God damn

god damn

Attached: playstation-2-fall-2001.original.jpg (1024x901, 180K)

The best year in console gaming.

we also got Halo CE same year, fuck what a time to have grown up in

Fuck me that was a good year. Look at that, one season and every single one is a killer.

I have never heard of Dark Alliance. Is it some kino classic or does it just so happen to be on this poster alongside the 10/10 games?

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How far the mighty have fallen.


baldur's gate

Never heard of it

half of those are shite

>this lineup
Is this the best holiday/launch lineup for any single console ever?

nobody cares x box nerd

>dark alliance

how does it make you feel knowing you'll never see this kind of line up from sony ever again?

AC04 > MGS2 > SH2 > DMC > GT3 > GTAIII > Jak & Daxter > ICO
Never played Baldur's Gate. Never liked Final Fantasy.

Only one of those games is worth a shit

>I'm an uninteresting person, so I'll make up for my lack of a personality through contrarian opinions
Ah, Yea Forums. Never change.

Devil May Cry, right?

feels bad man

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FFX sucks
Jack and Daxter
Ico is overrated art game
Dark Alliance, Metal Gear Solid 2, and Silent Hill 2 got superior ports to the Xbox less than a year later.
Try harder, kid

Massive budgets killed these type of games.
We won't get new IPs like these ever again.

One of the reasons why the ps2 was so fucking successfull

>new IPs
>Ace Combat FOUR
>BALDUR'S GATE Dark Alliance
>Final Fantasy TEN
> Gran Turismo THREE
>Grand Theft Auto THREE
>Metal Gear Solid TWO (technically Metal Gear 4)
>Silent Hill TWO

No, you faggots shitting on games like Andromeda and Anthem is what did it
Congratulations, you killed the industry

This. Say what u will about Ninja Theory but I like them trying to make a mid tier budget game with Senua instead of these 50 million dollar productions

industries have to die in order for a newer, fresher, less stagnant and corrupt one to be born in its wake

Based retard

Wow, shitting on stupid cashgrab AAA games has killed the industry. Those poor devs how will they ever recover.
Never mind that Yea Forums has been endlessly shilling Sekiro every day, a new IP.

This. Long live the AA.

>cash grab
You stupid fucker. Every game is a cash grab. That's the whole point of making games


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>AAA games have been shit recently
>Smaller budget AA titles have done extremely well
We might be on the cusp of that again, user. Let's just hope the really big companies fall.

Nah, 1998 was way better
>Ocarina of Time
>Pokemon Red and Blue
>Resident Evil 2
>Symphony of the Night
>Radiant Silvergun
>Metal Gear Solid
>Sonic Adventure (in japan)
and that's no even counting PC games, which had Starcraft, Half-Life, Thief, and Baldur's Gate
2002 and 2017 were better for consoles than 2001 as well, I think

and remember faggots, those were exclusive at the time with GTA3 not hitting the xbox until 2004!

sotn was 1997

A "cash-grab" doesn't mean it's being sold for profit. A cash-grab is a shoddy and/or haphazardly put-together product created to generate cash a quickly as possible. In essence, it's a swindle. A soulless product meant to trick the ignorant masses. If you think Andromeda and Anthem are labors of love you are deeply mistaken.

I was born in '90 and I could've sworn I got pokemon when I was 7, googling that I had to of been 8 or 9 is fucking with me.

also, fuck you radiant silvergun didn't ever hit overseas until the xbox 360 fucking 13 years later!

stop making the saturn retroactively live in america, asshole. i had to watch it die!

This is the attitude that kills mediums. The purpose is to make the game, making money sustains production and future projects. Making money serves making the game, when you switch those things you get shallow flops. A "cash grab" is only that, not every game is a "cash grab", there are people really trying to make something they're excited to share. If every game was a cash grab every game would be slots.

>if it didn't release in america it didn't exist
People who were adults in the late 90s would import Japanese games, user

It was a good year, indeed

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Like 80% of the games in Op's picture are sequels.
Do you even read your posts before you bother shitting them out?

