This is literally their best game yet, DLC when?
This is literally their best game yet, DLC when?
>From brings their A+ game to DLCs
>Sekiro was a masterpiece from begining to end
Can't fucking wait.
Also, which is your favorite From DLC?
Unironically the Lost Crowns Trilogy for me.
the dlc is 100% going to be some faggy memory
>Unironically the Lost Crowns Trilogy for me.
I mean what other options do you have? Ds3 dlc is terrible and ds1 doesnt even reach the quality of the first half of the game
I want to fuck Japanese Big Boss!
Old Hunters is godlike
Old Hunters DLC
I refuse to play a souls game with cinematic 24fps
I just got an RX580 and am pirating everything with it and an I5 2500K. been pirating on switch,3ds and vita forever but finally decided to ditch the PS4. This never would have happened if you fuckers made actual manuals and shit to keep me buying physical for collection purposes.
feels good knowing I get the DLC free once it's out. I learned to let go of trophies and having my games I played cataloged and shit.
>DLC has a 1v1 shinobi tournament arena
My dick could potentially become diamonds
Almost positive it'll be young sculptor. They didn't throw in another prosthetic using guy with such an intriguing backstory just like that. Although I kinda hope not because I want to keep all my upgrades and shit for the DLC.
old hunters is too hard at the start of it, you need to be late game/end game instead of having the challenge of each area be much harder so the playthough is more varied. Lugwig should be early-mid game, maria late game and kos end game.
DaS3 dlcs contain the only bossfights where you actually have to learn the boss moveset to beat them. Those fights are DaS3's only redeeming factor.
What intriguing backstory? The guy is literally you if you get the default good ending
the sequel really needs to improve the stealth options and combat. you only sword attacks should be R1 spam, gimmick skills you only get 1 of at a time and a stab attack that's near useless once you get any skills. You have less attack options that fucking souls when as a pure action game with 1 weapon you should have more than bloodborne.
the combat is miles better than anything soulsborne offers though, even when you just have the one primary weapon
its alright, the moonlight should have been in base game though which doesn't make sense and they'll probably do something similar with sekiro.
>cheap instakills
>double instakills with a skill
>game focused on stealth, stealth is absolutely broken and unreliable
>wants to detach itself from typical from garbage still feels like the same exact garbage t. demon of hatred
>simple storyline filled with plot holes shit you didnt give the sake to that specific character? well fuck you and the explanation of key world plots!
>easy as shit bossfights with no purpose
>difficulty spikes near the end wtf
>still has that miyazaki garbage written all over it with the cryptic story while it apparently tried to detach itself from it
yeah, im thinkin this is from's absolute worst
>This is literally their best game yet
Sorry, that's not Bloodborne
memorizing boss patterns aren't much of a positive. Lot's of games make you do that, makes the bosses less memorable when you are just learning when to roll and how to punish for the 20th time. it's "challenging" but the same kind of challenge over and over again.
That’s not true. Sekiro becomes like the Sculptor rather than literally. The Sculptor carved Buddha figures to not get consumed by Shura, Sekiro’s likely doing the same to cope with killing Kuro. Hell, the Sculptor even tells Sekiro at the beginning of the game that he would understand why he was carving Buddha in the first place.
>game focused on stealth, stealth is absolutely broken and unreliable
unironically git gud
>love Souls games
>love stealth games
>Sekiro comes out
>can't stop playing it all night after work
Based From
it really isn't. no stamina makes the combat a very shallow action game. it's just dark souls (learn how many times to attack as a punish, which way to dodge and counter attack etc) until their HP is kinda low and then tapping l1 to a rhythm to stagger them. I guess the jump and infinite stamina makes fighting multiple enemies who aren't weak mobs not retarded.
DLC will be set in china, prepare for moon bunny
Yeah sekiro doesn't LITERALLY become the sculptor but his backstory is still the same
>180 degree turn in a single frame
>Fromcucks think this is their best game
finish the game before shitposting
The sequel, not DLC
who is the strongest player character and why is it sekiro?
is there a different moon rune for grab, stab,slash and sweep critical arts? i can never tell but they really should have made them a different color or had a slightly different chime to give you a better idea. If you have to focus on the startup frames to react anyway the moonrune is mostly pointless.
no there isnt you just gotta learn the enemy animations, you can always tell which attack is coming based on the animation but it takes a couple times to figure it out
I already beat it you dumb fanboy
Shura ending was kino.
cause he is the only titular character in from
Yeah I know I mentioned that lol, the point is the moonrune is mostly pointless if you have to look at the startup frames to react. The point of moonrune is mostly so these attacks don't feel "cheap" the first time you see them. but if it's rock paper scissors it's pointless.
>chosen undead
>bearer of the curse
>ashen one
they all have names dummy
>doesn't get to fight sword saint ishinn.
the manlet can't even do any damage to a guy wearing actual souls armor.
I loved Ashes of Ariandel, it is short as fuck, and not worth the money, but it's top comfy
>DS2 dlc is good meme
Why the fuck did they make the regular enemy so similar in all 3 dlc? Bosses were garbage too, blue smelter, gank squad, and 2 cats
the moon rune is absolutely not pointless, it helps you not get it. if youre not sure just jump to the side
>newfag doesn't mention "slayer of demon's"
not get hit*
no one said they don't have names,
their names aren't the title of the game dumbfuck.
i dont play 30fps "games"
horizontal slashes and some mikiri counter attacks beat side jumps
the game isnt focused on stealth though.
every character you play as in souls is a manlet.
And he could just keep breaking your posture till you are on a 5 foot ledge
I would have rather had a Tenchu game desu.
>i'm new and poor and too dumb to emulate
Dont reply to weebs
but the console argument was always thats its cheap? make up your mind
also you cant emulate it and have it be playable
no one in anygame is as short as sekiro, usually they float or are gods or some shit. Sekiro is seriously like 4'10"
>their names aren't the title of the game dumbfuck.
You can't be serious
>also you cant emulate it and have it be playable
lmao dumb and poor
sekiro is legit a fucking manlet
2/3 of this game is spent sneaking around backstabbing niggers, what the fuck are you talking about
The game is basically assassin's creed but you die in two hits
>sekiro is the shortest
>only player character taller than their firelink shrine maiden
how about you get good you fucking nigger, stealth is a crutch for people who are bad
i am serious.
Dark souls isn't called chosen undead or ashen one now is it
Stealth is basically pointless, when you get good at the game it's no longer required.
anyone who still stealths in their second playthrough should be lynched
you haven't played Sekiro you absolute cock muncher, kill yourself faggot.
>fav dlc
old hunters
>SEKINO dlc when?
november dlc1
march dlc 2
december-jan dlc1.5
fantasy/yokai/jap horror themed DLC you enter through the gate to the abyss
that area was such a big fucking setup to end up just being a backdoor to the gunfort
Welcome to literally every From Software game ever
>hurr durr I want to fuck around with hitting the counter button and then the kill button with every single basic mobs instead of just killing them with no resistance and moving on
Classic shitty Yea Forums, I bet you pat yourself on the back for clearing the game without using any ninja tools as well.
He's right though
but i like using the prosthetic arts, keep guessing faggot
>Literally mentioning the throwaway bosses.
Fume Kinght is top 5 souls bosses ever.
Sihn, Allone and Burnt Ivory King are all incredibly solid.
Shulva literaly came out of At the Mountains of Madness - Team B unironically made Lovecraft better than BB without trying.
Fume Tower is the best vertical level in all Souls.
