>leave for work at 7:15am
>work all day
>get home 8:30pm
>too tired to game
Just another 50 years haha.
Leave for work at 7:15am
>stay at home all day
>no job
>no future
>no chance of getting your own house
>living of benefits
>Parents try to get you out of the house
>No education after High school
Just another 30 years (Shorter since you're all overweight)
Nice videogames and nothing of what u do matters anyways
>2 jobs accepted by Fed; pay pretty good
>Both are on-call
>Off season, so no work
Been off coming on 4th month; kinna bored sitting around.
Would you rather be a NEET with no future or have no time to game. You'll get over gaming eventually and you will be happy.
>physical test for firefighting 7:00 am tomorrow
wish me luck friends
>mfw think i have great life not having to work and doing what i want all day
>suddenly hear grandma talking with someone on the phone in the living room how she wants me to move out again
>mfw hear her saying she is going to kick me out soon
>mfw i have nowhere to life soon
is it so hard to
>save money
>cut expenses
>gradually reduce the amount you work so you have more free time
Like is this concept genuinely too hard for the retards on this website to grasp? I mean shit it should be easy considering they will never have wives or kids to slow down the process.
lol literally me except I look chad
no gf tho
1. start taking care of your health so you actually have energy
2. start reading books on sales/marketing
3. start a business
don't complain about your circumstances when you have full control over them
Maybe it's for grandma to have a little accident.
II know this feeling all too well. Worst part is not having the time to hit the gym and get to sleep at a reasonable time.
>gradually reduce the amount you work so you have more free time
I'm salaried. so it's 100% or 0%.
Besides you need like a million dollars to live off investments.
DUDE just pull yourself up by your bootstraps and b urself :)
One of the day push her down the stair
>leave for work at 6:40am
>nine hours later
>gym for 80 minutes to counter office sitting all day
>play with kids
>cook dinner
>put to bed by 8:30pm
>game for two hours before bed
get some stamina scrub
Nope, you can only choose one type of career advancement and it's more responsibilities.
yeah that's not ni-
imagine having a job in 2k19. Like it's 2019 and people are still working. Jesus Christ how sad.
>too tired to game
If that were true and you obviously go to sleep soon after since you're so tired that you cannot focus on something as braindead simple as a video game, then you'd be waking up at like 5 AM every day feeling refreshed and having at least an hour and a half before work to blast out some vidya.
Maybe actually do something with the time you clearly do have, instead of wasting it on Yea Forums like you obviously are
>I better tell everyone on a videogame board that I don't play videogames, hehehe.
Kys wojak cancer.
Based, I miss being a neet.
>all the NEET tears when Yang loses in primary
ill just vote bernie then even though he and his supporters are massive faggots i just want free shit at this point
What are some games where the difficulty ramps up over time?
I'm 25, haven't had a job in about 2 and a half years, living with parents. I workout at least every single day, have time to do things I enjoy (including vidya), and on the surface I feel happy.
However with each passing day you can sense something growing on the inside, that surface level feeling gets crushed whenever you stop to think about your situation. You can sense not only the mild disgust from your parents, but other people as well. It even prevents you from sleeping. The guilt is too fucking strong.
I know that when I get out there and get another job I will go back to being miserable all the time, instead of having the illusion of happiness. But at the same time I don't wanna live a lie and shame the people who provided for me.
Literally me except I got my BSc at 22 (i'm 24 now) with a rich family.
Feels good except for the fact that i'm a huge disappointment who only brings alcohol related shame to my family
>i just want free shit at this point
This is why America is fucked.
>own home
>married hot south american with great job
>work 6-2
>come home, walk dog, clean up a bit, eat something
>wife cooks me dinner
>at 9:00 pm i retreat to my PC to shitpost and play vidya
>wake my wife up and bang her if i feel like it before bed at 12:00 am
feels good bros
I know that feeling. It's like being out of shape but in your soul. Work can give your life purpose but work doesn't necessarily mean wage slavery
>people are telling me to kill my grandma in order to be able to continue my comfy neet life
>mfw im actually considering it now out of sheer desperation and making it look like it was an accident
Survival of the fittest eh
You're right. Let's boot all the kids out of school for being freeloaders. If they want an education then they can work weekends
>tfw top 10%
its her fault for creating ones of your parents who went on to create you
People do this all the time user, it's like women having sex with their dogs.
Extremely common but nobody talks about it.
NEETs by definition aren't in school...
>get home 8:30pm
Jesus i am glad that i live near my job.
This wouldn't be happening if she did a better job raising her family though
okay, i think im doing it, my grandma is really sick and takes meds, i can easily say she forgot to took them and died because of it, but how do i actually kill her without making any noise though? im living in an apartment, this would solve most of my problems
No you didn’t kill her
It was an accident she fall down on her own
You know old people are pretty brittle
My grandma fall down from a chair and broke her hip
Imagine falling down the stair from second floor