Wanna know the name? DMC Thread
Wanna know the name? DMC Thread
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Sorry i only have these 2 pics
Nice balding.
>that manjaw
3 Lady would look hot as hell in a collar though
Where are the Lady mods?
>i will never ever have a Lady gf interlinked
When will this meme end
to the user asking for old DMC adds i have only a few but i found the one i was looking for
Rest in peace young nigga there's a heaven for a G
>clicks DMC thread
>people are thirsting over manlady instead of Nero Dante or Vergil
holding hands with mommy
He's looking like DMC5 Vergil facemodel there kinda
Too bad fujo
do we have to add ladyfags to this?
>jawdropping graphics
was it even for that time?
I dont recall it having any significant difference from dmc1
Do it
Ebony and Ivory moves was pretty rad
for the user who asked for a cute queen empusa yesterday
I'm trying to give it some colors today
Why are her arms so thin?
Imagine the sex positions Nero cold do with those extra arms. I also wonder whether they're hard or soft, I want to snuggle on his arm wings. I bet they're warm and comfy.
>was it even for that time?
it was. The artistry in 2 was actually really stellar, as were the effects. The music was also hot.
Young me was blown away. I remember the full paged adds talking about the game and it was one of the games I successfully begged my mum to buy for me. Didn't particularly hate it back then either, but as a kid you'll put up with a lot more bullshit.
Because it's Trish body with Lady head
just kidding, can you believe some people here actually do this unirronically?
Although their lips aren't that juicy, I think Vergil's face in DMC5 looks kind of like a more realistic version of younger Dante and Vergil. When you edit it to make him look younger he even looks a bit like DMC3 Vergil/Dante (mainly the chin/jawline though)
>marilyn manson and bleached blonde hitler shake hands
I'm REEEEing at the fact Royalguard isn't in the ad.
He does looks like DMC3 model, only change a bit of the lips and nose maybe. I would like to see Vergil face without looking so serious and more Dante like
I hate that I can hear that "Ha Ha Ha" sound effect.
>Novels talk about Vergil not changing his name and getting fucked up by demons all of his childhood life
That stuff I never read, so that is the missing piece for that to work in 5. The way it came across to me is him just feeling abandoned by mommy and jealous that Dante got lucky in comparison.
>Griffon talks about killing Dante but he had ulterior motives.
I have no idea what they wanted to convey with that.
Dante seems to think that V's minions want to redeem themselves, Griffon talks about it being the end of Vergil's nightmares.
Neither really makes sense to me. V's minions do not redeem themselves or Vergil by pointlessly trying to kill Dante, nor does them dying really help Vergil in any way.
Vergil is haunted by Mundus, the fear of not having enough strength and his mother's death. So them dying, especially by Dante's hand doesn't really help him in any way.
>Vergil doesn't immediately kill Dante when he's weak from his fight.
>DMC3 Vergil wouldn't have done that.
That makes sense for Vergil, even in 3 since he wants to prove that he is the superior brother, especially to himself.
If he killed Dante cheaply instead of a proper fight, it wouldn't suit him. Vergil is arrogant, proud and believes he is superior and that is the point he is making in 5.
i've been here for nearly a decade and i can tell you that i can totally believe that
>that face and hair
jesus christ, what were they thinking?
I'm all for that gratuitous chest exposure though
if mission 1 is anything to go by, Nero is super flexable even without the extra blue energy arms. i'm sure he's really fun to fool around with, but according to nico and sweet surrender he's a little rough.
>Nero dante or V
>devil may cry 4
>that dante
the fuck
is there any gameplay of this look?
>indian Dante
More than lovers isnt BFFL, unless you are a friendzone'd cuck
More than lovers are soulmates
>Nero, Dante, V, or Vergil
Fixed that for you Barry :^)
> excluding Vergil
> including V instead.
Just no.
>Nero Dante V or Vergil
fixed further
both are good boys
I'm the one who requested it thank you btw.
that's tim skold before he got kicked out of the band you uncultured swine
no, only a 10 second ad, which is basically the same of that page
There's a teaser
End your existence, because I guarantee the air wasting around you has higher IQ.
DmC? It looks better than DmC atleast
Vergil is V so why bother writing both retards.
kill yourself tranny
>Dante seems to think that V's minions want to redeem themselves
It's more of an assisted suicide to be frank. They did a wrong and the only way to atone is with their own death. They knew they didn't stand a chance, they didn't. But it's a way to right a wrong. It's not that different from endings of a similar nature. Like Rambos original ending (before the understandable rewrite) would have had him having another person kill him.
Kinda like that, ya know?
>Sine he wants to prove that he is the superior brother
I'm not sure about that. Dante hadn't awakened his DT and the ONLY reason Vergil didn't finish him off (and not for lack of trying as he already thrust rebellion into his chest) was that Arkham had him retreat.
Also I was a bit wrong on further inflection. Nelo Angelo wouldn't have offed him upon revival. Nelo Angelo is the only person who waited for Dante and fought him in fields of battle more suitable for a duel regardless of the fact that two of them fucking sucked
So maybe we could infer that this newfound sense of honor is straight from Nelo Angelo but I can't possibly imagine Vergil from 3 not just jumping to the point because he held nothing back in their first fight. And he had no qualms attempting to off Lady either, somebody who was so far beneath him to be insignificant. Or again somebody who betrays his supposed ally as he was nothing but a tool to him.
Like Vergil 3 was not exactly a nice person.
>that stuff I never read
You should rectify it. The characterization of all 3 characters is far less in their respective games than they are in their respective novels.
