truth or entitlement?
Truth or entitlement?
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Truth, you don't have to use it. You also don't have to buy shitty artificial difficulty games.
Tell that to KH3
>waaah it's too hard, make it easier for me!
The absolute state of leftism forever and ever.
Literally end your life then have sex
Shush, incel. The adults are having a discussion.
How do I get a job manufacturing controversy, pushing a political agenda, not needing to finish a game even when I was paid all while getting my dick sucked off by publishers?
>Sekiro is too ha-
Truth. Nobody makes "hardcore" peeps play easier difficulties. Why do autismos care what difficulty someone they don't know play a single player game??
they want an easy mode because they find it too hard to make a review on time. it's literally as simple as that.
Lack of an easy mode hasn't either
I'm really happy for easy modes. There are plenty of games I give very little fucks about that I just want to blitz through with ease.
I honestly don't care much about accessibility and don't care if any game does or does not have an easy mode but depending on how the mode is implemented, the OP article is correct. It might be a different experience from that intended but if they came out with a patch for Sekiro tomorrow that added a mode that globally reduced damage dealt by 80%, how would the original game be "ruined" by it?
easy modes are now a political agenda
Honestly fucking entitled.
easy, be a kike.
SHHH, you're making too much sense
Truth but if easy mode niggers think us skilled chad gamers will ever discuss a game like Sekiro with them they have lost their minds.
Wrong. A game is balanced around its difficulty. Demanding an easy mode puts more on the developers plate, pulling assets and time away from the main package.
Not every game is for every one.
>games are art
>noooo redo your painting the way I prefer
>Developer is praised for making "difficult" games that appeal to a wide audience
>This is FROM's niche and reputation in today's times, releasing hit after hit following the same formula
>Willingly decide to jump in on their latest title
>Offended that this game built on difficulty, is difficult
Easy mode ruined life for those who don't have access to it
>shit at games
Are games "journalists" the most entitled, whiny babies to ever exist?
It's better to have a simple selectable easy mode than to build crutches into the game that you have to try and play around.
Making an easy mode can ruin the original creator's vision. For example, when creating a racing simulator, being somewhat realistic and difficult to learn but satisfying to master is the intent. Creating a mode for blind people or people with no arms would surly make the game more inclusive, but would water down the sanctification the creator wanted when mastering the car as it relates to real life.
>you will never get fucked by zombie user
said by a man who has apparently never played a multiplayer game with classes
not true
Easy Modes don't appear out of thin air. Some dude or dudes will have to work to implement it into the game and test to see if they game is still enjoyable to play without any new bugs coming for this new difficulty mode.
Those dudes could instead focus on making the regular game better by refining it or even adding more stuff to do and experience, not to mention game development schedules are not unlimited.
The people that write these articles have almost no idea how game development works and should not be taken seriously
Game doesn't owe you its ending. Gotta work for it if you wanna see it.
But games aren't art and its be more akin to saying the viewer can only view the art from one spot and perspective
Are through Souls games actually fun, or just difficult for the sake of it?
World of Warcraft
>ballistic shield in counter-strike
better to just not have either silly billy
>Demon's Souls
>Dark Souls
>Dark Souls PTDE
>Dark Souls 2
>Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin
>Dark Souls 3
>Dark Souls 3 Fire Fades Edition
>Dark Souls Remastered
why did they suddenly decide to start picking on Sekiro?
>easy mode with full, unrestricted access to the game
>no easy mode at all
>easy mode locks out the ending, if not more than that
Souls games aren't even hard
Imagine if Dark Souls/Demon Souls had a easy mode.
It won't be memed to it's current status and become so popular.
It will simply become Yet Another Game on the market.
Not having easy mode actually made Dark Souls popular and define it so well that people are using it as the definition of "Hard", hence the usual use of "The Dark Souls of X".
Once again, "Journalists" have no idea what they are talking about.
Making, balancing and testing different gamemodes definetely takes away from development time so the "it wont hurt having it" argument doesn't work.
I bet every single one of these easy mode faggots is a leftist piece of shit who think they deserve shit for no effort
Considering it's a journalist and their only intention with this easy mode shit is to make their own jobs easier (while falsely claiming their championing the disabled gamer cause) I'm going to have to go with entitlement.
Besides there are more creative ways you can make games easier for people that don't rely on brute forced difficulty modes that fuck with balance.
I respect the developers vision, art or not. They didn't want people to cruise through the game with their brains off and that's a good thing.
Games are balanced around the hardest or normal, depending how gay the devs are.
They're not even overly phnishing or difficult. It's an entire generation raised on hand holding cinemstic games.
Souls stood out for simply not holding your hand. It blew the casual's mind.
Well yeah but I'd rather have the difficulty toggle than deliberate "easy mode" crutches that you then can't use without ruining the game's difficulty, like the Souls games feature in abundance.
Women have ruined the game of life
entitlement. easy mode basically makes it trash, throw away tier.
The funny thing is this game still has a ton of crutches to make it easier if you're stuck and people are still moaning.
>From has been making the same Souls game over and over and everyone loves them
>make a new game where you can't overlevel your character through grind or summon an army of sunbros
>suddenly it's the greatest discussion of our time
Tturtles in Time is pure kino
I'm just enjoying the casual filter fallout. And the best part is because it's from Japan they don't give a shit about what these whiny faggots have to say.
Not enough handholding mechanics, probably. God forbid these manbabies were old enough to have experienced the quarter swallowing experience that were arcade games back in the day or attempting to play fighters in a crowd of people waiting for their turn before they came to home consoles. I'm sick of this entitlement and rage culture that's so prevalent these days; it's almost a 1:1 replica of the reason why furries garnered so much hate besides the fetishism itself - the whiny and entitled social circles that try to strongarm their beliefs into something to radically change it because they're not fit to survive in it with the way they presently choose to be.
If the devs of Sekiro had a sense of humor, they would have announced an easy mode yesterday, and had a trailer where it's just the game with god mode on, and the enemies removed.
Easy mode is fine, just don't try to discuss gameplay if you need it.
You don't need to tune and balance an easy mode because a person playing on easy doesn't care about having a good experience to begin with
the easy mode complaints have always been there. it's just now, people love making fun of game journos more than ever that they've started parading and sharing their words with others and gave them more reach
NES days had it right
If it is optional - who cares?
>Gamers aren’t entitled to good games because they pay money for them
>...but I’m entitled to an easy mode because I’m too shit at vidya, despite it literally being my job
I'm guessing the reason they're moaning so much is because the typical Souls crutches they've become accustomed to like the co-op and overlevelling no longer exist.
But that's two modes. The other player need not play the others difficulty. It hurt no one.
Pick a good book you had to read at high school level or above. Dumb down the dialogue so a 1st grader could understand. Would it ruin the story? Fuck yes it would.
Don't even have to make a gameplay analogy cause these hacks value story over gameplay in the first place in their games.
>easy mode mocks the cowards that pick it
And then there are some Yea Forumsirgins that don't think that God Hand is the best game of all time.
he plays better than me
Last week I said the same. But now I actually see the error in that thinking. From Software games don't have much of a compelling story. Or that story is locked in ingame descriptions were you are better of watching some jewtube autist who explains it anyway. The only thing they have going for them is the gameplay. And if you don't like the original gameplay, then why bother? People crying for an easy mode in from games are just faggots that need instant gratification and who have hurt fee fees because they couldn't beat a game.
>pay 60 dollars
>not obligated entertainment
>have to earn it after cost
>The problem with "playing to win"
Jesus fucking Christ what is actually wrong with this idiot
The 'does this new hard game need an EASY MODE?' discourse is so boring now because 90% of people arguing it don't even actually care, it's just an easy way to get a spike of traffic to an article now
>Nobody makes "hardcore" peeps play easier difficulties
and no one is forcing casuals to play hard games, you are not entitled to finish a game because you dropped 60bucks. its not like from ever hid the fact that they make games that dont fuck around
Entertainment =/= Accomplishment
>Easy mode have never been a necessity.
Wow user, did you just learn what clickbait means?
>playing to win is a problem
>but give me an easy mode so I can play to win
What is the point of interactive media if not to provide a challenge? If you want to breeze through a game without learning its systems, watch it on twitch.
Cause the entire game is balanced for that one mode this was not unusually before everyone needed a baby mode for everything
Other souls game have easy mode
it's called over-leveling and summoning
I really want to see how journos would react when being shown this as a counter argument
>"I even saw one post using disabled people with poor motor functions as an excuse for an easy mode..."
jesus christ
Games not, communities yes.
I've never played any Souls games or Bloodborne, and honestly all the memes about the difficulty really put me off.
People always talk about "haha I died to that boss so many times" and that doesn't sound enjoyable to me. Why doesn't the game incorporate "gitting gud" into it's design rather than just throwing you into a brick wall all the time? I genuinely don't understand how enforced repetition until you succeed is more fun that a game that gradually ups the challenge so that you're always on the verge of failure. Is there something different about From games, or is it really just that some people like the extreme difficulty?
