Bestbuy just leaked persona 5 switch, metriod prime trilogy, and a link to the past remake
Bestbuy just leaked persona 5 switch, metriod prime trilogy, and a link to the past remake
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So this direct has to be soon right
>he actually thinks P5 isn't a PS exclusive
Oh, you sweet summer child.
>Thinking Snoy cares about anything other than their precious movie games
>PORT OF 3ds
So the gullible nintendards are going to believe another rumor for the THIRD time? color me NOT surprised
>Oh, you sweet summer child.
Most reddit phrase.
Who cares about any of that shit
I have P5 on PS4 already
All these leaks is obviously marketing, can't Nintendo just announce game normally like other companies?
Yea Forums is reddit 2.0 newfag
cope central.
>port machine gets more ports
>they're all old as fuck too
what a shocker
I'm almost positive this was more of Atlus ploy then Nintendo.
Thank fuck, I hate how everyone basically has to play "LET'S KEEP SECRETS AND PRETEND WE DON'T SEE ANYTHING SO THE HYPE IS SAFE," straight garbage philosophy
>they are literally legix leaks
>Something that's been "leaked" multiple times
>See Above
>Another remake so soon after Link's Funkowakening
>await Metroid Prime confirmation at E3 direct
>Reggie shows up wearing Sylux t-shirt
>talks about literally everything else in the universe for the remainder of the direct
>"now before I go, I'd like to pass you on to my good friend Doug Bowser to talk about a series I know you've been waiting to return"
>Bowser: announcing Pilotwings 3! please understand! we do it!
Huh, guess I'm buying a Switch after all. I'm buying a fucking Switch after not having a console for over 10 years.
>a link to the past
Realistically what are the odds of it being a 3D remake?
>implying it won't reuse Funko pop assets from the Link's Awakening remake
ugly cat
>photoshop or use an extension to make your browser think it's on an iphone and inspect element
>put whatever you want
Every leak is fake, not a single one is real
Persona 5 Showdown, coming to PS4, PS3, XBone, PC, and Switch.
With ports? Moron.
I thought you people liked Nendoroids.
Multiple sources have confirmed it though
>Model #: 12345
ok get better bait
Persona 5 Suplex
>implying it just wont be ALBW ported to switch with slight graphical improvements
I sure hope LTTP has LA's art style for maximum butthurt
>it's Link to the Past in Breath of the Wild's engine
Are you an idiot? You can't make LTTP a 3D Zelda without making a different game.
At least there’s a possibility it’ll remind people what real Zelda is.
so i guess best buy employees are also fake
best buy doesn't even exist
>what real Zelda is.
Top-down grid-based adventure and puzzles?
P5 not P5R
The Yea Forums term is “summerfag”, you literal discord tranny.
>No Pikmin trilogy
>lttp and link’s awakening announced within months of each other
the fuck is happening
pikmin 4 never ever
you do realize that you could have emulated p5 on pc already, right? it'd also look and perform better than it would on switch.
Dude, its not hard at all, multiple best buy employees have confirmed it with the App.
Hell, IVE confirmed it
yep, definitely not another biased leaker tranny
Best Buy employee catalogue doesn't qualify as an announcement. But anyway, they did have very similar art designs so you can bet they'll want to share assets
Persona 5 scuffle
April 25th. Thanks Atlus.
No one cares.
Yeah ok faggot
yeah i really can’t be too sure on retailer listings considering how this isn’t the first time MPT Switch showed up in one
Kill yourself fag
quick question -
how do people catch these retailer leaks before they realize it and take it down? Is it just autism of constantly watching the sites for anything that might come up?
Yeah, pretty much. It also helps that Best Buy leaked Jokers render, so several more people were checking for any more info
Not quick enough, stopped reading
LttP being there seems fishy to me. Why would there be a Switch remake of that when there's already the LA remake coming this year? And it can't be the original because it would just be free in the online service.
>Reggie shows up
Unless these games come out in the next two months, who cares?
The drought is now.
Link between worlds port?
Meh, I enjoyed rubbing it in Switch owners faces for 2 years and now they get a great game. Good for them.
why would that be listed as link to the past instead of its actual name?
>Is it just autism of constantly watching the sites for anything that might come up?
Some people who work there find it in their system as well.
Imagine being a bored 15 year old Best Buy employee on a slow day. Sifting through the upcoming products is a good way to look busy while killing time, and mistakes like that aren't going to actually be caught unless someone points them out.
Side note, the fact that it's listed as "Persona 5- Nintendo Switch" makes me think Atlus is pulling the same shit as they did with Catherine on steam. Port the original version in the middle of the hype cycle for the new improved version on a different system.
>when there's already the LA remake coming this year?
What's wrong with both? They're different games
Who the FUCK cares about memetroid?
Its essentially the same shit
>friend works at Best Buy
>told me the leaks were true
God fucking damn it.
>Why would there be a Switch remake of that when there's already the LA remake coming this year?
Because they can just use the LA assets to make a new game.
>a port
>a port
>and another fucking port
he would resurge just to trigger metroid fans again
it's his life's blood
>PS4 gets the enhanced version with new content
>Switch will get the standard PS3 port
Enjoy your shitty port nintenkiddies.
I couldve told you that, employee apps have access to these things
Why nincels get hype over games they already played?
>Metroid Trilogy without motion aiming
Everybody knew persona 5 was coming anyway.
I'm not even going to fucking watch the trailer. I don't think I could handle the disgust.
They already have the assets to use from LA so it's not that hard to do LttP with that engine.
Handheld mode has Gyro if you really care.
You could use the ocarina of time 3d assets to remake majora's mask, too. But they waited because it makes more business sense to spread the releases out. Releasing them so close to one another will only result in them cannibalizing eachother's sales, and waste a perfectly good game they could release during a drought later on. The only way a LttP remake makes sense is if it and Link's Awakening are actually bundled together.
The Switch has motion aiming. How the fuck do you think the aiming in Splatoon 2 and BOTW works?