>played Human, Normal, and Son of Sparda in a row
>want to beat Dante Must Die but burnt out on the game
>want to play something else
>but don't want to lose the skills I've acquired so far and have to relearn the game for DMD
shut up nigger
Vergil is shit, V is 100% the best.
How does Dante live with the fact his brother is an actual faget?
they're different enough to warrant separate characterfag groups I guess
incorrect Barry
You first, tranny.
If you care about the story so much why aren't you reading the side material? dmc games never fully explained the story in the game and always had extra material to flesh it out.
seethe more barry
spats are a miracle of the universe
absolutely based and red pilled
When I play Devil May Cry, the warrior inside me loves it and wants to fight more.
It makes me feel alive!
So uhh where does people get their sfm now that Tumblr is even gayer
You can literally just come back to the game later and start in the void and bloody palace to relearn those "skills" you acquired
No need to burn yourself out
>not being friendzoned by Trish and Lady
thanks for calling vergil the best :)
I didn't knew Dante's alchoholism was that bad
lel in another timeline maybe barry.
>replying to yourself
If we calculate how fast Nero had to be moving to do all those acrobatics outside the car and still get back in it before landing. HOLY SHIT he must be a sex god.
Here's yours DMC2 Dante
There is still some gay stuff obviously but there's also some good Lady and/or Nico SFM/Blender stuff now
>V is 100% the best
>Vergil is shit
>they're different enough to warrant separate characterfag groups I guess
That's retarded, just refer both to Vergil. I know it'll make the tumblr fagets seethe.
>They did a wrong and the only way to atone is with their own death.
I don't see how. The worst thing they did as V's familiars is mug people, and as Mundus' minions they already got their punishment by Mundus himself. Even then they're just Vergil's bad thoughts.
It doesn't work
>I'm not sure about that. Dante hadn't awakened his DT and the ONLY reason Vergil didn't finish him off (and not for lack of trying as he already thrust rebellion into his chest) was that Arkham had him retreat.
In that case Vergil already had a straight up fight with both of them at full strength. Dante might have put up another good fight if it had come to that, but Vergil certainly didn't do something cowardly like take advantage of Dante being weakened beforehand by someone else.
>You should rectify it.
I am not really interested. 3 worked for me perfectly, 4 satisfied me too. videogame novels generally suck and I don't feel like I'd get anything out of it.
Read above. I am also of the opinion that games like this that are just action heavy and story-weak (usually, at least) should work on their own. Supplementary material from outside of the game doesn't make the material in the game itself better.
stop responding to Barry
post V and Vergil making goofy faces
With all those arms Nero can jerk himself off, blow someone, finger himself and give handies to two other people.
He already does, that's why Dante bullied him when they were younger.
Nero is enough proof that Vergil had the heterosex once and did his duty for the human race.
can dante join too
He sucks him off then calls him a faget, no homo.
Since this was talking about thirstposting the difference in aesthetics is the most important thing here.
someone should photoshop cum onto his face there wouldnt that be funny haha
Guys what're your hopes for possible expansions/dlc?
We obviously know we're getting Vergil and possibly Lady/Trish.
But what do you guys want more than that?
For me it'd be
>Phantom for V
>Legacy movesets for Dante(Ifrit, Nevan, and Agni & Rudra)
>More bosses that might have been cut or not
>Balrog boss fight where he shouts "IGNITE THE FLAME"
>More breakers or possibly a new weapon for Nero via making d-pad direction matter.
>I don't see how.
They were 100% complicit with V merging with Urizen. Griffons final words heavily imply he wants Dante to stop Urizen. His words when he thinks Nero is going to slice up V are all of noncompliance. And he's one of the few people that inquire about Dante out of both of them which makes it clear that he's rooting for Dante and helps V out of obligation but takes responsibility for being complicit in helping him by paying with his life.
>at full strength
Dante had just walked through with Agni and Rudra. And again meant to kill his non DT'd brother.
>3 worked for me perfectly
I've never really understand how. Like the games story isn't bad but I never got why people elevated it to it's heights when the most gracious thing can be said about is about the excellent cinematography, events, and half of the encounter design.
Like. I'm going to be really real with you and have you explain to me what motivation Vergil had for wanting more power within the confines of the game and support it with more than one example. Because for the life of me using the game only I simply can't see how somebody could deduce any of that without supplementary material.
DSD looks so bad, after credits scene is 200x better with Rebellion
God I love RG
*V slice up Dante
>implying it wasn't Dante who NWFed them all
cool uncle dante is always invited
everyone is invited
this user is not invited however
I only care about people posting tumblr pics if they're those shitty gifs or really bad and unfunny pictures.
>he thinks we're getting Vergil
DLCs will be about V, the best character.
>this kills the motivation
Also, Devil Bringer > Devil Breaker
Nero is the unsurpassed emperor of godly 'tardfaces, it's not even a contest.
Here a cool Vergil and Dante pic.
>implying that Dante doesn't like dick too
Thats what you get for using that fag form
Go back to sleep.
Nico has a tattoo around her right nipple.
Sorry, but V isn't that popular he's only popular with fujos. His gameplay is boring too
V doesn't exist anymore sorry vujo.
If I had the power I would kill the jawlet poster who doesn't like DMC5 Lady (IE perfection)
I would kill the fujos
I would kill the Vfag
I would let Barry carry out the exections
shut up Barry
mod link?