Eleum Loyce made backtracking fun.
retarded newfag
>i don't know this shit only started with artorious of the abyss dlc
what kind of shitposting is this? even in ng+ the trash mobs are killed by a few strikes
>takes two hits and then dies.
may i remind you good hunter literally killed eldrich gods
zwei saint would mop the floor with suckiro
>he doesn't know what a name is
I'm gonna say it right now and I won't be able to come back because they'll already be banging on my door but I need to let it out before I die.............................Sekiro Remastered
Thats not a 180 turn you retard, the dude did a lunge that pushed him into the ogre and the hitbox from front attack nibbed his head, therefore counted as connected
BTW. They seem to have fixed the ogres magnetic hitboxes since the release, I've killed him on NG+ recently and none of the warping shit was happening, in fact i-framing through his grab with dodge was very possible.
i mean this is japan we're talking here
Either Old Hunters or the DS2 underground pyramid one (sunken king?). Old Hunters really shouldn't be DLC though, the game is blatantly incomplete without it.
good point
>Sunken king
Wild man. I had a summon power me through that shit
>releases the same game with a rescalable HUD
that wirr be forty dorra gaijin pig
It's pretty damn frustrating and tedious but I'm a sucker for the whole explorer descending deeper into ancient ruins thing it has going for it. Got some real Indiana Jones/Tomb Raider/old school pulp novel vibes from it.
Why the fuck is Sekiro the smallest man in the game
>deflects you
I don't know why nip ghosts are so creepy
Maybe it's the hair overdose
May I remind you every character in these games has killed some sort of deity
It makes enemies look more imposing and takes less screen space
He was born to be a Shinobi
Even his genetics help him remain unseen
It's going to be a shinobi Battle Royale and you pick up prosthetics and combat arts on the ground.
So he can doggy style Emma with his feet off the ground while his chest is pressed agaist her back.
yeah but eldrich gods are real
>going back to Souls after Sekiro
It feels like something is missing.
Anyone found an something that explain how you kill your father than 3 years later he invades Ashina with the interior ministry and you have to kill him again?
>you kill your father
What the shit are you on? You find him in a burning part of the Hirata estate and then watch him die, you don't fucking kill him that time.
You can go back to Hirata and have a second Owl fight
You can redo Hirata after the end game to see some extra shit and fight Owl a second time where you kill him.
>Korea trip for the dragon birthplace
>journey's end on Tibet for some kino
Those will be your DLC for tonight
Na it's going to be more memory shit so they don't have to commit to an ending.
Sweet fucking jesus
Nah it's going to involve whatever the way of the tomoe is
You gotta eavesdrop a bunch of times on Kuro/Emma after you get the shit to teleport to dragon heaven.
I didn't know he didn't just teleport to the grave. He also kills the rat you have to mind control so there's that
Unironically agree I got a little cockblocked by owl when I first got to him (I honestly think my character was under leveled because I hadn't been paying much attention to the skills I never realised there was stuff that like increased your healing rate which helps immensely) so I decided to play some DS3 for lulz and memes aside it really did feel lacking after playing sekiro so much. I think it's just the pace of the combat it's much more satisfying in sekiro kinda has me worried tbqh
>fight a better isshin
Kino, like I said.
Is there any real pay off to the tengu guy questline or the bonesaw quest?
>final boss of the DLC is a debate with a Buddhist monk on the topic of immortality
What are your arguments?
Tengu is isshin if you dont finish his quest you can finish it with isshin
And if you dont finish it with isshin you can finish it with Emma
Is getting the characters drunk just for lore dump?
if you give emma monkey booze 3 times, she touches your benis
This is your brain on DS2, everyone. Fume, Alonne, Ivory King, and maybe Sinh are the only decent bosses in the dlcs. The rest are awful.
That shit is alternate timeline paradox stuff. How the fuck else would you explain having 2 of the same everblossom branch?
From didn't make Old Hunters.
its objectively not their best game you dumb fuck lol
Sinh is such a great dragon boss, I always knew that if a knight fought a REAL dragon it'd fly away the entire fight while the knight ran around like a headless chicken begging the dragon to come down and stop spamming trivial attacks from above. I respect his superior taste.
Yamamura in Old Hunters is a reference to Masaru Yamamura one of the main designers of Sekiro. Literally made by the same people.
What's implied is you are living through other peoples memories first time is the old womans second time is owls, so you are not actually going into the past and changing anything, honestly this to me was the weakest part of the game both in terms of story because it's very underdeveloped, it doesnt really make any sense they never state exactly what's going on or how it's possible, you're just kind of supposed to accept it which I get it a little ambiguity is nice in games but still a little more explanation would have been nice. Also it's underdeveloped in terms of gameplay you get memories from each boss if you can live through the old ladies and owls why not the other bosses? Almost seems like a mechanic they considered but ultimately cut yeah its a smidge cheesy but would have been a really sweet way to expound on the story, dlc perhaps?? But I dont have my hopes up for that
>That *is* harsh though because you’re all but asking players with disabilities to go elsewhere. In this example, an easy mode or even a series of toggles that allow players to customize game experiences is about allowing them to participate in that experience. It’s inclusive, and not in the dime-store way that word is sometimes used. It’s literally a thing that could broaden access. More players is always a good thing, I’d suggest.
>When we tell people “git gud,” or tell them to find something else or whatever else it ignores the vast spectrum of reasons someone might be struggling with a game. Accessibility helps the medium thrive. Doubly so because these are texts and stories that people can enjoy outside of the raw mechanics. We don’t tell people to find something else to do when it comes to books or movies and we should avoid doing it here.
It still doesn't make sense because if it was Owl's memories the second time Owl would be dead and you wouldn't fight him on top of the castle. Also doesn't make sense since you find shinobi tools in there and then have them in the present world. It's just one big messy plot hole.
Cringe. Going to assume youre yet another underage BBfag.
The only thing holding it back is the replay value is lacking after like NG++ and theres no reason to start a brand new file because theres no alternate ways to play unless you want to go for a challenge run or something, otherwise it's definitely their best game yet, hopefully DLC will come out that rectifies this as Souls DLC has always been on par with (if not better than, in the case of DS2 and arguably old hunters) the original game
so is every soulsborne game just about trying or not trying to become immortal? whats with from's obsession with the undying?
I think the bells create a world based on a memory, you aren't playing out the actual memory.
I played the DS series late in the game and SotFS was fucking phenomenal, idk how DS2 was on release but whatever version I played, no complaints I have the most hours and playthroughs in DS2
From always does gameplay and story integration and the formula basically demands that you resurrect.
>better isshin
>another old legend that is no longer in their prime for the final boss of a fromsoft game
>Fume Kinght is top 5 souls bosses ever.
How can that be true when every boss from the DS3 dlc is better? (yes gravetender and halflight too)
Gank Squad was unironically my favorite boss fight in the souls series. Actually took skill
I can't believe the madness of the average DS2fag.
Poorfag detected.
hes not wrong only reason im gonna buy a ps5 so i can play bloodborne not at 24 fps
>Sekiro fans
You can literally run past everything, stealth is optional.
turns out that's all assassins creed needed to be good
From Software as you know them have only made Demons Souls, Dark Souls 1 + DLC, Bloodborne base game, and Sekiro. Everything else was B team or outsourced.
I wish I could play as a purple ninja
Why do you think there will be a next gen port? Sony only bothers remastering their first party titles.
Where does this guy go after you meet him at that grave in the tunnel? Or do you even see him again?
