>game is built for casual play
>devs start pandering to competitive community
>game dies
Game is built for casual play
Other urls found in this thread:
Fucking compfags
RIP ;_;/
Why are they all tagged like dogs?
>game is built for casual play
>accidentally one of the best comp games ever
>dev actively tries to make the next game less competitive
>only strengthens the community
>game is still going strong 20 years later
eSports is cringe. None of the games are particularly fun in the first place but it's just embarrassing seeing a bunch of beta males treat them like they're the pinnacle of competition.
And games that are made to be eSports first and games second just need to fuck off.
Only a couple of games/series/genres can survive long times while catering exclusively to the competitive community.
Also, >eSports is cringe
Overwatch was better when it didn't have compfags.
Also rip.
name 0 (ZERO) games
what anime is this
follow the money trail. Not all things last.
fucking Dissidia suffered this fate.
NT was pandering to the FGC and it alienated he entire core fanbase to the point a mobage was better received
I can smell you from here
Sony Game Approval Simulator 2020
Shimoneta: A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn't Exist
Le epic and funny lewd anime xD
Fuck off faggot Shimoneta's a treasure
It's not, newfag.
They live in a society where sexuality is illegal.
Are you baiting me or something, there's Shimoneta threads almost every day on Yea Forums
>everything i don't like is a newfag
>Games tried to be competitive
>Ends up being casual only
>It's actually better
So? There's also daily Naruto and DBSpic threads.
spotted the newfag
>The Sandman
She didn't deserve to go, still heartbreaking to this day
I never watched Naruto so I can't vouch for it but do you expect there to not be a thread for a popular entry level show on an anime board?
Your argument would be more valid for My Hero or something.
Slap city
>Your argument would be more valid for My Hero or something.
Why? It's as shitty as DB and Naruto.
>They live in a society
Why don't they rise up?
Compfags ruin every game they touch. When a videogame becomes more focused on balancing the "meta" at the cost of fun or creative gameplay then it's already too late.
competitive games can work if the game's built around it I just think that video games that are created as a casual, maybe semi-competitive at most, should stay as such.
>Her last words were apparently about how she hopes to continue doing what she loved and eventually start a family
Imagine trying this hard to miss the point and be contrarian
I didn't mean games that were already competitive. Just more casual games that get all the fun sucked out for the sake of balance, even if sufficient counters already existed, just because some devs fell for the e-sports meme and don't want to upset the Twitch streamers.
That's the whole point of the show.
>game has a really good competitive scene
>also has single player content that hooks people uninterested in versus play
>the next two installments focus more on single player while the competitive scene atrophies
>when they realize the series is on its death bed and focus on versus play, the competitive players have all died out
>single-player only fags cry about a lack of single-player content
Thanks for the new show.
Pokemon except Pokemon hasn't died yet.
>Current map that's a replacement for the old one is unfinished
>Item system is about to get a massive overhaul
>The UI is planned to get an overhaul
>Dude let's host a tournament with a cash prize I'll never fucking stop being mad at the retards who were in charge of this game
>tfw you're so asshurt that you fuck up your post
the pain never stops
>tfw you will never be an erotic terrorist
>Call of duty
Start a family, user. It's what she would've wanted.
Funny because I think 2 Luigis is still illegal in 2v2s, and a match that literally happened a few days ago is sparking debate of just flat out banning jiggly