Why aren't you playing Merc, user? Don't tell me you're bad at video games.
Risk of Rain 2
Monsoon is easier than Drizzle
first for merchads
>Why aren't you playing Merc, user?
because merc is boring to me, i prefer run and gun to over the top anime iframes bullshit
need artificer ass on my face
Mercs fucking it up as usual
I saw a bunch of retarded versions of this chart in the previous thread and my autism compelled me to make one that was more realistic.
Mul-T: Will be lower on the OP axis once his crit bug has been fixed. Biggest thing that sets him apart right now is how well his health scales, preventing him from getting one shot cucked by blazing enemies in later loops.
Engi: Really safe character. Very solid. Does decent damage and can completely turtle it out and still kill the boss if he really has to.
Huntress: Decent character. Low HP means you can get cucked by blazing enemies.
Commando: Decent character. Lack of invuln on roll means you can get cucked by blazing enemies.
Mercenary: Strong character but gets super ultra cucked by blazing enemies and worms.
Artificer: Not as bad as people say, but relies on the right build a bit more than others. I'm actually totally fine with all of her skills except Flamethrower. That move needs more range or it becomes useless in later loops. It just ends up being way too dangerous to use.
Most of the balance issues are because of blazing enemies honestly. Mul-T and Engi play extremely safe and can avoid them, the others don't really have that luxury. Especially Merc and Artificer.
Have some fresh, tiny OC.
Hopoo has asked you personally to redesign Acrid so that he works in a 3D environment. How do you do it?
>Why aren't you playing Merc, user?
Can't stop playing Artificer, she's my favorite now.
vanilla lobby na
But I am.
How did you become one with the blazing though?
What is confusing to me is why so many people are giving shit to Mul-T when Engineer is just as guilty if not moreso of being overpowered and having a boring playstyle. It feels entirely due to the fact people were claiming Mul-T was overpowered in first day impressions which has just put a random stigma.
great job user! please keep it up!
Why is Chucklefish bad and why did Hopoo leave them for Gearbox?
what the fuck does the ukelele do?
that's the good stuff
Make her wall either block enemy projectile and not break when enemies run into it or just make a circle so its easier to get clumps of enemies on the ground. Increase the range of her flamethrower by about 70%
remove the retarded fire damage aura around elites and worms or reduce it. Make worms not have bloated health values. Give proper collision to enemies so merc can refresh his jumps by jumping on enemies and give i-frames to his blink.
Give him i-frames on his roll. Make his suppressing fire an attack speed buff for a certain amount of time rather than making attack speed useless for it. Buff aoe on his phase shot slightlyand make it slow enemies. Make his weapons not sound awful.
can someone post the text doc for the additional players mod?
Whenever you hit an enemy, it has a chance to shock enemies close to the enemy you hit, dealing damage.
How do unlock extended mags?
>finally killed Aurelius
>get nothing for it, no achievement, no monster log
I change absolutely nothing because a direct 2D to 3D conversion would actually be perfect and probably work better than it did in 2D.
merc against worms is fine, you can chain dash up them and have kino air combat at long as youve stacked enough scythe and leeching seed.
but blazing enemies are hit and run or get your shit pushed in
Damn hiroshimoot taking away the like button
Fully Charge a teleporter without getting hit. You basically just gotta get lucky on the first or second map and kill everything as soon as it spawns. Just keep playing and it'll happen for you eventually.
AoE baby
I hope they come back, I always really liked them. Their pixel art reminded me of an Evangelion
Curious about this too since Stardew they were getting shit
does the version from skidrow save progress or is it all going away the moment I close the game?
>Only had that shrine appear once, but died to le cheap leserr when he had 1% life
That cheap asshole can't evade me forever.
I fucking knew it, I got fucked out of them. I did a hitless teleporter with engineer and they didn't unlock
Testing HONOR artifact (also glass)
Lobby of 8
He's fun to do in a group if you know what you're doing, because at least half your teammates will die and he drops like 8 Titanic Knurls.
play engineer
have fun finally killing magma worm sometime in the next decade then
Any aussies want to do monsoon? My final achievement is killing a monsoon elite.
Give him the ability to fly.
No feet fags.
Do i need to install anything ?
>He hasn't play Artificer with Primordial Cube and a fuckton of Backup Magazines and Gasoline
am i bad or is artificer like really shit
I keep picking up items without stopping to consider if it's something I should leave for someone else, like fungus. How can I control my greed?
Send help I haven't seen the ground in five weeks
As merc, should you be using your R more offensively or defensively?
I fucked it up, lobby closed for now
>commando named player
still a total noob but I'm having fun, I've unlocked huntress and mul-t so far, I can consistently get to the 4th boss now but I haven't beat it yet. Got very close on my last run then died to that rock guys lazer, he showed up during the magma worm boss. The ceremonial daggers seem nutty I had some on that run.
Magma worm is a already a problem for pretty much everyone that isn't Mul-T or Commando though
>no mobility
>no health
>an ability that stops doing anything beyond minute 20
>a useless M1
yeah she's pretty bad
Fungus for Engineer
Backup Mags for Artificer
The rest is pretty much a free for all imo
R offensively unless you know you're going to need to use it to dodge a big attack on reaction. I hold it for elder lemurians, the big jellyfish explosion, and golem lasers.
I'm waiting for the day when someone makes a simple mod that replaces the drizzle and rainstorm icons with monsoon, it will be absolute chaos for these threads
>Someone reposts your art
Everything is alright today
Also what do rusted chests look like? I haven't seen a single one so far are they multi only or something?