Give me a Ming Dynasty China dlc any day over some gay ass flash back shit.
Maybe its just my ghost foot acting up (car accident) but this shit pisses me off
>That *is* harsh though because you’re all but asking players with disabilities to go elsewhere.
Can't wait to see the people who beat the game with zero damage using a dance pad. Or are disabled people so useless in this person's eyes that they should never be introduced to ANY challenge?
>More players is always a good thing, I’d suggest.
How many sales does this person think were negated by the cross section of 1. disabled people and 2. people that are so dissuaded from difficulty that they would otherwise choose not to buy it?
>Accessibility helps the medium thrive
Cool, same reason I refuse to use anything hotter than jalapenos when I cook at home. Can't enjoy things in my own place if some minuscule amount of people would be really upset that they can't eat habaneros
>Doubly so because these are texts and stories that people can enjoy outside of the raw mechanics.
Then go watch a fucking Youtube playthrough. They popped up within a day. It's free.
>We don’t tell people to find something else to do when it comes to books or movies and we should avoid doing it here.
>"Accept it or don’t buy the game" t. EA (
ps5 should be backward compatible with the ps4 or i dont see them doing well early on
DLC that further expands gameplay with Sekiro as the player character.
DLC that feature a different player character altogether.
What would you like?
think he's dead in his original spot.
I don't know if I would want it over a traditional DLC but I really think that a Genichiro DLC where we see his adventure to get the black mortal blade would be cool
There isn't a single boss that's truly memorable about this game.
I can't even bring myself to start NG+.
That last one is what upsets me the most. Everytime a game comes out that supports them they tell us if we don't like it just don't buy it and don't complain. Then something they cant handle comes out and they crying for devs to change it, usually while holding up some minority as a shield, Disabled people in this case.
No guarantee of backwards compatibility.
Female kunoichi protag for ryona please.
Im always mad when I visit Yea Forums, because I dont like Sekiro.
DLC will probably be related to the black Mortal Blade or setting up Sekiro and Divine Child preparing to leave the west. Also there's to much Tomoe references and mentions to not feature her in DLC, she's basically the Artorias of Sekiro in terms of fame.
Wolf IS Sekiro, unless Sekiro is also a name for the sculptor.
Why do people liking something you don't like make you mad?
Sekiro really makes me wish DaS3 had posture instead of whatever they did to poise. Or at the very least in addition to whatever they did to poise.
Then stay out of the threads.
that would be the stupidest thing they could do
>Wolf IS Sekiro
I know. That was kind of the point.
he ends up dead back in ashina castle after the invasion, and drops a unique sugar
The fodder enemies being the same has always been the one thing that annoys me most about the dlcs and I’ve never seen anyone else say this until now. At least the movesets are different I guess. The dlcs are good though no need to cherrypick those trash bosses.
It wouldn't be realistic for them to make a dlc with another character AND new content at the same time considering how many dev hours they must have put into Sekiro's character
Oh you were just saying you want to still play as Wolf in the DLC, I thought you that you thought Sekiro was someone else and you wanted to play as them. My bad.
performance patch when
>Eldrich god
Hardly worthy of the name
>the part where you get him to his last bit of hp and the music kicks up
Absolute kino
Literally runs at 60fps on High on my laptop. It's really well optimized.
soon, but to put on a 10fps cap
what if I give it to Kuro, is it the same, but only after one?
Old Hunters has 2 of my 3 favourite bosses in the series (Ludwig and Maria)
That and the atmosphere is just absolutely brilliant.
Literally the peak of my gaming experience.
Same here.
I mean it's a great laptop, but still.
>eldritch god
Moon presence is a little ant compared to real eldritch gods, not even that
What item did black hat drop when he perished?
I feel like such a fool but I couldn't pick the item up, figured that his body had to despawn so that I could pick up the item left behind. So I left the area to do other stuff and returned. But it wasn't the bodythat was gone, but the item. Then I realized I should have simply hold the item suck button instead.
>also saves the hardest bosses for them
>we could get bullshit greater than Saint Isshin and Demon of Hatred
Bring it on
>git gud at parrying in Dark Souls
>think that it'd translate into Sekiro
>getting face fucked instead
I know it's not Souls, but it still feels pretty emasculating to get destroyed by bosses. On butterfly granny, and I think my Souls muscle memory is severely fucking me up in this. I'm used to just tapping the parry, when really I should be holding it down in case I fudge the timing. Also can't get the goomba stomp down (always jump to the side because I'm usually moving around when they sweep) even if I can kinda get the thrust counter down. I think the worst part though is that I'm not having a lot of fun. Unlike Souls, Sekiro really seems like a game that you need to git gud at to enjoy to any degree.
I really like this game. It's a bit cheap, but I used hacks to make out my healing gourd, vitality and skill points. I haven't lost to any bosses yet because I could tank them and out heal them. The hardest thing in the game so far is the purple, one armed guy who guards the mist feathers. I had to use literally all my healing items. Still beat him first try. Butterfly woman was actually not too hard. She can't beat the ninja reverse flip skill.
>being in any position to judge the game 7/10 motherfucker I am legit peeved
You are supposed to use dodge attacks on Butterfly granny to slow her posture regen. Then you can work on battering her and deflecting.
>using hacks to completely destroy the challenge and feeling of progression in the game
All I know is that they better bring the spooky. There's barely any supernatural enemies in this game
>the headless
>some faggy ghosts
>those two bosses
May as well snort the divine confetti
I'm not actually making myself any more powerful than the game itself allows. I admit, I would have died a ton if I only had one heal. Also the fucking reverse ninja flip skill is God tier. Get it when you can.
02 wouldn't approve of your cheating ways.
Nightjar slash is shit
It's easier to just pressure her constantly and not let go. You can kill her while barely touching her HP that way. Her attacks get easier to deflect when she's counterattacking after deflecting your own attack (which happens after blocking about two of your hits, notice the different sparks and sound effect) since she uses a different pool of moves which are easier to deflect, usually a fast kick. She can also jump around, so be ready to shuriken her or check where she falls when she does it once and be ready to move accordingly the next time she does it. I honestly find that strategy to be the easiest since the dodge attack loop isn't consistent and you risk taking more hits, plus pressuring her actually teaches you more about the game.
>Playing on PC instead of console.
How does that work?
>Also can't get the goomba stomp down (always jump to the side because I'm usually moving around when they sweep)
I hate that shit, if you even lightly push right then jump you fly a mile off.
user, what is the point in having max healing abilities after you've already gotten good?
02 would look at him with disgust and deny him any sort of attention, acting as if he's mere dirt not worth looking at.
I think it's how progress is handled. In Souls, gitting gud is obvious, and thus rewarding. In Sekiro gitting gud is very incremental and subtle, to the point that you don't feel like you're improving at all. Compounding this is that the regular enemies in Sekiro are trash. This means you steamroll them, then get to a boss and get flattened. This jarring "stop-go" difficulty plateau contributes to feelings of frustration. Souls, in comparison, had a more gradual climb in level difficulty to the boss. If you got stuck in Souls, it was more likely you got stuck in multiple parts of the level rather than all of it loaded on the boss as in Sekiro. Dying 30 times throughout a level is far less frustrating than dying 15 times all on one boss.
For me, the Drunkard was actually more difficult than Butterfly. Like holy shit I hated that fatass when I went through him. Only died twice to Butterfly in comparison.
