What do you think about games with a pretentious atmosphere?
What do you think about games with a pretentious atmosphere?
Other urls found in this thread:
You are not going to make a term as retarded as "pretentious atmosphere" into a meme. Fuck off.
I think about your mom lol
Better to embrace pretension and try something truly great than to be totally afraid of coming across as pretentious and making something really scared and boring and safe
They're better when they have FPS higher than 20.
>pretentious atmosphere
What does that even mean?
"Pretentious" lol. This is what FIFA/League of Legends playing scum call good single player games.
It's a atmosphere that pretends to be what it isn't. The developer wants you to believe that it's great, but it just isn't.
They can be nice.
>Dude how do you feel when you see a building on the horizon and u cant actually go there
Is this a trick question
Why isn't it great?
God, I hate this website. Post-irony has destroyed all forms of internet discussion.
Because you can't interact with it. Like, right, it looks pretty but what does that really mean? What's the purpose of those things in the scenery? They may be appealing in visual but they mean something?They serve a deeper purpose? What does it mean?
The art designer crafted this beatiful landscape and then thought to himself ''man, I just did that because it looks cool, but I bet those retards from Yea Forums and IGN will eat it up and think of it as amazing atmosphere. ????? ". THAT'S pretentious.
You're a retard. By your logic all games should have skyboxes with solid colors and literal walls instead of scenary. Or you're one of those muh open world faggots and I won't argue with one of you homoginizing retards who don't understand a thing about game focus
why would a developer make something that isn't supposed to be great?
autism speaks
>i need every detail of a world explained to me or it's "pretentious"
this is the youtube generation at full force. "[movie/game/tv show] EXPLAINED!" videos are destroying peoples' ability to understand media
Nothing can have atmosphere then because I can define some arbitrary way it does not meet my definition of intractability
Imagine being so deep in irony that you think a landscape is pretentious. Go to bed kid
why do you think your opinion of "great" is correct?
>The look of the game goes along with its music, characters, setting and story
Yea some pretentious shit. BB would be a better game if it just took place on a tropic island but everything else was the same.
so you would prefer a blank white skybox and no decorations or terrain that you can't interact with?
so every game should just look like the training stage from street fighter and setting context through visual storytelling is completely meaningless, got it
Cause this is a bait thread and you got baited
I know this is bait but I really just want to say fuck you retard because of how dumb this is.
fuck you retard
Fucking retarded thread
Have sex
At least it would not be pretentious and would be actual atmosphere
>pretentious atmosphere
Have you considered the alternate possibility in that you might just be a retard?
thanks for the (You)
That's not what pretentious means fuck off. You're just trying to be a fag and shitpost about BB, admit it.
>Like, right, it looks pretty but what does that really mean?
>What's the purpose of those things in the scenery?
You just said it yourself. It looks pretty. You got some brain problems.
Nice argument
Jesus christ actually swallow 300 ml of 2000 M vinegar.
These posts positively ooze pseudo-intellectualism. The idea that "atmosphere", although I think just environmental art is what is actually getting talked about here, has to serve practical purpose or it's bad is inane.
If environmental interaction and environmental story-telling aren't things the developer is trying to do then wouldn't just making something that's the most visually appealing absolutely be the ideal?
Also, pretentious doesn't mean "other people like something I don't like and I don't understand subjectivity in regards to opinion so they must be dumb and I must be smart." This whole dumbass thing of trying to make media criticism only objective is the most pseudo-intellectual e-peen stroking "stop liking what I don't like" bullshit and it really needs to stop.
Thanks for the (You)
don't you mean "dishonest cinematography"?
Nigger what
Are you going to say that fun isn't fun next
Here's your new dail- I mean hourly thread guys I hope you like it.
I unironically wish you'd suck off a loaded shotgun though OP
After giving your question some thought, I've come to the conclusion that ____ _____________ ______________ ____________ ________ ________ ___________ _____________ ____________ _______________ __________ shut the fuck up retard __________________________ ______ ______ ___________ ________ ______________ __________ _____ ________ ______ ______ ________ __________ ______ ______
Why do you even bother to replay? The dude who wrote this shit is clearly 13-15 and thinks he is some super intellectual. He won't learn anything cause he isn't here to actually have a discussion
oh boy
You brainlets can't even pretend understand my point. The atmosphere isn't great but the developers want you to believe that it is. They're trying to fool you by making something that looks like good atmosphere but in truth it actually isn't, it's simply a glib facsimile of actual atmosphere. The better word would actually be artificial atmosphere.