M1 - Leap forward and latch onto an enemy, attacking them continuously
M2 - Spit acid in a wide AoE in front of you, stuns enemies and deals DoT
Slip'n'Slide - Secrete poison behind you, increase movement speed for yourself and allies, slows enemies, allows you to move up surfaces (like commandos roll), increased duration based on movement speed
Epidemic - Same as RoR1, release poison which spreads between enemies
Glad you're doing it. I was in the glass test, and enemies just died too fast. Maybe you should play a few RoR1 glass and honor matches to refresh the feeling?
Please bring Enforcer back Hopoo, I want to believe.
109775240989668488 NA EAST
16 MAN ROYAL RUMBLE FUCKFEST, LAST ONE STANDING WINS absolutely nothing beyond bragging rights
I understood that reference
Worm just needs to not go so high into the fucking air. I don't even care if they make it move faster, just stop sending it into the atmosphere so I can actually hit it.
You're bad, shes the most powerful character in the game. Get Syringes and Magazines after getting movement items.
Toxic gas instead of acid trails, Have a bunch of the moves be around using pressure blasts to launch yourself around while leaving a massive path of DoT behind you. And have the twist be that the character is actually Acrid's child.
Bless you user
It's good, please make more.
Backup Mags make sense to me. People keep saying Syringes are good but I'm not seeing it.
Dark grey rectangles nearly jutting slightly out of the ground. Literally impossible to find on some maps and easily mistakable for random rocks on others.
Monsoon. Lobby. Vanilla. NA.
They're really small with a top that's slightly bigger than its sides.
keep getting booted to menu
Make him splatoon-like. He can paint big ass trails with his ability still, but his Mouse 1 attacks also spread toxic goo around in a radius around him, attack speed increases the spread. His ultimate is fine just the way it is, things that spread between units like ukelele and laser glaive already work well. Make his stunt spit have a longer range and/or conic shape.
shitpost for ants
4/16, get in
what is this a meme for ants?
damn need to restart the lobby. 1 sec.
speeds up m2 to ridiculous levels
>run around stealing all the items and they STILL cant stop dying
>only needs one item
>everything else just extra and makes him better and better
Give me more ideas please.
I'm not good enough for lewd yet though.
Interesting. Strange that I've found lots of cloaked chests but not a single rusted one.
so you mean pray movement items spawn?
>that fucking resolution
did you download before enlarging the image or something?
What type of game is this? What could you compare it to for someone that has never played
Is that an artificer only thing? I've seen clips of people with 50 syringes on Merc or Commando and it didn't seem to affect their skill cooldowns much.
Killing Floor 1 and 2.
>trying clover unlock run
>titanic knurl
>3x bustling fungus
>14x tougher times
>hardlight afterburner
>all set to go all the way
>accidentally step into mercenary portal without thinking
My retinas have been burnt to a crisp just thinking about that. You're on your own.
Nah m8 you're fucked
That's cause you need the key first.
no pls just come help
theres another portal that spawns if you refuse to obliterate yourself
is engineer the only character who can survive late game without having something absolutely busted?
like sticky bomb stacks etc
It doesn't speed up the cooldown. It speeds up the time it takes to fully charge it.
much better
I looked at the user's code for glass and I would like to think I know why enemies die too quick. They made it so enemies receive 5x more damage from all player attacks rather than the players base damage being 5x more.
It's a subtle difference in approach but I have yet to see if changing it feels any different in game.
Like the other ModAnon from before, I don't want to use a tripcode too often
Just go back through the portal?
You're going to burn those magma worms into your monitor man, pull out now.
a portal will be next to the obelisk allowing you to leave. if it's not there jump of the island and it'll probably appear.
this run was too good to last
died to a dunestrider I got from a shrine of combat
>Spawn in map
>Kill shit for gold
>Open chests/activate turrets/etc with said gold to get stackable item upgrades and 'progress'
>repeat x infinity on scaling difficulties as time goes by + a small jump every map change
>see how long you survive and what wacky-ass combos you can get a la Binding of Isaac but with less small room-clearing
I guess you could call it "close" to Isaac's Greed Mode but scaled up. As simple as it is, it's fun.
NA monsoon lobby. Give me a (YOU) if the lobby is still fucked.
>tfw stealing all the shrooms with an engi on team
>never stop moving to rub salt in the wounds
How does crit work in this game? If I pick up ten glasses, will i have 100% crit? Will going over 10 glasses be useless?
Invalid Lobby ID
Nah you're looking at it wrong. Yea Forums rules were Glass, Sacrifice, Command, Origin, and Honor. Honor spawns nothing but elites, which are relatively hard to kill in the first loop. However, if you had Honor off, it was pretty much exactly the same as that Glass RoR2 test: Things die really fast, takes a while for elites to come and stomp you. If user gets a functional Honor going, it'll be perfect.
not sure just yet if more than 10 does anything
some people have said it continues to stack, with double crits, and so on. i have yet to see any real proof of these claims
Crits can crit. If you do 50 dmg and crit, 100dmg. If you get to 200% crit, you'd do 200dmg. etc
going over 10 makes your crits crit
and so on
>decide to go for naturapath
>first two items are medkits
i fucking hate this game
I just want Sacrifice and Command back. RoR2 is reminding me how much I hate scouring the map for chests.
I enjoy having every single run ending to fire damage.
Syringes speed up the charge time of everything, including MUL-Ts Puncher and Artificers M2.
It also increases the sped of flamethrower so you can fire it out faster, if you had 100 syringes it would basically be instant.
NA west, Monsoon, 4 man game.
oh yeah yeah
*elite fire lizards
fixed that for you bro
Possibly controversial opinion but its kinda like Left 4 dead, Especially if you're playing multiplayer.