Post hats on things
>Supplementary material from outside of the game doesn't make the material in the game itself better.
it kind of does in certain cases, especially when it provides more context to certain things. In the games obviously we don't see Dante and Nero interact in between the events of 4 and 5, or Nero's thoughts on Dante really. But Before the Nightmare adds a bit more by saying that Nero admired Dante, and that him losing Yamato by getting his DB ripped off felt like a betrayal of Dante's trust, which Nero is extremely guilty about. It adds a little more weight to Nero's behavior and actions in 5, and you can see why he reacted to the "dead weight" comment so much and why he was still assblasted about it like a month later. I'm not saying this makes the writing in DMC 10/10 kino, but still. Just a minor example.
V is popular with talking animals you sped.
Any way to cheese the Nightmare fight in M18 on DMD?
You wanna meet my fatto catto? His name is Niggerman
Bottom picture is unironically better. Women shouldn't have strong jaws. That is a very masculine feature.
Why it have to be so ruined
Since when is Dante a poetry faget?
This barry faggot is starting to remind me a lot of a certain psycho shitposter on /snk/. Typing's the same and everything
It's part of a series.
>Bottom picture is unironically better
Holy shit
This is solely the reason I'm not revisiting that game desu. What the fuck is capcom doing?
>have to play BP with trainer because Im a filthy poorfag pirate
>Can't save the progress and continue later
I diserve it
Barry has been at this game for over 6 years. The first time I ran into him was in a random Final Fantasy thread. Only to find out that he'd been this autistic for half of a decade.
the woman in the picture you posted has a stronger jawline/chin than that bottom pic though
Does the psycho shitposter on /snk/ lives in Australia?
No problemo
I need more pics of the deadest weight
you don't need to post it anymore thanks.
>wanted to save this
>they drew stupid nipple rings on this
I'm mad.
There's this autistic EH shipper in the snk threads that has a genuinely creepy stalkerish obsession with a rival YH shipper and will post random ugly tumblr whales when triggered, just like barry. He replies to himself and once posted CP because too many people weren't discussing his ship
>Artemis's boobs cant have a hat when she sends them out
I am dissapoint
>the woman in the picture you posted.
patch tool on photoshop
can anyone do a close up of dante and vergils eyes.
He always starts posting around 1am my time so he very well could be.
Aren't you technically enjoying Trish's body with just Lady's head attached?
I mean Trish's face is the only thing they comlain about in regards to her so I guess that's one way to fix it.
Or did the modder just figure out how to swap both their clothes?
I love this entire picture
>Nero's fucking face/pose
>Dante in the background
>It's part of a series.
´well, now you have to show me dante
i wonder if his devil trigger is pierced too?
btw Itsuno follows this artist and all they post is extremely gay DMC art,
is itsuno aware his follows and likes are visible or does he just not care? either way BASED
> and once posted CP because too many people weren't discussing his ship
Reminder of a shitposter in the early days in /sog/
But at this point I'm not even surprised anymore. This place attracts autism in a way that nothing else ever could.
got any reference posts for cross examination purposes?
It's definitely Trish's body, which is a plus. Trish's body is nice in this game. It's literally just her nose holding her back. Well, her mouth is a little odd as well.
Looks like his starting game Devil Bringer Model doesn't have the overly long finger nails?
Man I wish they could have kept it without those.
Itsuno follows everyone that follows him. He followed me
this was in reference to this
He'll follow any artist that does DMC stuff.
Itsuno likes pretty much everything DMC related on twitter and follows any one who follows him back. He is literally Bizarro Kamiya.
Domestikku violensu
What's this haircut called, thinking about going short like this.
I am doubting if it's a tranny or not, to much things are hidden like the hands and the neck to make sure.
For me, it's Lady body
Lady all around actually
Doesn't Itsuno acknowledge Dante/Vergil and Nero/V while unabashedly sinking Dante/Lady? Based.
>floor 97
>the last floor before the final boss rush
>everything is dead but the empusa queen
>full health
>feeling confident
>it grabs me
>no DT to escape
>DMD empusa queen grab takes me from FULL HEALTH to instantly dead
>all I can do is watch
>an hour and 30 minutes for this
Good thing the game is fun enough that just getting to that level was enjoyable; otherwise, I'd be livid
>tfw no mommy lady gf
Itsuno is literally my only Twitter follower lol
It's literally called Crewcut, but a little bigger
You just did the God's work
>BP with Nero, at Cavaliere almost got him dead.
>He clips me with the last hit of his teleporting slash's despite being decently high in the air, killing me.
That's frustrating but it'll make killing his bitch ass a lot sweeter once I make my way back to him.
Are Dante and Vergil's eyes still a lighter blue color than Nero's? I can't tell.
And best boy for last.
So we're not getting anymore DLCs? How long do I have to wait until Vergil becomes playable?
90% of my replays in DMC3/4 is all Vergil
>tfw no Lady facemodel gf
What was there?
yes, he truly is a man of culture
kinda looks more like this
>autistic manchild browses tumblr and takes screencaps of random whales' art of varying quality and uses it to shitpost and attention whore
same shit as here but on a more psychotic level
Itsuno follows quite literally anybody that posts art and sometimes screenshots at him.
If you @ him. He will follow you. And it's obvious he's a pretty cool guy in general. That user that got his number and texted some pretty mean shit at him apologized and he responded with a big ass thumbs up.
30s? She's supposed to be pretty much the same age as Dante, who's like, what, 40?
Thank you senpai !
I'm waiting for the day Itsuno starts liking Vergi/Nero art. Yes I know V/Nero is basically that but the fujos were still denying that with their last breaths. I want something inexcusably degenerate from him.
>no one replied to this
wtf! it is cute, user.