Why does the Dragon also have no left arm
I just want more weapons
The default katana moveset you're stuck with all game sucks, it's my only major issue with the game
blue smelter is a legit meme boss / gear check in a fucking action rpg
stupid boss that ruined the whole dlc
the ringed city is legitimately the best chapter is any from software game by miles
The reverse one isn't. It's like a risk free way to get out of a bunch of enemies. The forward flip also jumps over sweep attacks. I was just spamming it on Ms. Butterfly and she couldn't stop it.
Old hunters makes bloodborne great so probably that, also ringed city should have been the main game
Certainly is pretty damn brilliant, ive almost finished the game, i dunno if id pick it for my favourite FromSoftware game tho coz im fuckin garbage (Probably will change if i ever "gut gud")
But also, fuck the headless, fuck the guardian (r)ape
Takeru cut his arm off and planted it in Ashina Castle which turned into the Sakura
>muh slow and methodical combat
>bosses in Sekiro slowly go from 2 to 4 health bars
>post yfw the DLC boss for Sekiro will be 5 to 6 health bars
Wouldnt exactly call Niohs combat slow.
Oh dear god
>There's Poison, Terror, Burn and Shock effects
>There's items to reduce and cure all these effects.
>There's gourds for Poison, Terror and Burn, but no Shock
I'm betting if there is DLC there's definitely gonna be an electricity centered area, with at least one electricity centered boss and a memorial mob who sells a Shock Gourd.
It's a rhythm game, dude. You beat enemies by timing your attacks and deflects. It makes no difference what weapon you use.
I thought shock was instant and not really a buildup
We do have eel liver tho
Also, nothing to reduce Enfeebled buildup.
I imagine 02 being super good at Sekiro with her extraordinary reflexes and stuff. But then get super emotional near the end with the whole demon of hatred thing. Hitting kind of close to home there.
Still upset you get literally ONE outfit but it really suits wolf so it's not that bad
then comes the hidden dlc grandmaster boss with 10
>headless in the water
>dead giant fish
>centipide egg infestation
Ew. The water at Fountainhead is fucking disgusting, no wonder everyone turns into these disgusting freaks.
And consumables for poison, burn and terror, but no gourd.
I can see them leaving that out simply because it was an specific mechanic which could only be applied by one type of enemy in one area of the game, though if in a DLC they do add more enemies capable of inflicting that status they should definitely add something to cure it as well.
Enfeeble is irrelevant and is not even an issue.
>letting it get that far after the first time
Terror is still the bullshittiest effect FROM has come up with.
Yea okay i didnt like my controller anyway
I wouldn't have minded faction outfits that have different looks to them. Default for the one he got from owl, an Ashina one, a Depths one, a Sunken Valley one, a Divine one and maybe even a Ministry one. A Senpou robe. Illusion realm.
>yfw we get lightning iai attacks
>slash past the opponent, sheathe the sword and electricity explodes from the victim
The divine child is so very precious.
I'd be her shinobi.
desu you don't see the faces of the Okami women.
Frenzy is more annoying, since it causes gradual damage and keeps on building even after you kill the sources of it.
They got weird ass necks. Thats disgusting enough.
Because she's immortal, does her hymen regenerate each time you break it?
I can see a sequel with the Homecoming ending, leaves things open enough and hints that you could end up travelling all over China with rice loli
Terror is pretty bad coz its an instant kill, at least with frenzy theres a chance you can survive
Demon of Hatred is like one of the most fair fights in the game. It's mostly just a test of your mobility and spatial awareness.
It's a really cool fight too.
You probably couldnt break it in the first place.
They'd need ways to make that posture bar increase real fast or people would legit break everything they own.
it has an infinite posture bar
I mean the few iai attacks we get are the worst ones in the game, I'd rather have a lightning bow like genichiro or like a ninjitsu that imbues our sword with lightning.
You would be right if it wasn't for the fucking camera like always when some fuckhuge boss shows up
>inb4 don't lock on
I don't care, it feels like Miyazaki suddenly took a page from the Yoko Taro school of final boss design. At least he's optional UNLESS YOU WANT THE PLAT SUCKER!
But it doesn't keeps on building, the terror you get from things like Headless hitting you or Shichimen's ghost touching you is just a certain amount that starts reducing if you get to safety, Frenzy keeps on going and if you're not fast enough with the sedatives it almost always meant death.
I still like it as a mechanic though, it seemed like a pretty good translation of Lovecraftian madness and death caused by facing something your mind can't process.
I like how every immortal in Sekiro has those white hair strands. I was expecting they'd forget about Isshin but even he has it at his topknot coming out of his helmet.
If it were to happen from would (hopefully) give it a massive weakness/exploit
Maybe she'd think I'm smart for using a creative way to beat the game.
Ah yeah thats true
Demon of Hatred is just a Soulsborne boss, hugging his crotch and slashing while watching out for stomp attacks is all you needed to do.
I'd say that a large health pool would be a compensation for a weak posture gauge. If they gave them rapid attacks this might make it manageable to build posture damage quickly without needing to focus on damaging health.
>when guardian ape lines his head back up with his neck so the centipede can just vibrate his vocal chords as hard as it can and make that ear rape
yeah I'd be terrified too
>You would be right if it wasn't for the fucking camera like always when some fuckhuge boss shows up
The camera only ever gets weird if you're right on up him, which you shouldn't really be more than momentarily anyway. Besides even when you are the odd angle right up towards the sky is pretty decent since it allows you to see his limbs even though you can barely see anything else. Still gives you a since of what direction to run away in.
>not wanting to have your meat throated by them
I bet they're cool inside.
>i am missing 3 prayer beads
Fuck me. Are there prayer beads that you can completely miss in a playthrough, or have I just not explored enough?
that's the coolest part about the ape is the headless part and the whole headless ape fight in by the poison pool is twice as cool.
>it seemed like a pretty good translation of Lovecraftian madness and death caused by facing something your mind can't process.
>Big damage
Eternal Darkness had neat sanity effects. I don't think "bleed, but worse" is a good representation of seeing something incomprehensible. About as bad as terror being represented by just straight-up dying.
>ninjitsu that imbues our sword with lightning
More likely. Hope it leaves streaks like the bestowal jutsu.
I assume the terror thing is Sekiro having a panic induced heart attack.
Tourney-shit would work great in Sekiro acually.
But only as a 2nd or 3rd DLC.
I'd like a story DLC first.
Yes. IIRC, there is one that you can only get in the second Hirata Estate memory from one of the mini-bosses.
i've been trying to not look up anything for my first playthrough but, as far as i can tell, you cant miss any beads. if youve beaten every single miniboss, then you might be missing some beads hidden in the environment
which lazulite prosthetic should I make first?
where the hell do I even get lapis lazuli?
>people have trouble with grape ape and vanilla mocha ape jenkem boogaloo
It's like I don't know you guys.
I don't see why it wouldn't. Maybe we fight Genichiro again and claim the black mortal blade, as well as some lightning ninjitsu and we can somehow get a bow attachment to our prosthetic after taking his bow..
>everyone talking about how Demon of Hatred is fucky
>literally just run in and smack its ass and kill it in two tries
I don't get it. The game teaches you to constantly put on pressure onto bosses to prevent them from just having free reign. Why would you ever stay at a range where all of the boss's attacks have rape reach and burn damage.
The fire one. Shuriken and axe are really lackluster. Flame gives you Spirit Emblem version of Confetti if you use Living Force.
he was one of the easier bosses for me.
Inconsequential. I went shuriken, axe and sabimaru. Lazulite cannon can damage supernatural enemies but there's so few of them I left it for last.
