So would you buy the Switch Lite revision that WSJ and Eurogamer mentioned? Especially if it turns out to look similar to the Wii U gamepad? Since it's supposed to be more sturdy than the original Switch so kids won't break it.
Switch Lite
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I'd buy a switch pro so I could hack my day 1 model
I want exactly two things from a Switch revision
>Sturdier, ideally aluminum construction
>Scratch-resistant glass screen
I care not about anything else
Here's your Switch Lite bro.
Where the video games tho?
Each letter has a different game.
But it's too heavy for me
So you basically want a U gamepad but with Switch aesthetics
I'm definitely buying an upgraded Switch when it launches, both for all the benefits the redesign will hopefully bring, and to turn my launch Switch into the permanent portable/TV hybrid emulation station I've been dreaming of for fucking ages.
A Switch Lite, however? Same internals but built to be sturdier for kids and actually lacking some features at a lower price? Nah, fuck that.
>A Switch Lite, however? Same internals but built to be sturdier for kids and actually lacking some features at a lower price? Nah, fuck that.
But it will end up looking like the Wii U gamepad which was maximum comfy
1. Current switch is not a TRUE portable (does not fit in the average humans pocket)
2. Current switch is TOO expensive (Costs more than PS4 which is $200)
3. The switch gimmick is rarely used by most (either leave it in dock mode all the time or carry it around portable mode like I do)
And let's all be honest here. The majority of you will buy it.
But that wasn’t made out of aluminum and glass, retard. So no.
But why smaller screens though?
Where are you getting a $200 ps4
Because it's a smaller switch you idiot. Not stop arguing.
user Switch Lite will be the size of the U gamepad.
Yes it was retard
It's literally supposed to be the opposite. Bigger and sturdier than the current Switch
>Wii U gamepad was made of aluminum and glass
No. Nobody will buy it. No kids will buy it because it's too big and no mom will buy it because it's too expensive.
Smaller, cheaper. 2ds. That's it. Don't argue. You'll only hurt yourself later.
Gonna get either the portable or pro (both, eventually) so I can play online and finally hack my original to get rid of these awful prices on games.
I already own a vita.
I never play games outside my home. It's not that I'm embarrassed to or anything; I just never have the occasion. I could see it being useful on a long flight, but I never travel.
With that said, I might be interested in a version of the Switch that is just the console without a screen or joycons. It's just a box you attach to a TV and a pro controller is included. Although, if it's not cheaper than a standard Switch, I don't see the point since it wouldn't be any different than just keeping the Switch docked all the time.
Maybe not a Switch lite, but if there is a more powerful switch then maybe, love my switch but few games I want. Octopath looked fun and want JRPGs and waiting for SMT V, but played Octopath demo and the game is boring. Waiting for FE Three houses, astral chain, and dragon quest 11 s.
I want a black box "switch". I have never once used it outside of the dock. Just give me the Vita TV version of the Switch for $150.
Yeah WSJ and Eurogamer disagree with you autist-kun. The Switch Lite is Gamepad 2.0
>No kids will buy it because it's too big
It's really not. It's even lighter than the Switch. Also it was already said the lite version would be bigger and more sturdy than the current Switch. So your pic doesn't work.
>compatible with dock
literally how? it's clearly too small to fit
I sold my switch because lolnogames and I thought zelda was boring as shit. But I'll probably grab two for pokemon for my wife and I. Hopefully the pro isn't dogshit.
>zelda was boring as shit
Thought I was the only one
>Switch Pro will be RCM patched
Don't like it for that, and on the off chance if Switch mini doesn't have the same specs as the normal Switch undocked, then there will be no capture solution for it. Hoping the Switch Pro doesn't come out, though
They need to upgrade it, give it 6GB of RAM and 1.20 TF, better battery life,CPU etc. Take all of the chips and stick it in the Wii U gamepad and just change the button layout or whatever to match the switch. make it come with a pro controller or something and have the dock fit in like one of those controller chargers instead of a block of plastic that boost its power to something closer to the base xbone
Nah bro that switch has more resolution and raw power thanthe current switch even the image alone has more resolution than the switch
you literally can't have all three in one package when the switch is made of plastic already
actually switch has a lot of metal on the sides
It will probably look cheaper made like the 2ds
>too small to fit
>too small
>2ds > 3ds > vita > psp > phone > switch
I don't follow
>the ps4 costs $200
Based retard
Not him bu I bought my ps4 in a Spider-Man bundle during Black Friday... love the shit out of it. Even when I don’t play games I can watch Plex.
NIGGA how can something be too small to fit in something?
are you retarded? have you never seen the switch dock?
For the past two years, the PS4 is $200 during Black Friday. And I don't mean some hard to find deal only on that day. Almost the entire month of November, every major retailer had it at that price. Last year it even included Spider Man so you got a game with it.
maybe his concern was that the mini switch would wiggle around in the dock because it's too small.
but i mean it still wouldn't be hard to just make a separate dock for the mini considering how simple the dock is in the first place.
The obsolete PS4 yeah
I own the switch dock r-tard
then picture this switch mini in a dock - it wouldn't fucking fit. The buttons and sticks are too far in.
I use that small dock. Why didn't Nintendo have that as it by default?
Unless they replace the sticks with circle pads they would block the Switch from getting in.
Because they're waiting to resell a smaller switch mini dock.
probably worried people would knock the system out the dock too easily
damn, you're right. guess i'm the dumb nigga now
> “You would be wrong to think the enhanced version is similar to what Sony did with PS4 Pro and the other is just a cheap alternative that looks very similar to some past hand-held machines, say, Sony’s PlayStation Vita,” one person who has used the new devices said.
Given that it's supposed to take over for the 2DS / 3DS line, it'll probably look more like this.
Holy shit if buy a device like that if it existed
But it does, unless you're referring to a Switch in that form
>Kid drops it
>$250 to repair
Ok, but wouldn't 4:3 display be better?
Games are made in widescreen.
no it wouldn’t
how would it be better in anyway besides being slightly more compact
So based on the time frame, and a likely E3 reveal, these things will probably launch with, or just before, Pokemon right?
Summer launch according to rumors
Really? Guess it makes sense since they'll want them out before black friday.
It would be kino
I have two friends who said they'd bite at $200. The closer Nintendo gets them to impulse buy territory the more they sell.
It's suppose to be bigger and more sturdy than the current Switch. Think before you post.
It's supposed to be more sturdy than the original Switch and Switch is more sturdy than 2DS/3DS.
would a switchpad work?
i'll buy if it comes with p5
Probably. I used my Switch in handheld mode like 90% of the time cus cozy af in bed.
Same. Especially if it's as big as the gamepad
>switch lite
>bigger than a normal switch
They already said it would be along with being more sturdy than the original Switch