>There's no reason why books shouldn't all have a version with simplified grammar
>Not all of us have the time to learn what all of these words mean, and we're no less deserving of experiencing every book
There's no reason why books shouldn't all have a version with simplified grammar
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All books should Unironically come with their audio version when you buy a copy. it's unfair to the people who are either blind or never learned to read that want to experience the book the same as everyone else
I believe you meant to post this here
food analogy tier, fuck off
But the content of the book is still the same.
A work being accessible =/= making it easier
Sounds like you've never heard of an abridged version of a book?
Every book should be rewritten in pidgin.
Seems like you can't read the word 'all'?
>Want to read the Bible
>Maybe I can get an easy to read version written in modern english like the New Living Translation or The Message
That might be true for books, but games are a different story.
Vidya is an interactive medium, which means that it's not only about what is in the game but also how you interact with the game's content
To add to this, the goal of creating an accessible/barrier free piece of software, means that your goal is to allow all users to accomplish the same tasks, but changing the difficulty actually alters the task itself, instead of making it accessible
lmao git gud fag
Souls was a mistake
>>waaah i mean easy mode
>is also an uneducated retard
>Not learning Hebrew, Latin and Greek to properly know the Word of God
lmao butt blasted casual projecting
>There's no reason why books shouldn't all have a version with simplified grammar
you are literally destroying the author's work and you might also change the meaning of some words, also there are books that simply cannot be made easy to read by simplyfing grammar
>Not all of us have the time to learn what all of these words mean, and we're no less deserving of experiencing every book
yes, you have to, thats what entry level books are for, so you can get aquainted with specific terms from the field you are reading on, you start with those and then move on to harder things in the field
origami is based on this system, even a beginner can get the basics of harder blueprints if he tries hard enough and has a lot of reference material but there is no way a beginner can actually replicate anything from there
>strawman is strawman
Sometimes, people like doing difficult things because it feels good to complete them. Putting in an easy mode cheapens that.
Imagine climbing Mt Everest and having some asshole ride up to the top in a helicopter, claiming to have climbed it as well.
>taking a jab specifically at demon's souls players who represent approximately 0.00001% of the entire autistic dark souls fanbase
To add to this, souls games are user friendly. Some users are just retarded. Try getting my grandmother to understand her smartphone.
To be fair, fuck Finnegan's Wake.
Climbing Mt. Everest is literally for casuals nowadays
If there's Godwin's Law for strawmanning your opponent as Hitler, what's the law for strawmanning your opponent as a neckbeard?
>Count of Monte Cristo abridged
True. The Souls games used to be more vague about their mechanics, but Sekiro also has some tutorial messages that explain them.
Fucking journalists and their clickbait shit
the number of people dying continues to go up each year.
>not just watching Gankutsuou
I don't see how it contradict what I'm saying. Unless you imply casual don't die even when you give them a build guide and a walkthrough.
What about indian and japanese to get good with buddha and brahman, or mongolian or russian to chill under the blue sky? Or do you really believe the real god would only talk to a few lame humans and not all lame humans
>video games aren't real life
These literally exist in the form of cliff notes and abridged versions.
Are you retarded, OP? Do you even know what a book looks like?
Did the original authors write those books because a bunch of seething sjw faggots demanded they do it so as to not be ableist and elitist?
Nah, published do them so that they can sell them to literal retards and tortured high school students.
No, but the publishers make them--the publishers who either (1) publish the book or (2) just write about the book.
Are you really trying to stick to this shitty analogy?
Exactly, cliffnotes are more similar to the people using cheats to play sekiro than fromsoft making an easy mode
it's the best version
Fextralife has a nice wiki available for you, with a walkthrough and boss strategies, prayerbead and gourd seed locations, if thats what you need.
so how is ng+
i want to play sekiro again
>word of god
>written by jews
I have a well paying job, a wife, a house in a good white neighborhood, AND I beat every Soulsborne game without Summoning (other than Lawrence, fuck him) What now?
>User friendly
>Dark Souls literally tells you false information about the starting items
>summonered on Laurence
Yea, yoiu're still a casual. You're also way to old to be playing video games or posting on an anime image board, grandpa
reminds me of how the BBC or some bongshit has a version of their site written in broken english spoken by africans. think it’s called pidgin
Wikipedia has a simplified english version for people learning the language [or at least I think that's what it's for].
I think it's a neat feature.
Yeah BBC news has a simplified English version too.
>Gaming journos are literally the niggers of video games
But I'm only 26.
if you never learned how to read you unironically have nothing to offer society and it should make no effort to accommodate you.