Reminder that scarlard was right all along and even top Ultimate players hate this game. What went wrong?
Reminder that scarlard was right all along and even top Ultimate players hate this game. What went wrong?
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Top players were bayofags in Smash 4.
Zeor (:
>Zeor (:
What did Zoomdat mean by this?
Keep in mind he's using the backwards smiley face so it implies malicious intent behind his post
You mean Smash 4 players who can’t adapt to the new system are dropping like flies. Which is good, fuck scarflord and fuck bayo mains.
This is more significant since tweek actually goes to tourneys
Tweek is a top 2 player
>be washed out
>smash ultimate suuuucks
Every time
Uh, no? They all got called the fuck out on Ultimate. Fuccboi Zack is the only one still trying.
>doesn't get voted into Summit
>has giant hissy fit on twitlonger, could almost be an anime copypaste (as he is a massive Strawhat weeb) the way he spurged out
>tries to talk about his thoughts on a new game
>gives oxymoron statements trying to provide an argument
>people will now use this as ammo
Is this the power of a rich dipshit? Are they all this stupid?
He's a choke artist and failed to get into summit.
I can't wait for the honeymoon period to end, people to get tired of the fucking game, and then act like Ultimate was trash the entire time when the next game comes out just like people did with tr4sh and brawl to an extent. Fuck brawlsheep and fuck hackurai
He's still a top 2 player with the most tournament wins sweetie
Summit is based on people being voted in nigger.
Still a choke artist.
If he's so great, why didn't he just win Nimbus and get a free ride into summit?
Holy shit you people are so fucking beyond autistic. The word is buzzword tier, but god damn, I wish I knew another word to fit how unbelievably autistic you people are in the smash, "community". You took a little kids game, and gave it such in insane amount of fake depth to justify being obsessed with a
Just because it has le ebic nintendo characters
Go to your fucking general. Jesus christ. Shit should be bannable by now.
>I just troll XD
Zero is a faggot. He only epically trolls because he can't get easy wins/tourney payouts anymore. He LOVED summit, but only cause of all the money and perks that came with it. Fuck that twat.
And fuck Tweek. Looks and acts like a total fucking dweeb, and once he gets knocked off his high horse he'll inevitably have a breakdown. I remember the 2GG championship where he lost early and was being a bitch on stage.
His opinion matters more than anyone else regarding Ultimate outside of mkleo
Melee still the king baby.
>Ultimate was openly stated by Nintendo that they aimed to appeal to the professional scene, asked for feedback at e3
>even japanese professional players were involved in the development of Ultimate
>honeymoon period is over and all the top players are concluding that it still sucks competitively and unenjoyable to play at times
Is there really no salvation for Smash as a competitive scene? It almost feels like neither the dev team nor the competitive scene knows what they want anymore.
Melee HD + bigger roster
>dude it’s e for everyone therefor it’s a kids game
>stop having fun reeeee
>bing bing wahoo xD
Imagine being this upset over a community your not even apart of and has no effect on you as a person. What the hell is wrong with the people here
Feels good to be a Meleebro, why do we always win bros?
Literally use melee engine+ physics with ultimate roster and you can placate these smash babies. Don't know why sakurai doesn't cash in on the easy money.
>Japanese professional players were involved in the development of Ultimate
This is where they went wrong.
Idc about the competitive community because I bet the majority of people who bought the game just wanted to play as there favorite characters and beat up other video game characters. Sakurai should’ve just kept trying to make the game fun like brawl minus the regarded trippining bullshit. The content in the game was so fun and now ultimate has literally nothing to do in it
but if a melee person said this, Yea Forums would be up in arms
ironically most melee players really enjoy ultimate
Tweek is good, but he's incredibly inconsistent. I wouldn't call him a top 2 player.
B-because those are glitches! And s-skill g-g-gap even though it's a game about being better than everyone.
god of misfortune has a sensitive nose
>easy money
What money? You really think trying to appeal to a small handful of obnoxious autists would somehow make the game more profitable than it already is? Despite it being the best selling game on the Switch right now? The level of delusion here is nothing short of baffling, especially when said autists wouldn't even like that.
rent free
See you at EVO-OH WAIT
It's been proven that esports faggotry keeps games alive and selling longer than they normally would. It's in every multiplayer developer's interest to have a decent competitive game. Shit like smash would sell regardless so there's no reason not to. Initial sells + milking a game for years > initial sells
He has some solid points but the game plays more strategically than technically at this early stage. I think it's a little off to say winning neutral is just luck as most other fighting games have this duality of deciding how to approach but with other smash titles you can just assert dominance.
