Admit it Yea Forums, he WAS unessecary rude to the blizzard employee
Admit it Yea Forums, he WAS unessecary rude to the blizzard employee
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>brings down an entire company
Pretty based if you ask me.
He might have been if he had a joking or sarcastic tone. But he meant every word of it, he was legitimately voicing the fans' concerns.
He wasn't rude enough
Yes he was unnecessary rude but he spoke the true truth
Blizzard was unnecessarily rude with the entire audience.
>too rude to corporate overlords who think they are entitled to your wallet
No such thing.
When a company pretends their small spinoff phone game is good enough to be the main event of their big annual convention filled with core gamers who are anticipating something of substance and quality, any rudeness directed at them for their transgression is not only not unnecessary, it is absolutely fucking VITAL. It's part of getting people to stop making mistakes. You punish them when they do wrong so that they learn that they shouldn't do it again.
>Fan pay $100 plus for blizzcon ticket
>Announce mobile game in PC convention.
>Wonder why people are piss
I kind of feel like the giant, triple a game dev who was completely aware of their customer’s wants and totally ignored them to make cash of off a cheap Chinese garbage phone game and fuck everyone in the ass who bought the 200 dollar blizzcon ticket was in the wrong here, not some fag with a fannypack.
>asks ONE (1) snarky sarcasstic question
>nukes the entire panel AND 800+ employees
Is this a belated april fools joke?
He should have grabbed the person behind him, pull out a gun, and said he would start killing a hostage for each minute that Diablo Immortal isn't canned
blow me
Is this a 1 day late April Fools joke?
Didn't tinder do a out of season april fools this year
Diablo 2 was a labor of love which will never be surpassed. It left an indelible imprint in core Diablo fans and they will never forget how they were FUCKED by nu-Blizzard. He could say anything and I would forgive him.
No, he was fucking based.
what a fucking legend
there a doctor in the house!?
Completely valid, though. Blizzard had already joked about something like that during April 1st of a previous year.
Is this a day two dlc April Fool's Joke?
Honestly, I don’t prescribe to this nublizzard hate as much as I probably should. I genuinely have fun playing BFA (primarily PvP but still). I just. The game is obviously never again going to have the same values and feeling as classic because times change, so why try to make it like that?
No meme and no hate, I think it’s great people are so passionate about classic and I really hope everyone has fun when classic comes out, I just want to have about it.
Fuck overwatch though, Jeff should be noosed for allowing that abomination to mutate into what it is
Irl Kino lighting
It was a necessary eye opener.
A corporate environment filled with yes men who agree with every shitty decision isn't conducive to blizzard's long term health.
The sooner they get their shit together, the better.
Is there a higher res of this?
Why does Yea Forums bitch about nu male switch fags but praise this guy despite looking just like them
Doc, I'm dying. Gimme a dose, please
S o y isn't a look, it's a state of mind. You'd understand this if you weren't sucking on Blizzard's cock.
It's totally a look you nu male faggot. I bet that faggot gets pegged
guy in OP's pic doesn't look anything like your pic, a beard doesn't make you a nu male zoomer
This sounds like projection if you ask me.
A nu male would not blow the fuck out of a huge game developer at their own convention in front of thousands of people
An absolute mad lad
Because I judge a man on his actions. He could guzzle tofu flavored cum by the gallon, but on that day when he spoke, he had the voice of the diablo fans.
And if bluzard had listened, understood the problem, instead of buying Jason sheers toadying, they wouldn’t have given Kotick just cause to go axe murderer though their ranks.
his mouth isnt open and hes not a fanboy who sucks up
He posts on here, so at the very least he should be aware of the S O Y stereotype.
For starters, basedfags wouldn't have had the balls to be that assertive in public.
How dare paying customers demand employees do their jobs to create a quality product!
>Why do people make of fun of people who are cucks but praise someone who did something undisputably alpha?
It helps to read things back to yourself before you make an ass out of yourself
He posted here? There a screencap?
>going to blizzcon
still makes me kek to this day
His response was perfect.
Rude enough to tell Blizzard how shit their policy is but not rude enough for Blizz to play victim on social media later saying how entitled gamers are.
He’s a basedboy memed into reality
>new game announced four years after the previous title
>it's a phone game
The real victim in all of this.
>emabarrassing a multi-billion dollar company at their own event to the point where they fired tons of employees
>not alpha because bald and glasses amirite?
I don't think this will save your job
Absolutely kino. Shame about the pic quality
Were those layoffs actually a result of what he said? Did that moment really send out ripples like that? Genuinely curious, because that would be amazing if true.
