yet another vr thread
Yet another vr thread
Ahagagahahaaaaa um gonna waste all my savings on vr and Yea Forums won't stop me
What's a good VR setup cost nowadays? I've got $300 bucks burning a hole in my pocket
Save $100 more and you can get a whole rift package. I'd wait and see how Valve prices this in May / June though. It might be similarly priced or enough to drive prices down in the competition.
If you already have a powerful computer, get an extra 100$ and get a Rift S when that drops. If your hard limit is at 300$, do some research on Windows Mixed Reality sets.
I'll be extremely surprised if the Index is anywhere close to 400$ for the headset/knuckles/base station bundle. I'm expecting to shell out 500$ at least for the headset/knuckles, provided I can use my 1.0 base stations with them.
>paying $800 to feel nauseous and break into a cold sweat after 20 minutes of playing
If the Vive can sell for $500 and still be above cost profit wise, I'm willing to bet the Index can be had for $500-600 for a full package. Even then it might driver competitor prices down a bit more.
I agree, the last thing one should be doing is getting too optimistic about the price. Like with anything, it's better to be a little pessimistic and get a nice surprise than assume too much and get let down.
this is the best answer at the moment, more players in the field will drive prices down
what the fuck am i watching
I need to clean my Oculus with rubbing alcohol every 2 weeks from all the Beat Saber sweat. I sweat like crazy, I'm not even fat. I just sweat so fucking much.
I put paper towels in rubbing alcohol then carefully wipe it on the head strap and get it into the foam of the headphones. It smells like rotting garbage if I don't.
The stuff dreams are made of.
a thot doing thot things
pretty sure its vrchat
How excited are we for these Knuckles, VRbros?
>literally the only reason I've got a Rift is because there wasn't any competition vs Touch controls
>not realizing valve would release them eventually
yes goy, buy now!
we all went feet first into this
I'm just excited to use a steamvr headset with something other than the shitty broken dildo controllers. The knuckles look nice but I'd be satisfied with anything as a replacement.
Can you imagine how much this boy sweats?
I'm more excited for these than I am for a new headset.
The fact that they have an analog stick and buttons now is exciting, because I'll actually be able to play Rift exclusives with controller parity using whatever ReVive style hack comes out for the Index.
I posted this in the last thread, but it deserves posting again.
@3:20 there's some really exciting stuff
>pressure sensitive controllers allow you to shift your position on 2h weapons without ungrabbing and regrabbing
>he intuitively wraps his hands around the edge of the box to tilt it towards him before reaching in to grab objects
later in the video they start climbing up stuff
yeah same... I hope the inside-out tracking is good enough because if the headset/knuckles bundle is a decent price I'd go for it
Biggest chunk is still the gaming PC. Definitely wait for May 1st Valve Index full reveal (and save as much more as you can in the meantime).
Don't fall for the standalone meme, it's just mobile VR with slightly better tracking (but still pretty shit). Facebook shills were be here to screech about how pic related was somehow 'an accident', but really the only accident was letting it be seen. So far there is NO through-the-lens footage at all and no footage of any of the big 'AAA' Rift exclusive ports. just a handful of already very heavily stylized simple games like beat saber which STILL have notable downgrades.
VR....aka a meme gimmick fad that is already over.
so does the headsets have the same tracking WMR has if I'm too poor to afford the whole package now or do I absolutely need the little cameras to come with it
I won a PSVR in a giveaway, anybody have any game recommendations for this thing?
Good news, the Index and Knuckles use Lighthouse tracking. No inside out here.
Leaked pics show the receiver dots on the headset, and the official art brightened shows them too.
Knuckles also use Lighthouse. Unless you're talking about the finger tracking?
Astro Bot
Beat Saber
vr is cool and all, but is there going to be some way to get feedback? how am I supposed to feel my wife's tits rubbing my face, or her butt cheeks on my lap? and I don't think a doll is a valid peripheral, they're super heavy and awkward to pose.
I thought it was both? I assumed thats what the cameras on the front were for but maybe I'm retarded
Imagine the nut that guy let out when he passed out.
i cant FUCKING WAIT to have these
my vr gear will look so awesome
The base stations use infrared lasers, not cameras, and it's really unlikely the cameras on the headset itself are going to be usable for inside-out tracking since the knuckles controllers show no signs of being designed for that.