Switchchads always win, baby.
I don't play shit games.
Prime 1 and 2 were originally designed without it. Combat is done with fucking lock-on, aiming doesn't matter.
What about Xenoblade X
>Releasing them so close to one another will only result in them cannibalizing eachother's sales,
Not really no. Zelda fans would just buy both anyway.
What is the answer to the Br*zillian problem?
it’s legitimately in the internal database user.
Yes but this is more effective since I actually know this person and I’m not taking some user’s word for it. Not that I don’t believe you though, fucking hell.
of course it's automated. who has the free time to endlessly refresh a webpage for hours upon end
Contrary to what you may think, no game is made exclusively to appeal to diehard fanboys, especially not Nintendo games.
I hope this is real; I never played this games, so I'm excited to played on my Switch. Deal with it, fatties.
>Side note, the fact that it's listed as "Persona 5- Nintendo Switch" makes me think Atlus is pulling the same shit as they did with Catherine on steam. Port the original version in the middle of the hype cycle for the new improved version on a different system.
Hard to say, but I feel like this confirms that P5R is going to be a sidestory like SMTIVA and that P5S is just going to be a switch port which means we aren't getting an enhanced version of P5.
Isn't this info looking sort of fake? The Model thing i mean.
I'm willing to bet these are fake given how much falseflagging and threads about it are cropping up again.
Its just like the smash reveal period.
They don’t hire people under 18 but most people including myself would search shit inside the internal db if we heard rumors about certain titles.
>already Platinum’d P5
>have the steelbook copy signed by Futaba’s VA
>tfw I don’t really need a P5 port but would appreciate one anyways because I can play one of the best RPGs on the go that way
Feels good to always be an idort, I tell ya what.
Model is a placeholder but the sku is legitimate.
where is this image from?
>especially not Nintendo games.
Which are always made with fans in mind unless it's a new ip.
Its on the employee app, what else can people say?
yeah you're right, best buy just puts fake games into their system for shits and giggles haha :)
You really think Nintendo doesn't aim for broad appeal with their games?
but it isn't. it's an indirect sequel, not a straight remake.
The director already said that porting X was recreating the game from the ground up and not worthy as you could make a new game with the same effort. Also, the studio is already working on their next game and working in the next zelda (could be the same game in the end tho).
Metroid Prime Trilogy port is fucking always an empty fart in the air, seriously look back through all the ""leaks"' that have gone down since early last year, MPT port is ALWAYS the one that ends up being a no show, even on leaks that end up being real. I'm convinced people are just trying to meme it into existence
>tfw having an nintendo switch and a xbox one x
So honest question... when does the switch get good games?
Why do you think they're mutually exclusive?
>no source
>just images
Wow, a different way to go to the dark world and a more modernized way to pick the dungeons, sooo different
Pilotwings 4* would be absolutely fucking based. Fuck Metroid and fuck Metroidfags.
High. Why would they revisit it now for a straight port if they decided it was better making a sequel back on 3DS days?
There's only so many times you can revisit those areas. After ALBW the only scenario were a ALttP remake makes sense is one were they shake things up considerably.
Sorry guys i don't know how these things work. Or if these store leaks are credible at all. I was just curious.
It's a port. It's not the type of game that gets released immediately when it's finished. It gets shelved and released strategically when the Switch needs something to pad a sparse release schedule
Check the employee app, or ask a friend that works at best buy
They always did that though from way back when these series started on the NES and various arcade machines.
In other words mass appeal can be achieved while also appealing to the fans, just look at Odyssey for example.
>being a phonefag
I literally have it on my phone
Well then
You're assuming every plays all Nintendo games
There's plenty of kids who have never played LTTP and now is a great time to make a remake, what with LA having the same aesthetic
Persona 5 Stadia
That's an edited gamestop listing, not the best buy listing.
>tfw we get a ocarina of time remake and a remake of majoras mask in the future
it's a link beyond worlds port
>High. Why would they revisit it now for a straight port if they decided it was better making a sequel back on 3DS days?
because a sequel isn't the same as a remake, and people will buy a 2d remake?
>There's only so many times you can revisit those areas.
and yet nintendo has no problem shoving KANTOOOOOOO and nu super mario bros. down our throats over and over and over again.
But two of those were on the april fools direct. What is Nintendo trying to pull here?
Just like Detroit
I used to work at Best Buy, that is 100% their POS system. Gamestop might have something similar but its probably not a coincidence
Damn he knew. Feel bad he aint getting the glory
that direct was made by IGN not nintendo. It's not official
Basically sku is an identifier given to every item they sell in the store. Typically you can search it on the site, but for unreleased/non public it won’t come up, but internal software that shows stuff like amount shipped in, or reelease date can be seen by employees.
t. former geek squad wagie
And Disgaea 5
hey, don't include me among those shitters. I'm brazilian and I absolutely despise consolewars.
Being made "exclusively to appeal to diehard fanboys" and being made to appeal to a broad market are in fact mutually exclusive. The Zelda series is one of Nintendo's most well known. It appeals to a lot of people who aren't Zelda enthusiasts, and releasing two games of similar scope on the same platform around the same time results in some people buying one over the other, hurting sales. It just wouldn't be very wise.
I didn't say it couldn't, whether or not you can doesn't have anything to do with what I was talking about.
t. doesn't know what funko pop look like
why is Kira retarded
>I didn't say it couldn't,
You literally just said it was mutually exclusive in this very post.
You do know that mutually exclusive means that they can't exist as the same time right?
>all that victim complex
for god's sake, not everyone in the world hates Metroid, get over it faggot
Why does it say Nintendo is the publisher and not Atlas.
