Post high quality Megaman girls

Post high quality Megaman girls

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Other urls found in this thread:

Do robots emit odor?

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You're WEAK

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>play MMSF as a kid and crush hard on Luna
>tfw in present day she's still just a kid and cannot qualify for wife material for a grown man

It's an abstract kind of sad

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I want to marry Leviatahan and have robo-babies with her.

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You first

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Don't have much tho

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Dude when I was a kid she was the first vidya girl that made my dick platinum. Absolutely top tier waifu.

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tricky OP, they are all high quality.

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>that guy who still makes Luna doujins every year to this very day, eventhough she hasn't been in anything for a decade.
Where is your motivation, user.
I am not even a lunafag, but even I could take a page from his dedication to his waifu.

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>angry tsundere who softens up in the first game before spending the next two games bitching at you for no reason

You first.

Attached: 54b3fccb81c3c0e571e8d60e035add8d.jpg (2508x3300, 468K)


And that's it

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All the Megaman girls are God tier change my mind

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What's this about tummy?

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I want a remake of Star Force with BN's battle system. Whoever thought butchering BN's battle system for the sake of 3D visuals was a good idea needs a kick in the dick.

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Starforce 3 was pretty good.
I could never get into the battle network series for some reason.

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Delete this.

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Can't fucking be done.

Attached: Yuika Sweet.jpg (500x666, 81K)

Vast improvement

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>no posts of best Roll yet

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>No drills

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died a long time ago

He made a luna doujin this very year.

Attached: 1 (4).jpg (1258x1811, 495K)

Attached: objection.gif (1970x1460, 119K)

still would

Attached: luna without drills.png (1400x1600, 612K)

I think he means his motivation.

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>Lunabros get all the doujins
Feels good.

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I wish he didn't put so much focus on Geo.

I am a soniaboy, but I am not even mad.
That man's dedocation is a sight to behold.

>no translations on his suiren doujin

What you want her to get fucked by faceless bald old men or her cronies Zack and Bud.

No, I just want to not see Geo's face every other panel in my porn.

Imagine the sound

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Okay now give the drills to Sonia.

>liking discount leviathan over the real thing

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Is her anime worth watching?

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For a Capcom franchise, it's surprising how little fanservice there is in the main games

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Not really, no. It's really horribly botched and from what I remember she has very little screentime.

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the best

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oh yes

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alright zero sdt poster imma bouta head out

is Pixiv Premium worth it?

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What does it even do?

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It's pretty decent for what it is, but it's pretty loose with its adaptation and suffers heavily from the fact that the episodes are half-length. Luna has decent screentime but most arcs are heavily condensed or cut entirely.

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I just know that one of the things you can do with it is sort artwork/tags by most popular

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Well that's sad, I remember watching NT warrior as a kid because of Megaman but mostly for Mayl and she have a good amount of screen time

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I suppose that could be useful, though enough time and dedication can make up for that. The rest of the benefits seem to be more the artists though.

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Why are oujo sama girls with drill hair always best in their series?

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The only ZX girl with real booty is Ashe.

I can't...

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Don't make a man choose, user. I'm in love.

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Do NOT lewd Ciel!

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Are the Star Force games any good?

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First is okay, second is bad, third is great.

more booty girl

What’s the problem with 2?

more booty you say

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>all these posts an not a single Tron Bonne
What the fuck happened?

Nobody ever said sniff.

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You went blind is what happened.

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Love it! Sauce?

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Use this, I think the image you responded to was individual pics just stitched together.

Attached: __kalinka_cossack_ciel_shirogane_luna_hibiki_misora_sakurai_meiru_and_etc_ryuusei_no_rockman_and_etc (1260x788, 971K)


Attached: 55668350_p0.jpg (558x789, 57K)


>Hoshizora denpa


Attached: 1541052644548.jpg (1400x1700, 280K)

Thanks, and you were correct. Searching under bigumane found each of the pics, and they're even better.

>no starforce 4 with grown up cast and Geo being the big brother of twins after Kelvin pounding his cute wife 24/7

Attached: 1554093780263.jpg (436x536, 51K)

Happy to help

Post more, I need them.

For fuck's sake. All they had to do was actually put EFFORT into OSS, and they could have had the momentum for the modern reboot the franchise would be perfect for now. Buuut this is Capcom, the masters of destroying their own money printers.

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Still really confused that no other real crossover game's happened.

The episode where Subaru's mom teaches her how to cook an Omurice is good.

X-Over probably killed off any interest in a crossover, even if it wasn't a real crossover. Star Force also wasn't as big as Battle Network, and people were getting tired of the franchise.

Botching the fuck out of BN4 was the beginning of the end. That game was objectively shit, and killed all the momentum that had been building since BN1. BN5 and 6 were great games but too little, too late, and Starforce, while a better story, had objectively worse gameplay. It is a shame, yes.

Why? Only the turbonerds knew about Xover, or OSS for that matter. Crossovers sell themselves that's why Comic Books, Cartoons, Power Ranges and now Movies do it every time they can get away with it.

