>tfw your fundie parents take away your Atlus games
Tfw your fundie parents take away your Atlus games
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Unironically good loving parents.
As a child I was told to stop reading C.S. Lewis books because they were Satanic.
litteraly nothing wrong with summoning demons
My mom was a JW and guilted me into throwing all of my Pokemon shit away as a kid cause of ghost and psychic Pokemon being satanic. Then I got back into it when DPP came out.
Also got into the Disgaea series and never let it slip that demons were in the game.
Religious parents fucking suck.
im not religious but i collect crucifixes that are also knives and i like to put them inside me and cover myself in fake blood
kek neck yourself christcuck
>tfw never ever played Castlevania because my parents thought that Dracula on the cover meant that it was satanic.
Kinda ironic considering the plotlines of the series.
>tfw family is christian but my mom didn't think there was anything satanic about games like pokemon
I got to play those games just fine, even brought them with me to church.
anyone have the original version of this?
My parents are Catholic but they are not obsessed with religion or anything. They never gave two fucks about what I played anyway, they even got me Conker's bad fur day when I was around 11 or 12 despite the warning on the box.
Has this ever actually happened?
My parents have never given a fuck about my weeb tastes and have left the room out of sheer boredom whenever I played
>being a christfag
>in 2019
uhhhh.... that's a "yikes" from me
Post great Christian games
kek your parents never cared about you
>Mom is catholic, but never did things like satanic pokemon
She followed the ESRB to the fucking T though, she was livid when my cool uncle got me guitar hero, a T rated game, when I was 11.
My fucking mormon friend got to play games like Halo before I could.
>Your parents agreed with you when you said Doom was the most Christian game to exist
No, my parents just accepted my taste was different from theirs and respected that.
have sex
>mfw my parents stopped being Christian when I was a kid because of all the pedo priest news
Because your parents weren't God fearing Christians
>where you and you children spend eternity is a matter of taste
You have to complete a satanic ritual to proceed in doom 2
I don't understand this meme. It's taken off on Yea Forums and I'm curious as to why
When you say God fearing Christians, do you mean actual Christians, or American """""christians"""""
Same. Thank you based diddlers.
>hyper religious grandparents
>for years wanted to have nothing to do with "those occult orientals"
>I young me exists
>I love Pokemon
>My grandparents heard all the "satanic" shit surrounding but disregarded because of their love for me and wanted to be happy
>Years later I introduced my grandfather to animu, via Ghibli and now loves it
>we regularly go out to buy mango
That's a Jack Chick comic, Tolkien too.
It's the moment he went from embarrassing to infuriating to me.
I will never admit a Catlicker was right but this is the sort of thing that comes from decentralized religion
From where? Don't you fucking say ribbit or retardera, I'm looking for something more concrete than vague boogeymens
Your mom is based, kids shouldn't be playing games outside their ESRB age group
post more fatlus
Persona 3 really is one of the most cringe inducing pieces of shit I've ever played. Doesn't help that the gameplay sucks, dungeon sucks and game plays itself, BADLY, the ai sucks.
>American """"Christianity"""""
>Pokemon is satanic
I didn’t say Doom 2 I said Doom you silly butt nugget
Seething incel
Ah yes the fabled tranny discord, yet another scapegoat for Yea Forums simply being shit
Evolution goes against God.
>Ah yes
The calling card of a skin grafter
Holy fucking shit, are you kidding me?
discord trannies
Yeah, I can appreciate that for things like gore spattered shooters when I'm like 8, but I felt like a fucking loser for not being able to play what other people were playing, said shooters, even at age 16. She finally let the reins go when I turned 17.
Everywhere. I had a graph, but I lost it. Yea Forums's traffic has more than doubled since GG. So just take my word for it.
>God fearing Christians
If we we're perfect we wouldn't need Christ.
Europe has it's share of apostacy as well.
Evolution as depcited in Pokemon is closer to a metamorphosis anyway.
Have you been living under a rock for your whole life?
I was also JW when i was a kid. I blame Jehova for my failure
fucking cunt, the god of love but destroys anyone that dares to not follow him, when he doesn't even prove that he exists
>Waffle House
God has nothing to do with that place
I don't get the appeal of Jehovah's Witnesses, only 144,000 get to go to heaven right?
are you Hispanic? asking because the way you spelled Jehovah
Have you not seen modern Christians? They aren't the brilliant thinkers from 600 years ago
tbhwy they are probably think they are saving you from turbo virginity
If only they could see what we see. They'd give you back your games.
>If we we're perfect we wouldn't need Christ.
>So that gives me a license to be an intolerant cunt, because God would forgive me anyway because for sure I would be really, really sorry
Fucking burgers, I swear.
I agree EFG, increases in traffic only make Yea Forums worse. However, I was looking for something specific to this "have sex" meme. Yea Forums's traffic spiked during the last american presidential election, but it would be folly to draw a direct connection to this meme.
You can thank the jews for their stupidity
God never says to tolerate sin
You know what, Yea Forums? I'm forming an army, we are going to kill God.
He is a nut, he says he is the god of love but he kills you if you don't follow him, he murders children, woman, people who just lived a different lifestyle. Oh, and he is going to kill you independent if you are a good person because you just don't want to lick his boots. Oh, what about Jehova's Witness? Fucking Jehova cunt separates families and makes you die by not letting you do a blood transfusion, no lord is worth dying for.
yeah, but God will make an paradise on earth for all those who follow him
Brazilian, we pronounce it Jeová here
from what i understand its 144,000 of the most dedicated top percent JWs go to heaven while the rest of us who dedicated their lives to Jehovah stay on earth in paradise.