>port of a port
>remake of game that's been ported and remade already, most likely using the same style as the shitty Links Awakening game
Wow it's fucking nothing
Hole up one second. BoTW has a pretty similar world map to ALttp. Not exact in it's details, but with some modifications it could work. The biggest complaint about BoTW? Shitty/less dungeons, repetition of the Sheikah technology aesthetic, and no "quest critical" items, I.e. magic wands or ron boots, or a heros bow, etc. Remaking ALttP in the style of BoTW would be fucking fantastic, except
>Don't call it A Link to the Past, all open world games are fucking garbage and need to die, call it some other generic Zelda sounding title for the love of God and all that is Holy. "Remake" isn't even a worthy thing to call what that would be, it would be utter blasphemy and sacrilege to the memory of 2D Zelda, and arguably the best Zelda game in existence.
Just my thoughts.
Even that sounds too far from this but eh
Ports of good games, particularly Metroid Prime Bundle since a lot of people never got to play those games
No, I didn't, you can't read. I said E X C L U S I V E L Y appealing to diehard fanboys is mutually exclusive to mass appeal. Don't try to lecture me about what mutually exclusive means when you don't know what the word exclusively means on its own. You cannot exclusively (only, solely, purely) appeal to diehard fans and also appeal to everyone else because you're already exclusively (only, solely, purely) appealing to a subset of everybody.
>not everyone
just one
>Thinking the game that takes over 90 hours to beat isn't a movie.
reminder that persona 5 will always look better on the psvita (through remote play) compared to the nintendo switch.
>year old port
>multiyear old port
>multidecade old port
dude people've been calling OoT a 3D LTTP for years.
It still has its own puzzles which have been made to utilize the 3D environment.
LTTP is a 2D game. You could make it 2.5D like LA remake but anything more than that would warrant an entirely new game
>I said E X C L U S I V E L Y appealing to diehard fanboys is mutually exclusive to mass appeal.
Its not though.
Unless you're under the impression that appealing to fans means giving them a difficult game. In any case it doesn't really help your point.
As for the rest of your post it's basically just irrelevant jargon as far as it's relevance in this conversation goes.
Can't wait for a 3D remake of ALTTP in the BOTW engine.
>Being made "exclusively to appeal to diehard fanboys" and being made to appeal to a broad market are in fact mutually exclusive
No one said anything about appealing exclusively to fanboys. Why are you trying to move the goalposts?
It'll probably look even better on a 60FPS stream from a PC running RPCS3.
Ah another thread confirming Switch fanboys are fucking retarded, what else is new? Imagine having such a shit platform and needing to justify it constantly when no games come out for it.
The Switch gen will end without a single worthwhile exclusive.
>when no games come out for it.
P5 is coming out for it
Can we go for a 3 for 3 on times P5 has Swerved the fuck out of Switch?
>The Switch gen will end without a single worthwhile exclusive
That's the PS4 now that Bloodborne is on PC
Amazing, an old port I beat 3 years ago.
Oh yeah it's on ps now.
We should make a list of exclusives they've lost
What does the Switch being shit have to do with the PS4? Again, Switch fanboys are fucking stupid, its insulting to even respond to you.
>There's no games for the Switch!
>Here's three new games coming to the Switch that we didn't know about on top of the others already announced
>Those don't count!
Do you people ever hear yourselves talk?
You do realize the Switch literally had every major dev move away from them right?
There hasnt been a single high profile exclusive made for the console yet that was not made/ported by Nintendo.
>Being this delusional
if you're going to count streaming for bloodborne, then yuzu counts for mario odyssey and both wii u and cemu count for botw. looks like the switch has nothing either.
I have a Switch too faglord, its a fucking garbage "console" that everyone will forget the moment the next one arrives and Nintendo rehashes the same franchises again.
>You do realize the Switch literally had every major dev move away from them right?
It's pretty much just capcom now
>"Persona 5 will be exclusive to Wii U"
>Persona 5 announced for PS3 and later for PS4
>"Persona 5 R will be exclusive to Switch!"
>Persona 5 R teased with PS logo
>"I-It's VR!"
>Persona 5 The Royal announced for PS4 as an RPG
>"Persona 5 S will be Switch exclusive!"
Oh boy can't wait to see how this turns out again
Since when is ps now emulation?
Even then it would still be a bigger loss for due to the ps3 and 2 emulator
b-bros..... *cough* *wheeze*
it's fake... r-right? *hack* atlus wouldn't do this to us... right? *cough*
it's getting dark..... i'm so tired......
If you're going to count PS Now you may as well count emulation against Nintendo, in which case they have 0 exclusives
Post a picture of it then, pal, prove to me you're such a mental midget that you bought a handheld but don't care about all these games coming to a handheld
PS now being official while emulation isn't.
>No persona 5 fighting game with stylized 3D anime models from Arc Sustem Works
Brb kms
>in which case they have 0 exclusives
Except for the games that are currently unplayable by emulation and at this point in time only BoTW, Odyssey and LGPE can be emulated with the last two having a lot of issues
>Since when is ps now emulation?
streaming is actually worse than emulation. with emulation, you have the files on your pc and can play them at a better fps and resolution. with streaming, you're playing it off a ps4 in a datacenter somewhere with all the input lag and compression artifacts that come with that.
>Even then it would still be a bigger loss for due to the ps3 and 2 emulator
every nintendo console in existence, including the switch, has an emulator.
meanwhile, the ps4 and vita have yet to be emulated and the ps3 emulator is still in rough shape.
I was correcting you because you said Switch instead of PS4. Switch has great exclusives and PS4 doesn't so you clearly made a mistake
If Switch gets vanilla P5 instead of P5R I'll be fairly annoyed
i sleep
>MP HD Trilogy
>Except for the games that are currently unplayable by emulation
those are just timed exclusives.
>with the last two having a lot of issues
so, just like on the real switch hardware, then?
You already posted this in the other thread
Rapidly moving goal posts
And Square. And literally every dev treating them as a secondary console with shit ports and late releases.
bro this is fatlus we're talking about, we're getting an enhanced ($60) version sooner or later even if p5r and p5s aren't it
the P5B domain its still registered but we don't know what's for (besides the granblue collab)
probably that one is the fighting game
officially laggy as fuck with terrible image quality, though switch owners are probably used to both.
