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because of naoto
also naotobros can we turn this into a naoto thread?

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Ryuiji's is okay compared to the others, I just felt it was by far way too rushed. Everything just feels like it escalates way to fast in 5 and at the same time feeling like stuff was cut out.

P4 non golden has some issues with the characters, but no where near as bad as "how the fuck did we get to this again?" or the like.

3 is better but 5 is probably the worst. I love 3 and 4 so much but can't bring myself to get invested in anything going on in 5. Maybe the themes in 5 seem way too impersonal for me. I don't hate adults that much nigga

Those are some heavily rose tinted glasses. 3 had absolutely ass pacing. The end is good but you had to slog though a poorly paced game with a generic as fuck super dungeon to get there.

Fucking love Larry, best waifu and only waifu worth a damn.

This is now a Maya thread.

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>Be a retard that only gets into Persona because of Arena
>Love the cast of P4 and P3 in it
>Go back and play P3
>Like it, despite its flaws
>Play P4
>None of the characters are as likable here as they are in Arena
>Dislike it, despite its objective improvements over 3's gameplay
I kinda fucked myself there.

I didn't mind 3's story pacing that much, but I will give you that the dungeon and gameplay is atrocious by today's standards.

This is a chie thread

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>that's reality
Sorry you're stuck with shit tier friends


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P4 just aged really bad, golden fixed a good amount of things but overall time was not good to it in terms of combat

In what way did P4 age badly? The combat is essentially the same minus learned skills from the new card system. If you say Chie's voice you're absolutely not my nigga.

The one and only Maya!

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I'm the Arenafag. Yes, Chie's voice. I don't think her voice, itself, is better, but her acting is.

I have a machete and I will use it on you if you don't back off

Shadow pathing and ability to land a sneak/first strike attack just seems to be weird
P4 NEEDS autoplay on some of the dialogue, especially at the beginning
Aliasing is kinda bad feels like they tried to extend FoV over some of the sharper details, would have taken a slightly smaller draw distance for some better aliasing

minor shit really not knocking the game hard

I just finished 3, 4, and 5 and I look at them like this:
>3: Best characters and story
>4: Best scenario and tone
>5: Best gameplay and mechanics

All worth playing though

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best girls in the series by FAR

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Old game good. New game bad. 5 released so now 4 is old game.

>worse story than 2
>worse characters than 2
>worse gameplay than 5
>worse music than 5
>less soul than 2 or 5
under what criteria is p4 the best in the series? people only like it as much as they do because it's a gary stu simulator where your beta orbiter friends kiss your ass the entire time.

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>3: Best characters
>Yukari, Actual child, a dog.

>This wasn't PQ2
christ, I wish this was real

Biggest issue I had with 5's mechanics is that if you do most the Mementos shit, day 1'ing dungeons isn't even a challenge or remotely anything you need to take SP into account for.
>oh look I got a shit load of EXP for my team
>wow I have tons of yen now
>can get the best weapons/gear now
>eh instead of SP usage I'll just whack enemies on a sneak attack

Fight over 3, 4, and 5 all you want, but we can all agree IS/EP are overrated as fuck right?
>MUH PLOT! isn't even that good.
>gameplay is complete fucking ass.

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you don't actually need to do most of the mementos shit to day-one dungeons. just rush through tae's social link as fast as you can and buy some sp adhesives and you're good to go.

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Non-social link character development user, that alone wins.

Not that user, but yes, in comparison to 4's:
>Discount Junpei
>Rise the whore
and 5's:
>even worse Yosuke
>entirety of morgana
>literally who cares about Haru when she's shoehorned this late in the game
Also, fuck you, Koro is based and cute.

the gameplay sucks, sure, but so does p3's.
the story runs circles around p4's weak-sauce scooby-doo plot.

Yeah, that's another thing you get the sp regin shit way to fucking early right? it's like s-link 4?

You can still just do mementos stuff and cash out with enough yen for items and shit.

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>Mitsuru, Akihibro, Junpei, Shinji, and Best Velvet Assistant
>Hating on based Koro
Fuck you, man

>Even worse Yosuke
Fuck you, too, actually.

Good point. 3 had better social links but as for main party I prefer both 4 and 5 over it.

2's story completely goes to shit once you beat Hitler. Yes, that means the entirety of EP.

Would've been great although it would then require someone on the creative team to have played the games to write characters correctly

I was talking main party. Best Velvet girl is still best Velvet girl.

With how PQ butchered some characters I don't think they read more than their basic info.

Why the fuck do you remind me of this shit character I hated to no end.
>oh my dad is a mega millionare dude, but I still go to this school for rejects and losers
>I also have an arranged bf/husband for some reason too
>my mom is also dead
>I'm more shallow than a raindrop on a sidewalk
>you should like me for some reason because I am sassy or some shit
>my dad died too!

I didn't give a shit about her character the entire encounter

let's be real. junpei, yosuke, and ryuji are all shit compared to the one true bro of persona, eikichi.

5’s story and characters are straight up dog shit compared to 4. Persona 4 isn’t the greatest thing ever but 5 was just stupid kids pretending to be super heroes for no reason. At least in 4 it made sense for them to actually be fighting since people were going to die if they didn’t do anything.

Such a fucking excellent design wasted on such a shallow character. I didn't understand why the dad had to be the heart thing when the arranged fiance would've made more sense.

I like Junpei but your taste is top tier.

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I'm a fucking normie who started the series with 5 but I've been trying to work my way backwards through the series.

I beat 4 last year and I'm finally getting around to playing 3. I hope I enjoy it as much as I enjoyed the other two.

You just posted her, OP.

I never understood why the dude she was to be married showed up in the same castle as her dad and was then never mentioned again for any reason.

One or the other would have worked just fine but gotta make burger space station global domination.

3 for Aigis
4 for Naoto
5 for eh, who cares

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Because the main theme of 5 was unchecked desires revolving around abusing societal power roles, so Okumura's deal was "big name corporate CEO." Haru only existed to give the team a semblance of a personal connection, weak as it was, to Okumura. Haru was always a means to an end, which was really unfortunate.

He showed up in the fake suicide scene and in her confidant.

>"I'm not gay, I swear"
What's next?

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I like it when you give Naoto something skimpy to wear in 4 and she says she'd rather just wear it for you in private.

Tested it a couple of weeks ago and sound it really charming despite not really liking this type of games. Nevertheless Í stopped playing it because I learned it is 70 hours long. Is it really that long?

Yeah they are that long, I skipped a lot of 4's social links and side quests since it was my first game and didn't know what I was doing and it was around 80 hours for me. 3 and 5 I tried to do everything and ended up with around 100-120 hours for them

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