Completely agree with him about the small characters being the best though. I don't want them to be worthless but it is frustrating that something can be really hard to hit and at the same time extremely lethal. More normal sized characters have crazy damage output too but when you do the math it basically evens out with the same number of connections needed for the tiny characters to be KOed compared to the average ones. Of course, they die to a well timed smash attack way sooner but that does go into the prediction category and missing it most likely means you die instead.
>claims game is too defensive and campy
>while he's always rushing people with Wario
>even fucking Dabuz sometimes plays aggressively with Olimar
He's right that some stuff is too safe on block though
Where is your poor of this? Also, Smash Bros sells longer than all fighting games normally would. It has great long term sales.
In all seriousness, has there ever been a pro player that loved their game if it was released in the past ten years? It's like they all have a chip on their shoulder about having to play their new inferior product when they always have the option of going back. (For no money of course.) As arrogant, exclusive, entitled, loud, and smelly the Melee community is, I at least have to give them props for putting their money where their mouth is and keeping their bugged out game alive as long as possible. They are the kings of all grognards.
>It's been proven that esports faggotry keeps games alive and selling longer than they normally would.
Tell that to Overwatch.
I never understood this, the insult will always fall flat because the amount of tournaments & entrants melee has, or even smash in general outshines any fighting game as a whole
overwatch is literally only "alive" right now because of esports and porn so I don't see your point. The game itself has always been shallow trash
>that passive aggressiveness
I really wonder what the melee dudes have done to you guys to get these kind of reactions, it's like they killed your family or something
Surprised he didn't complain about the edgeguarding in this game, but didn't he come from Sm4sh? He's probably used to having to let people come back to the stage
This is unironically Brawl's vindication. I don't want the devs to intentionally piss off the competitive community with things like tripping, but they seriously got to stop taking the demands of the competitive scene seriously at all. Smash 6 needs to focus on making casual play fun.
everyone has met that one melee elitist
and deep down they want to play too but they're gatekept hard by the non intuitive movement. Fox and the grapes.
who gives a fuck
Sane people never considered Smash an actual fighting game anyway, only insecure kids who can't move on from Nintendo did.
it's more like don't be half-assed about the demands or at least understand the logic and reasoning behind them. Ultimate just added stuff in the most shallow ways possible which is why so many "good" characters are an utter bore to play
low iq
cringe but also redpilled
Ulticels btfo. Time for you all to take a shower :)
As a melee player, this is obviously flase-flagging.
Japan sucks ass at every smash game, that was their problem
Their tech monsters were scary in early Melee days.
The playerbase that'd normally stick with it would just beg to play it on CRTs, thus having it wither and die
kill yourself faggo
Its called input lag.
fun fact: melee will outlive ultimate
as always, quality > quantity
what a fucking faggot. its one thing to be fit and wanting to show it. its another thing entirely to be so fucking HUNGRY for the attention like that.
My guess is hell fail hard at smash eventually and start taking HRT and become a disgusting trap.
>Melee is free for Hbox and booted from EVO
>Ultimate will die within years
You hear that, Smashies? It's time for that shower
>the Melee Virgin vs the Ultimate Chad
Your right. What do you want?
stick to plebbit kid
You're absolutely right, go play a real fighting game like Tekken which was literally designed to be a casual button masher or Rushdown FighterZ
>shitty players stop playing game
>game bad
I hate to pull the Melee card, but there's a reason Melee is the one that casuals and tryhards remember most.
>insert NPC-tier MUH EFFICIENCY argument here
The esports shit was directly responsible for its decline you mook. Pandering to them entirely instead of the majority is what caused people to drop it in the first place.
t. fat neckbeard who got completely emasculated by a chad
formerly leddit
casual play is already fun in every smash game what are you talking about? Oh wait maybe nerf the FUCKING ITEMS so I can actually use them FOR FUN and not for having a bunch of bullshit on the screen I cannot avoid.
It would be fine, but the game has fucking 6 frames of input delay when using the BEST POSSIBLE CONTROLLER OPTION(wired Gamecube)
That's the highest in the series.
this man is right, smashfags btfo
learn a real fighting game, sorry yours has no depth.