One of two things is happening with Eric.
He's the one who created these leaks in anticipation for the 24th so he can build another "lol switch begging!" image.
Or he's legitimately in panic mode.
It's hard to tell.
Here you go faggot, with the layer of dust that has been on it for months.
Even a hacked one is hard pressed to find anything "great". But I never thought Nintendo fanboy standards were anything but shit, its like asking an 8 year old for restaurant recommendations.
I still need to get he app, but an super lazy and don't actually know how to get it.
Animal Crossing better get a "See you at E3!" at the very least
>And Square
It the only game it's not getting is ffxv and kh3. Did you forget that DQ11 and Builders 2 is on Switch and that they published Octopath for it?
Definitely. The Switch is literally the lowest quality console to release in a long ass time. I still can't believe it came out in 2017.
Soon. But don't expect Joker to get released until after the 24th.
Haha what a moron
Timestamp faggot
>port of PS4's only good JRPG
>port of 3 of the best games of all time
>port of the Zelda game that defined the franchise
if P5 came to switch, would it be the original or the obvious rerelease that's inbound
Not that I care since I own a Switch and PS4 and could play either, but I just want this source of console war faggotry to die.
You mean late ports that are downgraded? Amazing. Octopath is a budget shit title by their mobile team and already moved to mobile.
>facts means you're delusional
Lmao retard
We don't know yet. Especially since P5S's website went up yesterday. Since the Smash Bros datamine has a female alt for Joker that appears to be the girl from P5:R, I wouldn't be surprised if the re-release comes out on the Switch.
Holy shit, I was thinking about buying xenoblade 2 on my switch. Does it really look like that, even docked?
And psnow is basically remote play the ps3 is ps4 and pc is psp
Octopath is getting a sequel.
P5U is the fighting game
>You mean late ports that are downgraded
The only port there is 11 and its the definitive version with more content.
Man you're really desperate for that win aren't you
Here you go loser, now fuck off.
I stand by what I said, this is a shit console with no fucking games.
It's not that bad but it's pretty shit
Sony boys are already on suicide watch
It still runs like shit docked, but looks better. Still has res scaling though.
Its unplayable in portable mode.
Most Switch games run below 30 FPS, have res scaling, or both. Expect the worst.
big yikes
Yes, and I enjoy taking my PC to the bus or the doctors office too.
>its the definitive version with more content.
i'm glad i held off and waited for the switch version, but let's be real here. all the extra content except for the soundtrack is taken from the 3ds version.
So basically we're getting a P3FES/P3P deal again but with P5R/P5S?
>more content
>literally gimmick shit and STILL DOWNGRADED
Wow a shit budget mobile game is getting a sequel no one wanted because no one finished the first game. Great.
Motion control make 1 and 2 less fun
>no dust
i'll believe it when its actually confirmed
yeah, looks pretty bad compared to 1 or even X
the town he posted actually does drop the resolution pretty often, and it's obviously handheld mode, but it seemed to be a unique issue with that town when I played through the game. Nothing else throughout the game is even close to getting that bad.
XBC2 is obviously not designed for handheld mode and if that's the primary mode you play your switch in then avoid it like the fucking plague. If you mainly use it as a console then it's a fun JRPG romp that harkens back to the PS2 days with a genuinely amazing DLC expansion.
>no dust
Also I'm pretty sure you have a template for that because I've seen a similar image like that with the switch in the same position.
Regardless do a real paper time stamp.
That's an undocked screenshot and in Torigoth which is the worst performing area in the game. The rest of the world isn't that bad.
don't expect the switch to be all that portable either. the switch's "portability" is a meme. it's huge, unergonomic, has approximately five minutes' worth of battery life, and on top of that, makes most games look and run like shit in comparison to docked mode.
. . .
Who the fuck takes a bus? Poorfags?
Why would you need videogames everywhere you go? Are you a boring ass loser?
>wanting motion controls over potential gyro
That doesn't change anything.
>Nothing else throughout the game is even close to getting that bad.
That's a complete lie. I've had it in several places. The mining/desert town, that fucking corridor dungeon there, even when you went through the aquarium area.
That's a fucking lie.
>particularly Metroid Prime Bundle since a lot of people never got to play those games
Bitch. Those game have been around for over a decade. You can EASILY emulate them, buy them, and play them on a wii; which costs like 20 bucks these days.
Shut the fuck up and stop defending more ports and rehashes of rehashes.
It's too early to tell, honestly. But it's possible.
Please, please pleasseeeee
Prove it's edited. You can literally run through an online program and check for artifact and image alteration.
I'm waiting, retard. I'm not wasting my time on you, subhuman garage.
the point is that people are sucking square's dick for finally giving us content that japanese players had at launch.
>Borderlands is Epic exclusive
>Link to the Past, Persona 5, and Metroid Prime Trilogy on switch
what the fuck did I miss today?
How come this stuff always happens to western stores, you don’t ever see Japanese stores fucking up this hard.
The Best Buy Direct.
>Bestbuy just leaked persona 5 switch
With Joker coming to smash it was obvious persona 5 was coming to the switch
Not much more than that, actually. Its been a boring fucking day.
I pity Americans and their shit tier public transportation
I miss living in Germany sometimes
Companies can't stop leaking their own shit apparently.
I also have a switch. Its fucking awesome
What now?
>Prove it's edited
The fact that there's not a single note of dust on it and you're refusing to do a real timestamp?
No R, not named after a character, a Persona, Sae's pet goldfish, just plain old motherfucking, goddamn, sons of bitchin, blunt as an atom bomb, fuck fuck FUCKING Persona 5
It should have been obvious. But people are retarded.
No. It looks great docked. Handheld is totally playable but definitely not as good as docked. The pic is from handheld in the most graphically intense setting in the game.
I thought the game looks beautiful and its one of my favorite games of all time and i dont give a shit about waifu stuff. Great game that somehow polarized v
Damn bro how do we keep our switches from getting dusty? I haven't touched mine in what seems like forever. The lack of any good games hurts whenever i look at my switch.
