Yo Yea Forums, what should my next game be? Gonna be one of these:
ace attorney (switch)
FF VII (switch)
persona 4 Golden (vita)
windwaker HD (wii U)
zero escape virtue's last reward (vita)
phantom hourglass (3ds)
spirit tracks (3ds)
danganronpa (vita)
Yo Yea Forums, what should my next game be? Gonna be one of these:
p4 or ff vii if u havent played
Act Attorney
Ace Attorney is a good time if you haven't played it before
I remember getting it on DS when it came out, shit blew my mind. There was nothing else like it. Finding the contradictions in testimonies and presenting evidence just felt so good.
just finished p5 and loved the fuck out of it. p4 is a strong contender for next game, but kinda want something inbetween. ff vii i barely started but it looked dated af. still worth it in 2019?
Looks awesome & funny. are they pretty long games?
Wind Waker. Skip Phantom Hourglass
FFVII's graphics have aged like milk but the gameplay is still solid if you're into classic JRPG action
Materia system is great
They're around 15 hours for each game, and you have the first three games in one.
Definitely worth it. Replay value is low, but it's an experience.
Looks like something I would post years ago.
I take it all the zelda titles mean to imply that if you play windwaker you would sequentially play hourglass and spirit tracks?
Does the same apply for DR and AA? Because those are both very friggin long series with multiple entries.
Also, if you're posting VLR, have you played 999?
You can buy the first three games as a trilogy on 3ds and soon on Switch for around 30 dollars. It's a steal.
I've played every entry available in the US and I thoroughly enjoyed each game, pardon a few cases where you're desperately guessing to progress. That and Dual Destinies is the weakest entry in the series.
I did the same with FFVII, I started it and after 10 hours dropped it. I finally went back and beat it last year. It's a solid RPG and the materia system is brilliant. The story gets a bit fucky halfway through, but I'd recommend playing it so you have a comparison point when playing the remaster next century.
read a book
So you've played most/all of these?I just have little time to play, so I want to optimize ROI and play the best. wouldn't have to play all DR and AA at once, I just have the first DR and the AA trilogy.
Does zelda need to be played in order? and I haven't played 999, is that necessary for vlr?
books are boring and useless
got plenty of books on my list im working through too lmao
true, they should teach persona 4 in school
ds zeldas sucks
but p4 is also boring and useless
they should teach mgs 2 at school
Sadly yes, I have played everything on that list but persona.
The three zelda games you've posted are played as
Wind Waker -> Hourglass -> spirit tracks
Hourglass is passable though as it's not very good, there are story elements mentioned and each and they all share the same world.
Ace Attorney is a solid choice, good puzzle solving and the finale is fantastic in the first one.
DR is weeby autistic nonsense, yet somehow manages to drag me back for more. The mystery will keep you going, but the overall reason why will have you fuming.
I'm positive you get a long ass ride out of persona 4 and I've heard it's very good. An equally good and long RPG would be Xenoblade Chronicles. FFVII is an entertaining ride and provides several hours of play time.
VLR however would be my top recommend. A great story, engaging mystery, and the best brotag I have ever played as. However you do need to play 999 as there are several story elements and characters that appear in VLR. Fret not though, because 999 is equally fantastic. The final game however is a massive disappointment that hurts my soul.
>dodges sight cones for fifteen hours
ah yes, truly the pinnacle of the stealth genre. why do all the good games come from japan
can you give me an example of a good game?
i dont care about the western vs eastern bullshite
i only care about gud gaems
i dont even know what kind of games you like dude
If you have a vita and like horror/puzzle/VNs then pick up Death Mark. I just finished it, short and satisfying. With the DLC included it's about $25.
Thx bro. Will check out 999 & AA first
Solid choice my friend, if you want another in the same vein, check out hotel dusk.
Danganronpa so you can get in on the memes.
Order is
>UDG (optional)
>3 (skip recommended)