>there will never be a holiday season this good again
And it's just one console, this isn't even including Gamecube or PC. Fucking hell I miss these times.

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>and now, the PS4's launch lineup!

Attached: ps4's shitty shenanigans.jpg (620x400, 39K)

Actually, OP's picture is not the PS2 launch lineup. The PS2 released in 2000. These are the launch titles

Attached: PS2 Launch.png (378x671, 14K)

literally demons souls 0.5
i'm still mad we never got the sequel in english.

no other system since had 27 fucking titles or hell, more than 10, at launch.

>Silent Scope
>Tekken Tag
Fuck yeah.

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27 is hard to beat, but more than 10 has been done since.
Gamecube launched with 12.
OG Xbox with 20
Xbox 360 with 18
PS3 with 14
Wii with 21 if you count Wii Sports
Wii U, PS4, and Xbone all launched with 20+ titles but that's counting digital-only releases

Attached: Wii U launch.png (310x861, 19K)

there was a home port of silent scope? I guess I know what I'm buying myself for my birthday.

There's no peripheral unfortunately, and the guncon is not compatible with it. Konami should have made a Justifier 2 for the PS2, but I guess they figured they'd just leave the Guncon as the "official" light gun for the PS2

shit, and im sure that a ton of those post 6th gen consoles are all fucking last gen games with newer graphics and shit along with a few newer games.

shit, the N64 had 2 goddamn games and you only needed to buy ONE. fucking mario 64.

now, it makes me weep trying to figure what i might want, hoping it doesn't suck ass and also, nintendo is exempt because you can't fucking beat a game at launch like BOTW. its just not fair, shit is like mario 64. its like having a fucking automatic gun in a fist fight.

really? That's fucking lame. Is it just analog/dpad controlled then?

>>Getting Dark Alliance and Tony Hawk 3 around xmas that year, played them non-stop for the next few days with my older brother.

Good times

Yup you just move the scope over the screen to where you wanna shoot. It's not as good as the arcade experience since you don't get the cool little scope screen to look through.

i dont think any of you have actually played these games. jak & daxter is cool, ace combat is.. a fucking flight sim. ffx is barely an rpg, more like a movie, dmc is fucking bad, atleast 1. ico is boring as shit and the contrast bleeds your fucking eyes. trust me, try playing this game on a crt and it'll be like getting blinded with a flashlight. mgs2 is another movie-like game, atleast mgs1 doesnt give you 4 cutscenes in a row in the beginning of a game. and gta 3, its ok i guess.
if you want a real good launch system lineup look at n64

Well my hopes were raised and dashed in the matter of 10 minutes. One day I'll find someone selling a silent scope cab for a decent price that isn't total shit.
local arcade shutting down wanted $5,000 for the cab, when the actual sniper was unmoving. assholes.

Separate user, but importing was still a niche and rare thing. Internet wasn't wide place and slow as shit then, I went through a game shop in Orlando that'd do bulk imports and I'd just pick through what they got and seemed cool. That was back when games went on discount fast so I'd make a monthly visit and pick up a bulk of PS1 games for ten or so bucks each, shit that'd go for 80 bux + now. I remember I got powerstone 2 from the guy for 17 bucks, copy still has a price tag on it.

I was a kid during the late 90s but my oldest brother was in their 20s and worked at a specialty game store, so they would import the games for the people who special ordered them from some vendor they sold through. I remember I would look at the import catalogs, which were all text, but just imagining what kind of great games I was missing purely based on the titles. Man, I wish I was born a little earlier. Would have liked to have been college aged in the late 90s, that would have been such a sweet time to game and fuck around the internet as an adult.

Attached: PlayStation2-launch.jpg (800x1150, 217K)

Not one good game there
No wonder I waited a year to buy this shit

FFX is rated the greatest game ever made.

>Armored Core 2
>Eternal Ring
>Midnight Club Street Racing
>Ridge Racer V
>Street Fighter EX3
>Tekken Tag Tournament
Holy shit that was a amazing launch, and i'm sure there is more good games in there that i simply didn't play.

Seething So(n)yBoy

guess what also came out in2001 8-)
hint. it's me