There were times when easy difficulty wasn't as easy as it is today. Before regenerating health the player still had to be careful because health boxes were'nt always aplenty. Even if the player character could take somewhat more beating than in medium difficulty jumping from cover and back there again, trying your luck wasn't a viable tactic because you'd just end up losing your health and in time next pistol bullet would be fatal. Then you were stuck or just had to be very careful
But yes, not every game is for everyone. Giving them a "walk in the park" mode isn't going to make them give any more pleasure. I didn't like Dark Souls before easy mode and didn't like it even when they added it.
It's kind of amazing how none of these self-styled "gaming professionals" don't have any awareness of how much they out themselves as frauds when they always whine about how games aren't easy enough.
There is nothing wrong with easy mode as long as it's COMPLETELY OPTIONAL
Anyone who lowers the overall difficulty of a game for accessibility needs to fuck off.
But having an assist mode is fine as it's there to help those who need itf and doesn't fuck with the rest of those playing.
why should devs waste their time?
but sekiro has an easy mode too
>Not having an Easy Mode had never ruined a game
Nice try though, jewtaku.
But then I'll get caught when stealing my footage for my game review.
>calling out clickbait means you don't know what it means
Many intelligent people have noted that the easy difficulty raid mode, called "LFR" has had an EXTREMELY negative impact upon the game.
This "LFR" difficulty and its type(like warfronts) are killing an otherwise 'great' game
It's such a disgustingly communist way of thinking.
>everybody need equal treatment chance and opportunity
>Still milking the easy mode clickbait
Why don't they just use a trainer if they can't beat the game?
reminder that game jurnos are using people with actual disabilities as a shield for why they want games easier
i would accept an easy mode but only if it was forced shura ending
Honestly seems more like you don't know shit about programming. Easy mode via "deal double damage, take half damage" is piss easy to implement.
Not saying games known to be difficult should have difficulty options, but saying something like that is hard to implement us just wrong.
>I've never played any of these games but here's my opinion on them
Fuck off retard.
Contra 3.
Easy mode removes levels. Thus making it worse.
This shit happens literally every time From releases a new game what the fuck are you talking about
>I've paid 60 dollars for it, so it needs to let me beat it and also suck my dick
Don't be a bitch.
Valkyrie Profile.
The games aren't hard, people are just shit
Ahh yes, back when games were still designed like games and not semi-interactive CGI movies. I want to go back
You think people would have caught on by now since this happens every single time a new From Soft game comes out.
Every time.
And yet people fall for the bait every. single. goddamn. time.
>I genuinely don't understand how enforced repetition until you succeed
That's the sign of the shitters who need to "git gud". If a tactic didn't work the first five times, why the fuck would it work any differently the next 20? The games have various methods of playstyles and hidden mechanics for bosses to discover and take advantage of. That's why it's so common to hear "Oh! You had trouble with *that* boss? *snort*" comments in real life or in posts on these boards. The games aren't overly difficult, they just punish people for being dumb, complacent, or too careful. It's a risk reward thing that is very prevalent in Bloodborne as well.
Furi had an easy mode, but journalist soiboys bitched that it didn't unlock anything to beat it.
>There is nothing wrong with easy mode as long as it's COMPLETELY OPTIONAL
I used to think so in the past but looking at these journo shitters I actually think all games should only have the hardest difficulty setting so that all of these bitches who think the point of a game is to watch pretty cutscenes would leave the medium alone.
here's your easy mode faggot
Sekiro was fun. Getting gud at the game felt really satisfying. Being shit in the beginning and missing every cue to completely dominating everything.
It was my first From game, started DaS 1 after it and so far this one is pretty meh.
Why do you care what difficulty the devs think the game should be? Just don’t play it.
>Buy the best, most high spec racecar in the world
>Still can't win a Nascar race with it because you're a shitty driver
lol fuck those faggots
>I wish this had an easy mode
>but user you dont have to use it.
>..but user you can play the difficulty that preserves that vision.. it doesn't impact you at all..
Literally zero argument against different difficulties for single player games.
Actual sperglords.
Because they want their cheat codes sanctioned by the devs and publishers.
Why don't they just... Not play? I don't find games like Sekiro enjoyable so I don't waste my time trying to play them. If you can't review then leave it to someone else who can
Why does it seem like gaming journalists never actually play games?
>make a game with difficult, aggressive enemies
>game journalist retards start complaining so add an easy mode that reduces enemy damage and increases yours
>they still die to the aggressive enemies due to trying to facetank everything and not bothering to learn the game and score your game badly
>or they chop through everything and complain the game has no challenge to it
Reminder not to give these clickbait cunts an inch. You throw in an easy mode and that's the mode they're going to review the game on. Happened with some reviews for DMC5 and there was that one infamous review a few years ago where a game got a bad score because the reviewer said that the game was too short and abruptly ends because he played it on easy mode which cut out a large portion of the end of the game, and still claimed he played it on the standard difficulty.
The entire world and everything in it is overwhelmingly designed by and for normalfags. Why do they have to complain about accessibility and political correctness for the 1% of media not made with them in mind?
I disagree. It's like walking on a tightrope with a safety net vs without. Even if you end up not using that safety net, its very existence takes away part of the thrill. Like and subscribe if you agree.
>What if we made a game where you don't have to play it to beat it
The concept is fundamentally broken and nonsensical. The only people wanting this are those who can't find their own hobby, so they try and find an "in" into somebody else's by changing the rules.
What this guy saidFaggots ruin the community, or what is now a gorillion dollar industry.
Developers shouldn't be wasting their time creating a handicap for (You), you've got thousands of other game to pick and choose from.
tl;dr nobody wants non-video game playing fucksticks infesting their video games, go to starbucks and mingle awkwardly with the other cognitive have-nots or binge watch a show or something. Fucking Christ.
To ad to ,
sometimes the games do throw you bullshit curve balls, but that's just the result of bad design and that's not uncommon to see in video games in general.
>Bed of Chaos
>First Seathe encounter
>Enemies that can change direction of their attack in near 540 degree motions in order to hit you
>Projectiles from weapons like bows that curve around corners to hit you in the head from miles away
Start calling out the journalists for the "toxic, entitled gamers" they are. Use their own words against them.
People should not be allowed to enjoy games if they're bad at them.
For the vast majority of games there's nothing wrong with having all kinds of difficulty modes. Occasionally you do get games where the whole point would be defeated by being too easy, e.g. a bullet hell shooter. So I sort of agree but also disagree.
I don't particularly like the games, but honestly this guy is right. When I started Dark Souls I apparently went the wrong way and fought enemies far stronger than I supposed to, and still did fine because I was being slow and cautious.
Not even close. Skill provides the greater reward, but the other guy can still enjoy the car.
>have to pay to play online so your friend can beat the game for you
Entitlement. You don't have the right to experience a game. If you want to play it, get good enough to play it. Go play a movie game or something if that is what you are looking for.
Fucking casuals trying to ruin video games.
Every single time it is a non-disabled person making an argument on behalf of disabled people to people who are not talking about disability at all. You'd think it would be embarrassing to be that predictable.
What would be the actual downside to From balancing the game around a default "Hard" difficulty then adding a "Normal" for people who want to enjoy everything about the game except the extreme punishment for getting hit? Making a new difficulty really isn't that much work when you're just editing some numbers. Hell, all they really need to do is double/triple your base health and that's it. Dunno, I think you guys are overreacting to something that really wouldn't affect you at all and are just pounding your chests for being "hardcore gamers" who hate casuals, kids, normies etc.
Easy mode is what killed World of Warcraft. When you remove challenge from what you created, people think that just beating the easiest mode is playing the game. The path of least resistance at work, hence why WoW is bleeding subs like mad.
Do you ask for a refund if you didn't like a movie?
I'd like to hope that there are people genuinely using easy/assist mode to hone their reflexes and skills and one day play on normal/hard and find out that they can do it. Almost like a set of virtual training wheels.
You don't have to play the game you toxic entitled reblogger
not if he only bought it because he thought it'd allow him to easily win
The default difficulty is easy mode though. You are never punished for mashing L1 without Kuro's Charm.
>hush incel mancildren are having opinions formed for them
But incels like you do the same thing.
Whining that the product doesn't cater to you is absolutely the definition of entitlement. We would know since it's all we do here.
It has, actually.
What was that one game where several "journalists" ragged on a game for "ending abruptly" and having a lack of content because they were playing on very easy mode (which doesn't let you play the final levels)?
They gave that game low scores as a result even though the fault was with them being so incompetent that they can't play a game properly at its intended difficulty.
Easy mode should be brain dead retard-tier easy, as if to mock the ability of people who play it, but alternate paths, optional bosses, and trophies/achievements should be locked out. It's literally just a movie where you can move the camera around, which is really what casuals want.
Reminder that literal disabled people can play video games more competently than journos
you dont have to play this game there are plenty of game with a more relaxing pace, wooly world just came out maybe you shoul-
thats not very reasonable those sort of things take dev time and are usually very rushed and poor ways to experience the game, maybe research more before purchasing a game
wow i can do it too
That's extremely wishful thinking
Why is it that when we want an easy mode, you guys start crying over the creator's vision but it's perfectly ok when you do it when you want a hard mode?