Look at this image, what is it trying to convey?
This is by far the most retarded thread I've seen in years, not even joking
>pretentious atmosphere
lmao never post again
>a tropical island resort that attracts tourists with promises of a miracle cure hides the sinister madness of beings beyond our comprehension
I'd play it
Agreed, skyboxes are artificial atmosphere.
You're honestly a master baiter and you should feel proud of yourself. This is the kind of bait other shit posters should strive for.
Atmosphere in what games do you enjoy?
Looks like it's trying to convey a foggy area and it's succeeding. Sounds like you're the one being pretentious
is this the 2019 version of
>user confirms fun things arent actually fun
Feel free to ignore it then. There's no cutscene that shoves it in your face and pretty much says "this is cool, take a minute to look at it". They don't force that on you.
Shut the fuck up, Todd. Not everything has to be a fucking mountain that you can climb.
Nevermind guy! I am gay and love the penis! HAHAHA
That is why I only play flight simulators. The idea that the """"""sky"""""" is just a lazy facade disgusts me. If the clouds aren't actually there, how can I expect to take the game seriously?
explain what the fuck good atmosphere is then retard, so we can call you retarded some more and then you can never post again
more like the 2019 version of sickdark
>Replying to yourself
>All These Soulsfags SEETHING that someone has the gall to call out their shit games
Godspeed, OP
I hope he says the same shit in the OP or uses the same image for my filter will catch it every time
what do you get out of making these bait threads? a dopamine response?
Looks like a strange, dreamlike area where they leave some up to interpretation. Make up some head cannon, or if that's gay to you, don't.
Doesn't the fact that you seem to think yourself above everyone else by seeing this artificial "truth" makes you a little pretensions. The fact that you are unaware of this makes your arguments retarded and almost void. Also a screenshot can only evoke an interpretation of a full 3D immersive atmosphere that you you actually have to experience to understand. You're a fuckhead, go back to school
> U dumb me smart
> Now I repeat self but change few word.
Yikes, not enough smart enough to actually respond to any arguments presented. I assure you if we were too dumb to understand you would easily be able to present counter-arguments instead of pointlessly reiterating yourself.
It's what happens when (You)s are the only validation someone ever got in their life
I only consider it pretentious if it comes at the cost of gameplay quality. Bloodborne, for example, feels pretentious because it chose to have omg so epic graphix, but in exchange for a stable framerate. I'd gladly exchange the graphix for something you'd see out of a ps2 game, if it meant better performance.
Am I wrong for thinking this?
>someone actually wrote this
Holy hell thanks for reminding me how insanely gorgeous this game's atmosphere is. So glad I'm replaying it currently. What a masterpiece.
You're confusing graphics with aesthetics faggot
no u
You are actually correct OP
Don't listen to the butthurt redditors telling you otherwise
>OP seeing the "truth" about pretentious atmosphere
>Bloodborne is all about being gifted wisdom by the old ones to see the "truth" of the world
This guy might be operating on a level higher than any of us can understand
Ffxiii was the definition of this. So many pointless undeveloped beautiful corridors.
Fuckin fa-
>no u
Fuckin faggot
Jeez, why are all getting so unironically angry at this guy? Who gives a shit? Do you feel really feel the need to defend your precious "muh sooper hard game with pretty backgrounds" that much?
>explain what the fuck good atmosphere is
A scenario that you can interact with that has actual purpose and meaning. Something that doesn't rely on cheap tricks like simply looking aesthetically pleasing.
I ask again, what is this image trying to convey? What's the meaning? What's the purpose? At a first glance it appears good, but it actually isn't.
He is just a pleb though. The 'truth' is appreciating Souls games for their atmosphere and environmental design, not PVP or muh difficulty like Yea Forums and r*ddit
They’re comes that feeling again when I browse this place. You retards are sucking out all my energy yet again with this shit. You can tell OP was dead fucking serious. Get me OUT NOW
Post examples of non pretentious atmosphere
>the thing you experience isn't what it actually is
take your fucking pills
Damn this dude rekt you!