She's mid-late 30s in 5
She's suspected to be about 4-5 years younger than Dante and Vergil.
blessed user
Emputan a cute, but Griffo~n a cutest
didn't itsuno like a pic of V sucking dick
That stage with the swarm of hell antenoras and judeccas
Literally DMC5 Dante but younger
>They were 100% complicit with V merging with Urizen.
If they want to redeem themselves for helping Vergil getting restored, why not help Dante instead? That would make more sense.
>Dante had just walked through with Agni and Rudra.
I think in the terms of story Agni and Rudra is supposed to be a cakewalk for Dante, while Urizen 3 is obviously a match, considering how Urizen before beat the fuck out of Nero and Dante in the previous fights.
It is the impression I got at the very least.
>3 worked for me perfectly
>I've never really understand how
Basically character development. Dante starts off being incredibly immature, being merely carried by his superhuman powers and not taking anything seriously.
Lady comes in and he starts getting the memo that family is important and he only snaps out of his wacky mode once she goes on about how she is trying to kill her father for murdering her mother.
That leads into Dante taking things a bit more seriously, at least when it comes to Vergil and Sparda, with Dante taking up at least part of Sparda's legacy when he embraces the fact that he actually cared about someone and had a heart that could love someone.
Vergil's motivation isn't as clear, but it is very heavily implied through his dialogue and gameplay lines that he reveres his father, obviously wanting his power.
The why isn't clear, but I do like the distinction that Dante embraces the fact that Sparda was a demon who loved a woman, while Vergil is embraces Sparda's strength and that Sparda whacked Mundus.
Vergil does has a lot of lines about 'this is the power of Sparda' and especially deciding to stay in the demon world when he loses to Dante, to be closer to daddy.
Lady and her killing Arkham is one of my favorite things and a pretty damn strong b-plot.
thank you
I'm working too slow today, have a bloody headache
might finish tomorrow
Oh fuck, are we in the early stages?
The just fuck my shit up bowie haircut
>liking Vergil/Nero
Itsuno has good taste, he wouldn't do that.
>TGS 2005
hold up, wasn't DMC3 released in 2005?
I stalk his likes a lot. While he doesn't favorite anything explicit, there have been shippy incest stuff. I can't tell if he doesn't give a shit, doesn't understand the "INEEDMOREINCEST" handles he's following, or uses a bot to favorite DMC stuff. It's an enigma.
But Vergil/Nero is the most patrician.
you can only post in this thread if you finished bloody palace
Nero's dick to be exact
Yes. V had Nero's name tattooed inside his puffy bottom lip. I figure he sees V as someone different from Vergil and likes pics of him having fun.
>Grampa comes see what Im doing
>Im pounding one of the wheel demons on the floor while on DT active
>Effects everywhere
>Makes confused face and leaves
>Realize Im playing nonsense
I suck please forgive
I think he liked the more SFW one. He's also liked fanart of Nero and V kissing.
I think those things you're mentioning are great in the novel, but I don't see them in 5.
Its a matter of 'something good was in the novel' just makes the novel good, not what comes after it.
If it was in the game like that and shown, I'd enjoy it. But the way it is I don't see a bit of that in 5.
>Rest in peace
that's cruel capcom
He liked the dubiously more SFW one but he probably saw the completely NSFW one as well.
She is at very least 16-17 in DMC3 so now she's around 37-38
What the hell is this?
>rest in peace
>clear the bloody palace with V
Nero's finally going to school so he can learn how to read. Let's all cheer him on.
I am dissapoint
>rest in peace
post the version with nero's meat and secret sauce all over him
>he fell for the buster arm meme
Skybox. same shit was in automata and some mario game iirc
using filtered photos to make a skybox
>unlucked april 3rd
this nigga in the future holy fuck
future man tell us if we're gonna get a vergil dlc
>The why isn't clear
>"Might controls everything, and without strength, you cannot protect anything."
I think it's pretty obviously implied that he wanted more power because of what happened to his mommy, because he was unable to do anything back then.
Though in 5 this doesn't really come up again as he seems more upset about not having being protected himself more than anything.
Sort of, not explicitly. He liked the SFW version, the other version I'm pretty sure has semen on his lips and he has a condom in his mouth or some shit, I forget. The pic is just V looking up with his mouth open and Nero's robo hand on his lip. Other than that Itsuno usually likes more wholesome "safe" art of the Sparda boys together that happens to be drawn by yaoi artists and not literal porn, but of course fujos like to blow this out of proportion and believe that Itsuno supports that ship and isn't just liking a the good-looking DMC art he sees. Itsuno is too pure for the former.
>Vergil Idol and Lady
I think we should hear Barry out, he has some good points.
Supplemental info works best when it's giving further context to things that are shown in the game, not explaining stuff that should've showed up there.
An example of how to do it right is the story bits with V, which adds further insight on the fact that he's Vergil, but isn't necessary to understanding the story of the main game. A little less excusable is a lot of the stuff with Nico and her connections to Agnus, which honestly the game could've used more of to explain why she's there, otherwise she just comes off as a wacky but kinda random addition. Not a ton, but at least some more introduction other than vague references to Dante killing her dad and the fact that she and Nero were acquainted at the time of him losing his arm.
>rest in peace
but on christmas he liked a picture of dante and vergil kissing
post yfw
post the link don't actually upload it here though
It's past your bedtime, little unga
>Not wanting easy boss dmg
I agree with you. There's no reason why this couldn't have been shown in the game. DMC3 didn't need a novelisation to help it tell a complete story.
why have a condom like that if you aren't going to use it?