It looks way better than x. I thought x looked better too but then i put it in after not having played it in years and Xc2 definitely looks better
Do you have a switch?
Oh no, I clean my house, how dare I. If you are too stupid to prove its edited, then you are too stupid to have a discussion with. Fuck off Switchlet.
Fuck you I liked tank controls in mp1 and 2. Felt like the game was designed with that in mind and it made it feel more like you were a human in a weird space suit
>I clean my house
In such a short amount of time and to a degree where your dust covered switch looks pristine?
>Even docked
No it looks great docked. Undocked is ass though.
>literally replying to your own post while acting like someone else
Nigga what the fuck are you doing.
Remember SonyChad, screencap every posts and compiled them together for and epic tendies P5 blueballs FOR THE THRID TIMES
Getting a switch if this turns out to be true
>all this bitching about the switch
>no one pointing out just how awesome it is to play DOOM at roughly 30 fps at a decent quality on a handheld
You have to be the single most retarded person in this thread.
Yes i have a switch. I only have 5 games for it though. Zelda, odyssey, bayo 1 and 2, and smash. Zelda, Bayo 2 and smash were trash. Mario and bayo were good. Everything else looks like a steaming pile of shit, but am still very tempted to try xeno2 in case it isnt as bad as it looks.
Replying again isn't going to erase your samefagging.
>anything under 144fps 1440p
You're the reason gaming is being held back.
>being this much of a little bitch
has anyone ever told you how much of a little bitch you are?
you know
you're kinda being a bitch over literally nothing
Model 12345
Nice try faggot.
user, the model is a placeholder the sku is what you're focusing on.
because null isn't a option
It's not.
oh look his games coming to switch. Go figure huh?
nigga scratchin yo head and getting dandruff on your switch then taking a picture with a camera from 2006 doesn't count
room temperature iq
>Sonytard in this much denial
Godfuckingdammit this could completely make up for the Link's Awakening "remake". PLS BE REAL
>have the steelbook copy signed by Futaba’s VA
You lucky son of a bitch. Protect it even when its time for the dirt nap.
b-b-but P5R is a Sony exclusive. How could Nintendo steal our exclusive!
I don't care about 5. I want the fucking Dancing games on the Switch. Where the fuck is the rhythm love?
You've gotten a boner from that, didn't you.
Now that is something I want.
There's a stunning lack of rhythm games on Switch right now.
>Check twitter
>"guys, theres a leak of Zelda a link to the past too"
If anyone think these leaks are legit then they are fucking retarded, then again nintedtard loves making thread about smash leaks.
>and smash were trash
>Bayo 2
The only thing trash here are your taste, jimbo.
Why bother replying? He's samefagging.
It looks pretty good docked. It has some moments of poor performance but it considering the genre the game is in it doesn't negatively impact the game too badly. That being said I'm not sure I'd recommend the game, it's clearly an acquired taste and certainly wasn't for me. Felt too much like an MMO-lite for my liking.
I would probably get P5 on the Switch since I play at work all night but it will probably look and run fucking awful.
Tendies mad?
Probably not, remember this is a ps3 game.
Psh, if it isnt 500fps 12080p it is unplayable shit, poorfag.
Nintendo has published many third party switch games in the past. Skyrim, DQB, and DQ11S and DQB2 will also be published by Nintendo.
But what if I wanted a Brand NEW Zelda game? I mean, remaking Link's awakening AND a link to the past is a bit much.
This shit isn't given attention just for nothing.
Stop have videogamedunkey make your opinions. Retard.
That doesn't eve make sense Eric.
Explain this.
this i played metroid via emulator 4k60 you fags can enjoy your bing bing wahoo machine have fun with no AF on metroid
The switch is like a time machine. I can use it to play all the stuff I played two years ago.
>All around me are familiar faces
I'm not low enough to watch AngryJoeShow, I politely decline your offer.
>can't afford a 300$ handheld
>being a poorfag with shitty internet
>never tried psnow
My dad localizes for Atlas. He says P5R is a Golden style P5 and P5S is a switch version of the standard P5
By that logic MH is a movie
Yikes y’all think that sweet summer child is reddit? Sweety I think you need to go back :)
It doesn't take 90 hours to finish the main campaign of MH.
like when they say P5 gonna be WiiU exclusive because Atlus is working on exclusive persona game for Nintendo?
Yeah no, no one took your falseflagging seriously back then.
>no one took your falseflagging seriously back then.
tendies are so shocked that they blocked the memories of P5 announcement
Why are we against the Switch getting Persona?
I have it on PS4 but would love a Switch port. What's bad about more people getting to enjoy a game you like?
Nobody is actually upset about this aside from Yea Forums. Just the usual autism over exclusives because the have nothing else of value in their lives.
>Exclusives sniping
This is low. But noone could have prevented this.
Why do fags make such a big deal over peraona 5? It fucking sucks. Story is worse than xenoblade 2
>it fucking sucks
It's a good JRPG with a lot of style and likable, if basic, characters
Oh the guy who put his career on the line saying Isaac was in Smash and that Grinch was real except one character
Am I the only one who wants new games on the Switch? What the fuck is up with this shitty system?
worst console I've ever bought. thank god my gf is having fun with some indie garbage
literally a port machine. not necessarily bad if you've never played those games but still.
Have you guys never owned a Nintendo system before?
>want those games on Switch
>Don't want that Mystic faggot to be right
I don't know how to feel about this
Yeah all of them, this is the first Nintendo console where all the games are ports and remasters, when Nintendo combined their handheld and console output I thought this wasn't supposed to happen
>a link to the past remake
Thats exactly what ALBW was you shithead.
there's a history of best buy leaking titles early being accurate so i guess hype.
>What was the Wii/Wii U
>zero new games.