People are merely pointing out that OP is a pseud and doesn't know what pretentious means.
>what is this image trying to convey?
a ruined church in a dead city. Some of the old residents still burning on crosses in the front yard where worshipers probably used to gather. now post a ""non-pretentious"" example
> A scenario that you can interact with that has actual purpose and meaning.
I would love to hear some examples of games which have good atmosphere. Because the way you're trying to define it is so vague and undefined.
> I ask again, what is this image trying to convey? What's the meaning? What's the purpose? At a first glance it appears good, but it actually isn't.
It's trying, and succeeding to convey a sense of dread. More literally it's highlighting and drawing attention to the building which is important. Lastly it's fulfilling the purpose of looking visually appealing and engaging. The problem is you're basically saying "I don't like the visuals in this game or visuals like it" but somehow you've got it in your head that it's not just your personal taste failing to line up with what the developer is trying or succeeding to do.
Hey OP what do you think about Ico and Shadow of the Colossus?
That landscape does have purpose and meaning it conveys the setting for the games story which is literally all a landscape is required to do. Landscapes are not a story being deep is not a criteria for them to be meaningful
How embarrassing
so this is the next "artificial difficulty", huh?
Shit this game is so damn atmospheric. You're seriously just getting me hyped for it all over again. Don't make me boot up my ps4 at 11pm user I have to work in the morning!!
>he doesn't know
> I-I-I-M NOT M-M-MAD!!!
The meaning its not only in the controller interaction, since it works as a visual stimule like the healthbar, to express the idea of a broken city like the healthbar expresses a broken health
the saddest thing about this thread is that I can't discount the possibility that "pretentious atmosphere" or "artificial atmosphere" will become the next shitpost phrase of choice
It definitely will be. OP will post this thread every day
>pretentious atmosphere
But can you interact with it? It's a video game. If you can't interact with it then it's devoid of meaning. A game without pretentious atmosphere would be something like Minecraft or BotW, where you can actually interact with the environment, and everything serves a purpose.
Yep it's an open world faggot. Nothing to see here folks
This is the worst thread of the fucking year. OP go the fuck outside, jesus christ
this is a funny meme
The environment serves its purpose in that it is visual stimulation. By your description then 99% of games are """pretentious"""
Atmosphere cannot be pretentious. For a game to be atmospheric in the first place, it must be something the player experiences. You cannot fake atmosphere, because it is an induced sensation, a result of combining factors. It either IS atmospheric or it isn't. This is literally like claiming an album is "fake noises"
10/10 made me reply
so your saying that every game with any sort of visual direction has to be like botw or minecraft because the environments created in other games serve no gameplay purpose. Might as well axe story,character design,music,animations,and anything that isn't simple polygons and gameplay mechanics with that line of thought
This is the dumbest thing I've read this year, and it was fucking April Fools yesterday.
I don't get it. Even when shitposting ironically, I cannot come up with something like this. Where does this spark come from?
> It's a video game. If you can't interact with it then it's devoid of meaning.
That doesn't make any sense. There are literal audio and visual aspects of video games that are necessary parts of it being a nonsensical experience. A health bar is a purely visual element that you don't directly interact with, yet it's very meaningful. On top of that video games have presentation elements like music, story, and etc. which have obvious meaning and aren't "intractable" in a mechanical or direct sense inherently since it's just a representation of information.
By this logic unless you can interact with a games story, music, sound, or anything else directly and mechanically it's also pretentious. In fact there is so much geometry in BotW that is completely static and un-interactable that it should also be pretentious based on your definition.
This doesn't make any fucking sense.
Backgrounds or out of reach environments serve a different purpose with every game. Bloodborne doesn't insinuate that their background have an actual deep meaning behind them. They're simply there to give the game a distinct mood at each area, and sometimes they are there to advence or reflect the narrative. It tries and succeeds at what its doing while not claiming to be anymore or less than that. The metric by which you judge "atmosphere" itself is heavily narrow and few games would fit under it. Can you break every building in Breath Of The Wild? Oh well kid, its not interactive therefore this perceived "atmosphere" is """"pretentious"""". Seriously, read over what you are typing you pseud.