Wonder if giving Nero Yamato back would let him summon the full phantom DT from 4 again.
>why not help Dante instead?
Possible to be loyal to somebody but want them to be stopped. I can't think of it right now, but I'm almost positive I've seen a movie in the last decade like this. If you're still around I'll reply to this post if I ever get it.
Basically this conflict is as old as time. Servant is loyal to the antagonist but for reasons, whether through loyalty our coercion can't betray the antagonist. And so helps the heroes indirectly instead. Later on the servant has to fight the protagonist due to loyalty, compulsion, or coercion and fights even though they hope that they lose the fight. I'm certain that entire thing likely has it's own dedicated page on tvtropes or something.
>That's the impression I get
If we're going to be realllllly reallly honest. The games files do mention that one thing. It's from Nicos p.o.v so it can't be taken for gospel, unreliable narrator and all, but she talks about how SDT was so powerful that it "wiped the floor" with Urizen twice.
That's aside the point though in reference to relative power levels as there's no way in hell I'm going to put the power gap relation wise on the same level. So maybe your impression is right
Also keen summary on 3. As a dante centric character development arc, 1 does indeed do a good job. But, how do I put it. We'll come back to that later I guess.
>"Might controls everything, and without strength, you cannot protect anything."
That's the only line that talks about his mother in a positive light. But in reference to family:
There's this cutscene.
Where the primary reason he killed Arkham is because he cared about his family. And Arkham talking about his heritage caused him to deliver the finishing blow in what obviously is a fit of rage.
Vergil talks way way more about his father and power than his mother. The only person that mentions his mother is arkham and Vergils response is talking about his fathers power.
I hope this is censored enough for the mods
I need more inspiring art like this!
Make me feel like the warrior that I am!
I will try harder next time I promise senpai
that doesn't change the fact that his whole tl is probably filled with gay dmc porn especially when twitter shows you stuff people you follow like or just random shit in general
Friendly reminder that Dante and Vergil ditched the deadweight to fuck (off) to Hell.
DLC about the Sparda twins kicking Mundus' ass when
What good points?
>LT grab 2 furries
I had more trouble fighting them as V
Wich one?
Well, guess who’s on the ground, punk.
>rest in peace
They're just getting started...
Noctis is a dude.
>The pic is just V looking up with his mouth open and Nero's robo hand on his lip.
He had Nero's name tattooed on his lip, implying Nero is the owner of V's mouth pussy.
>final extra time
>22 minutes
you really don't need the answer to that question
nero is huge
nero's going to use it so he won't get moondust aids
I love Vergil! He's the best!
Filthy fujos need to gtfo with their incest shipping. You're degenerates.
Lmao i just realised that every relevant yaoi pairing on the game is incest.
The bigger the WUB dick the fatter the WUB boypussy
Kissu kissu
Yeah whatever, Vergil is still a faget.
Maybe Itsuno just likes boys.
Vergil/Arkham and Dante/Morrison are the only safe ones.
>rest in peace
I like the double meaning that this could be referring to V dying or Vergil dying and getting turned into a fucking purple lightsaber
This is such cheese and I love it.
He is a chad, apologize.
Don't use my screencap for your baitposting, thanks.
Considering theres only Sparda bois to choose from usually. Theres always pairings like with Credo
wtf why did they give him a literal cooch? he already had a perfectly tight bucci
You do know that it's referring to their taunts right? Nero says slam dunk, dante says too easy and vergil says rest in beace
Obviously he's just having fun and not actually taking it seriously because it's Yea Forums.
>sdt judgement cut is just Sparda moves from DMC1 intro
I just cant get into Vergil. His cheekbones are weird and it looks like he's always hiding something in his mouth or something.
You'll have some morons complaining because Credo was raised with Nero like a brother and people have gone absolutely ballistic to the point of death threats over far less. I guess there's Dante/Credo, Vergil/Credo, and Agnus/Credo.
Unga rabies and mundus aids never fails to crack me up
isn't he married?
maybe he's bi or just has patrician tastes
please kill these threads now
please /vg/
hes hiding a frog in his mouth
Someone's gotta help do their part in popping out those Spardalings since Dante won't do his job.
Get out.
like vergil you can be both
Yeah but so was Kyrie and that one's the one everyone holds up as wholesome
Post what you'd like to see more of, user. Set an example.
if you'd like to talk about something else then talk about something else
You're reading way too much into V's familiars wanting to kill Dante, none of that is mentioned in the game.
V's familiars wanting to kill Dante just plain doesn't make much sense in the context of the game and what they're saying.
also I miss Lady's VA from 3, she was absolutely great. 5's is eh
>always looks like he's hiding something in his mouth
Like Rami Malek?
Lost opportunity there
Lucky for me I dont lurk enough and see them even though Im kinda missing out outside pixiv
>then, show off a little bit - like, ride a motorcycle up a dinosaur's tail and blow its head off with a bazooka
>you can actually do this in now in dmc5
Nice, it's perfect.
It's fujo hours now
>V's familiars wanting to kill Dante just plain doesn't make much sense in the context of the game and what they're saying.
They wanted Dante to kill them so as to set Vergil free. That's why they fought him. Even Dante acknowledges this while traversing the level.
>also I miss Lady's VA from 3, she was absolutely great. 5's is eh
I agree. Wahlgren was perfect. Her voice would really work for this version of Lady. I also wish the game knew what to do with Lady and Trish apart from fanservice.
more like tom holland
cringe and bluepilled
Ew lad stop
V also says rest in peace so i guess they wanted to use one that both the characters say
I also don't have much else to talk about outside of retreading topics with the usual brainlets and maybe discussing some development theories people have been talking about these past few days. The content has dried up so discussion can only go so far, and these threads have turned to repulsive shit. So the only reason I'm still here is because these threads are still on Yea Forums and I have a duty to see this through
never realized how THICC nero was
You must be 18 or older to post.