If you want WMR tracking, get WMR (or Rift S).
Didn't the Vive have a camera yet still used lighthouse?
the vive camera is not for that
You know, I'm a little surprised that companies haven't tried to make VR headsets look cooler. Spice 'em up with cyberpunk or retrowave designs. It's probably for weight reasons, but still.
>being so poor you can't fly through the galaxy in your own virtual space ship
Welp. Thanks for the info user
I don't know about that but with the ammount of headsets that are coming out it might oversaturate and bomb the market.
>paying $whatever to shitpost on an indian shitting board
oh yeah so i am retarded
I completely forgot what the Vive looked like
If thats the case I'll probably wait until there's games worth having knuckles for, Oculus controllers are still decent enough for anything thats currently out
vr is a gimmick
it will fail again
>being so poor you can't afford a chin
I actually only care for the knuckles
I just wish they kept the round trackpad from the vive wand, literally the only good thing about it
adding on to i'm assuming you have PCVR already
firewall zero hour
tetris effect
full body haptics like that are a long, long way off.
Those front cameras are likely for some kind of chaperone system where you get to see the real world in stereo
If we survived the waves of Google Cardboard-based plastic phone headsets, we'll survive this.
Get a psvr and pspro unless you already have a beast pc
>If we survived the waves of Google Cardboard-based plastic phone headsets, we'll survive this.
But what if nobody sells that much and they just stop trying? If only they could reduce the price and system requirements with eye tracking and foveated rendering but not even the premium next gen headsets will include that except for the vive pro eye if Im not wrong.
you will almost surely need lighthouses. wait for May 1st for full reveal and pricing.
it is very doubtful it will officially support any kind of computer vision tracking, especially not as a highly advertised launch feature. I would bet someone will eventually hack it to work as a WMR but the whole thing is really just foolishness, lighthouse tracking is fucking magical.
God damnit I want to spend all my money on summer shit, why is valve doing this to us reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
They need to swallow their god damned pride and just make it look like the oculus touch controllers and ditch the stupid touch pad in the middle which ruins it.
are those dildoes on the desk
>Those front cameras are likely for some kind of chaperone system where you get to see the real world in stereo
I know since its proven that it'll use lighthouse thats the most accepted theory but I think they are really far apart and below your eye level, I'm hoping maybe it'll be a basic WMR type tracking?
I'm guessing haptics are some senior valve engineer's baby and they won't let go. At least it's an improvement.
>H3VR updated on april fools
>my fucking face when
God bless this man
>ditch the stupid touch pad in the middle which ruins it.
i've never played with the wands. what is the touch pad even intended for?
Everything, regrettably.
The vive wand touchpad was perfect.
If they're going to switch to stick just dich the whole thing, why put a baby touchpad?
there's no problem with oversaturation of this type, it's just fierce competition and a spectrum of different budget and feature options. if they were all as fucked as facebook with pretensions to launching walled gardens, that would be a problem, but thankfully so far it's really just facebook and they are now fucking off of the PC space.
you don't think about 'oversaturation' somehow crashing the PC monitor market, because it's an absurdity. that's where HMDs are headed, fast (and even further, after that). that's the reason for the gold rush mentality.
should a designed the controllers so you can grab your dick while playing VR... or made it hollow so you can fuck the inside
epic fail valve... epic fail.
Aw, I wish I saw this yesterday. I want to try the hammer but I have to go to bed soon.
I can't play this. Whenever I try to do anything my touch controllers just bump together. Oh well.
looks like it would get boring in 30 seconds
why is every VR game a tech demo
It even looks great aesthetically. Here's hoping the resolution is a VR game changer.
Are there any upcoming horror games for VR that I should look out for?