Just because you can't walk to the top of every meaningless mountain in a skybox like you can in BotW or Skyrim doesn't mean they don't convey a sense of place.
You have to browse Resetera for a day to get in the headspace
Visual stimulation is a faux premise. Video games should strive to be interactive, and not rely on artificial stimuli.
You feel the atmosphere is good but it actually isn't. It's like how Sony pretends the PS4 is a good console but it actually isn't.
Are you just a nintendofag that thought DaS Remastered was too hard?
You're making the bait too obvious now back it up a little
>Video games should strive to be interactive, and not rely on artificial stimuli
How do you feel about BotW being cell shaded?
>pretentious atmosphere
if this is your shallow attempt at forcing a meme you need to fucking apply yourself
>visual stimualtion is a faux premise
How many layers of pseudo analysis irony do you have to be drowned in to come up with that?
unironically pretense and autism
95% of people that use the word "pretentious" use it incorrectly
> Video games should strive to be interactive, and not rely on artificial stimuli.
Yes, the logical conclusion is that video games should not have visuals or sound. Only the most pure, intellectual, and hardcore gamer can enjoy games in which you interact with an abstract something which has no representation or information related to it.
> You feel the atmosphere is good but it actually isn't. It's like how Sony pretends the PS4 is a good console but it actually isn't.
Your just throwing around opinions, without any explanation or justification I might add, and then acting as if they are objective aspects of reality that you must be super smart to truly see.
>calls a game's atmosphere pretentious
>acts like a pretentious fuckwad in the process
have a sage
I never said they don't need to have representation or information. I just said those representations need to be interactive to have meaning and serve an actual purpose.
Good job not understanding a simple point.
This board is based. Everyone seems to have managed to skip them walking sims and Last of Us.
OP is based just for shitting on souls fags
They don't need to be interactive to serve any purpose. That is where you are wrong.
In your logic:
>A game without branching dialogue is meaningless
>A game without player created music is meaningless
>A game that is anything but open world is meaningless
Just eat shit and die, honestly.
> I just said those representations need to be interactive to have meaning and serve an actual purpose.
They don't though and instead of coming up with any justification or reasoning you just keep repeating this like it's inherently true. Where did you get this idea that in a video game something needs to be interactive to be meaningful and with what authority on the topic do you assert it?
Again, wouldn't BotW be pretentious because you can't interact with any of the geometry? Shouldn't they just have you running around in a void with ONLY intractable objects to not be pretentious? Also, isn't that game pretentious because it has other elements which you don't interact with?
Strawman. Neck yourself, moron.
>They don't though and instead of coming up with any justification or reasoning you just keep repeating this like it's inherently true. Where did you get this idea that in a video game something needs to be interactive to be meaningful and with what authority on the topic do you assert it?
Video games are inherently interactive, they can be more or less interactive, but this is what distinguishes them from other media. With what authority do you assert interactivity isn't the single most important thing in video games?
Enjoy your vacation
Not him but
With what authority do you assert that """"atmosphere""""" (assuming you mean music/sound design/environment) need to be interactive for it to be meaningful? Not every aspect of a game needs to be interactive, and the notion that if it isn't the game is somehow pretentious is completely wrong.
OP have sex. Please have sex. Please. PLEASE.
BR2049 was the most dishonest film of its time. Fuck Dennis and fuck his dishonesty
>You thought you were enjoying the visuals, but actually, you were just being tricked!
I see, you've taken the "artificial fun" meme and used it on something else. Not the most original but very good execution, 8/10.
Don't expect to butt in and make me repeat myself. I already made all my points very clear in this thread. Learn to read, retard.
This is an undercover bb thread.
God I love bloodborne. I think it may be one of my all time favourite games.
Except fuck laurence.
> Video games are inherently interactive, they can be more or less interactive, but this is what distinguishes them from other media.
Why does being interactive limit video games to only deriving meaning from interaction. Additionally why would you want that to be the case? There's no precedent for this at all. It's like saying movies are uniquely visual so they shouldn't have any music, sound, or voices or else they would be pretentious.
>With what authority do you assert interactivity isn't the single most important thing in video games?