I'm mostly here for the OC but the drawfags seemed to have moved on, shame.
My man Vergil rockin that coke bloat
He got this from his daddy.
I'm blind and can't see the thicc
>They wanted Dante to kill them so as to set Vergil free.
Vergil is already free by the time he is restored.
We went over this in this and the previous thread.
Dante believes that they want to redeem themselves, but all they did was inadvertently make V and Urizen merge which isn't a bad act. Especially considering they should think that Vergil learned something from V.
Birdie says that they're Vergil's bad thoughts and that their death means an end to Vergil's nightmares, but Vergil's nightmare is to be powerless, relive mommy's death and/or to be Mundus' bitch
Therefor beating them shouldn't really have any impact on Vergil, especially when its Dante who does it.
vergil has no ass
dmc4 assless chaps need a comeback
LDK when?
Excuse you
If Griffon is supposed to be one of V's bad thoughts then what does it say that he's the part of Vergil who suspects that Nero's his son?
>Itsuno is pure and innocent
>sweet surrender is a thing
lol do you even know any japanese people
>I also wish the game knew what to do with Lady and Trish apart from fanservice.
Trish should have died and made Dante relive his mothers death and triggered his SDT.
They tried doing something with Lady trying to tell Nero about fighting his own blood, but its terrible.
Why the fuck she said she is haunted and doesn't forgive herself for killing her father is beyond me.
Going for a short little conversation along the lines of 'Only kill your father if you're absolutely certain he cannot be forgiven and redeemed' would have been fine
>dmc4 assless chaps need a comeback
They're already back
the good ones at least
dont lose too much hope, a lot of drawfags seem to have jobs and normie lives so they cant post as much
Anyway to cancel the SDT charge aside from cutscenes and pausing the game?
If Capcom has no plans for DLC, does that mean they just let Itsuno make this game in the first place as an excuse to hold onto him for other titles? Seems strange that they wouldn't go so far as to plan anything, considering this franchise was a relative flagship enough that they thought it was worth rebooting. Or maybe they were just pessimistic about how well it was going to do, and any plans for more wouldn't come until they saw how well it'd do
He's got a cute butt, don't bully.
>mundus bitch
Yes the mallet trio are from a time when he was Nelo, so he equates them with a bad time in his life. Letting them go means moving on and they have no reason to live now so they fight dante so he can kill them.
Ask Bingo, he wrote it.
It might not be his fault if there was a forced massive rewrite like I suspect there was. But still 5's story is terrible
look here
aside from dante he's got the biggest bulge, thiccest thighs and fattest ass
Why are these threads so gay?
How would Sparda game go?
I imagine it to be beautiful and legendary.
>trish has a bulge
Where can we see this ? That Griffon suspects that Nero is Vergil's son ? In game there is nothing that made me think that.
this is dmc
Didn't realize Dante's undershirt was supposed to be blue.
>implying there is no women here.
why aren't you?
>Lady trying to tell Nero about fighting his own blood, but its terrible.
Her being traumatized is okay. She bawls her eyes out after finally killing her father. It didn't bring her the catharsis she thought it would. Notes mention that she's always drinking when she isn't obsessively hunting down demons. This is fine. I wish it were an element we could actually SEE in the fucking games, but the most interesting bits tend to get relegated to novel and blurbs. It's such bullshit.
Lots of attractive male characters
Attractive female characters aren't in relationships with them aside from one
this is fujo hours
In that case it would make more sense if Vergil himself killed them to show that he got over it, or I'd personally prefer just letting them go free as none of that was their fault.
I also don't see how Nelo Angelo would have interacted with any of them. Nelo Angelo couldn't talk, at best he cackled and I doubt Vergil would care about them rather than Mundus.
As the air to a bird or the sea to a fish; so is suicide to a transexual.
Apparently griffon is just another aspect of Vergil according to dan.
Also in the manga it mentioned V made a pact with them so I guess it's retcon?
Novel has a bit where Griffon wonders what parent Nero takes the most heavily after. This novel also does a lot to indicate that V is fully aware of being Vergil so it's not an accident.
>why are the not-generals of a video game with extremely attractive men filled with men and women who want to fuck said extremely attractive men
i fucking hate derailing fujos
Be nice to trannies!
Are DMC Threads the ones threads on Yea Forums with the highest amount of (((women))) posters ?
But could it be him thinking that Nero took after Dante ?
that exact face nero makes so much though out the game is so cute!
I'm pretty sure V responds with a "don't think about it too hard" so he probably does suspect on some level of his consciousness.
Come back later after fujo hours
>In that case it would make more sense if Vergil himself killed them to show that he got over it, or I'd personally prefer just letting them go free as none of that was their fault
Discarding them was a way to show he got over it and they can't go free as they were linked to vergil he made a pact with them. also it's for gameplay reasons ya know right?
>Nelo Angelo couldn't talk,
DMC 2 novel had him talking if he could command an army.
Trish, you kind of are..
talk about what you want to talk about instead of bitching
it really isn't that hard
He'd be aware of them, as they all served under Mundus. Trauma isn't linear, and the idea of the familiars dying to help Vergil close that chapter of his life for good (and move past their own individual guilt) is fine. It's not very deep and isn't meant to be.