As a disabled gamer who literally can't get good no matter how much I practice and have absolute shit reaction times and would love to have more games with an easy mode, all I can say is fuck Kotaku and fuck game "journalists". Also fuck this topic about easy mode because it's a shitshow all around. There's the majority who either want to play gatekeeper because they're threatened by the idea of me or anyone else being able to complete a game without getting locked out of the content or want us to be constantly shamed for having to pick that difficulty because heaven forbid not everyone's able to have the same skill level even when we try. Then there's the other faggots who also want easy mode but run around calling those opposed to it stupid shit like "incels", which isn't helping my side at all.
So do you guys when you argue against easy mode. "Look at this guy with no arms and legs who can beat this game on default difficulty! Easy mode fags BTFO!"
To be fair, they are mentally disabled.
Does she have bones made of talcum powder or something? I've seen vids of blind people learning to play fighting games moderately well or people without arms learning to use controllers with their feet. What the fuck excuse does she have?
Devs should add easy modes to games only if they want to and that's about it.
get good faggot
>What do you mean you don't want to cut off the peak of Mt Everest and stick it at ground level? Aren't I entitled to reach it too?
>get to DoH/Isshin
>thinking about dropping the game
I haven't even tried these bosses and I haven't had too much trouble with anything in the game so far, but suddenly I'm just losing the will to play. I don't know if it's boredom or what, but this happened with all three Souls games for me too. I got the the end and just dropped them cause I was bored.
Something is wrong with me
>paying for something you didn't research beforehand
You don't send an ordered meal back simply because you tried to taste something new and learned you don't like it.
It is definitely entitled to expect every dev to make their games easy enough for you to beat them
That's just an unrealistic expectation
I mean It's a game if it's too hard for you just don't play it
Complaining about something like this is no different than complaining to any artist that their art should pander to you
Imagine all these journos writing articles about a painter who only paints portraits complaining that they don't like portraits so the artist should stop making them
That scenario sounds much more stupid but the reality is it's barely one step away from this
Of course if you want the redpill nobody actually thinks this shit they're just trying to get you to click on the article like the fucking idiot you are
Don't you?
No, but it did ruin a generation
This. Only people who beg for games to be easier are the kind of people who view gameplay as an obstacle, instead of the whole centerpoint of the experience and focus of the medium.
I've got a brother with somewhat severe autism and he openly states he doesn't like many of the games I have because they're too difficult, and that's understandable. Even though he says that, he's constantly beating the fucking ASS off of anyone in fighting games like Street Fighter or more casual stuff like smash brothers without even trying to be competitive. And when I play multiplayer games with him, I intentionally make the games more and more difficult the more we play together and I notice that he doesn't have any issues with them at all. Truth be told, journalists saying the game's too hard and needs to be easier for the sake of the disabled, mentally or physically, make me sick when I know that they're really just using these people as ammo for their goals.
I'm a kike and i'm a fucking failure
explain yourself immediately
She's a woman
>It might be a different experience from that intended but
but if the intended experience is that of a hard game, then hasn't that experience been ruined?
Sekiro is purely a test of reaction time. Only brainlets and old people have trouble with it.
the game is stuck in easy mode tho
She uses Twitter
No, because I'm not a complete autismo who expects the world to pander to my specific tastes.
Being a white male is basically easy mode for real life.
But yours is wrong. Your implying games should accommodate strictly the lowest common denominator and not have options for all.
No one is asking for strictly an easy mode.
Once again this impacts no one.
No, that's for women.
t. sony fan
>flame vent can be acquired before ogre
>firecracker can be acquired before MY NAAAME
>world now opens up and you can fill your ass with as many prayer beads as you like before fighting genichiro
woah that was hard
if you haven't gotten a grasp of the game by the time you run out of content and have to fight him then seriously consider a different hobby
You've got your babby mode in literally every other game released in the last ten years. Why are you so entitled? From wants you to git gud, not coast through the game. Why don't you put in the time and maybe experience the thrill of getting better at a difficult game as the devs intended?
The other guy was right. You cant just halve damage recieved. O'rin is just going to kill them in 4 seconds instead of 2 because they still havent figured out the mechanics. They wouldn't be satisfied because they'd barely be able to tell the difference.
How does one form a cohesive review workout struggling through it's native difficulty?
Making a new difficulty takes no extra effort at all:
>health_normal = 100
>health_easy = 300
Wow, so much strenuous balancing and wasted development time!
Why wouldnt you? You would stomach a shitty steak over a premium cut?
It never helped either.
soon we'll reach Acceptance
They're all sjws, so yes.
And who exactly do you propose does this calling out?
>muh gatekeeping
Opinion discarded
And tomorrow they'll have another article complaining that people expect all games to pander to their own tastes.
you forgot the most scathing one
>easy mode unlocks after you die a certain amount of times
KH3 really need a hard mode. I played on pro and it was easier than a lot of games I've played on easy mode.
I thought I told you to shut up
>i mean its alright but i still die why dont they tone down the AI a bit?
you dont pander to these faggots because you can never win
>all these retarded comparisons comparing video games to cars, art, food, and fucking mountain climbing
Is it because when prefaced as a video game your arguments are retarded?
___________git gud___________
Imagine getting played to write this shit, are there even any game (((journalists))) who like videogames?
Most games can't be balanced well for multiple difficulties. Would rather have one well-balanced difficulty than multiple shit ones.
The problem is they don't let you fucking turn off the damn rides that aren't based on combat sequence progression.
You can already play on easy with a Cheat Engine. It literally already exists, what is Kotaku complaining about?
Yeah, it was way too easy. Maybe because I went full magic (the harder route in KH1) and magic turned out to be crazy strong. After I get the Platinum, I'm going back and doing the level 1 run
>just difficult for the sake of it?
This, but that's what they are known for so don't cry when they are.
On the contrary every game with an easy modw would be better without it
just obtain proficiency
What would the easy mode accomplish? The fun thing about Sekiro is the combat and getting good at it. An easy mode would simply have people spamming attack until the enemy is dead. And that shit gets boring after an hour, and you don't even get anything out of it because From Software games aren't great in terms of story or level design. There are games which do both things way better, and are easier on top of that.
There was a thread about a twutter faggot some days ago that wants the new Bloodlines to have skippable cutscenes, so that people not into horror won't have to suffer through that. Why the fuck would you buy a horror themed game if you don't like horror? Same shit applies here. Don't buy a game known to be hard if you don't like hard games.
Go play some shit like Dragon quest then
Gaming would pretty much be perfect if everyone who plays on easy mode were just killed irl. Shitters are the lowest subhumans.
suck dick
>Your implying games should accommodate strictly the lowest common denominator
That's what easy mode effectively is.
Easy mode has no impact if you pretend it exists in a vacuum and doesn't require any changes to the games design or development resources. Just admit you want cheats and call them that.
>Implying a writer at kotaku has the two braincells required to learn cheatengine
Unless a game is filled with finely crafted content people will quickly become bored once they grasp the mechanics, and an easy game can per definition not require the use of complex mechanics, so unless a game relies on Skinner boxes people will quickly lose interest when all necessary mechanics have been explored.
The one exception could be when the enjoyment comes from emergent gameplay, but even games that rely on it are usually on the hard side.
From this thread, I get the definite impression that fans of Souls games are:
>right wing
>addicted to video games
>probably not in healthy relationships
>desperate to prove their worth (likely due to low self-esteem)
>not constrained by adult responsibilities or restrictions on time
Hmm, overall that doesn't exactly sound the friendliest audience...
inb4 mods think this comment isn't relevant despite all the blatant evidence in this thread
Do you have brain problems?
LFR Ruined wow, prove me wrong
They'd still get rekt. Like another user said they'd just die in 2 seconds instead of 6. You'd definitely need to dumb down the AI as well.
The issue is, easy mode ruins players.
>make core difficulty
>reduce things to make it easier
>increase things to make it harder
So hard.
> Implying this generation is not already ruined
True. While we are at it i want every first person game to have a third person camera and every horror game to have a none spooky mode. I mean, i want to play TLOU and Bioshock but i am too much of scary cat pussy to do so. If devs could eliminate jump scares and suplant the monsters with ponies or something that would be great.
Oh, and i want shooters to have auto aim too. I love shooters but i can´t aim for shit...
unironically and unequivocally based
making a fucking example out of all these able bodied shitheads that can't stomach the fact they're just bad at a video game
You didn't even read the shit about how you're just as bad as the "journalists" using disabled people for your arguments.
Which one should I start off with? I kinda like the art style because it looks like Akira Toriyama's stuff.
This entire argument exists because they want what are effectively cheats but don't want to admit it. All the hand ringing over "accessibility" and "gatekeeping" is just noise.
I just did a proud level 1 run and its great, not very hard, about the equivalent of critical mode
That's not what this is though. You order a premium cut or a shitty cut based on informed decision. If you order the wrong cut, that's on you - you can try and get a refund but if you've eaten half the meal you're outta luck. Also
>food analogy
I don't really give a fuck about soitaku.