>where the hell do I even get lapis lazuli
Did you meet the staw man? If not then pretty much every location is a spoiler. There are a limited amount, however; you would need to go to NG+ to upgrade all your tools.
Go back to being dead X.
I did finish it and he's right. The only thing making the game hard is the massive amount of damage everything does. Sekiro is a shit game.
Frenzy in Bloodborne almost always kills you though, and I haven't played Eternal Darkness but what I like to think would be a better way to implement the mechanic of incomprehensible horror is to have a mind bleed effect like Frenzy, have it hit hard but never insta kill you, while also making the enemies start using new or stronger attacks while you're under it's influence (like Insight does) or make ghostly enemies appear and start attacking you until it wears off. Lovecraft's idea of an incomprehensible horror being able to kill you I think better applies as a game mechanic with the simple words "Hostile knowledge", reaching a level of knowledge which your brain can't proccess, and causes you to be able to perceive and be damaged by things regular humans weren't meant to interact with.
The divine heir is a girl?
Sekiro is a pond with 5m depth with treasure at the end. Souls games are a lake with a depth of an 2 feet.
>we get some ridiculously flashy attack using both blades
Yes please.
The divine child is in Senpou
Well sekiro's not your favorite game though, which is the actual shit game.
flashy attacks are garbage in this game though, if it ends up being flashy I want it to be well worth using.
The only replay value are silly challenge runs. LobosJr loves this but for the average player it's not really that exciting.
It's just confronting a memory. When Sekiro is 'fighting' against Owl in the second memory, it's him coming to terms and literally/physically dealing with the fact that his Father betrayed him, stabbed him in the back and left him for dead. You defeating him symbolically shows Sekiro accepting it and getting over it.
I went with Sabimaru and Shuriken. Shuriken are always useful and I found that the Gouging Top could sometimes leave some animals at like 1 HP so I thought that bit of extra damage would be useful. It also costs 1 spirit emblem unlike the Phantom Kunai which are terrible and cost 2. Sabimaru is great, it's hit or miss but when there's an enemy that can be poisoned, he gets wrecked by Sabimaru. It also looks great so it was my first choice. Lazulite Axe is good but it doesn't fit my playstyle, I don't really want to blow a bunch of emblems on a nuke against a singular enemy, I can kill them normally or spend those emblems on a cool combat art like Shadowfall which I know will do full HP damage since it can't be guarded against. Sacred Flame is good against apparitions but it doesn't cause the Burn status so it's not that good against most enemies. Also Living Force doesn't last that much and by the time you get Sacred Flame you can buy infinite confetti so I don't see the point.
Oh. It'd still be cool to have another ranged prosthetic tool. We also don't have any lightning attacks of our own.
>The game teaches you to constantly put on pressure onto bosses
>Why would you ever stay at a range where all of the boss's attacks have rape reach and burn damage.
Dude who literally beat the Demon of Hatred without even getting hit here.
Sekiro is extremely fast dude. I always stayed just out of range for his attacks, so that his long ass arm slam would just barely miss me and then I ran in stabbed his junk, then if he did the stomp I just stepped to the side and double stabbed his junk.
If he jumped and did the non-fire fist smash then I double stabbed.
If he did the quick and short forward ground slide grab then I stabbed.
If he slammed his head onto the ground then I stabbed.
Whenever he jumped into the air to stomp the ground with the explosion, I grabbed him and hit him in the air with the grab and then a stab once I landed.
Then later whenever he was summoning the fire orbs, I just kept running to the side at slight incline towards him to eventually spiral close which allowed me to either stab or double stab depending on how far away I was at the time of the initial fire orb.
Everything else I just dodged. The slow build up and long range grab I just jump over as you should. The quick short range rally where he just sweeps left and right in all kinds of different fashions I just stayed clear away from. And the the long range attack that set the ground in front of him on fire in the later phases I just decided to ignore the grab since I noticed that the distance between me and him greatly impacted what could be done afterwards including how safe or not it was so I just ran to the side and jumped just in case.
They all have their uses. Everyone says cloud passage sucks, but it eats up purple ninjas posture, they tend to respond with their five kick combo once you finish the attack, making them mikiri bait. I no longer fear them.
>No PvP autism
>No PvP/Co-op meme montages
>No reason to "balance" weapons so said pvp autists shut the fuck up
>Great gameplay focusing on attacking and defending properly, not just R1 mashing with a straight sword+shield
>Game journalis and casual filter, had these betas writing articles as they seethed in rage at how bad they are
>Filtered out Vaati-tier lorefags with a more simple, yet strong story focusing on politics, war, Japanese folklore/history and slight paranormal or fantastic elements
>Parts of gameplay inspired by Tenchu, but touched up for modern times
>Is its own thing, does not call back previous games with obvious fanservice
>Established main character, no "build" cancer with min/maxing autism spreadsheets
>Gameplay is entirely on you, no crutches with OP weapons or setups
>No co-op so you actually have to play a fucking video game for once instead of having your level 200+ shitter friends beat it for you, holy shit
I can keep going. This game is fucking amazing and I'm glad Miyazaki is not scared to tell obsessed Dark Soulsfags to FUCK OFF somewhere else if they want to play the same shit over and over with MUH BUILDS or MUH PEEVEEPEE. Sekiro is peak Fromsoft and peak Miyazaki.
>where the hell do I even get lapis lazuli?
They're endgame drops and you can only find enough to upgrade one thing in one NG cycle.
>not wanting to perfect your deflection skills
>not trying out all the tools/combat arts against different enemies
there will definitely be a shock boss, tomoe in particular, isshin talks about her being a fears fighter that it's just foreshadowing, similar to Maria in Bloodborne.
that emblem usage though. Combat arts using emblems is a terrible idea.
>This means you steamroll them, then get to a boss and get flattened. This jarring "stop-go" difficulty plateau contributes to feelings of frustration
It's just a consequence of how the combat system works. You can block almost anything, deflecting windows are huge, trying a deflect carries almost no risk (if you are too early you just block) and most unblockable are preceded by a warning sign which you have to react to in one of two ways.
It's a very simple combat system and it shows through with normal enemies. For bosses they increased damage a lot and gave them moves to punish heals, so they are all very hard because every small mistake you make gets punished hard.
Peak FromSoft is actually Chromehounds but Sekiro is definitely up there.
>it's its own thing
>weapons not being nerfed into uselessness and fucking up PvE cause some retard keeps getting wrecked in some memeclub
>no memebuild bullshit
>victory depends on player skill, not gimmicks
Why I love it. I am let down by the items in the game though, almost no lore and placement doesn't make sense.
will there be multiplayer feature on future?
sword-play alone beats other similar genre
in the business
>Combat arts using emblems is a terrible idea.
I used to think so until this very day, when I shat on 3 purple ninjas and two samurai at once by using spiral cloud with bestowal actice, it was a fucking rape. No art should cost more than 4 emblems though.
Honestly combat feels pretty broken, combat arts are pretty much useless outside of like honnoji double, and the ninja arts are pretty niche, either feast or famine when you use them, and it's all shitted behind the spirit emblems.
No. Fuck off.
and that specific one has like up to a nine in cost. and bestowal has 7 itself. That's really going all in on one combo setup.
>You can literally run past everything
Yeah as opposed to figuratively running past everything.
They should add a vendor for balloons on the dlc, so you can stock up on the ones that increases emblem drops. Ceremonial tanto and breath of life go well together for some more emblems, but the number should really be 30.
