E3 predictions thread
E3 predictions thread
XCOM 2 Episode One
XCOM battle royale
Nazi version of xcom where you are the good guys trying to win war would be the bestcom.
Silent Storm?
I will literally suck dick for XCOM: Apocalypse. Fuck TFTDfags.
What can you make for OpenApoc?
XCOM: Eternauta edition
I think the next one will be a mix of the two. That is where they seem to be headed.
XCOM: Terror from the Psi Vortex. Lead expeditions in a race against time before the Psi Vortex swallows everything as it sends out more ayys.
I doubt Firaxis could make a proper Geoscape to save their lifes, Apocalypse is just too big for them.
Titanfall 3
Romero's strategy game is a phone game and the first attempt of Paradox in this market
Not enough anime-like for XCOM.
Enemy within is on android
Playing as the third Reich would be pretty sweet
Microsoft: Halo, Fable, maybe new consoles, bunch of third parties
Nintendo: Animal Crossing, smash DLC
Bethesda: Doom Eternal, updates for TESO and F76, Wolfenstein? What's Arkane been up to since Prey maybe that's something
PC Gaming Show: Coming exclusively to the Epic Games Store (for one year)(except for Bannerlord, that's a permanent exclusive)
I think you misunderstood me
I did, didn't know about it. I love you
>getting a washed up developer who's only skill was being metal and making some cool fps maps in the 90s
>letting him work on a STRATEGY game
>putting a STRATEGY game on phones
Y-you too