They didn't cancel it and the chinks will still buy it
Since this has become a big meme, there's a chance someone will try to repeat this at next Blizzcon. Blizzard likely knows this as well. How will they prevent such an embarrassment from happening again?
I don't think so
Doesn't that go both ways tho? They're not entitled to your wallet and you're not entitled to be pandered to with every single product in an IP. That'd be like if someone bitched at Nintendo for releasing Super Mario Kart instead of putting all those resources to Super Mario World 2.
He got the april fools question from here, as far as I always knew the story.
No he wasn't rude i think blizz con is already pretty fucking stupid because blizzard is a shit corporation and did something retarded and he was right. He was right
Oaky but they were still humiliated at their own event so whats your point
no, we don't give a shit about what some nobody said
>goes to blizzcon and btfo blizzard in their main stage live
>not alpha
But what would a nintendie know about that?
Don't make any embarrassing announcements.
not letting random losers speak at a microphone
Fake news. He already said this was faked.
i remember he said that he got it from r____t but we all know thats the normalfag answer
>Red shirt fan in the light
>Blue shirt company employee in the dark
This was the last time they spoke as friends.
Underage leave. And yet blizzard is still making it, and this guy is already forgotten outside of here.
lmao so only Blizzard™-approved fuckboys can get up there and say "I love sucking your dicks Blizzard but how can I suck them harder?" Lol nah, then we'd miss out on great stuff like this debacle.
I'm pretty sure that pic had a photoshop filter applied to mimic a Renaissance painting.
>oh yes mister blizzard™ please take my money!™ I dont want games™ I just wanna pay you™
>d-don't worry about the red shirt guy he's just entitled™
>keep thrusting
How seething was blizzard when he asked that question?
I forget if the "don't you guys have phones" thing came before or after that guy asked his question.
I want a handheld diablo game
Red shirt guy made a full grown man cry on stage.
He wasn't.
In fact, he should have asked explanations for what happened 30 years ago in Tiananmen Square.
That line came after another fan asked if there was any chance Diablo Immortal would come to PC. They said no chance, and the booing that ensued prompted the Asian guy to ask the infamous question.
Makes me wonder how this years blizzcon will be like.
He wasn't nearly rude enough, gamers need to stop being fucking pathetic beta corporate bootlickers if there's to be any change in the industry.
>The last man stands above the ruins
If speaking the truth would destroy something then it deserves to be destroyed
I hope they lock it down, and seal themselves in their little LGBT mobile trash bubble. They can dictate how gaming will be to their last 3 remaining fans.
It's in the facial features and it's a real science- low-t levels manifest on the face. I don't have the image, but it's fucking real. The blizzard guy is normal t-levels. You literally have to be a low-t faggot to not see that his t-levels aren't average.
obviously not, why would they fire 800 people because some bald retard asked a meme question at a pr event?
Seriously, is there any other medium that has the retarded levels of brand loyalty as vidya? The only thing that comes close that I can think of is capeshit followers
1.They would laugh off last year accident
2.They would annonce Diablo Immortal for PC for their 'core auditory' and 'hardcore fans'
3. All people who would get to ask questions would be actors hired beforehand so no more toxic gamer questions.
Hand out pen and paper for people with comments and questions, and have someone select between them for the Q&A session.
Pls don't read this Blizzard
Not directly, I mean. Like, could what he said have sparked enough bad PR that eventually led to the layoffs. That's what I meant.
>blizzards is still making it
Of course. They werent going to stop only a newfag or retard like you would think that. But lets not forget how hard they plummeted in market, the ammount of layoffs, they massive backlash from the diablo community and true diablo fans after the bald going cakled them out and how they went into full damage control about it with " w-we are m-making other diablo related project g-guys, plz dont hate"
Snyder symbolism-kino
What's keeping them afloat right now anyways?
Are they basically suckling off the tit of Korean SC1 eSport which they themselves once tried to snuff out?
Diablo 3 got loads of hate too and yet is still a success, this faggot’s words mean nothing to us
>Took the high road and shaved his head instead of letting the world see his balding
>Trimmed beard, not full-grown
>Not a single smile, not even a smirk
>Death stare and fury of a thousand gods
>Gloves to contain his power-level
Not fooling anyone, so1boy
>The one man in the church confronting King Leoric's madness
no, but his question reflected the general fan sentiment to the announcement, which couldn't have helped Blizzard avoid the layoffs
There is a big playerbase in China. That's why they keep aiming to them instead of their western audience. Chinese just earns them more money and chinese don't care about quality, story or anything like that like westerners.
They are perfect drones for milking.
Just look at what types of games they play and what PC games make it to month's top10.