Even from a practical standpoint introducing more playable characters to a base game will bring more varied abilities. It's just a boon. That's just good well before getting having to imagine a trailer where Super Adapter Bass and Ultimate X Powercrash past one another.

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Wasn't that what Rockman Online was supposed by, a crossover between Classic and X?


Attached: 13948.png (284x264, 65K)

I understood it to be a cheat: with Axl-types copying codes from old Robot Masters and was all set in 21XX. Doesn't explain Light and Wily but if it worked for old robots it could work for HoloLight and SortofthereWily to explain them being there.

Attached: 33597708_p0.jpg (500x529, 261K)

Yeah and MMU had Arthur and Ryu. Shame it all went to shit on the cusp of getting Mega Man in as a medium of interchange.

Attached: Mega Man vs.jpg (850x1190, 284K)

It just seems weird that some Mavericks would choose to model themselves on the objectively inferior robot masters if that is the case.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Some really nice songs here.

Attached: tumblr_nufpcllrKz1u87la8o4_1280.jpg (1280x628, 430K)

For me, it's Pandora

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I thought Capcom buried Star Force?

They ruined her character in the anime, if you're gonna watch it, it wouldn't be for her.

Her conflict with her overbearing parents leading to her becoming Ophiuca and Mega Man saving her from Libra leading to her discovering he was Geo all along, her two most pivotal character moments in SF1, are both absent from the series.

Attached: loona.jpg (640x960, 111K)

maybe its a purely cosmetic thing

Attached: The smugest.png (633x589, 22K)

Attached: cute happy russian.jpg (530x455, 70K)

I've never been convinced the actual mechanical technology for the rank and file robot realistically better in 21XX than it was in 20XX since everyone's still fighting over Light and Wily's tablescraps.

We know fusion power is a thing but that's otherwise it. I'd therefore stake that every fucking maverick would give every nut and screw in their body for a Thunder Beam or Metal Blade

Attached: Metalman.jpg (817x881, 315K)

Can you post the rest of the set, please? I forgot to save them.

Attached: 4ED9CA1F-C755-4B17-9979-3B63B8903772.gif (256x192, 461K)

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I only remember him having two since the only other stuff I remember is the Mii Gunner stuff.

Attached: I'm tired dammit.png (299x292, 9K)

Attached: Drooling.png (350x334, 76K)

Thanks, could have sworn there was third. Might be thinking of one their Mii Gunner pics though.

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Anyone got a webm version?

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It's that time again!!!

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Attached: mayl4 s.jpg (1102x1549, 445K)


Attached: mayl6s.jpg (760x899, 654K)

Que suculento!!

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Even more

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>jumping jack attack......

THEY KNEW.................

Attached: 73346036_p0.jpg (1111x1718, 2.28M)

And one more

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Attached: 73380568_p0.jpg (972x1421, 1.12M)

The forgotten brown girl from stargorce

i think i have an actual webm from the DVDs.....lemme find it....

Attached: 1537791952732.webm (640x480, 1.3M)

What a fuckin loser

457101296 (You)

Attached: [Tokimune] Rockman.EXE - 18 - Secret Operation! World Three! [DVD][E4F5AAC0].mkv_snapshot_16.30_[201 (640x480, 49K)

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hold on thread.....

Attached: kalinka_by_goto_mei-d9fwswf.jpg (894x894, 155K)

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Leviathan would be nice if I could stop reminding myself of the fact that it's basically X in drag

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>not wanting to fuck X

Attached: DM3eSt6U8AAlnSS.jpg orig.jpg (884x1200, 197K)

What an embarrassing thread

see ya for the night

Attached: mayl big cullo s.jpg (828x980, 230K)

Do all the guardians have X's repressed homolust for Zero?


Attached: Guts sweats.png (250x250, 79K)

What did you expect? Nobody on Yea Forums plays video games, least of all Megaman fans.

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Attached: 1538985474622.png (630x680, 288K)

It's better than all the smash shit,snoy fags,portendo fags,xtry fags, epic store vs steam shit and the generic wojack/Pepe shit that you see every 5 minutes

I wanna eat that Cinnabun

bless you pepi

You're not wrong, I'm just disappointed.

based marino poster

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There's no better Mega Man girl but they all rock.

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Attached: Maylu expressions.png (1332x1272, 69K)

Attached: Pride Swim.jpg (480x662, 63K)

I don't know much about EXE but I know the adult women in that series are 10/10.

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Attached: Maddy boobs.jpg (640x480, 184K)

Attached: Maddy butt.jpg (217x344, 10K)


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Attached: Maddy blowing a kiss.jpg (592x448, 43K)

Attached: Maddy sexy bikini.png (1027x1588, 923K)

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Attached: Roll.exe evil.png (650x850, 356K)

Attached: Ribitta booty.png (854x1038, 607K)

How could you do something like this and still call yourself a human being?

Attached: 1367491653746.jpg (441x383, 41K)

I fucking love all the .EXE girls, my fucking god.

Attached: 1552177030302.png (180x170, 54K)

maddy more like mommy

You can't sniff because she's wearing her METAL CUNNY GAURD that still makes little sense to me.

They probably smell like the stuff used to make onaholes.

Someone should post Doujins about Lan and Mayl.