Yeah, (((women))) here just thirst after all the boys in DMC and say that Lady doesn't have a manjaw to make themselves feel better.
I wish the game had ended with Vergil turning back into V. I like Mr. Motivation and all but I think he's been the plot driver / boss of enough games now and there's really no redemption killing literally millions of people. Plus Nero needs a guy his own age to hang out with.
i am really trying, but for 1 post of actual video game discussion there's 10 posts of gay shit
>Plus Nero needs a guy his own age to hang out with.
thats why Dante has a son in DMC6
Forgive me. I feel it again... the call from mankind. Mundus senses it. Show me again the power of demons, and I'll let nothing stand in our way. Show me, father, and I will finish what you started.
Discarding that is completely fine and makes sense. Its that they go and commit suicide trying to redeem themselves for something, attempt to kill Dante and their death somehow helps Vergil that doesn't make much if any sense.
Oh ok, that would explain Vergil's reaction. Not that he is not surprised but he could have been a bit more shocked than that. He doesn't even try to defend the fact that he might not be the father whatsoever.
I like V and Nico!
>trish bullying (v)ergil
I hope next game he kills an entire country.
who's responsible for this?
I've been talking about the novels, that should distract the characters while still being relevant
probably a fujo
Don't think about it. 5 has a lot of writing decisions that don't make any sense of are just straight up bad.
Like why the hell didn't they make V and Urizen being Vergil a shock to both the audience and the characters?
He only drove 3 and this one. 1 he was just a boss, 2 nothing, 4 was indirect by spawning Nero, Yamato, and the Angelos, but everything that went down with Sanctus was mostly Lady's fault.
Oh absolutely not. Really glad that we got Vergil back. It is sad for V but I prefer Vergil all the way.
Vergil did nothing wrong.
I bet none of you care about gaming like I do, you're just here to lust after men and women.
Whilst I... Am dreaming of games suitable for a demon.
No DAMAGED on his forehead?
>Nero needs a guy
he sure does
You dumb fujos only want V back because he makes your vagina cry. Vergilfags like him more for his gameplay. so your opinion can go in the trash.
V and Nico used to talk about boys, clothes, and shit talk Nero behind his back. Now she misses him because Vergil is still a bit too embarrassed to do it as himself again.
Disgusting. Why waste your time doing shit like that when you can do far better mods.
DMC0 when
Sparda and Mundus being bros for the first half but discovering Thic Thighs Thigh Highs when
Vergil would fuck his sister (if he had one).
Fuck, not Lady, I meant to say Trash. I almosst wish it was Lady because then she'd at least be plot relevant.
Is a good combo.
But who is Mint?
Ok but hear me out, what if V had summonable Phantom and Vergil's DMC 3 Basic 3-hit combo with the cane ? And no knockback on the cane when attacking.
Vergil with V's moveset as a style, plus bringing Hanford back to voice a different character would be good enough for me.
It is high time we are broughten it.
We must feel like demons!
Who the fuck is Lil Peep and why did they feel this was necessary?
They try to kill dante because dante might not want to attack without being provoked.
Sparda’s hair is a combination of Dante and Vergil’s.
I wish Griffin and the others lived and stayed with Nero.
Drew Coombs or Agent 47 VA for Sparda voice
I just assumed all of their hostility towards Dante was lingering resentment from Vergil. Things like the comment about helping kill Dante later, plus the attempt at stabbing him in the head.
He already has pet hands
I think a different actor would be suitable.
Everyone around me is a trash minded satyr talking about sex H24. I just want to punch demons but they're all either homo pervert or hetero perverts.
This looks like a hella rad game.
This looks like an add for LotR mashed up with The Matrix.
They aren't replacing V with Vergil because what Vergil is to Capcom is what a hooker is to a pimp
Sounds kinda gay desu
V probably just sperged out over muh william while Nico sperged out over muh grandmama
>Nero using Punchline to pet Shadow from afar
the ghost of Ian McKellen
I wish that if the Vergil DLC comes out they just straight up give him a Sniper Rifle.
What's the timing for a Just Guard on Vergil's judgement cuts? Do you press the button just after the bubble appears around you? this is one of his only moves I still struggle to consistently just guard
Looking at the face on Dante there, he was always more masculine than some people assumed. His face in 4 isn't as much of a departure as they claimed back in the day.
Someone like Christopher Lee would have been good.
>plus the attempt at stabbing him in the head.
Wasn't that just V? Griffon even tries to stop him
>helping kill Dante later
Pretty sure that was just a joke
But they are connected to Vergil so they probably do share the resentment.
V was sociable he actually made friends.
You just didn't say that, you tainted soul.
Killing the fan favorite would be a no no, user. But I agree nonetheless on V being in his own character. They rehashed the Trish/Gloria idea and made it a plot point. Guess thats the only thing they could make it work. Suffering from rewrites and mistranslation can really do wonders. There are more missed opportunities/rejected ideas but I will take what I can get
Plus, hanging out with your own father all this time was some tearjerker shit when I replayed it. My headcanon was V is Sparda and came back to look after his sons so V/Vergil still worked for me
Huh, so he does have some downward-pointed hair.
He'll meet a Crew Cut-like character (Maybe even straight up Crew Cut) using a sniper rifle to kill demons, at which point he'd laugh and call him pitiful for using such a weapon before air tricking to the demon and starfalling it.
Call it "The Abortion" and it's a devil arm you obtain by killing a demon baby and we'll talk.
>Vergilfags like him more for his gameplay.
No it's the same reason, sex.