>Former top player in the past 2 Smash games, considered the undisputed GOAT in one of them
>Now makes a comfortable living streaming and making videos about the game series he loves so much while having thousands of young fans who look up to and idolize him
>Insecure attention starved zoomer that watched a couple Zyzz videos
Who's the real chad, Yea Forums?
so we just making up bullshit now?
I think dealing with the smash community is starting to take its toll on him/other top players and he only stays on because he makes 6 digits on it. Within 5 years Zackray is gonna get booed for playing the top tier Wolf then he’s gonna accuse Nairo of kissing some underage jap player in an Orlando hotel.
At the very least they nerfed the gust bellow so it isn't fucking horseshit to get caught in.
That said Ultimate objectively has awful online, and I'd argue it's some of the worst the series has had. Hell, I'd even say Brawl's was more fun if only because you could actually taunt and matchmaking wasn't tied to a retarded as hell ranking system.
That might be a slight exaggeration, but there's zero excuse for Ultimate's online experience to be as shit as it is in 2019, especially since we have to fucking pay for it now.
Tekken 7 is dumbed down from TTT2 ant it's more complicated than every smash game combined.
lmao this is your average Ultimate hater
melee literally has better online matchmaking than ultimate right now.
sporting an effeminate haircut and hipster goggles does not a chad make.
who the fuck is "we"? make something better. the cringe Yea Forums stuff you like is explicitly worse so don't post that.
Zack was always a tool, if he quits right now this scene would improve significantly.
Items have been absolute horseshit since brawl. Melee was the last game where I could play with items on with friends for more than 5 minutes because the items in nusmash games just straight kill you instead of being some goofy shit you throw around and an OCCASIONAL power item.
Why doesn't the melee community just switch to emulation for tourneys anyway?
Ultimate's items are pretty fun, though. Especially the new launch star item. Shit's fun.
>scrub out at every Ultimate tourney you go to
>call the game boring
I don't entirely agree, but I'd still like to see item power scaled back.
Also just remove the dragoon already it's such a boring fucking item.
I mean Zackray the 16 yo Japanese wolf main.
That's a pretty mismatched comparison because Melee regional matchmaking is partly handled by users.
Now that I think of it, a good improvement for Ultimate is if Battle Arenas could be sorted by location. That would make things a lot better.
People didn't boo the Smash4 Bayo mains entirely because they played Bayo. People were totally fine with Bayo players like Tweek, Abadango, and Salem and even held them in high regard. (Note: this was before Tweek decided to become super emo and whiny or Salem went full retard with his research shit)
It was those annoying shittalking kids that literally did nothing of importance until Bayo came out that everyone booed. CaptainZack, Lima, and Mistake are all massive cocksuckers in both the literal and figurative sense and are insufferable both on stream and in person
It's not official enough.
On a more serious note, it'd be difficult to get the entire community to agree on a single standard when it comes to emulation.
Imagine being this retarded
Also make it so you can have multiple simultaneous battles going on at once in a battle arena.
If Slap City can handle it, Smash can sure as hell handle it too.
yes and why are there 2 of them anyway?
big bad nintendo could shut down all our streams.
I'll post it anyway
>keep looking around for approval
Thats pretty fucking pathetic.
I don't think this image says what you think it says.
epic reference bro! much better than those cringe wojaks!
>Brawl is the highest iq Smash game
>ywn go back to Hyrule Temple taunt parties
>ywn have a homebrew person join your party and take you to a bunch of hacked stages that blew your 10 year old mind
>ywn go back to winning matches left and right by spamming Ike's smash attacks in extreme lag
I want to fucking go back
Thanks man
I make a good effort to fill my cringe and cringepilled folder
Except they don't. See? I just disregarded them. Choke artist til the end
>Not even a year and people are already tired of it.
This is a new record for based hackurai, he reached a new low. See you guys in Melee.
Same, I'm going to make so much money.
