Itt we play tic tac toe

itt we play tic tac toe

Attached: tic tac.jpg (345x274, 9K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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you win

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you play like a pussy

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X wins by disqualification, O isn’t supposed to go first

Wtf else was there to do bitch faggot


based. this is the canon ending

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you just threw the game

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Ya blew it

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go suck a dick

Superior game

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Did I fuck up before that or what? Because I had to block left column

Attached: file.png (345x274, 34K)

i cant believe people are still using my old tic tac toe grid
i place this card face-down and end my turn

fuck forgot image

Attached: tic tac.png (323x267, 36K)

Attached: file.png (424x334, 37K)

you could have went bottom right for a guaranteed win.

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This game is shit.

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X would have just put it in the top left and won.

I go bottom right, he wins top left

you have to take risks

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going bottom right means he can't go diagonally user
I was stumped for a moment too

wait a minute nevermind I'm dumb

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DQ'd for the obscene image

Someone else play me

>Tic Tac Toe
user, I...

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memeing aside, you could have done it here

If you faggots want to play Ultimate Tic Tac Toe and know the rules

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how do you play it?

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Done what? O Bottom Right? Because then
X blocks Top Left
O blocks Top Right
X blocks Middle Right
O goes Middle Left for Tie

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Attached: ez.png (500x500, 51K)

Nice Sudoku.

How about a battle royale tic-tac-toe? 40x40 you score every 3 rows

what the fuck you guys this isn't how you play tic tac toe
Basically, it's a Tic Tac Toe battle on the larger grid that you battle out by winning smaller grids, winning a small grid gives you that field for the large grid. Twist however let's say X places first on the top right large grid but bottom left small grid, this means that O has to place his O at the bottom left large grid.

who wants to play hangman

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x goes top-left
you go mid-right
do you see what i mean?

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You're fucking retarded mate,
X goes top-left
You go mid-right
X goes top-right and wins


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Write the wrong letters nigger

I love


honestly dude you're right. i've been completely scattered today

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I love dicks


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lmao faggot


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Not even surprised