Blazing Ancient Golem says fuck you where's my credit
You have tesla coil, just run around them, how hard is it
its like risk of rain 1 but 3d
>tfw no character based on staying in the air
>want to play multiplayer
>also don't want to play multiplayer because there's never enough items to go around and i always end up with a shit-ton of utility items but no damage items
>go back to playing singleplayer
unless you're playing mul-t or merc, multiplayer is kinda shit
>tfw Mercenary
Not him but I want to see Mercenary with like a billion syringes and some silly gear from the game
M8, that's merc
A merc should almost never be grounded.
Y'know, you're actually pretty accurate on that.
That's just mercenary.
Kinda like EDF or Serious Sam in that you're kiting around fuckhueg groups of enemies. It's class-based like EDF but rather than choosing your weapons the variety comes from the wacky combinations of items you find in each run.
what items does mercenary want?
NA West 4-Man Monsoon
This post was made by Merc Gang
Artificer > Huntress
>camel toe
>tfw hopping between multiple Vagrants with other Mercs
Extra mags, Hardlight Afterburners, And anything else to help you keep you in the air.
>initiate mountain challenge in the Depths
>activate Teleporter
>flaming elder lemurians
I guess I really should have known better
is there a way to play singleplayer in a 4-player enverionment? just had 2 mul-ts and a merc left the game with a mountain shrine on the first level just before the teleporter, had so much fun playing engi with a fuckton of chests just for me and increased dificulty
>two afterburners
I have no clue how you Mercs actually do this because of cooldowns and that it seems like the crit-cooldown item from 1 isn't in yet.
>Get hit by blazing elder lemurian's fireball splash damage for 1/8th of my health
>Watch the rest of my health slowly burn away from the blazing DoT
Isn't Sacrifice kinda functional right now?
If not, I have some semblance of how to go about it from working on Honor
>jpg on that small of an image.
>mfw first time gettin Tutankhamen's opinion on chadgineer
i saw the light and the light was good
>25 hours in game
>still haven't gotten a celestial portal to open
Fucking how?
>Tutankhamen's opinion
you haven't beaten stage 7 in 25 hours, that's how
>these shapes
>you have summoned magma worms to fight!
>mask off
loop and get to snow stage
r8 my shrine of order
I tested this before.
Keep making MP games until you are host, make sure 4 people spawn in so you have max drops, then you just have to wait for them to leave over time.
You keep the higher drop rates on items including 4 boss items and more chests.
You cant physically repeat this any other way, it doesnt work in private games or even in solo MP games, you physically need 4 people to be in a match and then have 3 leave so maintain the items.
I...I can kinda see this working?
Playing solo, Flawless is such bullshit. Even when I try to cheese it an go pick off the boss from on top of a mountain, having to go stay in the tele zone without getting chipped by a lemur or a wisp is fucking impossible.
get the fuck in here
Commando, Merc, Engi, and Mul-T in front of a fence with energy drinks King of the Hill style. With whoever is Dale has lensmaker shades.
>top right
oh baby
outside of the slugs this actually seems decent
if you have a tougher times printer just get that 99% reduction
hell yeah
from ribbit
server borked, rejoin
na east
So when an item is locked in the logbook, does that mean it won't appear as a drop until I do whatever it needs to unlock it?
>not virginary
Its pretty fucking game breaking, I did my stage 20 achievement with it and I had 2 times more items than any other players iv seen at that stage.
Particularly that time 8 Ukuleles dropped from the boss. That was highly amusing.
you can m1 or m2 between dashes, usually gives enough time for your R to come back
then double jump m2 dash around and keep going
I would unironically enjoy playing a support/healer character
Yes, unless someone else in your game has it unlocked.
Padlock = Need to complete achievement
Blacked out = You haven't picked one up yet
You cant do the second without doing the first.
please start posting the png version
yeah same, i think it could work really well
I almost had my clover too, but overloading worm happened
>get shit items
>wandering vagrant
>cant outdps the explosion
nice game
I'm guessing Commando would be Hank, Merc would be Dale, Engi would be Bill, and Mul-T would be Boomhauer making random robot noises everybody inexplicably understands.
Don't talk to me, my sons, my bird, or my fungus ever again
if that wasn't drizzle nice run
you're meant to take cover
Just hide behind some cover.
whens the mod that turns every character into a girl
How can you tell its drizzle?
cant get into lobby, just party screen
he's about 10mil damage shy of a typical 20 stage run on rainstorm
He's guess probably.
Asking the most important question
>tfw no qt female merc
I'm the not poster, i just thought it told you the difficult on the death screen but i couldn't see it
Apparently multiplayer is just broken right now for some reason. Tons of people complaining about it in the community discussion area on steam.
some people are actually good at the game, user
which 3D printers are worth exchanging your items for?
People playing as drones should be officially implemented as something to do after death.
16 man US East
Might make the big drone worth buying
Depends on the character you're using. For example with Engineer, you should never touch a 3D Printer for white items unless it's a fungus printer. You never want to risk losing your fungi.
>"Anyone have a strategy for this teleporter"
>Mul-T: "vrrmm beep boop tch tch bop"
>Commando: "finally someone who is actually making sense here"
need 1
no shitters please
Canada West
4 man vanilla Monsoon
Glasses, Syringe, Teddy Bear, Fungus (as Engi)
I can't resist the chance to stack up gas cans.
>syringes on every character
>fungus on engineer
>backup magazines on huntress and mercenary
>crit glasses, to a certain extent on everyone
>180 degree head turn
The game seems to be broken, bosses ain't even spawning no more.
always get teddy bears
>that warbanner radius with just 8
Are they worth stacking to cover most of the map?