Everyone was too busy jerking off about the roster
They neglected to care about the gameplay
The lack of news made them notice
Based, stinkdayfags on suicide watch
Wait wait wait. Let me get this straight. Your opinion of a video game is dictated not by what you personally think of the game and your personal experiences playing it, but by some sweaty nerd who's entire career is based around playing said video game constantly? You realize that that's not only retarded but that being at the top nothing really is a challenge in the game, making it not as fun as if he were to find somebody who'd actually test his skills? Being at the top doesn't make his opinion any more valuable on the quality of the game, if anything it devalues it. He's on the far outer reaches of the bell curve. He's played the thing so much he's gotten sick of it which is reasonable for literally any human. You've either played it too much to where your opinion is lower because it's like beating a dead horse, or you haven't played it enough and the new toy syndrome is artificially making your opinion of the game higher. Once you're in that perfect top of the bell curve area where you've played it for that perfect amount of time is where your opinion of it is most accurate. Even then though, to tie into the initial point, opinions differ among everybody! Two people could have gotten equal amounts of play time and think the opposite things. That's human nature. I can't believe that this is something I have to explain to a grown adult.
Soccerguy didn't have a hand in balancing this time around though. That's probably partly a reason why this is happening so early.
Is it really that bad that everyone is viable?
When everyone is viable, nobody is.
His opinion matters more because this is about balancing, idiot. Not many people have the ability to understand the inctricate details of Ultimate like he does. When he complains about the game, even if you don't agree with what he says, his opinions are backed by a very advanced and wide knowledge of the game that's been backed by results and consistency, therefore his ideas are more likely to be solid than any regular chump's.
This doesn't even count his influence as a top 5 contender who is often on people's lists as the 2nd most likely person to take any tournament he attends.
You haven't answered why we should take his opinion seriously.
Learn to format text better then maybe I'll listen to what you have to say.
Because he's a top player with a deep understanding of the game's mechanics? This isn't like Leffen bitching about Puff being the only character that should be allowed to be wobbled or whatever he wants to rant about on Twitter, all of Tweek's points are common sentiments many people have about Ultimate
no one cares about you ledge grabbing autists
fuck off, not a fighting game.
I answered it in the first sentence and every one proceeding it. This game is going to be balance-patched and top players' opinions will most definitely play a significant role in that. If you can't understand that then I don't know why you're in this thread.
>I answered it in the first sentence and every one proceeding it.
Imagine being so low iq you don't understand how graphs work.
stop crying
people are mad they cant play old ass melee till the year 3500, fuck off grandpa
imagine not being able to spot an entry level ironic post on Yea Forums
Who cares what tourneyfags think
>Being a grayon eating rosterfag
Think about how much Melee's players go ballistic over even the smallest details to the point that some need a special defect controller to play. Now imagine if they had to play on non-CRTs where they can find even a frame of input lag unplayable. It ain't farfetched
party game who cares
Smash 4 was literal shit and he is a fraud.
>Now imagine if they had to play on non-CRTs where they can find even a frame of input lag unplayable.
They already do on dolphin nearly everyone agrees its the best way to play the game.
play a new fucking game
you cant play may-leh for the next 200 years, idiot
Smash will never be a real fighting game
ZeRo has said Sm4sh was his least favorite smash game before. Also he was top 20 in melee at some point and one of the best at PM and brawl. Cope harder
They have a version of melee and a bunch of specific hacks to lower input delay and counteract display lag and similar things. They wouldn't be able to do that on a Switch.
Not that it matters. Most players never reach the skill plateau where it could truly make the difference.
define "real" and "fighting game"
There's nothing wrong with playing an old game. ST tournaments are super fun.
>They have a version of melee and a bunch of specific hacks to lower input delay and counteract display lag and similar things.
Wrong thats only for netplay because online inherently has lag. Standard dolphin plays the same as crt
>you cant play may-leh for the next 200 years, idiot
Yes we can and will zoomer until they decide to finally make another good smash game.
He's also a salty ass nigga and a bitch.
On this whole FGC-Smash thing. Am I the only one that is slowly from Smasher to FGCtist? Meleebabs shitting on Hbox/Icies and 2018 for Smash 4 definitely turned me off from the community. I feel like a similar fate will come onto Ultimate once they stop rolling out patches and the top tiers start to settle. Once SF6 comes out I’m probably gonna drop all of my smasher related online indentities and pretend that never happened.
Because it's disrespectful as fuck to do that, he'd be heavily implying that the last three games were fuckups if he did what you're suggesting. And guess what? Respect is one of the more important concepts in Japan.
It's not any more difficult than melee or arguably 64 d e s u
>he'd be heavily implying that the last three games were fuckups if he did what you're suggesting.