Oh fuck. Thats who that was?! I snuck up behind him and killed him. Fuck!
>trying out all the tools/combat arts against different enemies
You can grind to get the lower level versions of those in one playthrough.
It cost nine skill point to buy but 4 to use a full combo. Or was the value changed? I'm playing v1.00
The ROLL ROLL WAHOO combat of Dark Souls 3 looks so silly now. Even if FROM decides to go back to medieval european fantasy, that they stick with Sekiro's superior combat system, or at least make a nice compromise between the two.
Ichimonji, High Monk and Shadowrush are all great, the latter is worth the spirit emblems. I've heard good things of Nightjar Slash too but I haven't tried it. The other combat arts are damn useless sadly. Floating Passage for example, you feel great when you get enough scales to unlock it and it's absolute garbage.
you CAN do arts that cost emblems without them but they're weaker. Also 30 emblems sounds nice, especially since shinobi tools are very limited in use without a lot and tools are meant for constant use.
Nah you're gay.
the latency wouldn't allow for it to exist
never ever
No compromises, stick to something an m ake the best of it, like they did with this game. Stop trying to please EVERYONE, all you're doing is stretching yourself too thin and making subpar shit.
each slash in the spiral cloud passage combo takes an emblem doesn't it? It's at least 7 for cost.
Unless I've forgotten how to count the cost is four, one emblem per swing L1+R1 R1 R1 R1
It was a Mibu festival balloon or something like that. It does everything the other balloons do, in one.
So is there really any reason to consume any of the attack power memories in NG+?
After all, the game automatically scales enemies to your stats in NG+, right? So what difference does it make if I have 20 attack power or 40 or 60 when I'm in NG+?
I don't know how From could do a medieval game. I don't think Sekiro combat works when you have a shield and armor.
I heard a guy say he used the mask to get 99 attack and he was doing almost no damage because of the scaling.
Well fuck. I'd like that simply for being unique(is it?) if anything. But it's nice to know that it wasn't that special considering I have like dozens upon dozens of the other balloons already.
do the r1's count as multiple slashes per press for the cost of one input?
Okay so how do you unlock the owl 2 fight?
I just unlocked fountain head and dont want to miss out on to much stuff on my first run through.
What do you mean, if you kill the carp king with the bait the pot noble in hirata estate gave you he transforms into a carp himself, that's meddling with the memories to me
whered you hear that, at red lobster? you nigger.
It's the only of it's kind, yeah. It has an inscription meant for his son in the item details I believe. Nothing big.
If you're a medieval knight, you won't have a shield. Plate armor is meant to replace the shield, combining them is a purely fantasy thing. You'd have a combat system based on getting maximum use out of a longsword, which is basically the most versatile weapon ever made. You can thrust, slash, push, grapple, or even use the crossguard to beat someones brain in like a hammer.
Two slashes per press, 8 slashes for 4 emblems.
what where they thinking when they didnt make the JP cover for all regions?
You mean to tell me the B team made the old hunters DLC when the B team is also responsible for the garbage that was DS2 and DS3?
You need to eavesdrop on Emma and Kuro. To trigger it you need to hug the wall. It's pretty obscure, don't feel bad for looking it up on Google.
Wrong. You can get a total of 6 lapis from a single run and upgrade two tools if you play it right.
2 from Demon of Hatred
2 from Pot Noble for 6 treasure scales each
1 from the Shichimen Warrior at Fountainhead Palace upon defeat
1 from either pot noble once you feed the great carp one of their truly precious bait
After you beat Owl the first time?
You can find 6 of them per playthrough, 3 are pot noble related, 1 drops from the shaman in Fountainhead Palace and 2 drop from Demon of Hatred
Not him, but those triggers are so dumb.
Want to get the Return ending? One thing you have to do is eavesdrop on the Sculptor and Emma's conversation.
The catch? You CAN'T eavesdrop from the front. You have to eavesdrop from the hole in the back of the Dilapidated Temple. Such a fucking vague requirement that doesn't make sense.
Ah then it's not as much of an emblem eater as I thought.
there gonna be moments where they grab the blade and use it to get more leverage? That shit is actually in medieval manuals for fighting. Then again so is unscrewing the pommel and chucking it at the guy you're fighting but then that's clearly a joke.
He's probably one of those deluded people that think Old Hunters was done by Japan Studios when it's pretty clear it was done by the same people that made Sekiro given that there's Chester-style situations with the Vermin and Yamamura, the latter is actually named after one of Sekiro's main devs.
The comments section of the dancing mask page on the sekiro wiki. Or maybe it was the attack power page.
>the insane grind to get all the skills
Where do I farm skill points at? I'm on NG+3 and I feel I don't earn them fast enough
Ending them rightly will be a combat art.
The problem with making a european Souls game is that Christianity doesn't lend itself very well to making fantastical settings, outside of maybe Hell as depicted in the Divine Comedy, something already done in Dante's Inferno. Abrahamic religions are boring and don't have yokai or great beasts or coherent themes to play around with.
I know beating the Divine Dragon is the point of no return, but I don't remember the earliest point you can do it at.
This game was pretty good at making quests reasonable instead of arcane stuff you need to look up on a wiki, sadly that ending is an exception. I found the Return ending to be better implemented since the hardest part which is using up the rice to advance the story can be done naturally in order to give it to that mysterious old lady that helps you with the snake tips. It makes you spend the rice, then the next time you ask it from the Divine Child the quest will progress. The Purification ending is very hard to stumble upon, that's the first time you can eavesdrop on friendlies and you actually need to be hugging the wall to get the prompt.
it's the most OP move if done correctly. It'd be kinda funny if it de-aggroed enemies to simulate them being confused at whatever the fuck it is you just tried to accomplish.
NG+++ is enough, go to the ashina outskirts right before Isshin where the orc was at the start of the game and farm the enemies there, they net a lot of xp I think around 34'000 per round
but movies are shot in 24 fps
The old testament is full of goetic demons retard. You dont know shit.
or crouching. Essentially any stealth maneuver is the way to go
34K per round? Holy fuck, but that makes sense. It costs a lot after a while to get even a single skill point.
Lost Crowns are still fucking shit in comparison to the rest of the series, they were only praised at the time cause they looked good after the trainwreck of the original game.
I's pretty much rank any of the other DLC over any Crown DLC.
It doesn't need to focus on religion any more than Sekiro did. Medieval Europe had shit like Chimera, dragons, hydras, ogres, witches and wizards, and other fantasical beasts.
Dragons Dogma covers a lot of it.
Palace, flower viewing stage
Clearly someone hasn't played the fucking game and is talking shit out of their ass.
I just grinded them all today, in NG.
>game focused on stealth, stealth is absolutely broken and unreliable
if you play it as a souls game. if you play it like tenchu and actually HUG WALL and use ceramic shards the stealth works
You get more from farming Ashina Outskirts before the Demon of Hatred fight. The ministry soldiers give out more exp and sen than any other enemies.
I'm pretty sure I crouched and the prompt didn't come out until I was actually hugging the wall, but I may be mistaken. I'm talking about the first eavesdrop, not the one in the Temple but the one in Kuro's room.
small window for a mini boss at serpent shrine is one and two from second memory (owl's bell).
if you didn't go back to the shrine after the invasion but before the fires that's one and if you didn't get the bell from Emma (purification ending) there's the other two
what if, in a DLC area we got to fight Genichiro mid game, after getting the red blade therefore being able to finish him off, and get the black blade instead of him, this also meaning we'd either just not fight him at the end or have him being replaced by someone else.