>someone used my picture for the thread starter
it's an insanely rare drop, seen it once in 62 hours of playtime. It seems to drop from ifrit elites, it's a Q slot item that is a passive item that essentially turns you into a fire elite enemy including being immune to fire
>Fungus - Engi
>Syringe - Merc
>Tri Tip - Commando
>Backup Mags - Artificer
>b-bbut syringe op
the point of attack speed is to either increase your base damage OR get more procs, Commando/MULT already have good proc chances and it doesn't synergize with their abilities as much as Merc's Eviscerate being OP with Syringes
>friendly clay dunestrider
I guarantee only like 3 of you unlocked Extra Mags legitimately and not with a config edit or a gay 16 player lobby
Happened to me too. I went for four hours. At some point:
>only initial enemies spawn on a level
>after killing all enemies in a level, none will spawn, even when activating teleporter
>any initial enemies you kill won't give lunar coins
>gold shrine doesn't seem to spawn on last level
It's probably to prevent people grinding challenges with insane runs.
You are like little baby
>Cotton is Miner
>"I killed fiftee elder lemurs boy, then they blew off my hooves"
nigga what
did you mean sticky bombs? tri-tip has some of the worst stacking in the game
I unlocked it legitimately on accident. Also got keyed up at the same time.
4man monsoon lobby get. PSA: Grinding money for the big drone is a trap.
I-I did it...
Does unlocking it in rainstorm count as "legitimately"?
Not really, I'll trade one for a teddy, syringe, sticky, medkit, energy drink, gasoline or whatever have you any day.
Got two happiest masks, everything turns into ghosts.
Do I just grab the celestial portal? Not really sure what to do.
how is it unlocked? i played with friends on day 1 and someone had it
is me
>Step 1
Obtain high speed (do NOT attempt without this!!!)
>Step 2
Play as usual, activate teleporter when ready
>Step 3
Spare a few moment before teleporter hits 100% to scout for lockbox, highlighted by those red teleporter claws. Do this as fast as possible
>Step 4
Complete teleporter, return to lockbox location
Disclaimer: Do not attempt this on wetlands. That map is beyond redemption
let me know if the lobby is bugged
Fully charge the tele without getting hit
Seems to happen after 15 rounds, happened to me in my clover run
Just grab celestial portal, nothing else you can really do other than stack items like movespeed ones for that one movespeed challenge
If you don't wanna do stuff like that, just obliterate yourself
Reminder that Huntress cameltoe is canon.
NA East 4 Man Rainstorm
I always get glasses for my engi. mostly because my turret looks cute with glasses on.
probably easiest with MUL-T sniping all the whips with railgun then
>get a dio's best friend
>end up dying and using it
>lose all motivation to continue the run
anyone else?
>15% chance for 240% damage
>5% chance for 250% damage
are you retarded? and bleed STACKS as a mechanic and over 100% chance it causes MORE bleeding
I heard Glass mod is in.
Do I need to do anything to connect to lobbies using it?
regarding the "charge teleporter while below 10% hp" challenge, what exactly counts here?
could I just leave the bubble at 99% charge, get below 10% hp and then step back in?
I did it by accident on multi while playing engi
How greedy and jewish are people in multiplayer? I've only been playing with friends so far, but I'll be solo this weekend.
glass mod?
It's definitely Engineer
Which I did it on and it didn't fucking unlock, so what do I fucking with in the files to unlock it?
Me. Happens in every game that has a "second chance" item, whether it be The Binding of Isaac, Crypt of the Necrodancer, or this.
lol glass is an item
>have the most broken, most OP build in my entire RoR 2 play time
>wanted to go for stage 20 for the clover
>halfway there and literally melting everything in 0000000000000000.1 seconds while getting insta-perma heals plus billions of fruit and BFG for back up
>kill Overloading worm in 2 seconds
>then immediately die out of fucking nowhere with full health
Dio's best friend is literally required at this point unless I pussy out and go drizzle (which is never)
each stack of stickies increases the chance of applying them, and like bleed you can also have mltiple of them on at a time, but unlike bleed, each stack of sticky bombs increases the damage by 125%, where as dagger increases the damage by NONE.
98% though
Still there, user? How's honor coming along?
Rename that to just assembly-csharp, stick it in your Risk of Rain 2_Data>Managed folder.
user made glass today.
>Multi as engi
>Put turrets down
>Let other players take the brunt of the enemies
Wow, you are so good
not him but there's a mod you fucking dunce
no shit it's an item, but there's a mod that makes lobbies where everyone has it by default
should work
You'll need the glass mod
it's the vidya equivalent to a ruined orgasm
I've only played with anons on Yea Forums, but it depends on what you mean.
As far as stealing items openly meant for other people/hogging all the TP items? Practically never, in my experience.
People zooming around the map and hoovering up all the chests is more of a concern, but time spent looking for chests is time spent not fighting and earning money for them, and the maps are big, so you'll always get some chests even if you get less.
those iron balls do lots of damage eventually
>glass take 10 seconds to make and devs don't care
>some faggot in his basement did it
This devs are so incompetent
Open again.
Does that assembly-csharp include 16 man lobbies as well?
But bleed can just DPS down shitmobs before stickies even explode.
>Get tesla coil from lockbox at only 4 keys
wtf I love rusty key now
>Yea Forums don't host any games like 1st week
>need to play with the faggots on discord who aren't even half as fun as with Yea Forums
I was having so much fun....
I know right?