Well they are.
What did he mean by this?
You probably don't interact with any of these players and probably don't attend any tournaments and you are probably a retarded zoomer that can't differentiate memes from reality. Basically the worst of the nu-FGC that EVO is after.
Stay out of the FGC, smelly. We don't want you.
Still a better game than SSB4
Meant to reply to the nintenboy
Thats not saying very much.
stinkyfags go apeshit over this and can't argue
Say it with me Yea Forums
You can have your sponsorships, your money, your hype trailers. But at the end of the day, gameplay is what matters most.
What excuse are people throwing around that they don't like ultimate anymore?
>having to let people come back to the stage
You're a retard.
All I want is for them to change the AI's, theres 10 or so characters that are fucking CUNTS.
>Peach spams hover+dair and will ALWAYS hover above your hitbox
>Fox sprints all over the stage spamming Nair
>Pacman uses the weird movement of his Nair to move out of your range for one second before he loops around and hits you with the end of his attack
>Pichu/pikachu spams dair, fair, and neutral B
>Fucking Simon covers the stage in projectiles and hits you with the whip sweetspot EVERY TIME
It's just so tiring.
What did he mean by this?
Regardless, it's not happening, for the same reason Crafts and Meister aren't going to develop anymore Gundam Breaker games.
>not doing a fair before the FS
They are also niche side events. That's what Melee should be.
They've done that several times now and you still hold on to your solved, bland, stale game.
oh wait
They aren't, Melee is trash.
>But at the end of the day, gameplay is what matters most.
Then Melee is fucked because its gameplay is mediocre and broken.
That is what you want melee to be. Sorry you couldn't get your mvc2 tournies running again in your region loser
>Listening to Zero after barely participating in any tournaments and barely making top 8
How about go fuck yourself and actually get gud at the game
That's like asking Mango for Smash 4 help
Based, Melee will never die all the seething in this thread only makes it stronger.
>he misses sm4sh mechanics
ultimate is an objectively better game in every way other than the input lag, and that's not even that bad
>Ignoring the tweek tweets
Cope harder the game is shit.
Maybe if you fuckers stopped banning perfectly legal stage because you want MK Leo to swoop under the fucking stage then people wouldnt be bored
Why give attention to that whiny bitch? It's like giving Leffen attention.
My only problem with Ultimate was that the online was fucking terrible. Completely killed my drive to actually try and learn the game.
I get better connections and customization on melee netplay than I do on ultimate. On a fucking emulator.
>Faster than Ultimate
>Better dash dance than Ultimate
>Better Wavedash than Ultimate
>Shield drop
>more hitstun than Ultimate
>better air momentum than Ultimate
>better movement than ultimate
Yikes. Ultimate is just a watered down PM
>Ignoring the other top players agreeing with him in the comments
Also Leffen while retarded sometimes is correct on lots of things.
You're cringe as fuck but you have a point. You have competitive minded players trying to mold a game that isn't about what they want. Like Nintendo does not want this game to be a true fighting game like all the others so they don't balance it or even really broadcast it as such.
So players coming out like Tweek with these takes on twitter about how the game is boring at top level or issues with character balance, it falls on deaf ears because Nintendo doesn't care about the fighting game community. If you're that upset about the state of the game while you are at the top, consider going into a game that provides what you want
No. There's no shield drop for starts which makes the platforms feel like shit for starts
>top players
I still love ultimate but tweek is right about a lot of the things he mentions and I think its silly to deny them just because he is a washed player.
>Lack of perfect pivot removes microspacing meta
>Yomi heavy gameplay with odd parry system
>Aerials that are just too safe on shield and a buffer system that makes dealing with this very read heavy
>Defensive gameplay
He isn't wrong. It dosen't mean ultimate is bad by any means, hell I love the game but lets face it its got problems.
I miss smash 4 sometimes
>Only a certain list of people I agree with are valid
Keep moving that goalpost and coping buddy
Go play Melee on Anther's and stop shitposting.
You're the one moving goalposts. Try harder next time, champ.
>Not many people have the ability to understand the inctricate details of Ultimate like he does. When he complains about the game, even if you don't agree with what he says, his opinions are backed by a very advanced and wide knowledge of the game that's been backed by results and consistency, therefore his ideas are more likely to be solid than any regular chump's.
