Do girls play video games or am I being bamboozled
Do girls play video games or am I being bamboozled
What dating app is that?
>white """"women""""
>actual hobbies
Pick one and one only
Ask her who her husbando is. If she doesn't have one she is fake.
Bro, she probably has a dick
She looks a bit simple.
>google popular video games 2019
>pick one at random
>add meme emoticon
She looks ok OP, should give it a try.
i personally liked them simple.
The fact that she specifies the number 3 instead of the series does actually make it more likely she's lying.
A bit
Some genuinely do, but not as many do compared to men, not by a huge margin. Most women are fake gamers for attention, but they are easy to spot.
she has a fat pot-head face I guess so user. Why are your standards so low?
It is the eyes. They don't look quite right.
Bro we've spent the last 15 years casualizing the fuck out of games just so girls can get in on them too, try to respect that.
Its honestly my biggest issue with dating.
My gf really likes anime, which is cool. So do I.
Arguably its her biggest hobby. But it feels like she doesnt really get into anything "Deep enough" for me to really peg what her passion would be. I wouldn't care if her passion was chinese cartoons, make-up, or getting /fit/ but damn I wish she had a deep passion for something.
its the nose imo
oh no
Yeap it's the nose, shes cute though. I approve.
ask for her dick pic
like white """"""""""""""men"""""""""""""" are any better
I've known lots of women who were wholely passionate about games or weebshit or whatever, but the downside is they're usually undateable in some way. Imagine the girl version of an average autist from here
send her a link to this thread
Cute smile. Generic pose on first picture. Can't picture her even holding a controller.
Why do you think most white women go for other races?
Maybe someone here can explain this scenario to me. I had a chick I was with ages ago and one day we were at Best Buy. We were roaming around and went down the video game isle. As we went we passed near Dark Souls and I jokingly said we should pick it up to play together knowing she hates games and wouldn't ever want to. She then however tells me that not only had she played the game at a friends house, but also beaten it. I knew damn well this was a lie being in the 3 years or so I'd known her I hadn't so much as seen her touch a controller. So I called her on it, asked her who the last boss of the game was. She said that she wasn't going to answer that and her stating she beat it should be enough proof for me. I told her in so many words that I didn't believe her but let it go. All these years later it sticks with me, why the fuck would she lie about something as silly as beating a video game when she had to have known I'd call her bluff. Does anybody know why someone would just randomly lie about things then get defensive when called on it and instead of just admitting they lied instead double down and try to flip it as a trust issue of all fucking things?
90% of women "play" ""games"" as a means to an end or for social benefit
The rest are this
I suppose. Though my gf has weird autism levels on other ways anyway desu and it does make dating hard sometimes. Basically anti-social as fuck and sometimes hard to converse with despite being together for years.
So the hard parts of it, without the passion for something almost.
For some reason women think they can get away with bold face lies.
I don't really get it either.
She probably had beaten it you misogynist.Maybe don't sperg out on women all the time and you wouldn't be an incel?
Are you seriously asking? Or is this just a lazy setup for a woman hate thread?
Sorry, i have to ask, because your question is so incredibly retarded, that I find it a little unbelievable.
OF COURSE women play video games. ESPECIALLY some gay ass Kingdom Hearts shit. Which is pretty much a bishounen with Disney characters in it. The real question is, how much of a dyke is the girl who doesn't play Kingdom Hearts.
Do they play video games? Yes
Do they play as much as guys? No
ARE there girls who play as much as guys? Yes.
Will you ever meet them? No, not at all.
It's just women shit, they are nefarious creatures so who knows what goees through their reptile brains.
obvious bait
More like he was making a joke
why do so many girls play this game
I don't get it
It is the only semi-competitive game that I ever see girls playing (and not like playing support in league or something), and every time I join a group or something that has people playing it it's often played by more girls than dudes. Is there something I'm missing here?
Literally just met a girl 2 nights ago as well that said she plays games on the computer, so she gave me her steam and has fucking 1800 hours on this game
How old were you guys? All I see when I read this is kids trying to impress each other with feats they never did. Guess she just wanted to seem cooler
>Will you ever meet them? No, not at all.
I've met two and they're both faggots and not sexually attractive to me at all. Pretty cool people though
My sisters who aren’t even gamers play this game and forced me and my brother to play it with them. It’s okay I guess but not spectacular r
>social benefit
Like what?
there's so much resetera shit going on this board nowadays its hard to tell if its a joke, or actual autism
>tfw wanna get my gf to do twich streaming for money
I feel she is good looking, realistically speaking, what are the chances we could earn at least like a minimum wage job by exploiting horny 12 year olds?
my gf plays FTL and Darkest Dungeon
Average Dark souls playtime is 50 hours. Are you telling me someone in their mid or late 20s will spend 50 hours in a friend's house using their consoles?
Do they "play" the games? Maybe. Do they invest in the games and finish them? Virtually never.
doing a popular activity makes you more likeable
do you suck his dick while he plays?
Being "in" on the hot new thing
white girls play the sims more hardcore than any male ive ever met. even girls ive met who dont give a rats ass about games at all play it
In our 20s, so old enough to not be trying to impress with blatant lies. What's more annoying is I have heard my friends gf say very similar things where she basically gets mad at him for not believing something she says immediately. I genuinely don't understand how someone can tell another person that they should simply believe them even if they know they are wrong. It is such alien thought to me
I even swallow all her cum
she is a girl(female)
Likely she was jokingly trying to say, yeah I beat it.
Yknow to make herself seem badass. Kinda like how you'd say you beat the entire game without taking damage, first playthrough.
I'm gonna have to side with her on this, you seem stuck on something that was inconsiquental.
Just joined a random discord someone posted in a lobby and it was a 3 girl SWF group not but 40 minutes ago.
Anime is not a hobby btw
I guess these people happen to be compulsive liars? I can't help you understand I'm afraid cause this seems confusing to me too
I know a girl who named her son Roxas. Also met some girls on TF2. I also knew a lot of girls who played FFXI. They were usually messed in the head somehow. Some were huge sluts, my best friend had one drive across the country to live and sleep with him, and he met some other girl and fucked her, too; some were lesbians, more than the natural rate; some had serious mental issues, I used to listen to them all the time talk about cutting or taking pills.
All the girls on Hinge are homebody types who do nothing in their free time. She probably has brothers that she watched play those games growing up.
t. Dated dozens of girls on Hinge (only app that ever worked for me) and they were all exactly the same
Stupid thot. She outted herself for not actually playing KH3, otherwise she'd know it was shit.