Red Dead Redemption 2

Does it still stand Unshaken?

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fucking trash and its current irrelevance is deserved


RIP Cowboy guy

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No matter what anyone says. It was definetly a ride worth having. Has clear flaws, but still enjoyable.

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It was a great game, I agree

PC when?

>irrelevance is deserved
That's Smash, RE2, DMCV and Sekiro. RDR2 is still alive and well.

Well at least it's still alive in your heart i guess, good for you.

Even given its online mode, it's still a pretty great game.

Jesus, Sekiro on my 2080 looks like stinky poo poo compared to this

All the games you mentioned are very relevant right now except maybe RE2.

>man, i dunna about this....
>*kills 50 men*
>i sayin' dutch....we don' gotta do this...
>*robs from innocent people and kills 100 men*
>"mary just doin' bad things...i dont know why.."..."you're still a good man, arthur!"
>*robs a train and kills scores of policemen*
>"it just seems like...people dont want us 'round no more....our way of life is endin'...."
>*robs a bank and kills 100 people while escaping*

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New modes are kinda fun. Just needs those different servers in the spring update along with gambling and could end up being legit fun

>are very relevant right now except maybe RE2
afraid not son, discussion on nerd image boards isn't relevancy

You can use YouTube on your PC

>only games I like are relevant

Smash at the very least, you can't deny is relevant. That games still has lots of appeal to normies and what characters will be added is still talked about on Twitter and other big platforms other than Yea Forums.

singleplayer 9/10
multiplayer dogshit/10
Its like seeing an amazing movie then as you walk out the door a tube is shoved down your throat and shit begins funneling in. I'm actually amazed at how badly they fucked up multiplayer. tons of big game breaking bugs still persist 5 months after onlines release and they wont fix them but will patch out money glitches in a matter of 24 hours and give us 1 shitty pvp mode no one wants and one piece of clothing a week. Its embarrassing.

it's a single player game with taketwo multiplayer thrown in to please investors user

>Arthur kills well over 20 thousand people in the game.
>and here I stand unshaken pissin into the winddddd.

I feel like the only person who was actually disappointed by it. I loved the first RDR. RDR2 is not anything I wanted. Instead of feeling like an epic western it feels more like a commune simulator where the story goes from one stupid scenario to the next.

nah man at this point in time gta online had much more shit to do in it and didnt hide under the "beta" tag to excuse the huge amount of bullshit theyre pulling. They might have achieved one of if not the worst form of microtransactions in a game with all the obvious attempting to convince the little people left into buying gold bars by nickle and diming them at every corner they can, all while cutting rewards and such secretly until people call them out on it.

lmao @ these ps3 graphics

>Arthur kills THOUSANDS of police men
>Robbed thousands more
>Has destroyed thousands of dollars worth of military property (bridges, garrisons, forts, not to mention men and horses)
>Killed half the CUBAN NAVY
>Kills a Cuban Colonel


Why does Rockstar expect us to swallow this nonsense? And why do so many people? Arthur is a scumbag murdering shithead as is the rest of the gang and yet Rockstar insists on romanticizing their lifestyle and trying to tell us that Arthur is a good man. The game seems to think the only way they can achieve freedom is by stealing and murdering hundreds and Arthur just goes along with it at every turn. Arthur's sulky attitude is obnoxious as hell.

>Micah shoots Miss Grimshaw when she stands up to defend a member of the gang thats been there from the start of it all, much like her

Is there an alternate ending that doesn't force me to PRESS X TO BUILD HOUSE as John yet?
We're not getting any content for single player are we?

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of course we will! dont you remember GTA Vs singleplayer DLC? classic.

Moderately fun the first time but like an actual big budget movie made for even mouthbreathers to enjoy you need shut your brain off or the annoyances pile up.

Replaying the game and trying to gold missions or just explore really reveals how linear and restrictive the game is. It feels like a stage play where the director throws a fit the moment you divert from the script.

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