This is a cancerous perspective to take. When you are faced with details you can't grasp, don't take someone else's opinion out of ignorance. Either stop having an opinion on advanced stuff that you can't understand, or go learn about it and then come back and start having an opinion again
You're openly advocating being a sheep doing what you are doing
Melee is cool and all but we are talking about a completely different game user.
>You can have your sponsorships, your money, your hype trailers. But at the end of the day, gameplay is what matters most.
Its 2019 and you as a melee fag haven't had any right to say this for years now, especially since when there are P:M organizers literally losing money every month on running events for a truly dying game. Saying P:M sucks isn't a valid argument against that either since we are talking about the scene and the game itself.
Do you retards realize smash ultimate is the most popular game at EVO. The competitive scene is not dying, all that's happening is a couple of autists are mad it's not melee. These people will eventually drop the game and the community will continue without them.
>Who cares he doesn't even go to tournaments
>N-no that guy doesn't count he is a cry baby
>N-no those people don't count either they aren't on my list of top players
>N-no you are moving the goalpost not me
>e-celeb drama faggot smash tourney sperg
who the fuck gives a shit?
Can someone explain to me what are Ultimate's balance problems? Characters too strong? Input lag?
reminder this guy got fucking bodied by zero the fatman
Its a opinion from a player who is good at these types of games and what you define as seriously is up to you.
I think he makes completely valid points but I can still love the game for its strengths but I am not going to deny that I agree with him.
It's actually one of the most balanced fighting games and WAY more balanced than melee.
>Do you retards realize smash ultimate is the most popular game at EVO.
This happens all the time when a new game comes out. Happened with DBFZ and now DBFZ isn't top 5.
>all that's happening is a couple of autists are mad it's not melee
Tweek says he prefers Smash 4 over Ultimate. Not a case of maylay you fucking drone
it's almost like this shit has happened before. It's the same thing with every new smash game. Release honeymoon -> big year 1-> newness wears off and people start to think the game isn't all that good-> game falls off
It doesn't matter if it's balanced or not, the best fighting games are unbalanced the majority of the time. Can't enjoy a balance dgame if it has flaws
Just admit you lost the argument.
You are retarded and do not even know why Melee is played on CRTs. There is a reason modern fighters don't use CRTs, you fucking dumb troglodyte.
>Balance problem
Obviously some characters are better then others and you will see a influx of wolfs, pichus, lucinas and yinks over other characters but as a low tier main for 4 games now I don't think this game has a balance problem.
more like everyone predicted he would like it less than Sm4sh and not take it seriously because he could not be the undisputed #1 in this one.
First of all, the point is the game is thriving eight now. Maybe next year it will be less popular but that's pointless speculation.
Second, you're missing the point. The people complaining are a tiny portion of the community. If all 10 of them leave it will change almost nothing. Different players who actually enjoy the game will replace them.
You miss Smash 4 but feel that Ultimate is more defensive? I thought the general census on Ultimate regarding this, was that it's less defensive compared to Smash 4 in comparison.
you lost when you announced the other lost the argument. just go to bed.
Yes, god forbid you have to play neutral, that's "boring". It's even more offensive then smash 4 which was already fine and you retards are still bitching.
Neutral is and should always be the focus of fighting games. Smashfag's autistic fucking obsession with rewarding offense as much as possible because WAH FOOTSIES AND ZONING IS BORING just shows how casual they are.
How can one man be so fucking based??? FUCK SMASH FAGS AND FUCK ANYONE WHO TALKS ABOUT SMASH!
So here's the thing. These pro players from other games like 4 and melee put thousands of hours in those games. They're extremely comfortable and nostalgic for that gameplay. However, even if they all quit it would change nothing about the scene. There are millions of competitive ultimate players, there's no reason the scene needs these specific players to succeed.
If Nintendo doesn't make changes you bet your ass more than 10 people will quit the game. Especially in an era where fighting games/platform fighters are being replaced by other genres
>"top players" complaining about smash 4 on its final days
>"see me in ultimate" for months before ultimate launch
>Ultimate finaly launch
>The same top players realize that the game is not a carbon copy of Smash 4 and that they have to re learn from the scratch
>I want my smash 4 back
It's balanced for a smash game but it's not "balanced". Only about half the cast is viable in high level play and only about 1/3 of those are actually like, top 4 viable.