Its asian garbage
It’s a cast thanks to his brittle ass nu male bones
Shut it fag it's from beating the shit out of cum guzzling shills for his tickets to the show
not likely, it was just admin staff that got fired. probably just redundancies and restructuring, considering they hired a bunch more staff in other places around the same time.
He wasn't gentle, but challenging someone on a legitimate point isn't unnecessarily rude. You shouldn't have to apologize before you criticize someone. "No offense, but..." is more insulting than just stating your complaint.
It's not entitlement to voice your dislike of a shitty game you corporate cockmonger.
Imagine if chinks were actually humans.
its not like that at all. your analogy would only work if mario kart was a shit mobile game, and also mario kart wasnt made by nintendo and instead outsourced to communists that make shit mobile games.
Yeah, he WAS unnecessarily rude.
He wasn't being rude ENOUGH
>criticism is entitlement
This retarded line of thought is exatcly what allows developers to be the greediest kikes out of every other medium. No one gets called a baby for saying a movie or book is shit but gamers are wussies because we gotsta not hurt the corporate entities fee fees.
>w-we don't need to pander to you incels!!
How much is blizzard paying you, shill?
You're not entitled to anything, but when blizzard hosts a gathering to show off upcoming products and passes around a mic so the crowd can ask questions, they might just be looking for feedback. And they got it.
Based, friend.
Harry Potter
can someone link the video
Have a "Like!" friendo
>had to wear not one but TWO limiters to contain the power radiating from his eyes
is there footage?
End you are pathetic existence, corporate tool.
A lot of the layoffs were esports divison stuff they were cutting down on due to HotS being kill and overwatch sucking ass
Three posts above yours, my new friend.
No. Just hearsay.
Diablo 3 for switch
But you guys DO have phones right? I'm serious here...
no it spread by word of mouth. All these images are just photoshop recreations of what people have said. Pretty impressive
Well fuck me then.
Phones are for texting girls, not games.
Wheres the cast?
>buying a phone instead of just using 2 cups and some string
>go both ways
there's that phrase again, fuck off
tfw diablo 2 will always be broken as shit but will still have 20k people playing daily
>reverse search
fucking kek
this dude's estrogen affects even his picture
It was necessary for Blizzard to get out of their lazy ass and change their POV on the current industry. Whenever it was a good or bad decision we wont know until their next project sadly. Perhaps it was the slap Blizz needed to wake up, perhaps it was another in the coffin.
That's an artist's rendition of the event.
It's important to remember he was a Blizzard fan and therefore a spineless, tasteless faggot before that moment.
He is praised because the Immortals reveal broke the conditioning. No one expects anything approximating self-respect and integrity at these events, but he stood up and said what many were thinking despite the inevitable shills going "muh incel misogynist gamer rage" or "boo-hoo these wealthy soulless companies just want to sell you hot garbage AND get their cocks sucked for it, why are you so mean?" in response.
What a fucking asshole
My companion drew in the dank, cold air of the convention. It seemed to... strengthen him. I stood in the doorway between light and dark. What was left of my sanity implored me not to enter, I knew there was no chance of a new Diablo game that would be good. But that voice was just a whisper now. As we worked our way down, deeper and deeper into the convention, I began to see a change in my companion. He seemed to be gaining strength. I could hardly see in the gloom, but my companion seemed to know the way. We came at last to a great hall.
Indirectly is ABSOLUTELY true. Morihame retiring meant that Kotick wanted to take a chainsaw to the ranks anyways. if Blizzard had been performing well and growing, and managing their budgets better it might have been delayed
Here's what he DID do. Blizzard went on a MASSIVE hiring spree in 2017. They literally spent millions of dollars adding people to payroll.
And here's evidence of some of the results:
A lot of the new hires were PR, CSR, advertising, community relations, quite a bit in Esports, that sort of thing. They even added an executive position. They hired all the devs they could, but that's not anything new.
Note that not all of the hires were diversity hires. Part of the strategy is that you advertise for woke shit, and you get lots of free good press for your company.
So, look at what Blizzard was actually MAKING in 2017 to now. Overwatch was out in 2016. No new games. The starcraft remaster. WOW subs continue to leak. A big push into esports.
So the situation you have is that they're increasing expenditures massively on support staff, while not being anywhere near making any games that needed that support staff. Bald boy did jack shit to create that situation. Esports failing, and requiring a "restructuring", which means dumping the old retards and trying out new ones. Again, nothing to do with this guy.
Sorryba the hutt.jpg
stop licking corporate ass. Dude had legit concerns after the bullshit blizzard presented.