>fighting Great Shinobi - Owl
>holding in L1
>my character literally doesn't block
Cool game. Why, exactly, should I not trade this in for DMC5?
Disabled retards have infinite time to get good at useless activities like gaming. Professional journalists don't have that luxury. Why is that so hard for you incels to comprehend? Also just don't use the easy mode.....
>every game has to cater to ME!
it's entitlement.
also, why can't they just admit they're shit? they always have to hide behind disabled people. very scummy.
What game was that?
I remember,ber some faggot complaining about the boring, monotonous battle music in DMC V, which basically confirmed he wasn't good enough to get S+ ranks, which hyped up the music.
Just add a hard mode that puts the game at NG+ from the very beginning, and do say that the original game mode is easy mode
Sekiro starts you in its easy mode though.
It IS Toriyama's art.
VIII and XI are good starting points.
I'd recommend V and VII too.
I'm sorry, I don't have steamy hot gay sex with pathetic incels.
You missed the key word STRICTLY while making your donkey brained shpeel.
the game already have difficulty options
you start on easy, bell demon is normal NG+ give you kuro charm to unlock hard mode
now what?
This is wrong. If you make the enemies dumber, decrease their damage, or decrease their health, you might make certain game mechanics ignorable. This would make the entire game feel worse.
How about this:
>make optional easy mode after you die X times
>no trophies are unlockabke in easy mode
That way autists will still be able to tell who played legit by the trophies. And everyone will have to start out playing the intended experience.
>the same people arguing for easy mode have a disdain for gaming
color me shocked
Are you mentally disabled? because that doesn't count
Sounds like someone has been getting his shitty opinions deleted.
The Fromsoft games are very boring. They aren’t even that hard, just very tedious.
Nice! I'll definitely have to check them out sometime then. Thanks.
>reeee game 2 hard me want ez mode
checks out
>this thread
if getting paid to play video games isn't enough luxury to get gud then what the fuck more intensive you do even need?
more like the person buying the car doesn't want to bother learning how to drive.
>doesn't even use gourds
>full parries the shadows
easy mode has ruined all games.
your loss fag
>a kids meal has never ruined a restaurant
then they cry that they get locked out of content
its fine as long as the game is designed around normal/hard and scaled down, rather than braindead game scaled up for difficulty
>can't even spell spiel
>still talks like a condescending faggot
No I didn't.
>your donkey brained shpeel.
That's rich considering your mental abortion of an "argument"
>just don't use it
That's the thing for me, even if I suppose that easy mode doesn't take away any resource from dev time, it would still kinda cheapen the experience as far as I'm concerned. Knowing that I have no backup plan, it's either git gud or progress, that's part of what motivates me.
Wait so the entire game's mechanics would fall apart if you took less damage? I genuinely don't understand the argument against an easier mode exact "XD git gud sjw s-o-y tranny!!"
Literally the entire reason Sekiro is fun is because you know that everybody playing it is getting raped. It brings us together, that’s how it has always been for Souls.
For some games it is appropriate but not all of them.
Fuck off redditspacer
"Romantic comedy never ruined a movie, thus all movies should have romcom because i love it"
hot opinion: game difficulty would be better if you were forced to play them on one difficulty, the "intended" difficulty, out of the box. No matter how hard or easy that is.
Part of the reason games like dark souls can support such a strong community despite the fact that it's predominantly singleplayer is because everyone is suffering through the same thing. Give every dad and um-excuse-me-i-have-a-life-casual the option to skip that, and it's suddenly gone. "oh, have you fought dancer yet? tough fight right" "lmao i played it on easy"
>attacking spelling after having argument debunked over not having basic reading comprehension.
Concession accepted.
Easy mode:
>player damage + 25%
>enemy damage - 25%
>iframes + 1
Not that drastic but gives the scrubs some hope.
FUCK Sekiro, FUCK Dark Souls, and FUCK Bloodborne. All of it is the same boring trash.
summoning is the easy mode though
Wasn't me, retard.
absolutely, how anyone has ever taken those subhumans seriously is beyond me
Entitlement. Sekiro's entire gameplay loop is built around understanding your enemy, trial and error, and becoming more comfortable with being aggressive.
underrated post
>Professional journalists don't have that luxury.
They're literally getting paid to do so you shitweasel
>just dont use easy mode
just dont play the fucking game
>Which one should I start off with?
they're all the same
start with the on on the system you have
>git gud or give up
Never mind me I'm too drunk to read. But on the other hand complaining about "play to win" is even more retarded
>Game doesn't sell
>Whine that the game is dead
>Whine that the game designers couldn't accommodate for the market
>he thinks
>al th
lmaoing at ur
life my
>Is it on the app store? No? Too hard to download and install!
Nice twisting my words to fit your agenda. I didn't say "you wouldn't send back BAD food", but food you neber had and you are tryingbto taste something new.
>I absolutely don't like fish
>absolutely nothing fish related tastes good for me
>oh hey, sushi? No clue what that is, but I'll order it xD
>WTF this tastes like fish >:-( make it taste like cum, that's what I solely prefer!
This is you.
Bullshit. Things being easy encourage bandwagoneers and people with no passion for the game or what it's trying to do, there just to discard it after gawking. They're like tourists that leave trash everywhere at the parks and monuments. If having no easy mode means you can drive rubberneckers out of a fanbase or force them to git gud and place value on their own skill and the way the game builds it, then bring back fucking NES difficulty.
kotaku is for faggots
Git Gud fags don't actually care about the game.
Easymode fags do.
Easymode fags get to enjoy the art and design, while learning the game's mechanics at their own pace.
Git Gud fags only care about getting their epeen stroked. They only care about being in the Elite Club. They don't give a shit about the game. That's why all their arguments revolve around "Git gud!" and why they feel threatened by an easy mode.
Mechanically, easy modes subtract nothing from a game. The only thing they take away is the necessity to "git gud", and thus, the Git Gud Fag's sole validation. If they don't have to git gud, then all their effort is meaningless. We can't have that!
if you're this fucking terrible at video games use a trainer and toggle unlimited health
>I genuinely don't understand the argument against an easier mode exact "XD git gud sjw s-o-y tranny!!"
That's because you're mentally disabled. Pic related
I put ketchup on my steak. That or A1. Lots of A1, like I smother that shit in it. I can only chew the well-done steak meat and taste A1.
>calling journos and people to want multiple difficulties regards
You literally measure your worth on completing a video game. Yikes. This is why your standard outspoken gamer and goober gaters will never be taken serious.
I've seen it first hand you dipshit redditor
what the fuck is this ez mode shit narrative even
theres a fuckton of westshit games that sell accessiblity while only few games who dont give a shit whether youre having a good time or not
fucking get god of war or spiderman instead of sekiro then
It should be a downright mockery
>no posture for player
>enemies cant block
>just mash R1 to win
>no minibosses
>no trophies
>no choices
There is your easy mode. A movie where you have to press the play button constantly, exactly what they want.
>after having argument debunked over not having basic reading comprehension.
I'll take "Shit That Never Happened" for 500, Alex.
Yes it does count. I'm not happy about the fact that someone up there hated me so much to curse me with this bullshit.
Your constant use of "incel" REALLY isn't helping my case. What does other peoples' sex lives have to do with game difficulty settings?
>put easy mode in my game
>turns all enemies into rubber ducks
>turns on text randomizer for all cutscenes
>all bosses are replaced with slightly bigger normal enemies, except the final boss who is replaced by the tutorial boss who thinks he's hot shit
Pretty based for a frogposter
I wouldn't mind Easy Mode if it was just a means of being an alternate path. Just design the game and its difficulty as it was intended and let the easy mode be a quick hack job.
>admits he goes to reddit
>accuses others of "reddit" spacing
maybe you should
head back there you
You're not wrong.
Concession accepted, kid. The adults are talking now.
you get easy mode but it ends when you beat genichiro and save kuro
Add an easy mode and make an achievement that unlocks if you don't beat the higher difficulty within 30 days of finishing Easy with the title "Admitting Defeat" or unlocks as "Finding true strength" if you finish within that time.
People will be booty blasted anyway.
>phoneposter talks of being taken seriously
That's kinda the crutch of the argument though, isn't it?
Your whole argument is that it'll just invalidate YOUR experience.
Which is patently false.
Literally the only thing that will change if there is an easy mode, is everyone's posts go from
>You have to git gud to play it properly
>You have to play on Normal to play it properly!
Three whole words, and status quo is restored.
Sekiro doesn't have summoning brainlet. Stop trying to have an opinion on stuff you know nothing about.
Nice. Definitely what I'm looking for. I'm even considering just pumping Donald and Goofy with all the Def, Magic, AP Boosts, but that might be gimping me too much
It's about as entitled as asking for anything in a game. In the case of Fromsoft games, I'd say it's closer though to asking for a pacifist route in Doom.
Making different difficulty modes takes time, especially to make the different ones feel well made. Fromsoft could make an easy mode that just tweaks some numbers, and don't even play test it, resulting in a buggy, poorly designed mess. Or they could spend resources to ensure the other game mode is well done, which could have gone into polishing the part of the game that the creators actually wanted to create.
