Why so much fuss over a regular retro-style puzzle game with zero originality?
Baba Is You
>retro-style puzzle game with zero originality
Just say you want a Baba is You thread you colossal faggot
fuck you
I'm so grateful for this generation's weird porn
imagine being born at any other point in time and missing out on this
nepotism within game journalist circles. They can all write about their buddy's game and suddenly it seems everywhere.
See: GRIS and Florence
minimalist white animal = dik hard XDDD
Nope. I can't just see what's the appeal of this game that drives game journalists crazy. But seeing the game developer's hipsteric attitude I can see why. Also this:
>Keke is BIG DICK
>Keke has BIG DICK
>bepis is big
baba is you is a fully functioning turing machinr tho
i feel like im too retarded to enjoy this game, every puzzle feels like im just staring at it for 20 minutes not knowing how the fuck to figure it out
Other generations had weird porn too, m8.
>GRIS and Florence
I've never heard of either of those games
Turing completeness aint hard, it only takes an Xor
>simplistic, aliased, mspaint tier art is my porn preference
>good enough to draw exactly what I want at a moment's notice
>beat the first area
>cant bring myself to move on until I clear sunken temple
dont spoil it, I heard about this game an hour ago and my mind was blown
Sunken Temple is the first casual filter. I'm sure you can do it.
What, you don't even want a hint?
Cause you're going to be there a while.
Come on, there are a full 2 solutions to that puzzle. He's bound to find 1 eventually.
I beat it, but I still don't understand Mean Fence.
Why was I sometimes able to walk through the wall?
I can't figure out Back Stage. I'm pretty sure I have to be Keke, but I need a hint.
Walking onto an object != facing it
On Backstage you need to be keke after he makes flag win, the real puzzle is making that possible. Very minor hint.
Post yfw LEVEL is BABA
Most of that stuff is illegal now, so YMMV.
It would be extremely surprising to me if that game mechanically wasn't 'Turing complete'* (assuming unbounded mapsize).
I saw it coming when I noticed the rules in the lower right corner of the map like 4 zones in.
Incidentally, I'm still surprised that there's no flag to be found in the menu
If that's the case, can I request Baba is Thic And Thic?
I found the solution to the first one, im on the second one
Rules exist for a reason.
And a level cannot be beaten if it doesn't have any Rules.
Rules can also be Hide. Baba Is You in the menu despite no such rule. Oh god, maybe Flag Is Hide...
This game remind anybody else of Lolo for NES?
Do you even know what the word originality means or are you just slinging buzzwords for attention
can you name one game that is similar in terms of gameplay to what baba offers? just one?
>kill keke
>dick appears
KEKE IS HUNG is what you're looking for
I can't wait for the Level Editor so I can help design Baba Is Kaizo
>can you name one game that is similar in terms of gameplay to what baba offers? just one?
I can't name it, but I can describe it. Really old computer game where you assembled a robot in a cage and programmed it to do something with interchangeable instructions you got from slinging tomatoes at paintings to open them while wandering castle halls.
You aren't allowed to do Baba Is Kaizo until I do Baba Is Auto
I'm not fucking with the level editor further until it actually has a fucking undo though.
the hallucinations you had after your mom repeatedly stomped on your head as a kid don't count
like this?
That also sounds fucking interesting as an artistic concept.
And if you do, there better be a series of hidden manual solutions that unlock extra Auto levels.
I swear to fuck this exists. I thought Commander Keen was something I just made up too, but it was real.
fuck that was meant for
>2 more overworld segments
I can feel my brain power increasing.
That said, I don't get it.
I can keep them from breaking the phrase on left, but I can't figure out how to Win.
Nvm. I fucked with my initial solution and it worked after an extra step.
>Times posting in thread has caused me to almost immediately solve it: 12
Good work.
Here are the next things that serve as walls:
Evaporating River
Tiny Isle
Unreachable Shores
Further Fields
Concrete Goals
Skull House
Got All This Stuff Here
Mouse Hole (though I have no idea why as it's piss easy)
Turn the corner
Crushers again, yes it's that much of a wall.
Booby Trap
The Box
By this point, you may well have beaten some of these. Don't feel dumb if they stump you for an hour or so though.
Where's the lava and ice one? You know the one.