The REAL thing is that bilzzard was COMPLETELY blindsided by the reaction. Blizzard thought there would be some Yea Forums trolls, maybe some disappointment, but they'd be ok enough with it.
They had shit like this:
Here's evidence of their surprise. Yes, I know it's fucking Kotaku, but it's a direct interview, and also gives an indication of the press's reaction.
So, we have a company spending TENS OF MILLIONS on community relations, increasing it's staff, and they get completely blindsided.
So Kotick sees this the Tofu Titan and the articles, asks "How the fuck are we spending so much money, and getting this kind of result? You have no new games out so you couldn't' have been distracted. You have loads of resources, human, financial, technical, you have your own forums, and people dedicated to reddit, and your own convention." He double checks and sees that they're fucking years away from their next major release, but still adding advertising people.
So from there he lets Blizzard know, cut costs or else. Blizzard makes an effort, offers "learn to code" paid sabbaticals to try to drop headcount, but they don't really do much. A couple months later, Kotick keeps his word this time and goes on a torching spree.
t. Santa Monica fag. Don't believe a damm thing I say. Double check my work and prove me wrong if you like.
Mad enough to bitch to Jason Scheer, who wrote shit about entitled gamers.
Not that I'd trust with a Chinese game with.
Based. Fuck em all .
>Have questions.
>Have to pay $20 for twitch chat to ask them.
>They cherry pick the questions they want to answer and remove Diablo 3 licences from anyone even near sounding like this guy.
Wouldn't even surprise me.
What the fuck his problem?
the fuck you think this is, an IPO?
You're right, they're not entitled to make stuff consumers want. So they shouldn't complain when it doesn't sell and they go under. But we all know how that'll go, it'll quickly become "entitled gamerz made my game fail"
Please please please somebody post the video.
The thing is, it would be so easy to calm people by saying "yes, we're working on diablo 4, but we didn't have shit to show yet, DI is a side project to bring the franchise to a larger audience. But don't worry long time fans, we'll keep working on out mainline products and be sure the time invested is only to make sure what you get to play is even better than what you have already experienced from your beloved arpg and spend countless hours slaying hoardes of demons with amazing heroes in the dark fantasy world of Diablo".
But they didn't! Instead it just looked like they made a horrible cashgrab and forgot entirely about making a good game by reskining an already existing chineese garbage mobage, and then proceeded to kill any promise of D4 happening any time soon, when people had just spent hundreds of dollars to visit blizzcon and get some fucking info on new games instead of throwaway projects designed to milk retards with minimal effort.
>You're not brave. Diablo fans are brave.
Admit it, OP, Blizzard WAS unessecary rude to their entire fanbase and has been destroying their IP's in the name of profit-margins since Burning Crusade.
Some dweeb in a red T calling out their kikery isn't "Rude", he was even super polite about it. Get fucked, shill.
What the fuck happened
Last time a red shirt happened with Blizzard, it was Ian Bates
You're not getting what you want from me you fucking faggot
Will a clip twitch do?
lmao yes. what a retard.
>he doesn't use smoke signal
What a pleb
a few weeks before blizzcon they said that they had multiple diablo projects in development but the thing they were showing at blizzcon may not be what they expect. I dont see how much more clearer they could get without leaking a diablo 4 announcement
>tfw Blizzard was so utterly annihilated that they couldn't make any April 1st jokes this year
They needed to own their mistake, there was no damage control, they were completely out of touch and acting like the problem didn't exist was the worst possible reaction, they just weren't prepared, there was no contingency plan because they expected everyone to eat whatever garbage was thrown at them like always.
Diablo immortal was a tumor, and they didn't cut it, the entire companny is now filled with cancer and it's gonna be really hard to redeem themselves.
I want to kill all fucking libtarded faggots who can't handle any sort of banter
tldr, if your point is too big to fit in one post it's too big to be worth typing on such a dumb topic
yeah I could imagine a bunch of the staff for those being unnecessary at this point, most of owl's stuff is already set up.
They had MILLIONS of dollars spent that year alone in customer relations and PR people to deliver whatever kind of message they wanted. They don't get a pass for that.
thanks doc
Perfectly justified considering Blizzard rudely shat all over Diablo fans.
Unironically based as fuck
They don't get a pass for warning people ahead of time to not get their hopes up? For directly telling people D4 wasn't on the menu? Are you retarded? What kind of point are you trying to make?
No love for effortposting? The TL/DR is that he exposed Blizz's advertising marketing, PR and CSR departments, both execs and grunts as incompetent.
>yeah I could imagine a bunch of the staff for those being unnecessary at this point, most of owl's stuff is already set up.
They decimated the entire division for not delivering. Including the chief executive of esports.