No need to praise me
welcome to hopoo coding. at least the netcode isn't that bad this time around.
Got it with engi, just rush boss on drizzle and place turrets, hide inside bubble or behind a rock when on cooldown
It's been out for 4 days in Early Access, ESLkun
Does tri-tip dagger apply to bosses?
dont you think he has better shit to be doing?
like making an ending and more characters?
Ok i'm retarded i've played 3 games as mul-t and i literally can't see how he is OP in any way
Is it solely because of procs?
get oculus hud
it's not because of procs, his nailgun has a 0.4 proc multiplier.
the main reason he's OP is because he has almost twice as much more HP than everybody else, every other thing barely matters as much as that.
east coast
need 1
don't join if you're new, trying to reach second loop
most health
aoe stun
rapid fire
2 equipment slots
It has the highest DPS with the nailgun, bar none.
Whilst it has only 0.4x proc rate (compared to the 1x of other characters) the insane RoF for his nailgun more or less makes up for it. Combine this with either syringes or the clover, and you can literally delete elite mobs on HAHA in like 2 seconds.
most health, easy to use aoe stun, high dps with nailgun (most enemies are big enough that the inaccuracy doesnt really matter), great escape, can use 2 equipped items
it's also a good chance to scout for the map logs if you haven't gotten them all yet
this shit happens because the game is trying to spawn blighted enemies but they aren't in yet
New server since Hopoo sucks. 4 man Monsoon, U.S. west
Is the clover really that much of a game changer? Don't want to burn myself going for it again (got cuck*d at stage 19 last time).
Why is it that Merc, while taking on more risk, also does fuck-all damage?
1. I don't have him unlocked
2. My shitbox has seizures trying to play this unoptimized piece of garbage
invalid already
what is this diives-tier pleb animation
>16 player server
>everyone dead but 4 Mercenaries
>activate the tele
>Magma Worm
If the drawfriend is still here can I have this with Commando riding mul-t.
i did it with some other guys
it was fun cus alone i was just burning myself
what started as a run just to get to the timed chest turned into the run where i go for the 20 stages
nail gun with 100% or more crit is nutty
>Is the clover really that much of a game changer?
Consider how many elites you kill in an average run.
We finally did it bros why the fuck are elite bosses so fucking rare
because you're bad and he does the MOST damage
>got a shit build through and through
>my only saving grace was the plethora of drones i've found
>go to tele
>3 worms
Do Sacrifice and Command not work properly? Command doesn't seem to do anything, and Sacrifice causes enemies to drop items but doesn't get rid of chests.
>blighted enemies
Does RoR2 use the same Director system for enemies that RoR1 does? That'd make a lot of sense considering that the initial wave of enemies are always normal, and it's definitely the type of bug that would be overlooked for launch since there are plenty of other similar bugs
bullshit he does the most damage, i melt golems twice as fast with artificier or mul-t
Stack syringes. The first time I felt like I was doing anything with merc, I had like 6 or 8 syringes and my primary attack became fast enough to spam, let alone my other abilities. Eviscerate gets a huge boost from it, too.
Command is borked right now.
Yeah shrine of order is great and all but wheres the shrine of chaos that rerolls all your items into random other ones of the same rarity.
Mathematically, it's the most powerful item in the game, nearly doubling the proc chance of every positive proc in the game(this includes stuff like teddy bears too) as well as chance for red items and not failing chance shrines.
That's not what the clover in this game does.
Has anyone found this shit in RoR2 while looking around the files for other shit like the unfinished levels and bandit? I'd imagine that the game uses the same system, and Mountain Shrines simply multiply the points that the Director has for the teleporter event.
It really seems that way since activating 2 shrines during midgame can make it so that a single elite boss spawns instead of 3-4 bosses
16 man lobby with Glass, Spite, and Sacrifice. Let's get crazy.
did funballs get modded in already?
I'm really happy we're getting a new surge of RoR fanart
that isnt 16p
Ah, makes sense. I activated three mountain shrines but only two reptile lads appeared.
>blazing beetle guard horde
Joinin the 16 lobby in a sec, gotta change my RoR files first
Did that fag ever figure out how to import that model?
I got a 16p .dll with bandit but engineer mines and bubble shields dont work online. Is there something im doing wrong?
is clover 20 stages or 30?
Describe your runs with a music
>Merc with infinite jumps, healing, lightning, and zero cooldowns
Honor is in but I'm just procrastinating at this point
Really tho, having issues with my editor but it I'll post the dll for testing soon
I'm showing 16 slots in my lobby. And I've got the Assembly-CSharp.dll from the artifact mod, which should be 16 man as well.
4 man monsoon lobby. NA.
>eight "unique" newt altars
Does the game even have eight different levels?
>tfw favorite characters aren't in the game yet
>enforcer, acrid, bandit
>don't want to cheat to get bandit early
can newt shrines or the obelisk level count as one of those 20?
How do I do 16 lobbies? I cant find it in the official discord
Is the drizzle thing a meme? I can consistently loop on drizzle and have gotten to stage 16 before getting cucked. On Rainstorm I rarely loop even once.
Is rainstorm actually easier to get stage 20, or is it just that the runs you get anything going are super over powered and the items are actually just carrying you?
oops I meant a lobby that isnt 16p* sorry
where do I get the artifact mod
He's not exactly worthwhile yet, the lack of a proper R really makes him fall off hard.
Enforcers in the game.
In the medikit lore.
He ded.
I wasn't even trying for it when I got it. The funny thing is I remember saying "That's impossible" when I was looking at unlock conditions in the log book a couple days ago.
drizzle is easiest, it's just shaming people for playing drizzle to do cheevos
blacked and booted to main menu
They do actually count
There's like 3 possible spawn points per level. Some are guaranteed, but always really high up.