I'm questioning your assertion here not making one. Burden of proof. As well I never made that claim. I would absolutely bet money that I am magnitudes better educated than you though. Not that it's very good authority in this context, but it's not nothing.
Your points are wrong. We disprove them again and again but your assblasted broken record of a brain keeps repeating them thinking they'll make sense if you say them enough times. Kill yourself faggot
With this logic every single video game is pretentious. Even Tetris is pretentious because you can see the cathedral in the background but you can’t interact with it.
>It's like saying movies are uniquely visual so they shouldn't have any music, sound, or voices or else they would be pretentious.
Visuals are the most important thing in film, just like interactivity is the most important thing in a video game, everything else is of faux importance and thus pretentious. Like I said, it's what distinguishes them from other media, but you keep ignoring my points.
>I would absolutely bet money that I am magnitudes better educated than you though.
Oh look, the pseud intellectual shows his true colors, I'm so surprised. If you're so educated it shouldn't be so hard to understand a simple point.
>Your points are wrong
Great argument right here.
>music in film is now pretentious
Thanks for proving that (You) are a pseud NEET with nothing to do to pass the time.
i think hacking two meme terms into one makes you the most pretentious retard here
And just like that no matter how much it's laughed at now, it will continue to pop up in threads until it becomes the norm. It's "Artificial Difficulty" all over again.
> Visuals are the most important thing in film, just like interactivity is the most important thing in a video game, everything else is of faux importance and thus pretentious.
Okay, but again. You just keep saying "if you don't exclusively focus on the most important thing in your medium it's pretentious" but I want to know WHY. Especially depending on the intent of the creator whatever is "unique" about a medium has no bearing on how important it is to the intent of the media. If someone wants to make a game with good game play and mechanics then of course they should focus on those, but everything else can still elevate that mechanical focus and be meaningful. Not too mention that the intent to make a game with that focus is not the only valid intent with which to make a game.
> Oh look, the pseud intellectual shows his true colors, I'm so surprised. If you're so educated it shouldn't be so hard to understand a simple point.
The problem is your dunning-kruger ass is so ignorant that me, and everyone else, addressing your points is going right over our head. I should have known better than to bring up education. Since obviously you can't tell me how much you have without getting banned.
>Visual stimulation is a faux premise. Video games should strive to be interactive, and not rely on artificial stimuli.
spotted the BotW loving, Matosis/Anderson watching pseud
if it's the same user who tried to push sickdark, it'll fail just like that
saying visuals are the most important thing in film is like saying letters are the most important thing in books
its a tool not an endgoal
fucking pseud
>this entire thread
Matosis doesn't have takes this retarded, Anderson maybe
this is literally the new "just because it's a good game doesn't mean it's good" and ironically both are about Bloodborne
If pretention is implied meaning where there is none, what is the criticism of implied meaning where no meaning was implied to begin with?
Answer: retardation. Kill yourself.
I accept your concession.
That's a false equivalence. Be careful who you call a pseud when you're looking like one yourself.
>Especially depending on the intent of the creator whatever is "unique" about a medium has no bearing on how important it is to the intent of the media
Most retarded I thing I ever read. If you take interactivity from a video game, then it's simply not a video game. How is it not important to the intent?
>everything else can still elevate that mechanical focus and be meaningful.
In what way? How are they meaningful? How do they elevate anything?
>The problem is your dunning-kruger ass is so ignorant that me, and everyone else, addressing your points is going right over our head. I should have known better than to bring up education. Since obviously you can't tell me how much you have without getting banned.
Excellent projection right here.
OP himself is pretentious
what a tweest
>glib facsimile
very good, but you do realize it has been overused in the past?
>Because you can't interact with it.
You can literally go inside all of the buildings in that image, even Cainhurst Castle in the far distance, what the fuck are you talking about?
fuck this thread, post cunny
This thread is a new low. It’s all well and good (not really) when you manbabies fight about waifus, graphics, and console wars, but pretending like you have a shred of artistic literacy or understand what “pretentious” means is so sad and disheartening it makes me want to shoot up a public school and kill the teachers first
imagine actually giving a single fuck about Yea Forums and video games lmfao
OP is doing god's work by baiting the pretentious pseuds like you.
>If you take interactivity from a video game, then it's simply not a video game. How is it not important to the intent?