I believe if you do something, do it right. So, asking for the different modes means asking the devs to move resources to this different mode. And as the consumer, I do not want this as I would not play on this mode. Pretty simple logic, don't see why it's difficult to understand. Oh right, because controversy is the only way these "journalists" keep a job.
Lie, several games had a whole chunk of their content being ruined because it was too easy, making some mechanics of the game borderline irrelevant because you'll never really have to use it to its full extend.
Two good examples would be Golden Sun and FFXIII.
For Golden Sun, everyone shits on the combats in that game because they were way too easy, turning them into an useless chore to deal with, only very few bosses were sometimes a threat, it was a problem big enough that some people actually hacked the rom to increase the difficulty.
FFXIII is even worse on that front since the game is linear so devs would have a good idea of what was your current powerlevel at almost every single point of the game and yet, I can only remember two bosses where I had to make by brain work slightly beyond the simple swap between a ATK/ATK/HLR and TNK/HLR/HLR paradigm, once again, making the whole combat a chore because there isn't ever any risk or things at stake for you.
Yes, games being too easy can ruin the experience.
Do any of you go around demanding Hard mode for all games in existence because some of them are too easy? No? Then why is demanding an Easy mode for all games (with no exceptions) somehow a good thing? It's pure entitlement.
Let the devs decide what sort of experience they want for the players. If they want a challenging game, why would they want to Easy mode?
Last I checked, Sekiro was getting shilled hard for some fucking reason. Hence new people wanting a couple of things like an easier time when the main gimmick of FROM's Soulsborne games is about difficulty.
I mean shit I watched that dude with the bum hand beat nier automata in a speed run. Most disabled people are smart enough to know difficult action games are not going to be enjoyable for them. Good thing there are multiple genres of vidya.
On the other hand petite with mental disabilities might even be better at action games. Just look at the retards that play smash competitively
I also said double the damage, or even triple or quadrupel it. Every bosses posture would be filled and deathblowed before they kill you. Just like Skyrim works. This is among the things people did with Cheat Engine to make the game easier.
I'm glad you can admit that it's hurting your case. Now shush, incel.
>Playing to the mass market with achievements
Literally toxic, get the fuck out of here you shaming Nazis.
Seriously, God.
>games journalists shouldn't be expected to actually waste their time participating in such a useless activity just in order to be paid to write articles about it
A+ retardposting
So it's not an easy mode they want, but a "Journalist mode".
Why exactly should resources be put into a feature that would benefit only this tiny group?
This group that literally plays video games for a living?
I go to reddit when google takes me there because reddit killed off all other forums.
Been here since 2007 redditfag
>Yes it does count.
Not in this case, opie
the argument for easy mode is largely about physically disabled gamers.
You're here and can type in fluent english. You have a mostly functioning brain and fully functioning hands.
You can't pull the podium out from under the likes of quadriplegics and demand an easy mode.
>lala I can't hear you
Is this the amazing argumentation you keep talking about?
>""""professional""""" """"""journalists"""""" don't have the luxury
I work full time and I was able to beat Sekiro and all the dark souls games without issues, if I can do it with ~two hours of playtime a day six days a week, someone who is being payed to play videogames as their job shouldn't have any trouble at all.
>Do any of you go around demanding Hard mode for all games in existence because some of them are too easy?
Literally all the goddamn time. Lurk more
Truth, you can literally not use it and the game is rarely designed around an easy mode.
Devs shouldn't feel obligated to add in an easy mode, but the statement made by the article's title is true. I'm never going to complain about being given more options to play a game how I want.
>Do any of you go around demanding Hard mode for all games in existence because some of them are too easy?
I find it's actually super cancerous when devs put in easier or harder modes most of the time, because the majority of them just modify damage/health/defense values rather than changing enemy patterns or encounters, and it just serves to make the game a fucking slog. There are very few devs that can pull off making actually good hard modes, and the only ones I can think of are all japanese.
but 99% of media is made for everyone but incels?
False. Many games are much better on higher difficultys, so anyone playing on easy is getting an inferior expierence.
>crutch of the argument
As if I needed another reason to discard your opinion. Some of you really need a middle school remedial English refresher.
Having to suffer and struggle to proceed makes me and I'm assuming plenty others far more invested in the world than if the game handed me the wins on a silver platter guaranteed after two attempts tops. Nothing takes me out of a game more than when I'm getting jerked off for my success when I feel like I've done effectively nothing.
Something nice about having one standardized difficulty is that everyone is going through the exact same thing, as well. I'd argue that there's more player separation and elitist jerking off when one player has the option to go "heh, ~I~ play on hardcore" as opposed to where they've all been forced to go through the same thing.
One thing that the souls games have that I've noticed is fairly lacking in other singleplayer games today is genuine discussion about gameplay, specific sections, hints, tricks, etc. Because everyone is going through the same reasonably difficult sections, everyone can be like "oh, here's how i got through that, oh here's how i cheesed it, this section is impossible what do, etc"
It's this nice sense of community that I don't want to lose just because some journo is angry at the assholes that exist within that community and wants to stick it to them.
But default is the easy mode? The game only gets hard on NG+ with Demon Bell+Kuro's Charm.
>Waaah the game is saying no to me
>I will use my journalistic influence to force the developers to make the game easier so i can beat ti!
Except the game's pacing has little nothing to do with the diffuculty, Easymode fags don't want to actually spend the time or effort to learn the game's mechanics which is precisely why they want easy mode.
Your entire argument proves that Easymode fags do not care about the actual game enough to even play it properly, they just want to "experience" the art design and other tangential aspects of the game, not the gameplay itself. If Git Gud fags only cared about getting their epeen stroked, they would be playing actual hard games instead of Souls.
Brah, you just gotta add RAV/RAV/COM and SAB/SAB/SYN. Now you're ready for everything.
name a game that was best played on easy
weird localisation shit where japan normal difficulty was american easy mode does not count
then the game is utter trash. Does it at least have invasions?
Still waiting for someone to debunk my argument. I don't care how YOU play, the very existence of easy mode cheapens my experience, even if I don't use it.
All games already have an easy mode. It's called watching a let's play on youtube.
why even play the game lol
>watch cutscenes on youtube
>watch lore videos on youtube
there, that's it, that's the sekiro and souls experience LOL
>accommodate the market means making every game pander to the lowest common denominator
Firecrackers is the easy mode. Reminder if you used firecrackers on bosses you never beat Sekiro.
Many fags bragging about how easy the souls games actually are indeed seem to draw their self-esteem from games, which is pathetic as fuck. But what you re doing i equally pathetic. You are generalizing, you are making assumptions, you are entitled, you need instant gratification, you can't deal with the fact you aren't the best in everything like you have been told as a kid and you think you are morally superior. You are quite leftist.
I worked as a game reviewer for almost ten years. It's fucking hard.
You have to beat a full, 40-hour game, AND write up 2000 fully proofed words, and you've got a week to do all of it, if you're lucky, more often than not, you have more than one game a week. Week after week after week after week. Shit is going to fall through the cracks.
If it's a particularly high-profile game, they don't even let you play the game on your terms.
When I had to review Grand Theft Auto V, they flew me and ten other reviewers out to LA, where they literally locked us in a hotel room for three days. There's no fucking way to write an accurate review about anything under those conditions.
Nope, no online at all.
Take your own advice cause you're talking out of your ass.
KH3 needed more development time and a better final world and set of final battles.
How they went from The World That Never Was to that garbage is fucking beyond me. Even Dream Drop Distance had a better finale.
Guys I have a compromise. What is easy mode was free DLC six months or a year after release? That way people who want to experience to whole community struggle thing can have that, and people with a passing interest in the lore/gameplay can casually play it later on.
The only game I can think of like that was DMC3's original NA release, but that was still best played on normal because it was actually really challenging.
Counterpoint: Lack of an easy mode has also never ruined a game.
Second counterpoint: Easy modes that are not labeled as easy modes but rather as normal or even hard modes have ruined games for people who didn't know they were tricked into selecting the easy mode the first time, and then even the proper normal/hard modes become too easy for them on subsequent playthroughs because they already know what to do and how to play, meaning they'll never get a proper blind hard mode playthrough.
Conclusion: Who gives a shit nigga.
Nigger please. That's like saying if you ever used living weapon in Nioh that you never beat Nioh.
And incels are less than 1% of the population, sounds like media is overly generous towards incels. You've got Raoe Day and Rapelay and probably other rape games, stop moaning.
Game devs often balance a game directly around a certain diffulty playing at lower ones takes a way a lot from the mechanics and not to mention provides little satisfaction.
You wont read this but:
>player A is on easy player B is on normal
>Player A breezes through a section still get a cool weapon and continues snowballing
>Player B scrapes and struggles and is releaved to see his efforts were not in vain when he is appropriately rewarded
Both perspectives have been heavily influenced by the difficulty
Game reviewers should be playing as the developers intended not just breeze through it in under an hour and then complain.