If they're not going to let people joining mid-game play, they could at least let them join in like this.
I need help bros. I'm about to buy RoR2 and see there's a bunch of mods for the game. Do I need to download any just to play with you guys or can I just join these 16 player lobbies without having to download DLL files?
Yes. But not all of them have enemies, and there are multiple newt altar spawn locations within the playable maps. each spawn location counts as unique.
they do not
>Do Drizzle because i want to get the achievements up while chilling.
>2 hours later
Oh god jesus christ just get me out of here already, fucking give me the achievement please.
Who is the most likely to get 20 stages? MUL-T?
Can someone confirm the lobby is working? It looks like 16 player slots on my end, but I'm seeing a lot of people disconnecting and reconnecting. Don't know if that's because of something they're missing, or something I'm missing.
i sat behind a rock while my friends killed the boss, does that count?
Is there a cap on attack speed?
Most screenshots I've seen are of Engineer.
>have every achievement
>item log is incomplete because RNG is shit
>multiplayer games always have some shitter get the item and then die immediately and leave because monsoon is too hard
Does stacking Transcendence work? How do you heal? Also why stack Corpsebloom?
No idea what to do with bottom pic and redrawing a billion syringes would be kinda weird. Again, need ideas.
I unlocked it solo on Monsoon as Engineer.
I've done it with MUL-T
Anyone who thinks that Merc has trouble with Magma Worm is a shitter 100% guaranteed.
The character who really hates worms is Huntress because her DPS relies heavily on rain and multiple glaive bounces, which doesn't work on the worm. All she can do is slowly M1 it to death in the most boring fight imaginable. At least Merc can hit it with all of his attacks.
probably dont have the mods
there's 6 people in the lobby so it should be working
Someone still needs to import this, if you're willing to then speak up
As far as I know, no. I had this run and I attacked so fast that my attacks would stop rendering and stop making sound, but they'd still do damage.
Alright, someone tell me
1. Where do i edit which file to get unlimted lunar tokens
2. What is the command to enable cheats in the console
Oh okay. That explains it. I'll need to make sure I keep track of this.
you need to fuck with your files a bit
honestly none of the modshit is worth it and is mostly just people fucking around with the game. it's fun once or twice. 4 player lobbies are better
>enter stage 2
>teddy 3D printer
yeah okay
>find a glasses printer not far off
come on
>later still find a tri tip dagger 3D printer
>end up with only 9 whites
what the fuck do i do
I take it you've not unlocked Artificer?
At least huntress can easily and consistently pelt the worms with basic attack.
>Merc with 10 backup magazines
Were you firing a constant stream of arrows or was damage just being dealt instantly?
Trascendence gives +25% hp per stack.
Corpsebloom gives you +100% more healing but slows it up more.
5 teddies, 3 glasses, 1 dagger
Teddies are great for a white item
Alright thanks. I'll just test out 4 player lobbies until I get bored. Thanks again kind user
i thought you couldn't heal shields, or does stuff like lifesteal still work?
If they didn't count this would be impossible
worms are the shitter filter for Merc. nothing beats using all of your dashes and eviscerate to climb into the air with worm
it's even better when you get the facestompers so that you can rocket back down and kill some more shit
artificer has the worst time with worms though because her M2 is too slow to land on it in a reasonable manner. You might as well just fight everything else and let your procs and drones handle the worms. Her best tool for fighting worms is her fucking R, and it's range is almost nonexistent
Got auto kicked. Did you get the 16 player dll instead of just the 6 player dll?
Arrows wouldn't appear and the firing noise wouldn't be played, but huntress would still do the attack animation and I'd still see damage numbers
She was doing the animation insanely fast
Open again.
Glass is quite something.
>trying to get up close for Artificer's 'R'
It hurts so much
That was a fun run at least.
i like this game. it is balanced.
they count on the stages completed post death screen, but not for the cheevo
Assuming you're going for 20 stages for the clover, it really should not take you that long. Like 90 minutes tops.
Yes, go Mul-T, try to get a radar, and then one of the higher damage actives for your second one. Rush the teleporter, kill boss, pop radar and then loot as much as you can as quick as you can (This is why radar helps, and you're not losing DPS since Mul-T can have two actives). Lunar items like shard of glass combined with the antenna or whatever it's called are run makers. If you're having a decent run, definitely open a newt portal and get a glass or one of the 5 item turn-ins.
The key to making the run not feel like an absolute chore is to get mobility so you can find the teleporter instantly and then spend your money ASAP. By the third or fourth loop, you shouldn't be even spending all of your gold, you're just finding the teleporter and killing the boss. Stage 18 or 19 is when it gets really long with the overloading wurms, just play safe and patient, and you'll never need to play on drizzle ever again.
>died to stage 18 three times already
>all of them because of a random insta-kill
I'm so fucking tired
This one looks like she looted an extra pair of legs, lol.
Merc does the same thing with his M2 if you get enough attack speed.
funnily enough his situation is exactly reversed from RoR1 where attack speed would fuck his eviscerate and was only used for his spin2win. Now attack speed and crits are the main thing you want on him if you want to do an eviscerate focused build.
I was in there fine, left to install the stuff in the pastebin/enable it in console and now I'm BLACKED every time I try to join.
They do count, the user that's saying they don't is a fucking retard
I got my 20 stages very easily by just spamming shop and going to the obelisk whenever it appeared
somehow people ALSO don't realize that if you walk up to the obelisk and have the option to interact with it, a portal then appears right next to it to take you to the next level
psst merc is immune to all damage until you use skill 3 or 4 once.