They're annoying with their pew pew flamethrowers and fuck slow dual swords.
So Shinobi wear socks with wooden soles? Is that what's quietest?
it might be different yeah.
Backstab them all, that's literally it. Rest at the idol and you can backstab 11 of them in a single run without fighting at all.
>mfw beating the final boss with a Mikiri
what a fucking satisfying way to end the game, specially after the couple hours just trying to get through each phase.
Unironicaly these small creatures whit hats are genetical modifed to be perfect shinobi, this is in game lore.
I was on NG+3 too and I just gave up once you need 60k+ per point and I probably have to farm for a few hours to get enough points to buy the last skill. So I used cheat engine to multiply the exp modifier and finished everything in less than 5 minutes.
my prediction is its going to be a bell memory with tomoe as the final boss
Why can't we use a gun, while enemies can?
they are loud and unstealthy.
and yet he has the strength to parry that idiot's giant clumsy sword strikes. and then he just does what a knight wouldn't think to do and pushes him off the bridge. A souls character realistically would have been able to do even less than Sekiro did.
Same, except I used it when I was just 3 hours into the game.
This is for sequel.
What an insufferable babbling idiot you are.
You're saying it's not shinobi enough for Wolf? I wouldn't have thought he'd be so above them when he has a flame thrower and firecrackers.
they're for scrubs and Sekiro isn't a scrub.
>Learn to dive late in the game
>All of games earlier areas have deep diving areas with secret caves, bosses, and phat loot
Jesus christ I love this game
>loud and unstealthy
>literally has fucking firecrackers
a gun prosthetic would've been cool but it would basically fulfil the same role as the shuriken (unless they made it ridiculously slow and high damage or something)
Look its another shilling thread
or maybe they just didnt want to make it seem like they asset flipped gun from bloodborne
technically speaking in old ninja manuals there was apparently never any mention of shuriken so a gun or bow type thing would have been more accurate. There's also never any mention of a ninjato. Which is why I'm glad he has a katana.
What do I do about the big fat retard at the temple? How do you "spirit away" someone? Do I just have to kill him or what. Also what's the deal with the Kite and the old bitch who wants rice? How do I get that item she's pointing out?I've explored pretty much the whole area as far I can tell and unlocked the monk skill tree.
look it's another dude who sees it and doesn't like the game so instead of finding a thread he likes he comes in to hate life.
It's also the same spear he gave to GYOUBU MASATAKA ONIWA.
Coin toss is basically a shotgun. A sniper prosthetic would be hard to balance without being pointless since so much of the game is melee.
you'll get a prosthetic tool for it at some point just go back to him when you get it and use it.
divine abduction for fatty. rice is just for tips on how to get a couple pieces for a specific ending
If I had to choose between having an additional bow or just having the shuriken, I'd pick the latter. Fuck bows so much. A flintlock rifle would have been something else, though. I've only seen Ass Creed do that and you know those games suck.
Hey can I pass the gate Gyoubu?
well ninjato never really made any sense. why would smiths forge specific weapons for non samurai.
the early ones are good, ezio is good. Now it's just a yearly trash dump from ubi and this is me saying that as a person who buys the games. Also an additional bow?
You need to get a new tool to spirit away Kotaro and finish his questline. The old hag doesn't give you anything worth it, don't give her your rice. The rice given by best girl should be saved instead for a tough fight.
Additional to the existing ranged weapon in the game.
I dunno. There'd be no reason. Just make a shorter katana or something. Also you can be a ninja and a samurai. Samurai is a social class and ninja is a job.
I wonder how the Divine Child would react if Sekiro told her he brutally murdered like 40~ monks to get to her.
I just meant instead of the ranged weapon we have. So it's not just "a bloodborne gun" and it can be accurate at the same time. I don't mind the shuriken but they were never used historically by actual ninjas they probably just had bows.
Well a small sword, aka a dagger, has lots of uses. Since they didn't have straight swords in Japan, I guess this mini katana would serve the same role as a dagger.
>ceramic shards
But they don't work at all and are completely garbage
She tells him that she despises the monks for becoming willingly infested so she'd probably not care.
I thought it was a boy.
the game does give us a small sword as a prosthetic tool. Also yeah, tantos, wakizashis and stuff were probably used by ninjas as well.
they work perfectly though
>hug wall
>peek at edge of wall
>lock on to enemy
>use shard
>stealth deathblow
How do I beat the purple ninjas? What should I do when they jump kick me?
She despises the monks for having become corrupted in pursuit of immortality (not even mentioning experimenting on fucking kids to produce a single person with a false dragon bloodline - herself).
I'm surprised we didn't get a questline involving her asking Sekiro to just purge the whole fucking monastery because it's all FUBAR.
>Also you can be a ninja and a samurai.
I was under the impression lot of ninjas werent warrior class and thats where the meme comes of them using farm tools as weapons like bo sticks, small knives (and scythes/sickles) instead of actual issued katana or shorter sidearms
>jump kick
dodge left
>"danger" kick
mikiri counter
there were poor ninjas and such but some were raised in wealthy families. Also shinobi is a male ninja and a kunoichi is a female ninja. They also weren't specifically assassins. They were spies, saboteurs and such, but they were never solely assassins, and almost never assassinated unless they were given someone to assassinate by whoever there master was and it was usually for political purpose as assassinations usually are. Warrior class is the highest class without getting to stuff like Shogun and Daimyo. Ninjas can be part of the elite warrior class. Farmers used all that stuff because there was a thing called the sword hunt that decreed no one other than anyone in the samurai class could have a sword. Quite a few people didn't listen to that though.
I see. I couldn't work out that a flying spin kick could count as a thrust attack. I just looked up a video though. It seems that the best way to beat him is to poke his vitality to death, and avoid everything else by running away.
>Farmers used all that stuff because there was a thing called the sword hunt that decreed no one other than anyone in the samurai class could have a sword. Quite a few people didn't listen to that though.
Man, it's funny how people are always trying to grab your gun(swords).
Not as good as Souls.
honestly the best way is to get those mikiris down and play aggressive. later on those guys are everywhere
Check the shinobi huggable wall in the room where the 2 samurais are sitting and drinking sake in ashina castle
they didn't just stockpile them though they melted them down and used them to create a giant statue of buddha I think and used the melted down weapons as the bolts to hold stuff together, as a show of religious faith. the hypocritical part is that the daimyo that issued that had risen to his station from being a peasant and wasn't a true samurai (one born into the life of the warrior class)
The best way to beat him is to keep the pressure up, hit him until he deflects you and then he will either do a fast sword swing which is easy as fuck to deflect or he will jump to do kick combos, which you either mikiri if its a thrust or hit with a regular attack if its the sweep. You destroy them in no time. This applies to basically all humanoids, hitting them until they deflect you is how all swordfights should go. Just get good at identifying their counterattacks and how to punish them. There's different pools of attacks for counterattacking than regular attacking.
what new arms would you like to see?
Symbols confuse kids
like a whip attachment. Like a combat grappling hook almost allowing you to whip enemies around or pull them in for a backstab deathblow from far away.
B team was only responsible for DS2. DS3 was not B team.
Protip for anyone having trouble with this game. Do No-Fap for like 2 or 3 days, I literally killed Sword Saint Ishin without any damage because his moves were so easy to read and counter without panicking now that my third eye is open
Punch arm. You just punch people with it.
how can you have such a retarded opinion to think that gravetender is a better fight than fume
jesus christ you're dumb
kinda like how the whistle finger is just a whistle?
nigga ds3 dlc was amazingly good
did you even play it?