It should straight up be illegal to review a game without showing at what difficulty you played it
I dont like promoting twtich cancer but:
>click to 1:00
you cant illicit these kinds of responses by playing on baby mode
>KH3 needed more development time
It had all the fucking development time in the world
They just squandered it
>I go to reddit
go back and stay there you absolute retard.
Nah that sounds dumb. Just add easy mode from the beginning and accept not all games should have it.
When did gaming as a hobby got so fucked up that we ended up with people like this ?
When did finishing the game become more important than having fun playing through it ? I mean this guy just wants to blitz through with ease. Then why the fuck bother playing a game you want to hurry and get over with ? What's the point ? A Football player never goes "Let's just heads or tails for the match". A hunter never goes "Let's just buy the carcass and be done with it".
When did people become such nasty consumers that they pay games, season pass and DLCs for games they already played every year 5 year in a row if it's not merely for the satisfaction of spending and the bragging rights of belonging to a group by displaying fucking numbers.
And now you're telling me they want to make it easier so they don't have to actually put some effort into displaying those fucking numbers and worthless achievements. It's a disgrace.
And don't fucking tell me you don't have the time for putting effort or time into a game, every fucking game has a save feature.
What's up with threads today? This is off topic but I've been in 5 threads in a row today that have gotten deleted before I can catch up to the posts or as I'm responding to something.
If you dont wanna answer you can just tell me to lurk more, but as much as I'd want to invest in this thread I just got a feeling its gonna be wiped like all the others I was in.
What's the deal?
The people who only cared about the lore would have just looked it up on let's plays or the wiki, and people vaguely interested in the gameplay probably would've moved on to something else. Not the worst idea, but I don't think it'll fly, chief.
Then you're fucking retard who feel for a newfag meme. Absolutely embarrassing
Fuck off retard trying to fit in.
>And incels are less than 1% of the population
>tfw currently trying to beat the Pure Vessel in Hollow Knight
>always want to come back and challenge him again no matter how many times I lose
>finally beat him on his own
>now i have to beat the pantheon and him all in a row without a break
It can be a little frustrating, but the game never feels unfair. I beat Nightmare King Grimm on my fourth/fifth attempt. He was fairly tough, but worth the fight.
>Having to suffer and struggle to proceed makes me and I'm assuming plenty others far more invested in the world than if the game handed me the wins on a silver platter
That's the beauty of an easy mode! You don't have to play it!
Play the normal mode, and you get that exact experience. Nobody is taking anything from you.
>I'd argue that there's more player separation and elitist jerking off when one player has the option to go "heh, ~I~ play on hardcore"
There still IS that though, especially in the DDSBB community.
>Only shitters play with summons!
>Only shitters play with Greatswords!
>"Heh, ~I~ beat Vicar Amelia my first try!
>play easy mode
>don't get right ending
>miss out on secrets
Of course it has. Then there's the fact that its never improved a game.
The reason souls series ever got popular was precisely the lack of "easy mode" allowing scrubs to feel hardcore after beating it.
Most of the difficulty comes from the 20 in game mechanics that the game never hints about.
True. Locking harder difficulties behind second playthroughs does ruin games though.
This is absolutely correct.
Impossible to prove. I can think of cases where it would have though. Meme though it may be, Getting Over It would have been pointless if it had an easy mode. It would have detracted from the experience even of those who didn’t use it.
>Git Gud fags don't actually care about the game.
>Easymode fags do.
Mods delete threads based on number of reports. Doesn't matter if they are video games or not.
Just because they don't doesn't mean it's involuntary. Incel implies you try and fail to.
This desu. I hate to say this, but without the difficulty Souls would just be another video game, but with convoluted lore. It doesnt has that much going for it other than the feel of mastering the combat to the extent that you find enjoyment in it. I dont know why people who are shit at the game just try to find an easier game to play. At least i can respect you if you just come out and say that ‘its not for me’.
Despite what the hi/v/emind thinks it’s true. MGR is a great game and it has an easy mode. Hell here’s a better example Yea Forumss darling game of the year Devil May Cry V has a an easy mode. What now faggots?
They ruin peoples experiences and they are too dense to grasp that.
Difficulty is an important part of a game's design, user.
If you don't want to play the game the way it was intended to be played, then play something else.
You are ruining the experience for yourself by selecting an easy difficulty if the game is designed to be harder.
>That's the beauty of an easy mode! You don't have to play it!
You don't have to play the game at all so why add in easy mode? Play games that are easier, Nobody is taking anything from you.
Don't reply to me retard.
It ruined Kingdom Hearts 2 for me. There was a kid who skipped school the day it came out, took a bus into town, grabbed a copy, went home, and played it for like 16 hours straight with no sleep on Beginner mode, with the sole reason of coming to school and spoiling the game for absolutely everybody.
Fuck easy modes.
Funny how the game journalists love to whine about the difficulty of games like Sekiro and Cuphead and yet they embrace indie crap like Baba is You for their hardcore difficulty.
Are you fucking retarded
>redditor accuses others of trying to fit in
neck yourself
I admit I chuckled a little.
Incel is interchangeable with Virgin, you guys don't use it any differently as an insult.
>the very existence of easy mode cheapens my experience, even if I don't use it.
It literally, objectively, provably does not.
Also that's an assertion, not an argument. Arguments are theses supported by facts. You're stating an opinion and asking someone else to disprove it, which is impossible.
Fun is subjective though. There are some people who might find the game more fun if they had an easier time.
As a veteran. It’s just for the sake of it honestly.
You forgot to call them incels.
As some one who hasn't played any From games, what's the actual design benefit of them being quite difficult? I've heard that it feels more rewarding to overcome a challenge that killed you a lot, but isn't that true of any game on higher difficulties? I also heard about the community aspect, where you talk to other people about what's giving you trouble. But if I don't care about discussing a game with people, wouldn't that be lost on me?
I guess I don't really understand the critical element that makes From difficulty more rewarding than difficulty in any other game. I want to try some of these games, but am hesitant to invest in something I might hate.
Wrong, its business minded through and through, these people want quick and efficient over a quality product. They won't be able to get their early journo shekels quick enough if they can't just breeze through the game.
Journos are typically even worse at playing games than casuals, so they are really feeling hindered which is why there are all these " we demand easy mode" articles.
>easy mode doesn't actually do anything other than the placebo effect
Honestly, more games should do this to see how long it takes for these shitters to realize that they fucking suck
Games from From Soft don't offer much in terms of art and design. Not much more than plents other games do. Somone who cares about that stuff doesn't need to play a From game on op of others. What From games give is a special kind of gameplay and it caters to people liking that focus.
That's why an easy mode isn't useful, as people who would play on that won't care about this game specfically either. They would care about Ghost of Tsushima, which has a bigger focus on story, cinematic views and nice vistas.
You are just salty a game managed to defeat you. And being the millennial/zoomer fuck you are you can't deal with defeat.
Have sex
>What now faggots?
I call you a fucking queer for playing on easy, cunt.
If you play on the difficulty setting the developers didn't design the game for, you are ruining the experience.
>Nobody is taking anything from you.
Except the game that I want to play.
Meanwhile, if there is an easy mode, you lose nothing, because you can ignore it.
So what you're saying is that you don't need an easy mode, but rather you need better working conditions?
I beat Sekiro in a single day btw, and 2000 words is fucking nothing. If you actually have input to give on a game, then it should be fucking simple shit.
Hard difficulties being blocked until you played through the easier ones have always ruined the games for me.
Oh shit a typo. Whelp, gotta pack it up and kill myself.
>It literally, objectively, provably does not.
I don't think you know what any of those words means.
>Also that's an assertion, not an argument. Arguments are theses supported by facts
That's not true either. Stop being a pendant.
And all of the game journos are leftists. Ergo, leftism.
Can you even imagine being so pathetic that you depend on OTHERS not enjoying a single player game to feel good about yourself?
Because it's NOT Dark Souls, something they are very used to and tried applying the mechanics to this game.
>sekiro needs easy mode
games on easy mode by default.
losing kuros charm and having the bell demon is hardmode
>give very little fucks about
So why would you matter? Or is that the point?
He's right. Those people aren't all incels, especially in the sense the word is used here.
>ever looking at reddit makes you a redditor
I would expect nothing less from a retarded redditfag.
Explain this image
Where did you draw that conclusion?
False by definitions and logical equivalence.
Haha I beat it on easy and I’m proud suck my dick faggot. You can’t stop me.
>schizophrenic talking to himself
>truth or entitlement?
Mix of both maybe? I could legitimately see this as a genuine application for stuff like achievements, let people go through the game on a braindead EZ MODO where the devs just give you a flat 90% damage reduction and let you 1/2/3shot everything, but then you get zero achievements whatsoever because of course you have achieved nothing. You still get to see the story or whatever, and since it's a super trivial basically god mode it doesn't fuck up the game balance for normal players. If devs did that to let journalists cruise the story/world whatever.
I know Kotaku would then bitch about how "easy mode players are being discriminated against" or some shit.
Also lots of games are just about the gameplay and that's it. Makes no fucking sense to have a mode easier then Normal there because that's the whole point of the game.
Thanks for the heads up. I didnt know that many people would be reporting threads, but I guess when theres that much traffic it makes sense.