Leaving consoles behind was a great decision
Wii U had new games, the fuck you talking about, Wii had lots of games, they weren't very good but they were original like Zack and Wiki. Switch is literally just ports and Nintendo remaking Zelda
I'd unironically be ok with them announcing pilotwings this way. Metroid can wait yet another year if it means getting a GOOD game, the last pilotwings we got sucked ass.
>this is the first Nintendo console where all the games are ports and remasters,
And yet it has the least.
I'd rather new mainline Nintendo games released on a spread out schedule throughout the year than the library be 90% shovelware and mediocre-at-best gimmick fests.
I'm pretty sure N64 has the least if you are including arcade ports then NES
>no moiré patterns and uneven lighting from an LCD monitor
>text is obviously badly upscaled and rotated
Yup, that snoyigger doesn't have a switch.
Eric is actually a Persona5fag, he genuinely think what he posted. I can't wait for his anal devastation in a few weeks.
Atlus porting P5 throws all exclusivity out the window, and means SMTV will also be multiplat.
>take the switch to my little nephew's place
>can play smo for hours until the battery's drained
seems fine to me, on such a tiny screen you can hardly tell the game is downgraded anyway
Don't think so. World is unfair.
what if it was actually ALLTP but in the BotW engine?
>what if it was actually ALLTP but in the BotW engine?
Why the fuck does this make any sense to you?
People keep saying this but I really don't think it's feasible. Unless it has like a 2020 release date
More like Link’s Awakening remake engine
>Xcucks btfo hard
Shoulda begged for a port harder, you sniveling twats.
People are already setting up a petition and gaining people to sign it the second it gets confirmed to put pressure.
>and means SMTV will also be multiplat.
Probably not, the audience got SMTV isn't really on other platforms.
What if it's ALBW for $60? What seems like the more obvious "Nintendo" thing to do?
>barely even a game
As much as people shit on Fire Emblem at least it's a somewhat decent strategy game. Not really good but passable at least. Animal Crossing is the worst franchise Nintendo has.
>Reggie shows up
>literally just another rpg that plays like persona by the same company and uses many of the same characters and enemies
>posts more recent pic with dust cleaned off
Case in point.
You're expecting it to be Persona when it's nothing like it beyond being turn based.
do you have brain damage or are you just ignorant? the switch has functional motion controls.
Don't forget he also samefagged.
> signed by Futaba’s VA
Worthless if it's her awful english VA. If it's Aoi though you're a god.
But do they have people like Sakurai who will visit Atlus Japan and change the meta?
You can't beg Sega either all they do is make PC ports.
I guess it'll be a good time to start playing westshit for a while. Bioshock Collection is cheap these days.
>Switch gets P5 because Joker is in Smash
>PS4 gets SMTV becuase.....uh................petitions?
Here's your (You)
It’s obviously fake, but the damage control from Sonybros is hilarious. Imagine being this frightened over some corporation losing a video game exclusive.
>PS4 gets SMTV because IT'S ONLY FAAAAIR
Sonyfags are so fucking pathetic.
>Snoyfags make fun of the Switch for being a port machine
>steal a game from them
>first thing they do is make a petition to get an exclusive from the switch
You can't make this shit up.
>he thinks this is just corporations
Yea Forums will be hell for sonyfags.
What did you expect. Its not like they care about the games as much as they care about flaunting.
what exactly leads you to the conclusion that it's fake, let alone obviously so
I'll believe it when I see it.
I hope it does, the last time this place was good was when they weren't here.
How so?
>Another falseflagging Xcuck
Neck yourself.
Yet you'll just be talking about stealing more sonyfag games. This cycle doesn't end that way when your nature traps you in your mindset.
>portbeg for 6 years
>someone else does it once
>wow you're pathetic
Not him but it doesn't really matter if its fake or not, the fallout from it is happening.
I mean you already have sonyfags spamming the board trying to deter people from what is now an imaginary port just because they're afraid of losing it to Nintendo.
>can no longer say b-but Nintendo
>now b-but Xbox
Have fun losing sleep.
Normally I have no issue, if atlus games came to PC i'd be a happy man, but all the shitflinging consolewar autism/port begging just makes me want either side to not get what it wants just out of spite. This place poisons you in a sense
>This cycle doesn't end that way when your nature traps you in your mindset
Hence why we need to remove sonyfags.
Because Sega and atlus would want money. Because it's the same excuse used for persona 5 that EVERYONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO ENJOY IT
they need to learn that megami tensei and atlus as a whole is completely above the bounds of console wars
I don't know if it's fake, the Switch is very popular in Japan and Atlus likes making portable versions of Persona
>enjoying P5
R is a separate game from P5, not a re-release.
No good games use it.
>It's the falseflagger again
The master alliance stands strong against the Xcuck.
I’m an idort so I don’t get affected either way but sonyfags did the whole NEVER EVER posting for years. If P5 does end up on Switch, they sort of deserve all the shitposting. The only downside is that Switch portbeggers will get validated for wanting mediocre shit like P5 when they should be looking forward to SMT V instead.
>lets port P5 to switch
>but keep golden on the dead vita instead of a home release
>and never translate EPP or Devil Summoner
I'm mad
Yeah, okay.
BotW and Doom 4 do. Splatoon too even though it does a piss poor job of it.
>Best Buy direct is better than Sony state of play
Oh nononooooooooo
Keep telling yourself that. We have industry port beg articles daily now.
It would be nice if Nintendo were the market leaders so they can justify it. Nobody ever wrote articles last gen and the gens before it of wanting to take games from the competition just to bolster their losing console's popularity.
When sonyfags are gone you'll still be trying to beg for their games.
>Because Sega and atlus would want money
Which is why they shouldn't waste money porting it. Like you people say SMT doesn't sell.
Never ever only started because of the no games meme hypocrisy when everyone was begging for those nogames
So you agree smtv should be multiplat right?
>Because Sega and atlus would want money
>put Golden on the Vita
No they don't you stupid faggot. SMTV will be a Switch exclusive and you can go ahead and screencap this post. Put it over your bed and cry yourself to sleep over this fact.