It's more than that. It turns dogs crazy, acts like a ceramic shard on humans and stuns some enemies.
I don't get why the shurikan is so useless.
I meant more that it's not a tool, he just whistles using his own hand. The malcontent's whistle also causes anguish for apparitions.
gets better when you upgrade it, but you do need to get used to seeing openings for its use, I was able to constantly get shuriken hits against Owl in the first Owl fight.
Deletes low tier enemies from afar, interrupts jumping attacks, makes enemies pause if you need to stop for a heal, can be combo'd into. My favorite prosthetic.
shuriken is the only balanced tool
everything else is OP or a waste of spirit
The actual Ariandel area was pretty boring though, and the Gravekeeper was a joke boss. Literally just a retread of the painting from DS1. Friede was the only worthwhile bit. Ringed City was fantastic though.
Beat Divine Dragon, go to Upper Tower - Antechamber, kill the guy 10 feet from the idol and rest, repeat. Gives 4k per kill on NG+3, don't even bother grinding till atleast NG+2 or higher, shit would take forever
What about the axe, the flame vent and the spear?
The shuriken is like the most versatile and honestly the best tool.
Upgraded flame vent is amazing at crowd control.
Sabimaru is amazing for 1-on-1 duels.
The whistle is amazing for stealth shenanigans and it's also hands down the best tool whenever beasts are involved.
The hat is good for bailing you out of mistakes.
Mist Raven can be great when combined with certain combat arts.
I can't wait to start upgrading the arm. I hope I don't miss the key items that trigger it.
Do you use Sacred Flame or Okinagawa?
just got the malcontent's ring. Also sprinting against the shichimen warrior is almost broken. you can literally outrun all his shit.
Nah. I already knocked him off a bridge.
>Armored Warrior
>Four Monkeys
>Divine Dragon
Did Sekiro finally do gimmick bosses properly?
Aside from Four Monkeys, yes. Four Monkeys is just garbage.
Is Lady Butterfly really hard compared to the other bosses, or does it get easier after her?
where do I buy confetti
I actually just normal stealthed each monkey and somehow got it done. I didn't even know there were areas to help against the monkeys' senses until I revisited the area later just to look around.
skill can only get you so far against more than 1 of the higher level enemies, especially those kushan looking fucks. stealth is mainly to thin the herd
mandatory boss don't worry
It's a super late game buyable item, I think you have to pretty much play through the whole game, you can farm it from the blue samurai in Ashina Castle.
you basically can with high monk
probably gonna be on NG+++ by the time it comes out so would prefer a separate thing. especially if it was some jetstream sam type shit where you play as isshin in his prime or something
>tiny, defiant man confidently stands before a literal god
The best aesthetic, both literally and figuratively.
that was some sexy use of the mist raven.
Okinaga's. The sacred flame doesn't inflict burn.
thanks man
>when I looked behind isshin's curtains in his room for the first time and saw what I found
And then everything else later in the game of course.
Isshin is a fucking badass.
pretty much the only tool I get any use out of against Isshin
what's behind the curtain
Well thats why he said that SEKIRO (from SEKIRO:shadows die twice) is the only titular character
Tomoe and Takeru obviously
I remember that Old Hunters added very important lore elements
it'll be a while though, it's a rare drop off them.
Tengu mask and straw jacket
For Honor (but better).
his tengu attireand emmas ravaged body
>Tomoe and Takeru obviously
Yes please.
Does learning the ultimate techniques before fighting Isshin in any way affect the dialogue?
I actually don't know.
so for the dragon's return you only need the frozen tears and the dragon tears right?
okay, I'm all set then.
Any DLC not featuring Tomoe will be a disappointment
Yes they did idiot
DLC better let me learn way of tomoe
>everyone going on bout MUH TOMOE
>DLC is abour 3apes and monk recolor instead
You know it will happen.
Homecoming spoiler
I immediately noticed the attire the ricegirl wears. It's fucking corrupted monk's.
also inb4 sekiro 2 in china
They don't look like that, why would you think they do? Isshin literally described Tomoe as having very beautiful eyes, which means they have eyes.
Thats normal monk attire autismo.
But that's for the sequel user
Tomoe probably still looks human considering their origin and how the lightning reversal scroll has a human Okami Warrior woman.
She hate them, so prodably she will prise Wolf.
Divine hier aka Kuro is a boy, divine child is a girl, two separate characters.
>A souls character realistically would have been able to do even less than Sekiro did.
Every Souls character regularly dunks on dudes like the Armored Knight, the fuck are you on about?
The monkeys are some of my favorite enemies in the game desu
Easily my favorite Japan setting game ever made.
I don't know if I want a sequel or not lads.
I'm actually sad the game's over and I really hope we get to see kuro again or at least some part of that trek to the west. Before sekiro released I was expecting it to be more souls dogshit and now it's one of my favorite games. That story, the setting, the japanese folklore, the combat system, probably the only fault of the story was depicting genichiro as such a typical heel rival bitch which takes from his character
Genichiro literally did nothing wrong.
hopefully never
dumb meme game for dex homosexuals
>Unironically the Lost Crowns Trilogy
agreed, old chaos was kino
may I remind you he only kills false gods and Oedon is the only real one that cannot be stopped and will impregnate all the cute girls regardless
>Fume Kinght is top 5 souls bosses ever.
I will never understand the hype for this shitty boss, it was a giant lumbering slow knight with hugely telegraphed attacks that were piss easy to dodge. The only challenging aspect of it was the iffy hitboxes on the thrust.
>The actual Ariandel area was pretty boring though
>Ringed City was fantastic though
How you can say these 2 things in the same sentence is hilarious. Ringed City has DaS2 tier level design, absolutely awful, linear garbage.
Not that guy but it felt like a victory lap. The only thing I really disliked was that it had two swamps in a single DLC.
After Valley and Blighttown FROM's swamp levels have been pretty terrible for some reason
>they think there will be dlc
Lol. Activision is the publisher, they don't bother with actually good DLCs that add content. The only dlc you'll get is some sword and prosthetics recolors.
Absolutely fucking based user
>>No reason to "balance" weapons so said pvp autists shut the fuck up
This is probably one of the things I like the most.
From listening to PvP kiddies was the worst thing ever, the massive nerfs in DS3 because of butthurt muh honour PvP kiddies were the absolute worst and my breaking point with soulsborne since every single favorite weapon I had got nerfed into the ground to the point of uselessness and I never gave a fuck about PvP to begin with, RIP my precious, beautiful Carthum scimitars ;_;.
Don't bother grinding until you're at least in NG+2.
FROM's swamps have been terrible since King's Field.
The only FROM franchise immune to the swamp curse is Armored Core.
Of From games? Raikoh. He basically does what Sekiro does but on a much larger scale (e.g. the centipedes you fight are as large as Ashina castle).
Of Soulsborne? Sekiro isn't a Soulsborne.
>tfw no Otogi cameos in Sekiro
Missed opportunity
There's quite some overlap in themes due to being in Japan though, which is nice since From is really good at Jap settings and mythology. There's no moonlight sword either. Not that you can use anyway, but the dragon does use a seven-branched moonlight sword, it even has those wave attacks the moonlight sword usually has.
Fucking based.
I just realized sekiro is literally "I got back up and pwned him": the game
The flame thrower basically becomes a rocket launcher when its upgraded tho