I mean the fundamentally point that good gameplay that isn't broken, reards skill, etc is more important then balance is true, but balance is still extremely important. Pokken I think is a good example of a fighting game that both nails character balance (all but 4 characters make top 8's with some regularity, and 1 of those 4 characters, weavile, is still really good, and is rather just not popular due to being overly demanding at higher levels of play relative to other characters that can get the same utlity with less effort) and good gameplay (doesn't reward either defensive play or offensive play disproinately, loads of mechanice to reward adaption and player expression, etc)
Many people will obviously move on which is normal for a video game, but Smash is going to continue to sell and draw in more players. You will see especially large boosts in the holidays.
Ultimate is Smash's Sonic 06, literally Brawl 3.0. Sad!
>There are millions of competitive ultimate players
soon to be based Melee players
Melee is dying and would be dying with or without ultimate.
Nothing you said is relevant to what I said. I didn't say his perspective is right, I'm saying it's more valid because he knows what he's talking about. I'm not randomly taking someone's opinion as my own, I never even implied that I shared his opinion once.
His capability to understand this game is undeniable at this point. I'm not saying that his word is the biblical truth, in the end it's only another opinion on the subject. But it is one that is valuable in that he knows the game at its core, and so his judgement is unlikely to be biased or moved by a lack of understanding of the game or poor decisions he makes which give him a misguided impression of what the game really is.
I unironically hope all these shitters complain enough on twitter and Sakurai just cancels Smash forever to spite them
i don't think anyone is going to picking up melee anytime soon considering you need a gc, controllers and an old tv to use it unfortunately
melee was a shittier 64
>I'm saying it's more valid
But its not valid because its not your own, that's the entire point. If I'm talking with Tweek then its cool, but out of the words of some chuckle fuck who doesn't understand the game and just wants to agree with a smasher for clout, nah that's just noise
>Brawl players come out of the woodwork and win shit
>Melee currently having an exodus since their game is dead
>Scarflad suddenly has real competition and can't tierwhore his way to win like in sm4sh
>Pandering to them entirely instead of the majority
If this were true, then Brig would have been removed from the game entirely. Blizzard doesn't pander to anyone with OW, instead choosing to piss off everyone equally.
>Soon to be based melee players
Who drop chain grabs, play on the top platform instead of approaching and have no desire to play puff because "she is lame" when she is the character that needs to be played against the most.
I have seen the new wave of melee players and its not good trust me.
Westballz is still my favorite falco though I love you bby
>meleefags still mad that salem called them out on their shit
Here's the set.
Holy shit you people are pathetic lol.
Meleefags are the most pathetic people on Earth
Sakurai made this statement when the newest smash game was Brawl.
>I'm not randomly taking someone's opinion as my own, I never even implied that I shared his opinion once.
What part of this did you not understand? Did you create some kind of mental fixture at some point in the reply chain that I agree with tweek? Tell me, when did I agree with him?
I never did. I'm defending the validity of his opinion, not the content of it nor my own opinion. I haven't once expressed any thought of my own on Ultimate, not even through tweek's words.
You will never actually consider another opinion but will instead just play what you see. You know this, I know this and everyone else knows this. Any "top player" is just some loser who managed to catch some recognition or could afford to make the trips to tournies.
how do people watch this shit? A straight up cure for insomnia right here
>game is just aerial into followups!
so melee then
But you can't defend the validity of his opinion when you openly admit that you do not have the knowledge to do soAll you want to do is agree with a high level player just for the fact that he is high level player. Why do you want to do that? Because its easy and removes critical thinking from yourself and shifts it to someone else.
You want to have an opinion on Smash balancing and the state of the game? Grind matches, study frame data, prove your ability to understand every level of the game and THEN have an opinion but don't follow someone else and assume that they are probably right because they are better than you. Don't be a fuckboy and come into discussions with shit like this because it makes you look like an actual cuck
His and other top players' opinion is going to start to matter when the game gets balanced though. They're going to have influences on the way that the Ultimate meta gets shapened down the road and that's going to affect our experience with the game. The fact that many top players share his opinion boosts the potential of the complaints he listed being factored into nintendo's balancing.
Thing is there's more defensive options in melee and the neutral is far more different since movement is less restrictive in Melee.
You're making a lot of baseless assumptions about me.