>just realised there won't be reggie
>and no iwata
>and miyamoto went senile
Holy shit
If it makes you feel better most of the "port begging" was done by one sonyfag.
>played P5
>enjoyed it thoroughly
>would rebuy on Switch if it does get ported
>however am tired of Yea Forums turning literally everything into console wars and also think people assuming every single P5 related thing will be a Switch announcement is dumb
In before P5S is a fucking book or collection of designer glasses or some shit
There will be a massive campaign. You think the petition will be for ps4? It will be a petition for a multiplat release. PC and xfags will be a part of getting smt off nintendo.
R is a sequel like SMT4 Apocalypse.
>When sonyfags are gone you'll still be trying to beg for their games.
We didn't last time also did you take a look the site the article is on?
It's literally a Sony site
I’m sure you’ll get to play it 3 years after it releases
>already back to muh petitions
I truly do feel sorry for you. A sad pathetic little man who is literally shaken by this leak.
Oh and that reads an awful lot like some of the falseflagging we get here.
Just sharing the love, after all, what's wrong with more people being able to enjoy SmtV?
Why do you pretend to be so sure of this whdn something like that makes no sense at all in P5's narrative. I realize P5 apes a lot of shit from P2 but unlike the end of IS no room at all is left for a second game with P5. The end is the end. Royal basically has to be a rerelease, but I'm not going to pretend I have some bullshit insider information, I just have a brain.
Just buy a Switch
Names mean nothing because they are not affiliated. Like how Xbox Ahoy just became Ahoy on youtube. They want clicks so they write bait.
Who said there was anything wrong with it? We can't ban people from getting switchs for it.
Nope, the whole platform of choice thing, remember? :^)
>They want clicks so they write bait
Exactly. So that "port begging" isn't exactly real but rather a means of manipulating sonyfags for clicks.
>on a wii
I don’t mind, just saying don’t hold your breath for it.
Unfortunately it doesn't sell enough to warrant a port and Sony players are averse b to difficult games.
Spinoffs, duh? maybe port but fuck if I know
Remember P4 being milked for 7 years?
Either that or we will just get another "wait until x" trailer.
Isn't there a P5U they announced with Royal back in december too?
>the platform fromsoft games always sell best
Okay, nigglet.
Man the "dark souls of persona" still gets my sides to this day
The 4/25 date is on purpose, to line up with the start of the Japanese school year.
It's also the platform with the lowest completion rates kiddo. Plus souls games aren't hard.
>Snoyfag before no P5 release was in sight for the Switch
>lol we got an exclusive JRPG fuck you never ever switchfags
>Snoyfag when P5R was announced exclusively for the the PS4
>[NEVER EVER intensifies]
>Snoyfag after any bit of news of P5 coming to the Switch
>ahem....we should share exclusives....s-so c-can I g-g-g-g-get SMTV....sharing....r-right friends?
You fuckers are more pathetic than the portbeggers. The irony in all this is that you've become the portbeggers and the game isn't even released yet.
Begging is the bait. The target of the article is to foster console wars. These console wars have gone on nonstop in mainstream since the switch released.
In the past we literally have Yea Forums for that. Now the mature, cultured and civilized normal fags doing it. If the flame wars happen then it means two parties have butt heads, therefore you can't just say its just sonyfags, there are nintendofags fanning the flames on their end.
You cannot have an argument when your opposition is in agreement with you, and if that happens then the port begging clickbait wouldn't be generating hits and would have stopped years ago.
>P5 on Switch leaks
Oh wow more ports lmao who cares. Wow weebshit, have sex incel.
>In the past we literally have Yea Forums for that
Yeah no, not really. We didn't have console wars outside of the occasional ps3 joke back then.
Reminder that Best Buy had Botw listed as Zelda II before it was revealed.
Console wars existed way before Yea Forums. We had threads in Yea Forums where screencaps of Sega fags and Nintendo fags flaming war each other were discussed.
The next 3D Zelda comes out in 2020. King_Zell already said that. He's clearly credible.
The weird part is to think about some possibility that it might actually be a 3D styled remake of A Link to the Past if the two things add up.
>made up completion numbers
>two parties have butt heads
Says who?
Half of the time it's everyone else against sonyfags regardless of what you think they're affiliated with. Basically you have to remove the instigators and that's sonyfags.
Got a problem with it? Faking kumbaya is easy if it means smt v loses exclusivity
Legit question why is there a thread for every single thing that comes to the switch?
I mean yeah U get major releases but there's threads for ports and sometimes even shovelware.
Is it a troll?
One person does not a war make. Plus we're talking about Yea Forums
That's boogeyman culture.
You fucking retards won't even buy persona 5 on the Switch. Just like you ignored, Dark Souls, Tales of vesperia and Ys8 and let them fucking rot. In all instances the publishers stopped putting the new installments on the switch.
They already do the latter when Switch gets any weeb game that would have been right at home on PS3. The absolute STATE of Play.
Because Yea Forums has a very vocal group of posters who hate Nintendo.
Too bad it wont. Have fun losing sleep niglett.
Damn, I just got Tales of Vesperia: DE for the switch. Ah we'll I'll just play other installments on PS in the future.
I'll be getting the first two if this is true.
I bought Vesperia but Dark Souls and Ys are overrated trash
But I have Tales of Vesperia for the Switch. I wish bamco would announce the next title for just fucking localize Asteria.
I don’t remember Adol or Yuri getting in Smash
But if sonyfags didn't exist then we wouldn't have this "cycle". And look, during the wii60 era they were nowhere to be seen and serious console wars didn't take place.
Theres a vocal group of people that shit on everything on Yea Forums.
Bamco canceled the Berseria and Zestiria ports due to low sales. I mean if they're not going to bite with vesperia, no way in fuck would they play berseria or Zestiria.
What new Dark Souls and Tales of game have come out in the last year?