Probably one of the first things I wanna try when I get my headset is a horro game, any suggestions? I don't care much about the theme, as long as it's immersive
The future user
why does having it ruin everything?
it's the general analog input, where it works OK. it is frequently broken up into two or four large virtual buttons, and used for simple gestures. it does a decent scroll wheel emulation. It's very nearly a viable replacement for traditional analog sticks, but just barely misses it due to lack of implicit haptic feedback and return to zero. and the vive wands have a terrible defect that ruins them all eventually.
it has its uses. i'm glad they're keeping it in some form, if only for use as a non-mechanical scroll-wheel alternative. the Vive wands are shit with an inherent short lifespan, but I don't think that's an inherent problem with the concept (just the vive wands specifically), and in my experience scroll wheels are about as bad if not worse.
I hear the Exorcist ones are pretty good.
duck season
doom 3 mod
spooky's jump scare mansion
That's not a gameplay video.
Do you think valve is dumb enough to launch this thing with no first party games?
Not with that right after E3 shipping date
>le hardcore gamer
don't listen to Tylers manic depressive ravings. it is happening.
not the resolution (which is almost surely the same 1440x1600 as the Vive Pro, but in a full-RGB LCD panel) but the optics. we don't know how exactly but it's where the name and (as yet unused) trademarked logo (pic related) come from, and Valve has several VR optics patents. elimination of typical VR optics artifacts/aberrations, SDE amelioration, maybe some kind of fixed foveation effect where pixels are deliberately 'pincushioned' towards the center of your view (combined with a larger than standard 135-150 degree FOV).
the bundles were already leaked in the steam store page
I need this.
virt-a-mate with compliance plugin
>he fell for the vr meme
Call me when holograms are a thing sweety
on accidentally listed pages which were covered in lorem ipsum and broken links. i've also seen idiots saying 'the bundle only includes one lighthouse!', because the bundle seen was literally just a link to three different store pages. slow down and think for a second. tyler can't because he's an obsessed fanboy way too close to it all. don't be like tyler.
no one is ever calling you to anything cuck
virtamate pisses me off. their demos are straight up trolling, six gigs and it's locked to literally short SFM loops. and the only way to get access is with a monthly subscription. FUCK EVER PAYING ANY SUBSCRIPTION FOR VIDYA.
Nobody has said anything about beat saber having notable downgrades wtf are you talking about?
it's one of the few games they've let video footage out for. go look up a side by side yourself, faggot. you can tell which one is the shitty mobile port without any label, I assure you.
Quest games will never have good lighting or physics. I am really eager to see what kind of mess Vacation Simulator is, or if they've just designed it around shitty hardware from the outset (which would make sense since it was all developed under google).
you know you could pay 2 bucks and have the current version forever, able to load community made scenes. only keep the subscription if you want to get updates
Can you abuse them? Like punch them and kick them?
I suppose, but someone would have to animate a reaction and add sounds. it has tools for adding keyframed motions
Organ Quarter is OK. Not really all that scary, and very easy, but it captures the feel of old-school survival horror (ie. Silent Hill and Resident Evil) pretty well.
Blood Trail is a very recently released (to VERY early access) horror-shooter that's getting a lot of buzz. Haven't played it myself yet but it seems to have a stable and committed team and gonna probably turn into something great eventually, based on what's there so far.
Duck Season is IMO a pristine, near-perfect interactive narrative experience. But I can also see how it might be a love-it-or-hate-it thing. Go in as blind as you can if you do decide to, with fairly low expectation for total play-time, and take your time with it.
The Cubicle and free and worth experiencing (BLIND!).
>have the current version forever
By which you mean download once. Digital goods without right to reacquire are all, as far as I've ever seen, almost worse than straightforward subscriptions. Certainly just as total bullshit. I haven't pirated anything in years but this shit is making me consider it. This isn't how crowdfunding e-begging shit should work. Also fuck giving patreon any money.
And now for the "no" bloom screenshot.
Save yourself $100 and buy a Lenovo Explorer. No base stations to set up, just plug and play. Best deal in VR currently.
I just want people to know that I've been seeing this picture all over the internet for over a decade and I still get butthurt everytime I see it. How does such a picture have so much control over my emotion?
It's so shittily drawn but people keep posting it and its fucking infuriating.
I'm considering getting one of these but I really don't have the space to move around a whole lot, is it not worth getting?
stop taking the bait fag
depends on what you want to play
the only game that makes me play VR regularly is beat saber and all that needs is room to stand and swing your arms basically
Index is looking pretty damn nice, IMO. The Rift/Daydream/Reverb ultra-minimalist look is decent. The original Vive was certainly unique.
