Get hype GitS fans
Mokoto Kusanagi mod for Resident Evil 2
woah! you put a wig and eyeliner on mutt claire! epic!
that looks more like sphere hunter to be honest
Suzi a cute
that's not Mokoto, that's a mod of that youtuber spherehunter you moron
Shut up let us GitS fans have scraps.
Look at this faggot, he likes trannies!
Fuck of Shoo you ugly golem freak.
these mods look out of place. Claire's slutwear has way too much saturation for example
He was rusing you from the start. Notice the webm's name retard?
ghost in the ____sh____ell
goddamn trannies
Who is going to shorten it to sh instead of gits it's to much of a coincidence.
OP already knows that. The thread is typical tranny bullshit.
Does Suzy still have >her dick?
Ehh I like Suzie's RE videos. I could care less about the trans part.
Nice stealth tranny thread OP
can someone explain this trans meme pls