I've got the Artifact dll, which includes 16 players.
Do you have the Artifact dll?
download the dll here and follow the instructions if you wanna connect
>four legs
yeah been playing 16 player lobbies all day yesterday
overloading worms have their own logs?
I got my achievement before finishing the 20 regular stages
Its not hard at all
Honestly i find that one that's "finish charging a teleporter with 10% hp or less remaining" to be much harder, its like what the fuck
Do all items stack or only specific ones?
Ah, the famous not poster.
Anyone who thinks that Huntress has trouble with Magma Worm is a shitter 100% guaranteed.
The character who really hates worms is Engineer because his DPS relies heavily on turrets and multiple grenades landing, which doesn't work on the worm. All he can do is slowly wait for death in the most boring fight imaginable. At least Huntress can hit it with her M1 constantly.
Apparently so.
16p lobbies with artifacts, or just 16p lobbies?
>yeah been playing 16 player lobbies all day
Yes but have you been playing 16 player lobbies with artifacts?
It's a newer mod.
honestly at this point its mandatory to have atleast 10 tough times and dio's best friend just because of shit like this
I think levels can have hidden modifiers
On this level literally, LITERALLY only Golems spawned. Not a SINGLE other mob. With a Golem boss. Can't be a fucking coincidence.
Hes not, its nothing but reactionary idiocy by morons.
Hes easy to play, so hes 'OP' because morons cant figure out how to play other characters.
there can be a warning in chat at the start of a round that makes the round all one specific type of mob
Do 3D Printers take the last item you picked up or a random item?
That one's easy if you have a sacrifice shrine nearby the teleporter bubble
Oh, they updated it? Link? Can I play normal 16p without fucking around with files every time?
They aren't exactly hidden, they're announced to you the moment you enter the stage like in Spelunky.
The announcement is tucked into the text log but it's still there.
Most, if not all, stack in one way or another. Some have limits, some may not. It's not documented.
No sir I don't like it
Random item of the same rarity.
>I only like playing commando and engineer
Am I a brainlet?
What if there was an item that caused characters whose movement abilities didn't deal damage, to deal damage, and caused characters whose movement abilities DID deal damage to lose access to all their other abilities but instead gain infinite duration/no cooldown on their movement abilities?
random of same rarity
so if you know you got a lot of shit whites or filler, go for it
but you gotta hedge your bets if you don't wanna lose your key items of course
Nope. To play with artifacts like glass you gotta get the glass DLL's, and when you want to play 16p's with people who do not have the glass DLL's you'll have to change back to regular 16p DLL's again.
The flamethrower really feels out of place
Auto-targeted chain lightning or something would be more interesting for a skill to get a gorillion procs with
Link it i wanna try it out
Is hopoo the one releasing these mods to make us be his beta testers?
Not working. I'm getting auto kicked aswell.
Host, did you do "sv_maxplayers 16" in the console?
See As to the latter question, I don't know.
she's pretty shit to everyone except retards who mindbroke themselves into thinking she's good and have long since forgotten what playing a good character is like
I got it on accident my first time playing huntress, it was on rainstorm
Just don't get hit lol
what are you gonna do with artificer or engi then
trying to join but getting kicked, I have the thing downloaded
Literally just get some dash juice and she's great
>3d printer with syringes
>oh fuck yes
>next level
>3d printer with goat hooves and another with magazines
>already turned all my white into syringes
No rush, man.
You're an idiot.
I've installed the dll and txt and created the autoexec with the options set to 1 and I'm getting auto-kicked.
>walking into a 16 player lobby when Miner comes out
A friendly reminder
Commando would be fun if he just did a tid bit more damage
I would loot chests first then go to the new printers and hope they hit the shitty whites looted from the new level
>join MP match
>select monsoon
>everyone picks drizzle
Na he needs more attack speed and proc
His R should give you a 100% chance to proc every time for every shot.
Its balanced, I swear.
think it was fucked cause host had cv instead of sv set
Alright, 16 man lobby with artifacts that definitely should work now that I updated the autoexec.cfg.
Make sure you have the Artifacts mod before joining: pastebin.com
if its 16 players, rainstorm and monsoon are literally unbeatable beyond stage 5 due to the scaling
already started? fuck
Because that's the correct way to play the game. Dicking around looking for chests before even touching the teleporter is just a way to set yourself up to fail later.
I just want the roll to have iframes and pulse shot to have a bit wider of a hitbox.
Seems good.
And yet blazing still one shots you from max to hundreds into the negative.
>tfw unlocked it as Merc with 3 friends fighting two sand beetle bosses in the desert
You can call me a liar all you like but even I didn't believe it when the unlock popped up. I spent the entire fight hugging the bosses attacking and didn't even try.
No just normal matches
I dont wanna do 16 until its properly supported
Go here now instead:
Sounds like they were undergeared for mountain, probably due to dicking around in the earlier levels
shit ain't working captain and I got the dll
Just take Stone Golem's laser, recolor it to orange-yellow and make it his RMB
Keep the same damage, CD, ect.
mp scaling is broken for 16p. I saw a magma worm spawn on the second stage on monsoon
Wait a fucking second guys. From what I've dug up, Commando doesn't just have one gun mesh that's copied twice, but he has two separate gun meshes. I may not have been able to mod in Vergil, but I might be able to try with ebony and ivory.
Now my ass is blackscreening when I was in the lobby before.
Did you restart your game when you updated your autoexec?