It's only true if you're the type to care a whole lot about how other people play the game, then it's a world-ending disaster that the game you (used to) like is now accessible to casuals.
>You're stating an opinion and asking someone else to disprove it, which is impossible.
>It literally, objectively, provably does not cheapens your experience, even if you don't use it.
You're contradicting yourself. Only one of these statements is factual.
Also the entire argument that games should have easy mode is an assertion; not an actual argument by your logic.
KH3's problem is dangerously close to what's going on with Dante in DMC5 where the player's moveset makes Sora so hyper-competent that there are very few ways to work around it that wouln't be construed as bullshit unless you're using your whole moveset at all times or insta-kills.
Keep telling yourself that, incel. You'll be shooting up a McDonald's playplace soon enough.
Right, that is how I feel, and judging by this thread, how many other people feel. Can't we have at least a couple games catering to us, who want these games to FORCE us to get better in order to progress?
Glad you agree.
adding multiple difficulties splits the focus of the designers. meaning instead of a single unified experience, they now have to design a game that works in three or more settings instead of one. this negatively impacts the end result of the product
Do you know what the word involuntary means?
They would be a very shitty Skyrim without the challenge
>no pastebins or anything
so like do you all you faggots actually read kotaku and thus know OP isn't just a shoop?
>Games from From Soft don't offer much in terms of art and desig
But I thought the big thing about Bloodborne was it's amazing world and cool lore? The DS games and even Sekiro are a bit visually drab to me, but Bloodborne genuinely seems good enough to explore in an easier difficulty more.
>Being so incompetent you can't even finish a videogame
How does this guy even life, does he have a caretaker to prep his food and change his diapers as well?
>False by definitions and logical equivalence.
Like any of you give a fuck when spewing insults like incel.
Nier Automata was kneecapped by shit difficulty modes.
They aren't leftist though, they are just out of date on populous swindling.
Those are just for masochism cheevos, I've seen some totally broken "extra hard" modes.
Easy mode has never ruined a game, it is true.
But at the same time, game developers are in no way obligated to make easy modes. If challenge is part of their design experience, then it should not be reduced.
This is like watching a thriller movie and complaining that it is too thrilling.
IF and only IF the game developers themselves include an easy mode, a cinematic mode, cheat codes, etc., then is it appropriate. Demanding one is never, ever appropriate.
It's difficult when you're figuring things out then the games get smooth and comfortable once you know all the mechanics and use a weapon you like.
>reddit calling reddit reddit
Why would you be proud of ruining an experience for yourself?
It's like taking a shit on your dinner and eating to show up the cook.
its not much different from other games.
dark souls simply stood out because it came out in a sea of babbymode AAA western garbage.
the dark souls audience never played games like ninja gaiden black, DMC3 or shinobi before. if you only know garbage like the bamham games then a game like dark souls might open your eyes.
fromsoft games basically succeeded in showing a generation of soft videogame babbies that getting killed over and over can actually be fun.
Casuals unironically ruin everything they touch.
funny thing; im going to ruin the entire thread and kill your OP topic.
nes games had easy mode, yeah?
they made you get the ENDING on fucking NORMAL MODE.
it meant that if you wanted to be pussyass bitch, you can play easy, but the game will mock you. play normal to see the ending the devs worked to make.
fuck you all
i win
>Except the game that I want to play.
Nobody is taking that away from you. You can still play it without easy mode.
Meanwhile, if there isn't an easy mode, you lose nothing, because you can ignore it.
>they aren’t leftist though
Raids have 4 difficulties in WoW: Raid Finder, Normal, Heroic and Mythic.
In the image, an item from the easiest difficulty is almost as good as one from the hardest difficulty.
You should have to email the devs and ask for easy mode to be enabled and why you need it. The emails will be published on the game's page or in game.
This a image board, incel.
People have to understand not every game is made to their demographic. There are some games that just aren't for me, but I don't bitch andncomplain that the devs should change their vision just so I'll like it.
>Easy mode has never ruined a game, it is true.
Yes. Do you?
Thanks for proving me right.
we're just here to shitpost. stop trying to ruin it for us.
You're both faggots, and wrong.
>almost as good
It’s better
You're working under false pretenses.
>Being a gaming jorno sucks
>Sekiro would be better with an easy mode
are two completely separate assertions.
One example in Sekiro is that you will fight a boss three times. In the beginning of the game you get BTFO by him (you can theoretically beat him but it's one of those pseudo-scripted tutorial bosses you're meant to lose). In the midgame, it's a tough fight that filters out people who don't "get" the game's mechanics. At the endgame, you prolapse his asshole in 30 seconds. In the game you can't grind to get stronger, so these series of fights show you how far you've come in terms of improving as a player.
You can't, assuming you like video games. If not, just have the proper Accredited University Degree™ and write something at home about how you hate white people or something
Maybe? I've heard of complaints about difficulty parsing in games just being higher enemy health bars, which can be kind of boring. What games divide the difficulty well?
>heh I'm gonna kill your thread
>writes a bunch of literal nonsense
You been drinking son?
Rapid eye moment during sleep is involuntary, I am not trying to move my eyes. Are you fucking retarded?
I'm going to spell this out for you real slow so you can understand.
Fucking retard
Have they thought of the people that get enjoyment from watching other people fail at the game? How inconsiderate!
xhe's not wrong
>The return of allowing the player to enjoy the entire game aside from the final boss because the character isn't "strong enough", complete with a cheeky "try normal mode" after credits
I actually don't hate this idea, though people would find a way to bitch about this too, since now it's the final boss that is exclusionary.
"My baby boy won't ever be satisfied with defeating the Demon King for real because of his disability!"
But I clearly indicated that I meant incel as a far right wing, militant manlet who will shoot up a public place in the name of kekistan.
If an easy mode does what you imply then why do so many developers include it? I used to play most games on normal but as I get older I don’t want to be challenged I like to feel overpowered if anything. That’s why summoning in souls and especially Nioh felt so good because it gives you an unifair advantage sure you can call me a scrub but I play video games for fun not for the challenge.
Sounds great
I never beat Silver Surfer on the NES. I somehow survived. Get over it faggot. Not everyone can win at life. The world needs losers too.
Read back on the conversation and realize that you're literally arguing my point.
you cant grind but you can improve your player character greatly.
sekiro at the start is fucking garbage compared to what you can do ten hours in.
the upgrade system is good though, its mostly based on feats of strength. you only get truly stronger if you kill bosses and minibosses.
This genderqueer ultra-SJW loves the Souls/Bloodborne/Sekiro and is against an easy let's not pretend it's an issue of political or social values. I honestly think fans From Software games are just bad at articulating why an easy mode would ruin the games. They tend to just get angry and shout insults rather than saying anything insightful.
You might be totally right than an easy mode would ruin the game for you, but you people never clearly explain why.
The statement is true, but the sentiment behind it is pure entitlement.
Some games simply aren't for you, and it's fucking infantile to whine that you can't enjoy them. What are you missing out on, the opportunity to brag that you beat Sekiro?
It's almost as if easy mode fits for some games while being completely out of place in others, who knew?
>Despite what the hi/v/emind thinks
Perfect description of a board where everytime we have this thread its non stop arguments and shitflinging at each other. Yea Forums is a hivemind and you're totally not trying to elevate your half baked opinion to special snowflake independent thinker status.
You can only have fun on hard mode. Easy modes can only cause artificial fun.
I love how Japan keeps dabbing on these faggot journalists. The West panders to them too much.
I'd be fine with them having an easy mode but no trophies unlock on this mode except one at the end stating you beat it on easy mode. Also, make the easy mode rediculous easy just to mock them.
>I go to reddit
>because I go to google
seriously kill yourself twice you brain dead normie
Imagine being so bad at a game that not only do you not seek to get better at and beat the inherent challenge, but you go as far as to demand developers to cater to your adamant stance to not improve.
"There shouldn't be losers in life, that's toxic. I prefer the term 'last winner'!"
Case in point:
>video games were originally designed to be played as the developers intended and in their vision
>games were made with dedication, heart and soul by people who actually enjoyed doing what they were doing
>enter the normie who screeched like an autist until video games adjusted and started catering to him
>quality of gaming has been on a steady decline ever since then
Casual quite literally ruin everything they touch, their entitlement is sky high. Video games are an entertainment medium where you have to prove you're good enough else it's going to tell you to fuck off and get good. If they didn't want that challenge they're more than welcome to go read a book or watch a movie instead.
>incel implies you try and fail to
I’m pretty sure people with Down syndrome are involuntarily celibate
I wanna see this dude play DMC5.
They aren't, don't confuse bay area faggots with workers.who rightfully want to own their means of production.
>gaming Journalists™ play through the games
They really don't even need to, people who are interested in buying a game to play it will just watch a letsplay or something; there's no one to call them out on bullshit
The game could just have a simple damage multiplier/divider. That would make Q&A minimal.
I'm not contradicting myself.
