Are we going to talk about how everyone on Yea Forums turned ultra gay yesterday?
Are we going to talk about how everyone on Yea Forums turned ultra gay yesterday?
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Right, April Fools is just their chance to show their faggotry more openly since moderation is more lax. Same thing happened last year so you homo.
>site wide "joke" that brought out attention whores and phoneposters or both
>just happens to be super faggot shit
>just happens to all be weebshit
>only yesterday
By the way, Yea Forums wasn't the only board ERPing during AF, Yea Forums did the same kind of threads and even Yea Forums experimented with it for a bit.
The people who post these reaction images are always the biggest faggots in the universe
I hope next april fools also includes flags again so it tells who the erp fags are. I'm betting on the leaf.
>you stalked the ERPthreads and took screencaps of the gayest shit ever
>you basically spent hours looking at gayshit
*everyone on Yea Forums
It's just faggots with /r9k/ tier mindsets coming out of the woodwork because they're getting dopamine feedback with Likes instead of (You)s
It was pretty fun on Yea Forums too
>You won't ever be as boring as those people
Thank god for one thing, at least
Why is it so hard for you faggots to realize that the majority of posters are from this fucking place.
>Yea Forums is the most hysterical and obsessed with discord trannies and trannies in general, even more so than /r9k/
>Yea Forums is also the gayest and most cockhungry board by a fucking landslide, more so than all the dedicated gay boards combined
kinda makes a fella wonder
>mfw I got my own personal sissy slave on discord because of yesterday
>hes so dependent on me for attention because hes a shy lonely loser irl
All in all, a pretty good April fools
>tfw you spent the day posting lewd lolis everywhere and dabbing on the OP of shitty threads
It wasn't a bad day.
It was based
i wonder how long before the OP pic is posted there
Most boards went through it, and don't forget! Those with the april fools blues can just go to there two boards
/trash/ is kinda slow though
Gays fucking hate trannies though since trannies hijacked the gay community despite "trans" not even being a sexuality.
It should never have gone beyond LGB, now there's fucking dick cutters everywhere.
It was a funny day
Why did this happen? All that we got yesterday was that stupid like system, its not like there was literally unrestrained shitposting for 24 hours like last year.
>weebs are massive faggots who attentionwhore and LARP on anonymous imageboards
lol fucking pathetic
these are the people calling you incel, these are the people crying about /pol/, these are the people who get pissed about people calling out sjw shit
this place is too far gone
>everyone on Yea Forums turned ultra gay yesterday?
Like based ERP wasn't as fun as last year's team themed ERP.
Kidnap a bf, Tomo
I'm too weak.
So who had the biggest score? I saw one user with 10,000+ by the end of it all.
Some fag I saw had over 20,000
I got to 44k.
Date rape him first
What if I get caught?
Probably that one mod who got like 800 likes for publicly banning a rediter and making a joke about it.
>tfw all I cared about was getting the skeleton
Didn't care about the points after that
>le epic gay erp thread
You won't. They'll never suspect you.
I ended with 350. Felt good enough
>have an oral fetish
>reading through this degenerate shit
>realize I have a boner
I hate that this turns me on.
Did you just lurk all day?
you didn't have to share that with us
imagine spending all day cutting and pasting a bunch of gay ass images instead of hanging out in skelebro threads with chill dudes whose only mission was spreading the spooks to level up other people and having a good time. OP i fucking pity you.