First off, where did I state in the post you quoted that I wasn't capable of making an opinion on the game? Second, how would that factor in to my capability to defend the validity of his perspective? Anyone can see that a renowned professional of his craft would have more experience and understanding feeding into his opinion regarding that craft. It doesn't make his opinions more correct, but more likely to be valuable when considering topics related his profession.
I have my own opinion you reddit spacing motherfucker, get that into your head. That wasn't my post you quoted in your third paragraph, I was giving reasons why his ideas will be relevant to discussion of the game and how they will actually matter down the line in why Nintendo will take into account his stance. YOU made that assumption and the assumption that I'm taking Tweek's opinion as my own and now you're too stubborn, trying to needlessly convince me to form my own opinion when I already had one to begin with.
I'm going to say this one last time because for some reason I'm hopeful that your tiny brain can finally comprehend it even though I shouldn't be. I never said Tweek was right. I said his opinions are validly drawn conclusions based off his vast knowledge and experience with the game. They could be wrong, but nonetheless they hold weight because of this and should be examined thoroughly to see what is wrong and what isn't, what matters and what doesn't in his complaints.
>fucking sky talking about Yoshi
Goddamnit will he ever just fuck off
The way all the melee fags in this thread still cling to that game only make me wish others were as autisticly desperate to keep some older fighting games alive
I play Smash Ultimate with my gf and friends items on and still have a blast. I have played like ~5 online matches in total.
I do admit that game would probably suck if I wanted to play it competitively on fair stages without items, but the game isn't really made for it. It shines as casual party game especially when drunk.
Weird that Melee can be both.
Melee is going to die, but it's killer is going to be time instead of Ultimate. Melee is too old and by that I mean it requires relics from the past. Requirements for CRT TVs and specific Gamecube controllers for top level are going to be a brick wall for most aspiring zoomers even if they were interested, Melee elite is going to stay stagnated and new rising stars will most likely not emerge.
Yeah I'm sure making Melee HD would result in better sales than something that outsold Brawl in a month.
Less content and less chaos equals less casual fun, especially since most people I play it with don't own any smash games themselves.
>implying that isn't due to console limitations
I didn't mean literally Melee, I meant the gameplay.
I am not sure if you don't play smash or you don't play Tekken.
Like at least give me a good fighter like King of Fighters XIV, Guilty Gear or, hell if you want to go down the 3D fighting meme, Dead or Alive 5LR is infinitely beter than all the garbage Tekken has shat for the last decade.
wow didn't take that long for them to notice that it's shit
Why a gym shirt? Everyone can see that you lift bud
They should just face that even with Melee their affection and clinging to it is largely due to nostalgia. Competitive gamers who were adults around it's original release didn't care for Melee. It was teens and kids who got fired up about it and it's still pretty much the same generation obsessed by it to this day.
>sf2 clone
>sf2 clone
>sf2 clone
>sf2 clone
Yeah I wonder why no one plays them anymore.
fighting games mostly consists of casuals that play for the tits, cool graphics, anime or gore and the Autists who beat them by memorizing inputs, but smash tried to cater to actual gameplay.
Sakurai was fed up with arcade fighting games and their numerous problems that still exist to this day, so he just fixed the whole genre with 64/melee.
Of course violent and horny chimps will never understand,they will just lash out like you see in any fighting game thread.
Oh yeah yeah, Tweek and Zero are well known for being Melee pros.
Mods, turn likes back on so I can like this post
There’s very little to do once you’re approaching the skill ceiling. You learn like 3 mechanics and then lol just play neutral 7000 times. The game needs more options.
To expand on it it’s a platform fighter (half platformer half fighter; this is smash’s genre) but it has no jump momentum and characters may only have one combo that’s more than 2-3 hits. Imagine you’re playing mario and you jump and suddenly you’re only going half speed. It’s retarded. Imagine a fighting game where you just play rock paper scissors with attacks over and over again and the loser loses health. It’s stale and lacking in flow.
As a melee player, THIS is obviously false-flagging
I know that here on Yea Forums we like to have epic ironic memes that are stupid on purpose (i.e. "you're waifu a shit" being the right spelling and anyone who tries to correct it is a newfag)
But can we please not make "wojak image that fundamentally misunderstands normal distributions" a meme
i don't give a rats ass
if you don't like the game then don't fucking play it
you don't need the money from tourneys
go get a real job
before i fuck your ass with your mom's headless corpse