>Everyone baits with bitching about ports
>Everyone complains about Sonyfags
>Everyone complains about Nintendofags
>No one ever brings up actual arguments
>No one here actually likes video games
>No one here owns more than one console
>There are people itt that refuse to buy games made by "X" company
Every single one of you is a cock-mongler
>Tales of vesperia
You've said this before Eric and you're still wrong because that sold the best on Switch.
Persona 5: The Royal is for PS4 and Persona 5: The Sovereign is for Switch
Sony must be sorry they were so successful.
Ys isn't overrated anything. Nothing belonging to falcom is overrated.
If p5 happens, then smt will happen
Source? Oh it's your ass.
Pretty much just Nintendo.
Got a source for that?
Yikes, no one likes that garbage. Xillia when
Source? First time I've heard of any plans for such things
Seikiro just was released.
God I hope they put FPS controls in the prime trilogy.
You keep believing that.
I don't see why they wouldn't release p5 on the switch, take all of the smash money then ride the hide into the new version on ps4.
You Xcucks are getting jack shit, as usual.
>Bamco canceled the Berseria and Zestiria ports
How can they cancel something they didn't intend to port?
Why bother you retards believed the grinch leak.
Vesperia sold piss poor in the US on the switch with 90% of all North American copies coming from the PS4.
I didn't get Dark Souls because of bad audio and Tales of Vesperia because of reported crashes. I'll get P5 as long as it's a good port. I'll get DQXI S too because it looks good and has a lot of extra content and since they're both slow paced turn-based games they're good for handheld.
This, I unironically want another pilotwings game before another metroid walking simulator, provided it's kino like Pilotwings 64.
Most of the NA sales were on Switch.
You mean the game that has nothing to do with Dark Souls and was revealed long before Vesperia port came out? What about it?
What the fuck, it's been 3 years this piece of shit should have games by now. Worst Nintendo console ever
Bandai Namco's quarterly numbers, the switch is a non-starter for them in all territories outside of Japan.
>you retards believed the grinch leak.
Such bold claims. Now give me the source you limp dick faggot. And while you're at it give me the source for those sales numbers.
I'd honestly dig a LttP and ALBW collection on Switch using the latter as the baseline
Just continue from bad ending like smt4 from neutral route. How dumb creativelet are you?
In correct, Nintendo fans are reliable in just buying Nintendo games and really bumfuck else on the platform. You'll get some retards who buy 5 dollar indie games but that's their most expensive non-nintendo purchase.
You people are actually a terrible market to cater towards because if it's not part of your MUH MARIO N ZELDA NOSTALGIA you really don't try other games.
When does any console get good games?
the answer is never, buy a PC
The switch is 2 years and 1 month old. Dummy retard can't even count.
And of course it has games but you already know that.
>Nuh uh dun count
Yeah fuck off
Literally how would you know this? There haven't been any Tales releases since Vesperia Definitive.
Then link it.
>Nintendo wants me to buy all three Metroid Prime games a third time
And by god I'm gonna fucking do it
So when are you going to post the source for sales number of Vesperia?
Very sad.
He doesn't have the source obviously. As for the Grinch leak I'm pretty sure it's one of those things he spammed when he was trying to get Nintendo removed from Yea Forums.
Has Nintendo ever lost at something? Feels good bros.
17% of the sales numbers were all from japan, it sold the least on the switch worldwide.
Super Smash Bros Ultimate
Super Mario Odyssey
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
Kirby Star Allies
Splatoon 2
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Mario + Rabbids
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Yoshi's Crafted World
Golf Story
Octopath Traveler
NES Online
And at E3/coming soon
Animal Crossing
Metroid Prime 4
Luigi's Mansion 3
Shin Megami Tensei V
Pokemon Sword
Astral Chain (August 30th)
Super Mario Maker 2 (June)
Might have forgotten a few, it's hard to keep up.
That's not completely true. I know
But Asteria entered its 5th arc this year and Rays its 3rd Arc.
Probably like Dragon quest 11 S
>The sandwich gets a(nother) shitty, pretentious jrpg that has edgy, fedora-wearing teenagers as main characters
making a good console since the n64
nice source, especially when Switch ended up selling more Vesperia
>The prime series will finally be on a console with two proper control sticks
Bros.... If this is real we need to ruin the sois ability to play. If
it sold the most in EU in Switch
>toddlershit and cringe weebshit
Lmao nice games basedboy
So the GC.
This is great, the only problem with this is that Smash patternfags are gonna start believing "muh Nintendo history" is relevant again
>Using Payday 2 as your example
Literally way better choices as Payday 2 is a mess on all systems besides PC
>i-i-it doesn't count! none of them are movies!
>the c-stick
And America.
I think it only sold less in Japan.
If they pull another Catherine Classic I'd wonder if Nintendo would outright choke them on the spot.
The Wii U is the only genuine failure of a console Nintendo has ever produced.
What Smash money? You don't think Nintendo actually pays for third party characters do you?
You don't think Square really just gave Sakurai Cloud for free, do you?
And even then it's not much of a big gap.
You mean the virtual boy. The Wii U barely crossed the profi
>publisher Nintendo
That counts as a console?
>he actually thinks it's about paying owners cash
lmao go read up sakurai's column on how they get characters
Yes I do
>540p looks better than 720p
No wonder I never use mine. What a shit library.
Lmao, even Yoshi can't run at 720p.
The money they'll get from joker being promoted in smash and more sales.
And the N64, the game cube.
Wrong and wrong.
Believe it or not FF7 is not as relevant as it used to be, especially among youngsters, having your character in Smash is a status symbol for your franchise, it has long-term benefits
The game cube only sold 22 million. The Wii U did what, 15ish?
Nintendo in general has been producing lower number consoles for a while, now they are forced to merge handhelds and consoles. The result is ports and low tier budget games with higher price tags.
Probably. They did the same thing with Catherine on PC.
It certainly wasn't a handheld.
You know if you factor in the Switch only 3 systems out of 7 follow this supposed trend.
>now they are forced to merge handhelds and consoles
You naive child.
christ what a fucking fag