Fighting games are ___
Fighting games are ___
I've always wanted to see Lili using the toilet.
Only useful for fapbait
usually not very good and often shamelessly pander to horny incels who think if it makes their peepee tingle it's a good game
That sounds more like visual novels.
Why are lili players such degenerates?
fighting games are pretty fun, but i think the 'git good' attitude surrounding them discourages people from picking up the genre, sure it keeps out scrubs but it also means fighting games can never become too mainstream. also the type of dlc they tend to have more recently is kind of ludicrous, or the thing that happened to SFV.
>Fighting games are safer than
not played by an overwhelmingly majority of Yea Forums in a competent capacity so a majority of opinions are worthless.
Just waiting for SF6. If its anything like DMC5/MHW/RE2 Capcom will take their place back as king of FGs
>another top tier girl ruined by muscle faggotry
Either made by a idiotic SF4-fag or expertly crafted bait.
This is such bad bait that I can't imagine someone not getting tilted.
>he doesn't like some muscle in his fightfu
Get a load of this fag
Looks pretty accurate to me
>bloody roar
>Tekken with muscles
HAHAHA. So funny user. Harada is too much of a pussy bitch to let girls have muscles in his games. Fuck him and his insecurities.
Probably the deepest fighting game ever made t b h