Wait, why does it trigger you? Are you the artist? It's not awful. The worst thing I can think of is that her nose is a bit fucky.
Those are cameras
>There are still no vr fleshlight controllers.
yeah there are
But then how do you see out of the headset?
About that...
oh my fucking god
it is a little disappointing. they've spent nearly three years developing these things and they're probably not going to last much longer than that in actual use. someone is gonna realize that a wrist-mounted device with a fold-away wand is the much better way to do the non-glove wearable.
By taking it off, you're not supposed to see out of it.
Valve won because of pic related. Change my mind.
that's where the wireless module goes, so you sadly won't be able to use it as you're imagining.
why does it have to be ponies
Because the other choice is lolis.
Bait for attention.
For the user who got his Odyssey the same day the Index was announced. For the fallen.
Is this how valve finally dies? They put all there hope's and dreams on whats going to be a 900$ version of this?
Fucking gabe man, every single gimmick they make fails but they just keep poring money into it
needs a 800$ price tag on the box and replace wiisports with beatsaber
Herro, American user. What fravor would you rike to sample today?
The situation with VR games is migraine inducing. It's just like Superman games, where everyone who could do it right don't even try, and the only people who do half-ass it.
Why did it all go wrong? The world was theirs for the taking.
By the time this gets its details announced I'll have enough money saved for a Rift S. The S will probably come out before this does so I'll be able to make a decision right away. Buy an S, or wait a little and save more for the increased price on the Index. I'm pretty excited to finally take the plunge.
Just Google for the key. It is the same for everyone. There is no real reason not to.
Facebook offered to make Palmer Luckey an instant billionaire and all his top staff (actual personal friends in the company) instant multi-millionaires. What would you do, user? Really think about it.
Probably would've done the same, except not get caught funding the Trump shitpost billboard.
HBO documentary when? and who shall play him in the inevitable bio-pic?
Either the bad guy from Ghostbusters 2016, or the guy who played the school shooter on One Tree Hill.
*forgot pic
Rift S is genuinely shit in its own right, user. It's really, genuinely not just memes and console warrior shit. Quest has the fact of being wireless going for it (if absolutely nothing else), but Rift S really has nothing. The only thing even possibly positively setting it apart from other WMRs would be moderately improved controller tracking envelope. And in terms of downsides, fixed IPD (for context, even has a fucking adjustable IPD - it is a BASIC, FUNDAMENTAL feature) and a significantly lower resolution than other WMRs, and its price isn't even really competitive.
Even if you don't go for the Index, definitely spare yourself that bullshit and consider an Odyssey+ or Reverb or even maybe one of the newer HTCs (if there's more details or release for those, by that time). Odyssey+ at the frequent $300 sale price is looking to probably remain the best budget choice for a while (assuming Valve doesn't really BTFO of everybody with some stupidly low price).
So what price are we thinking for Index? I will sell my oculus and pick the index up in a heartbeat because FUCK the wiring situation with it. The earphones on it look amazing
>Give it back, Zuck...GIVE IT BACK!!!
So what was the consensus on the Pimax?
It seemed like the next big thing and it just seemed to come out and disappear.
Was it all just Chinese smoke and mirrors?
>180VR video's
Pretty cool. If only the youtube app on PC wasn't irreparably fucked.
They're SDE on the 5k is next to non-existent gotta say.
It's a shame ED is so boring that even its really good VR implementation can't make it worth playing.
Oh no. This is going to get me into trouble one day.
Down syndrome David Schwimmer.
I got mine yesterday.
It's buggy as shit, pain in the ass to get working correctly. Have to fuck around with it constantly meanwhile my Vive was just "hit play, it works."
When you do get it working, the resolution and FoV are really great. The SDE is nearly gone (have to look really hard for it.)
The brightness of the screens sucks (less than half the lumens of the vive) and the colors are definitely not great compared to Vive (LCD vs OLED.) I really do miss the colors and deep blacks.
If they fix the buggy software it's a pretty cool headset though.