That guy has played TONS of games, the vast majority of which, I'd wager, came pre-built with difficulty settings, at least one of which that guy has ignored, unless he's an autist of the highest order. We've *all* had that experience. We've ALL played games with easier modes that didn't alter our perception of the given game in the slightest. There's your objective proof right there.
If adding an easy mode ruins Sekiro for you, then that's you allowing your perception to color your opinion of the game.
Best played is too subjective. But there are games which don't hurt having an easy mode. For example I played all the Resident Evils on easy, because I cared about the story but didn't want to deal with restarting the whole game because I fucked up somewhere.
This doesn't apply to Sekiro, though. It's not a game about story and you also can't fuck up somewhere. You might level a useless skill, but then you could just grind to get a useful one. So easy mode, I'd say, wouldn't do much for Sekiro.
>when it happened all the time in the 80s and 90s
try beating TMNT 4 on the easiest mode and get the ending
True but entitled. Not every game is required to pander to your skill set.
Hello /reddit/!
>You can only have fun on easy mode. Hard modes can only cause artificial difficulty.
I’m doing exactly that. Thanks for explaining it for me. Cheers.
Yeah, those bay area faggots are a lot more intelligent
I'll rephrase.
KH3 needed more development.
Easy mode ruins games that don't let you play the full game while on easy mode.
It's literally entitlement. Author even acknowledges that the games are built around death. But then goes on to talk about disabled gamers and how they should get to do everything too. So it's very explicitly stating that everyone is ENTITLED to be able to play through every game even if they have major physical impairments and that devs should spend time on that no matter what.
I guess it's at least an argument but, even putting aside normal Yea Forums reactions and my instincts, I don't think the author argued it well. At a basic minimum they didn't acknowledge that making significant difficulty changes below the floor in certain games is much, much more of an endeavor than closed captions. I think there are some things that not everyone can do, and that includes me. Certain sports and activities are just beyond my capabilities and always will be. I'm not mad at people who can enjoy them though, I just find my own stuff. It's a big world when it comes to hobbies and leisure in general and vidya in particular. Have some disability preventing twitch stuff (shit, I'm in my 40s now and mild CTS and the like means I can't do all vidya like a teen/20 yo either)? Become a god at TBS or the like. Demanding that you should be entitled to get the true end on a shmup with no 1cc though is wrong.
Journalists just want easy mode because they're shit at their "jobs" and want to be able to rush through the game as quick as possible and shit out a review before anyone else for quick clicks
That’s not what he said. He said that sometimes you have to admit that you can’t beat a game or do a thing because it’s not for you that’s all.
From this thread, none. And your cringe and blue pilled for even considering multiple difficulty options.
>wah y do I have to do work
Yeah, you got it so much worse than construction workers and shit.
what's the point of packing up if you're gonna kill yourself
if I were a game developer I'd add a "Games Journalist" mode to my game with zero difficulty and wildly different story and ending.
thing is too, they get these games 1 month or so BEFORE everyone else. at least big sites like IGN, im sure YT fags don't.
Imagine being such a limp wristed faggot that any time you face any form of challenge you just break down in tears until you get your way.
It ruined Ninety Nine Nights 2. Just look at the reviews.
There's an audience for hard games. If you design your game to be fast and furious with very insta-killy combat then an easy mode where everyone deals 1 damage will just not be the same. Sure, it can work but you it just won't feel as rewarding dodging hard attacks and what not when you can just tank and smack everything. Sure, it's playable but the problem is that you might as well have played a different game all together and where one person will see an average hack and slash which they forget about in a day, an enthusiast might have something way more memorable. If journos want to feel good without playing some super easy peasy shit they can play one of those games filled with bullshit where you win by pure memorization. Which i never see them complain about, which is funny. Also developers can do whatever the fuck they want, it's fine to ask for this and that but some complaints just don't make sense. It'd be like asking developers of a racing game to add a game mode where you can plant and grow crops or something, it's just not part of what they make.
Nah, when a software company says they can't implement a feature because their 'vision' forbids it, they just don't know how to do it.
It only takes 1 person with Down syndrome that is voluntarily celibate or asexual to prove you wrong. If you don't try or even want to, it cannot -by definition- be involuntary.
whered the likes go i want to like this post?
It's funny, because I did quit, and in the gap time between jobs, I *did* work construction as a temp.
It was actually, legitimately easier.
Video game "journalists" need to stop trying to RAPE the video game's natural difficulty. NO MEANS NO
You talk like a basedboy from Twitter or Tumblr.
>This genderqueer ultra-SJW loves the Souls/Bloodborne/Sekiro and is against an easy let's not pretend it's an issue of political or social values
But that doesn't fit /vpol/'s views
>If an easy mode does what you imply then why do so many developers include it?
Good review scores and mass appeal, dipshit, why do you think?
>I like to feel overpowered if anything
Because you're a casual shitter who doesn't really enjoy video games any more.
If there's no challenge, there's no risk of failure, if there's no risk of failure then it's not a GAME.
I used the quotations for a reason. To enhance my post, imagine it in an annoying soccer mom voice.
>all of From’s games feature disabled characters
Sekiro is basically a cyborg, and the only other one I can think of is Gehrman, who was revealed to be mobile (and 9 feet tall) the whole time
This, but if you play on easy you're still a diaper ass baby
>tfw even as a child I never picked the easy mode because I didn't want to play on "baby mode"
Imagine ever playing on easy mode
No one who's said this is not a projecting incel
>That guy has played TONS of games, the vast majority of which, I'd wager, came pre-built with difficulty settings, at least one of which that guy has ignored, unless he's an autist of the highest order. We've *all* had that experience. We've ALL played games with easier modes that didn't alter our perception of the given game in the slightest. There's your objective proof right there.
Literally nothing you said is objective. This is just your assertion.
And you contradicted yourself. If its impossible to disprove an opinion then you cannot say that easy mode literally, objectively, provably does not cheapen the experience for people who don't use it, since that's entirely based on opinion.
>If adding an easy mode ruins Sekiro for you, then that's you allowing your perception to color your opinion of the game.
As opposed to Sekiro being ruined for you by not having an easy mode, which is you allowing your perception to color your opinion of the game? What is even your point here?
In a game that is purely about the feeling you have while using the controller and not about cutscenes or anything else, then "easy mode" is the portion of the game that you CAN beat
I do agree with you here at least. Summoning in general is way too powerful for what it is, and having "the possibility of getting invaded" as a downside is just silly, as it just makes that games feel random.
>he reads Kotaku
downies are horny retards and they fuck each other constantly
Yikes, chief. That's not it,
Easy mode is fine if it's a complete and utter after thought (just god mode) that disables achievements, optional content, and all post game style content meant to challenge the player. If you're gonna be a bitch, you should be treated like a bitch. All these faggots just want something that allows them to blitz through the main story so that they can write their clickbait faster, so they probably don't care about anything other than the end credits rolling.
>but as I get older I don’t want to be challenged I like to feel overpowered if anything.
>I play video games for fun not for the challenge.
>implying the two
>if I were a game developer I'd add a "Games Journalist" mode to my game with zero difficulty and wildly different story and ending.
This used to be called "God Mode" and basically every game had it in one form or another. It's just a game, a piece of software, it should be moddable or have a console or control combo or something (that should disable all achievements). If somebody wants to cheat in an SP game that should be their own business whether they're a gaymin journalist or just someone who beat the game into the ground and now want to fuck around with it.
It worked for DMC, it would work for Sekiro
Came here to make this post.
Can you imagine the mindfuck of these pussy ass journalists if they realized the version they got rolled in WAS the easy mode?
The sad thing about From games is that an easy mode would just be a change in damage output/input.
>yet another bootyblasted incel
damage/health balancing is legit difficulty.
imagine if you could tank twenty hits. or fifty.
Pretty fucking dumb to make that case talking about Sekiro. It's meant to be hard. You're meant to die many times. There are multiple gameplay systems and even the plot itself is closely tied to death and resurrection.
The game would absolutely be worse if it was easier.
>but I WANT...
Nigger, go play something else instead of writing a whole goddamned article whining about one game you can't enjoy. The fuck.
I'm giving BB a shot for the first time, and I decided to just offline play it and if I like it enough for a second playthrough I'll try online then. From previous Souls games lolsorandum messages everywhere break immersion a bit on first play even without any summoning/invasion.
If your shit at the game, you run out of "ammo" and youre still fucked
Based spoiler kid.
It's not just games. Hedonism and the need for instant gratification is everywhere nowadays. People bitch when they have to read a 100 words paragraph and filter information out of it, they want the info handed to them prefiltered; they bitch when they need to think for themselves during a movie, they want everything overexplained; and so on.
When was the last time you saw a movie in a cinema on the level of the Godfather? A movie were you actively have to pay attention to small stuff to get the whole big picture? There's a reason brain dead capeshit movies are trending right now while people cry for an easy mode left and right.
From games aren't actually difficult, they're just largely based on trial and error, so if you're someone who hates learning how to play and just wants to blitz through games like the people demanding easy modes then yeah you're going to hate it.
>damage/health balancing is legit difficulty.
No it not. AI intelligence/different movesets etc... is real difficulty.
Think you've got that backwards, user.
>caring about achievements