Because his actual hair structure is a replica of Dante's, he just slicks it back so he doesn't look like him.
in your headcanon
Funny you point that out user, because I was looking at a pic I have of the same scene earlier and I had the exact same thought.
Christopher Walken
Not exacrly true user. For my part it's both.
Nico and Nero were his friends, you autist.
Shut up, Vergil.
Do you have a link? Never pirated books or anything like that.
Only retarded fujos. Normal fans like him for his gameplay.
Give him a line about being bigger than Dante while we're at it
>can't like the gameplay and also want to fuck em
DMC5info has a summary on their Twitter
Not sure if we'll get a full translation of it down the line, also not sure if there's similar things for the other books either.
We need a new thread soon to cleanse this board of your sins.
Nico and nero were both was cautious of him and weren't exactly friends retarded fujo
I mean if people just liked him soley for his looks they wouldn't exactly be begging for his playability so hard.
Dude has the power to make you buy games twice just for the chance to play him.
Not yet.
It's not normal to repress harmless sexual feels, user.
>being this retarded
>calling me a fujo
Vergil thanking Nero is all you need to know. Vergil considered him a friend. He considered Nero and Nico his friends. That was the entire point.
Start one with vergil
When it hit 500 i'm making a new one
>leaves the van every time it has more than 2 people in it
>flex on your broke brother
Says the repressed faget that robs people for money.
Did it in one shot with Nero yesterday and Dante today. Not sure if I'm up for V.
There is never enough Vergil.
And your point?
Yes because the only people who play dmc are either fujos or gays.
vergil is NOT sinful
Form a prayer circle for playable DLC because it's the only way you're getting it at this point
Not him, but while I do agree about Nero, there is not really anything resembling friendship between V and Nico.
Nero and Nico didn't consider him as a friend
wait he's not dead, better make it Alan Rickman
Glad you understand.
Shit, I think him and Lady had more interaction and all he did was wish her luck as a hint of his true identity.
Anyone know?
Loving Vergil is pure. Shipping him with his son, brother and self isn't.
Don't project, faggot. Vergil's gameplay for me personally is more satisfying than the gameplay of Dante and Nero.
I think that's only because she smokes too much. He bails when she lights up which is almost all the time.
>10 threads on Yea Forums asking for playable vergil
will that be enough?
Seriously, it would be really stupid to not make him playable at some point. And I honestly hope it's not going to be in another 7 years or so.
I never got why they used Jack Frost when there's a billion other better options like Drew from Scalebound but it all made sense once I saw the the double Jack Frost image.
I love Vergil but I also want to see him get dicked down until he cries
>on Yea Forums
What's the point
So does Nero just have complete control of his eye colour now?
His taunt has them glow yellow, DT in two had them turn red, and his DT in 5 has the iris' turn yellow with black sclera.
It's a weak super power but would be funny to list it down.
capcom shills lurk here
Also fine, as long as it's by his son, brother or self.
where's his friends at? i dont think he was that close to them. it seem like he wanted to but was just shy
why are they all bald
does the cult of vergil shave their heads
People who draw/post shit like this of DMC need to leave.
it's because jackfrost is more iconic, and just like with jack frost everyone wants to top Nero
that's what I'm talking about
Ew no.
With all respects, Yea Forumsirgins are as loud minority as fujos. Well, maybe 3 times bigger than that, but still. Filling up the survey is more effective in any case.
They can't have white hair like Vergil, so they are not worthy of having hair
what position would you like to see vergil in?
>not posting the better version
Im sorry user
I love the man as much as I love him being hugged by his own brother, son and/or his own self
I've wanted to either read or see a comic of Vergil integrating into society after hell adventures with Dante by dating a rich, faceless guy who interested in the same things as him. At first it's to nickel and dime him and brag to Dante about how easy it is to separate humans from their money but then he actually starts to enjoy his company and it's cute.
I doubt this niche will ever be filled. It disappoints me.
A little after you see it manifest.
Well, then you need to be cleansed.
What is that ?
stay mad
a game full of hot dudes will always attract this crowd you're just going to have to get used to it
sorry didn't mean to reply to the first one
You deny your full power? Foolishness dante, foolishness. Without strength you ca-
reminder that Vergil is real.
122 already.
>and just like with jack frost everyone wants to top Nero
Never watched that movie so redpill me on this Jack Frost dude
he's so beautiful
Of course he is real. He is the fortune teller.
What are we looking at?
>type vergil
>see results at the right
that actually sounds cute as fuck user, would be kind of cool if throughout the comic you learned more about the guy he was dating. so like at first he seems faceless but there's a lot more to his character than you think.
face-down, sobbing profusely
Dark, handsome stranger
>some women vergil boned
>women in the plural
pic unrelated
What is it?
A living actor would be nice, I want him to sound like a warrior too.
new thread fujos and faggots please contain yourselves and lower the gay shit spam, please
>cute twink from animated movie
>early days tumblr gets a hold of him
>constant porn
basically a tale as old as time
would couldn't it be plural ;)
Not as much as pic related.
I want to post the results of running that guy's irl face through FaceApp to see what he'd look like as a girl, but I don't think /dmc/ can handle it.
Keith David
post it
he's done better(lewder) pictures
wrong again
Don't be foolish, Dante. user said V and Vergil. Not you.
Nowadays I bet they'd probably call everyone a pedophile for it.
I want it to be some jankass nobody who hasn't done voice acting since the ps2 era, like Wolverine in ultimate Spiderman, or Nightmare in Soulcalibur 2
What about Robbie Belgrade?
No, in my opinion. But between Cowie and Maxim the battle is tough that I give you.