>Reinking was regarded as somewhat of a loner, who was considered by some to be socially awkward, according to friends. He came from a Christian family and was home-schooled, but he also took some classes at nearby Tremont High School. Reinking took a strong interest in photography and was often seen with his camera.
I'm saying it's another low quality shitpost caused directly by retarded tourists.
But how can you kill what does not exist?
But then surely we would be able to trace its origins, right?
someone in my congregation died of leukemia because refusal of blood transfusions. the father ended up ditching the religion in heart break but his wife and other daughter continued worshipping jehovah. Still unsure if they are still married or not because I no longer attend their meetings.
It honestly sounds like the kind of saying that someone who unironically uses the word "incel" would say. So take a guess, r3ddit, resetera, or tranny discords.
arent Calvinsts European?
Oh look, another trip tranny
Is r/atheism leaking again?
Funnily this thread began with Persona 3 and then devolved into discussion about pokemon. Pokemon are based off SMT just like all creature catching games, so yeah they were based on demons. Digimon took it even few steps further by including things like Lucemon.
Pokemons also pushed their own religion that the world was created by pokemon, and extended their idolatry into mobile phones with pokemon go.
It all doesn't matter though if you don't give in to superstition and understand that religious people have enough logs in their own eyes.
Then you are a retard
>Insta replies
Hit a nerve trannies?
For what, not just believing in vague boogeymen? Or that I care where it comes from?
Basically pic related
We'll look at who normally says this line outside of Yea Forums
>you can't call me a loser because i know i am a loser
Thinking it is a """vague boogeyman""" there has been plenty of evidence citing visitors from those websites. Many also calling to invade and cause trouble here.
>INB4 proof
I don't save any of the images, that being said, lurking for more than five minutes and they will pop up
It's more like they think calling them a loser will help their argument and make the loser go to their side, when it really wont because he already knows hes a loser and nothing will change that
It makes them sound more of a cunt honestly
or maybe they are simply calling him a loser because he is one
They did this with demon souls and resident evil 4. The game names tipped them off that they were evil.
Also I lied to my mom when I was fighting metatron in smt nocturne and told her that he was lucifer. Eh, I don't even know if metatron is biblical canon anyways.
That's the thing, I see "incel" used as an insult on social media but searching for "have sex" on Twitter just now didn't yield anything relevant. So I assumed it was something more specific.
Screencaps of "proof" are often suspect and at best circumstantial. I won't deny the possibility or probability, but the assumed scope is nowhere near proven, ever. Every time someone blames ribbit out of nowhere I mentally replace it with "gb2gaia".
i dont call fat people fatties because i think its going to help them lose weight
that isn't what's happening
They bring it up thinking it nullified their (loser man) arguement. When in reality, it makes them (leftie) sound retarded and have no arguement, resorting to basic name-calling
I saw someone blame /fit/ for the "have sex" meme, but I don't know if that's true.
im always inclined to favor the most straight forward answer
I just saw it pop up in another thread, two anons have claimed it comes from Yea Forums
imagine youre a flat earther arguing with a sane person
sane person is a fat virgin loser but he has all of the evidence that the earth is not flat
flat earther cant refute his evidence so he just calls him a fat virgin loser
stupid teenbros like you on Yea Forums and /pol/ think insulting someone makes you win the argument for some reason
But that's totally unlike "cuck," "discord tranny," "libtard," etc.? Those are legitimate arguments and not just basic name-calling, right?
>I blame Jehova for my failure
Everyone on Yea Forums has something to blame for them being a virgin NEET.
That just makes you sound dumb.
Sorry, I mean
You dumb nigga
No? Nice try assuming shit though.
Well, if you ARE right, then you should also acknowledge that gafugees/discord trannies/correct the record/etc don't have any argument
>it's taken off on shitpost central
No fucking shit.
Sometimes an insult is just an insult.
same here but we were poor as fuck and couldn't afford Pokemon
I had Bionicles though, often as gifts from other relatives like my gran
You are a biased retard if you think that is exclusively Yea Forums and /pol/.
There may be some merit to this. Searching the catalogue, nine threads on Yea Forums contain the phrase "have sex". On Yea Forums, it's 17. If not the origin, it could be the foothold of the meme into Yea Forums as a whole.
I agree in general, but for shit like Guitar Hero or Tony Hawk or something, they're only T because of a couple swears in songs or something. That's absolutely not something to take so literally.
I refer back to my "you dumb nigga" statement
Wouldn't surprise me, Yea Forums memes are the worst
People on Yea Forums telling you these kind of mind polluting games is a slippery slope isn't the same as someone calling you a virgin because you disagree with them.
and tbhwyf I know it isn't going to stop most of them because it didn't stop me.
Not before marriage ;^)
Prime example right here. Whatever abomination is behind this post either makes it because they are genuinely so retarded and self absorbed that they believe they are in the majority, or they are posting this for the sole purpose of fishing for replies like this one. It's either a blatant shitpost from an 80 IQ redditor or it's a recycled trolling tactic from an 80 IQ """4channer"""
Can't report them because our shit jannies and mods are just as clueless, and the number of these mouth breathers is overwhelming on Yea Forums
Well heres a little tip for ya, dont get married. Trust me.
What in the goddamn? Did they miss the ironic role reversal of Screwtape or something?
regardless of religious meme opinions, your parents really did you a favor by preventing you from playing bottom of the barrel weebshit