>Loader comes out
I'm 90% sure the exclamation point in that sentence is supposed to be a 1.
still fucked captain
I think only 4 can join
i like their give no shits attitude
getting the same as
Might start over on this, started drawing it soon after my first Merc run. Merc is fun.
I am really fucking bad at this one compared to the first one and I was bad at the first one but on top of that my favorites aren't even in this one yet officially. I miss Sniper and HanD.
I exited the game, put sv_max_players 16 into my autoexec.cfg, then restarted the game.
I've got the Assembly-CSharp.dll from the Artifact mod, and the other files from the 16 player mod.
The pastebin specifies you have to use the console. Maybe autoexec.cfg doesn't work anymore?
why i can't write on chat?
also can't change class
This is how you fix Commando. Making him the resident proc master is the only way to salvage his otherwise dull moveset.
I did it on Rainstorm as Engineer. Just ran around flinging my balls at enemies while my turrets distracted them all. Was surprised to see the challenge pop up at the end of the level, I was certain that that was going to be one of the few challenges I'd just edit in.
you're all niggers
different user, 16 test artifacts
>implying acrid isn't already a child
Alternatively, type out "sv_maxplayers 16" in console.
You've got the wrong DLL's, you need glassmod DLL's. Regular 16p DLL doesn't work.
I unlocked it earlier today playing 2p rainstorm with a friend without actively trying to do it, I had 3 shaped glasses so I would've died to someone sneezing in my direction if I hadn't stacked shield generators. Also probably helped that my friend summoned a metric fuckton of drones to do damage and draw all of the aggro.
i can get into the lobby and see everything but can't type in chat or change classes
could give the console a try but if you can see 16 slots on the right it should be working
Let me try. NA west, up to 16 man, Glass and Spite.
Delete "-glass-artifact" from the dll's name, stick this in your Risk of Rain 2_Data>Managed folder. Obviously quit Risk of Rain 2 before doing this. I ran this server a few hours ago and we had a good run.
how do i unlock mercenary chad mode, please help
Trying again, this time with 100% more putting "sv_maxplayers 16" into the console as per the pastebin.
Restart until you get distant roost or whatever the fuck the more vertical of the two starting maps is.
Step outside the tele at 98%, jump off a cliff a couple times, then get back in. Easy.
clear enough levels in one run and a celestial portal appears, its kinda green
>favorite character is sniper
>will absolutely be butchered in RoR2 because the sniper's playstyle doesn't fit on 3D
>MUL-T already has a much more powerful sniper already
has anyone got a link to all the current unlockables and requisites? items, etc
clear 7 stages and enter the portal then obliterate yourself
I cant read that pic
In what way? Ive mostly played medium
Get your eyes checked
Time jew asking when his edgy son will be able to spend coins at the family store.
>Join 4 man with randoms
>Merc (me), Commando, MUL-T, and Engi
>Rainstorm, should be easy as pie with 4
>Goes okay for a bit
>Magma worm boss comes up in the first loop, not a big deal
>Rest of the team dies instantly somehow
>Spend the next 8 minutes entirely in the air, dashing and M2ing and R-ing, whittling down the health of a boss I simply don't have the DPS for alone
>Kill it
>Pick up everyone's boss drops because I was the only one left
>Host quits, get sent back to main menu
Quickplay was a mistake.
what does the Warning: a tear in the fabric of the universe mean when loading in
tired of randoms being bad or DC when they lose or get mad. how do I join lobby's in here
You DO give your turrets safety hats, right?
>start run
>distant roost
this map sucks crusty asshole
If I want to get rid of the 16 player mod, I can just verify my files on Steam, right? But will that screw with my challenge unlocks?
so what does the clover do
are people attempting to do it solo or multi? which is easier?
How rare are the 3 active items that give permanent elite effects (such as Silence Between Strikes)? I've had one once and have never seen any on anyone else again
Going to work on an image so that we can educate newfags
What items do you guys think synergize well for your main characters?
Shit like Fungi on engineer, Sodas/Rose Shields on Huntress, etc.
backup mag on merc and bandit
I've only ever seen one drop, myself
They're pretty rare from what I've seen
>titanic plains
>it's fucking huge
>all the chests and items are so fucking far apart
>wasting your fucking time holding down W
>long distances to break line of sight with Titan or Vanguard
this map sucks almost as much crusty asshole as you do
rose buckler/energy drink on mul-t
does every item's effect stack if you have multiple?
Any in-combat movement speed at all on Artificer. She needs that shit to have any sort of mobility
host that isn't garbo
I got an invalid lobby ID wtf man fix your shit I shut mine down for this.
Someone give me the sauce of this mod right NOW
Found this on Discord
Syringe for merc. His R doesn't get shorter, he just hits more during the same time. Amazing for procs
>I've had one once and have never seen any on anyone else again
Same here, had Aspect of Ifrit once
Titanic Plains is comfier
Needs thicker thighs
items to prioritize on engineer besides shrooms?
Seen 1 in 20ish hours
join this one and see if it works
if not just leave it aswell, we need a host that doesn't lag
We're already in-game.
On a related note, my regular Internet apparently isn't up to snuff for hosting that many players, or my PC can't handle it, or something. Lots of people were complaining of lag.
got it as engie against the jellyboss
get fucked faggot
on hit shit since turrets proc them as well
Pretty sure that was made by some user here.
not showing in the archive cuz the image was ever so slightly cropped
fungus obviously
stun grenade
sticky bomb
AP rounds
either of the bands
war banner is gucci because turrets get the buff
usually what i look for in Engi
Got it on accident, bud. Learn to play.
500 syringes
No worries, user. You tried. Thanks.
New thread gentlemen
nice work doe