It's not binary. I'm saying the intent doesn't HAVE to focus on the interactive elements. Someone can make a video game with interaction, but use that interaction to serve another aspect of the medium and that's still valid. That's still a video game. That's still something that people can make and enjoy without being "pretentious." I think your just throwing a tantrum because you think your opinion should be objective reality. That seems to be about the limit of your ability to argue.
>In what way? How are they meaningful? How do they elevate anything?
In that they literally have meaning? Music, story, art design, art execution. They all have meaning and no video game exists in a void where they don't have some "pretentious" aesthetic presentation. If a game has really amazing gameplay the visuals or sound may not directly effect it, but it makes the experience has a whole more interesting and enjoyable. So, that gameplay is in a better context thus elevating it. Part of the reason your position is so pre-postering is that for a game to not be pretentious logically it would have to exist in a void of "meaningless," as in almost all, presentation elements.
> Excellent projection right here.
Not refuting it though... interesting.
false equivalence is you and intellect
you cant even speak properly and call "visuals" the combination of narrative, cinematography, art direction, screenplay and multiple other things, where the visuals are in fact are pretty simple thing and basing entire film on visuals would result in such majestic artforms as a screensaver or even a slideshow
though i guess it would be asking too much of a pseud who uses term "atmosphere" to know what the diarrhea he spurs out of his mouth means
in case you dont get the entire point still, terms exist to mean very specific things, talking with spaghetti may fly with some dumb artsy girl on a date in starbucks, not with men
next time before trying to speak learn the vocabulary
"Guys if I cant climb these specific mountains then this is not a video game becaus this sole part is not interactive, even though everything else is but thats besides the point of my shitty meme desu"
>get FILTERED by Sekiro
>leash out on Yea Forums on soulsborne games
How can a serie be so based?
Imagine if i shot up a school haha...
OP deserves a lobotomy and sterilization
Huge mistake
OP is just pretending to be retarded. everyone go home
Maybe you’re right. I’ll think less next time.
>pretentious atmosphere
lol... just... lol
8000 IQ post
Oh man can you cancel that??? I promise it was just a prank ill give you all my bitcoins and hard drive full of lolicon i swear.
Now we are getting somewhere
a true masterbaiter
this but unironically
>I think your just throwing
Post disregarded. I can't take someone that makes such glaring grammatical errors seriously.
This brainlet doesn't even know what mise-en-scène is and thinks he can argue with the big boys. So disappointing.
you know where
No, but, I would with you're wife.
what a pretentious post
Well this thread took a turn for the better
>I'm literally retarded
god I wish the game actually looked like that
>sorry mr van man, i didnt know cartoons were illegal
> your
I'd rather actually have a discussion than discuss the topic at hand than get into the finer points of grammar though, so go ahead and respond to my post. Unless you actually want to argue that me making one mistake matters in the context of my argument when your writing is so awful.
they are in some countries actually
Not in the only country that matters.
>ignoring user's post on whim over one word
>"I can't take someone that makes such glaring grammatical errors seriously."
So what, this is a bait thread right?
Technically, yes, all video games are pretentious in different contexts and at varying degrees. We don't play games to feel mundane, stupid.
Pack it up, stupid thread.
OP irrevocably blown the fuck out.
I agree with this very well put together reply.
No what did you actually mean.
Op has the big gay lel
this is the most retarded thread on Yea Forums, congratulations
Don't worry. He lost the argument right here
You're absolutely hole-in-the-head fucking retarded.
Do we all have to suffer your misconception of the word pretentious just because someone used it against you as an insult once?
What are you trying to ask us? Every game is technically, by qualification, pretentious. Nothing is less important than video games. The most ridiculous part about this is not only did you pose a stupid question unprepared and with poor wording, but you still managed to somehow pivot yourself around to being the "intellectual". Talk about cognitive bias.
>trying to fool you
Do you get upset at books when they describe scenery? Lord help us is this American education?
was that it lolianon? Already out of material? You better stock up for next time
>Lord help us is this American education?
whiter than you mohammed
I don't know who's more retarded, OP or everyone that fell for such obvious bait
This is exactly how I feel. Everything is about memes or ironic comments
Is this an epic new meme I missed?