Is Yea Forums just jealous of china's success? Is that why you hate epic games store?
Is Yea Forums just jealous of china's success? Is that why you hate epic games store?
its the 2019 version of "videogames will ruin the tv"
>Is Yea Forums just jealous of china's success?
Cheating and copying isn't success
They copied what exactly?
every product made in the west
Yea Forums still thinks its 2009 and valve is a good company
>make one successful game for zoomers
>use that money to bribe publishers for exclusive rights
>become successful
Sounds like something China would do.
Yeh I'm so jealous I don't have to wear a breathing mask everyday on my way to work and that our rivers aren't polluted to all hell.
Everything from Japan / Europe / The US
Epic games is an American company
>bububut Tencent owns a share!
Chinks own a share in literally any major company. Might as well kys if you buy anything from american brands
Tencent also has two members on the 5 board directors of Epic.
So yes, Epic and their snooping shit hardware can fuck off
Douglas McArthur had the right idea, the yellow disease needs to be vanquished wherever it pops up for the good of all mankind.
prove it, otherwise you are lying
fuck epic
fuck epic shills
steam, gog, uplay and even fucking origin are better than this piece of shit
The entire Qing Dynasty
Quote me if you want to ban epic shilling threads
Why even bother? epic store won't have jewels like samozbor
fuck off chang
yes goy, defend me! don't let thee dirty changs take my shekels!