Stupid fat fuck shouldn't be using vr anyways
>having a shit brain
lmao go play your switch, loser.
Labo vr is better than any of this trash anyways
alien isolation + mother vr mod
Every day i wonder what i seeEEEEEEEEE
i heard resident evil biohazard is very good
I want to protect her!
got the torn photo one?
I'm gonna buy this.
It's honestly more compelling than the Rift S, especially if you're a PClet who doesn't have a monstrous desktop.
>no trackers
>no long setup
>no cords
>just a headset and controllers that you pick up and put on and you're immediately in VR, anywhere
It literally just works. If the Index wasn't months away from launch, I'd consider getting this, because a completely untethered VR set with hand controllers sounds awesome. It'll be extremely limited in terms of processing power, but devs will be able to standardize around it like a console.
>My dick when playing VR 360 furry porn
Aaaaaaaaaa I can't fucking stop. Wish I knew 3d modelling.
This shit is the future lads. There's no going back.
Koikatsu in vr is alright. My only problem is the lack of options but its hard to complain when youre in VR
I got a Vive, but I live at home and I don't have that much space by my PC, it's a hassle.
Plus I hate the wire
and the lack of integrated headphones
Also it's uncomfortable
Also fuck the vive wands
Fuck HTC
Let your mind do its thing. I tried beat saber on a PSVR and i somehow felt heat from those red walls rushing by my cheeks, with enough immersion your brain just starts filling in the gaps. You can aid it by manually "expecting" the sense of touch, it's ridiculous.
Do mods for skyrim and fo4 work with their vr versions or do they have to have their own specific mods?
>VR 360
But it's not in 3D?
CBBE works with FO4 VR is all I can say.
Apparently the battery covers slip off during play due to weak magnets. They better fucking fix that.
I've been waiting for this shit. Should i get a 20xx vidy card or just a 10xx card? I've seen worrying reviews about the RTX cards with how they go nuclear at some point.
Also post vr webms
>Fish and Lady are just the same smell
Should i upgrade my i5 6600k or should i get this instead? I have an rtx 2080 so i should be fine in that department
is this webm even legal to have on your computer?
It'll only be games like cyubeVR that'll benefit from a better CPU at this point. You're better off saving for a newer CPU much later unless you intend on livestreaming while you play.
It's 3D, but it's more posing models and playing short clips than a game in a real sense.
CPU isn't that important, that should be fine.
Have fun with your shitty mobile device.
I'm getting the Rift S. I'd wait it out for the Index, but fuck the sensors, I just want Inside out tracking, which the Rift S does 100 times better then what every WMR headset does.
If you can find something like a 1070 Ti, 1080, or 1080 Ti for a good price go with one of those.
nice source faggot
1660 Ti runs my Oculus like a charm.
>that ass jiggle
When will smut animators learn that asses generally don't behave like a kardashian silicone sack. The ass is even covered in skin tight jeans for fucks sake.
Wont finger tracking and wireless be a lot more demanding though?
Wireless additions fall on the additional devices that'll likely handle all the added processing.
Finger tracking will not add much, provided you don't mean the whole "track fingers with camera", which is not a confirmed feature for the Index.
What do you think of a system that uses a exoskeleton-ish frame, vibration motors and texture surfaces to provide feedback from the VR world?
The frame could act as a input device too.
That's great but it would cost an absolute fucking fortune. Something that gives items weight / resistance would take immersion to the next level though.
>Make hundreds of models for your kick ass futuristic city
>turn 90% of them into a black mesh.
For what purpose
Yeah the frame should be able to provide feedback of weight (pushes on your fingers and hampers your arm movements for example) and resistance (simply stopping whatever part of your body making contact with the virtual surface).
The motors will provide feedback of impact (when making contact with a surface for example).
Winning an oscar for cinematography.
>Bought Odyssey+ literally just month ago
I hope Index is ridiculously overpriced
This way I can justify my Odyssey+ purchase.
I mean if you got it for $300 that's fine. Just enjoy it and wait for the next big model after Index.
Weebs make me fucking sick. Objectively worse than MLP and Furfags.
only reason im excited for index.
I want those fucking controllers.
Especially since we missed the window for the dev versions.
Weeb website
>reddit tier memes