Other urls found in this thread:
What happened to 2nd commander after he successfully destroyed Cydonya?
How can a game/company be so based?
The DLCs remind me of old time expansions, it improves on every aspect, they even adress things players hated(timers, lack of story and worldbuilding, a larger role for the strategic map, etc.)
And don't get me started on MODS. Letting people toy and play with the mechanics, sometimes leading to a complete overhaul gives me a boner.
It makes me wish for a FF Tactics remake.
Dunno, but yesterday someone wanted to start an X-Com or Fire Emblem run, but the thread died before I could post
>tfw my templars never get bladestorm
Did something happen with XCOM? Why's there so much XCOM posting going on right now
what's the best xcom style game that isn't an official game (xenonauts etc)
Phoenix Point
I can only think of Xenonauts, the next closest thing are games like Jagged Alliance 2 and Battletech
With all this exclusivity shit going on, and seeing how T2 publishes the games, doyou guys think Xcom 3 could be an Epic store exclusive?
rebel star, mario rabbids, the list could go on.........
Really? Do go on with that list.
final fantasy tactics, ogre battle, fire emblem, the list could continue to go on................
Hello. Commander.
>fucker pulls out a gun and starts shooting aliens once he gets found out.
>"it looks like we are both out of time. Farewell commander."
You might have cut my funding, but damn it I gotta respect that.
I never made any of the PsiOps because they always costed an arm and a leg to make over the course of like two months and it just didn't seem worth it. Are they worth making?
xcom 2 runs about 40-60 fps but randomly drops to 1-10 fps and stays there
i5 2500k 970 gtx 8 gigs ram
any suggestions?
PsiOps counter Psionic enemies super hard. They even have an ability where they can free someone from mind control just by being near the victim.
Yes, Domination is a great ability
Rebelstar: Tactical Command for the GBA, a game that only I played.
>Piazza l'X4 per distruggere la struttura aliena
nuCom 1>>>>>nuCom 2
You simply cannot refute this
I can, because XC2 have better maps
We talking long war nucom1? Or standard because standard
can not compete with xcom2
In my irrelevant opinnion
customization: xcom2
story and world building: xcom2
difficulty and tactical thinking required: xcom1 long war
anticipation/horror: xcom1 long war
xcom2 was a snowball fest while 1 was aways difficult
xcom2 then just blows it the fuck out because mods
also this fuck hunting aliens around the map
>better maps
Only with mods.
>customizing Xcom2 to replace all the soldiers with ODST and all the aliens with Elites
I dont even like Halo
>With her long tongue, the Viper can pull your units from cover and draw them out into the open. Get close enough to the Viper and she will pounce, wrapping her lengthy reptilian frame around your soldier with her Bind ability...
Not even with mods
The maps were clearer and provided a lot of ways to mix things up tactically
Did you forget the burning bridge level?
I have mixed opinions on the big alien ship extermination missions but even they were cancer at times
s-stop user one can only be so hard for so long
Begone alien scum.
Nah, even the procedurally generated XC2 mission are better than EW
It's the one thing I hate about XC1, always the same maps
I miss the supply barge assault tho
>Phoenix Point was going to save /xcg/ and bring us to the promised land
>Julian fucks it all up by going full greed and seeking out an exclusivity deal on PC
mein neger
shit hits the fan during late parts but man what a ride
fun fact: the creator of xcom did some work on it
even before that I wasn't hearing good things from the Alpha/Beta testers
I played the backer builds and thought they were fine
is that out yet
Straight up boring combat
The target selection couldn't save it
The only thing im interested in is the classes and groups
>Started a new game and /xcg/ is dead
Also why is this game so photogenic
Woah! Let's not be too hasty now fellow skirmisher.
>spend hours modding XCOM2
>game crashes
>can't be bothered to clean up the 80GB of mods
Gonna be the first time I pirated something in a while
Speaking of maps, how has nobody remade the EU UFOs for maps? I'd have thought at least the scout would have been made by now since its model is in TLP.
Just use a collection and add/remove cosmetic stuff.
But either way I have to go through the couple hundred I have installed
and that's a lot of work
Sneks are for ____
For some reason this reminded me of "YOU FUCKED UP MUH FACE"
>spend an hour customizing rookies as my friends
>chosen warlock comes the first month and makes them machete each other to death
I just put helmets on all my soldiers and don't mess with anything else so there's no attachment until they hit Corporal and earn emotions if they die
Where are my xcom files niggas at? Some mad cunt cunt just shot about 50 people in New York.
I savescum
>Literally every Mass Effect species has been ported to XCOM 2
>Except Krogan
>Autism means I can't play until they get ported
How did you let it happen? Normally the madman should run out of ammo at that point
>still no nude snek mod
That's the only thing that'd motivate me to do another playthrough.
Really? It sounds like it would be easy if you just modify mutons or something
I wish there was a way to really jew the countries underneath your protection. Like if you let a few alien raids "accidentally" slip by into regions to convince them to up the amount of cash they send you. Then i'd make all my soldiers italians and pretend the mob was saving the world.
>first game
>wait until the mission where you have to make the containment building so you can study one of the spaceniggers
>don't build it and just spend mission after mission grinding out money, resources and skills for your soldiers
Would this work? Enemies would never get any more difficult and I could theoretically do this until I had more creds and tech than I'd ever need, right? Since the story isn't progressing?
Krogans with Muton (x2 version) proportions would actually look good. My biggest problem with the stupid frogs is that they're forced into basic human proportions because Bioware are lazy nigs that don't want to make them their own animations and guns so they're just hulking niggas with twig limbs.
post your soldier with the most kills Yea Forums
That's how it works in OG X-Com: instead of just blowing up all the UFOs, you can let the aliens build a base and rack up a ton of score thanks to the landed transports
I was posting a run of The Xcom Files to Yea Forums a while back.
Someone mentioned that, because my tactics were good, the run was not entertaining to watch because my victory was pretty much guaranteed.
I had no counter. They were right. The run wasn't entertaining.
The question is, how do I avoid this in future? Is it even possible to avoid it?
How do I make skirmishers useful?
>Monthly reports are delivered without his flavor
Covert ops
>Expect this nigger to betray me or some shit right at the end
>Nope he goes down like a total bro
You let Yea Forums control some of your decisions like tech choices, load outs, etc..
That's how you ensure there's some randomness and community interaction
Play something that you never played before
Sounds like a trainwreck. I assume that's the point.
Welp, buckle up lads.
There's an XCOMFiles like run of XCOM 2 going on right now every friday saturday and sunday run by the Yea Forums wrestling people and they're getting their asses kicked while still maintaining hope for victory.
>Haven't played XCOM2 in over a year
>Still download mods from the workshop for it from time to time
Someone help me.
ayylmaos get harder every month
The modability of this game makes it so much more fun.
I can't stop either
You will eventually get overpowered by the Ayy lmaos
I get frustrated when I see willing incompetence.
It's one thing to not know what the fuck you're doing.
It's entirely another to know what you should be doing and opting not to do it.
It's why I can't enjoy Dwarf Fortress anymore. Despite the game's potential, discussions are so full of low tier play that I get disgusted by them. The same is thankfully not true of UFO: Enemy Unknown, but it's still an issue.
Despite being a useless feature I absolutely love the photobooth.
Once I'm done with Sekiro and Outward I'm definitely gonna do another run just to try out the new poses from the tacticool legacy pack
>recently started it again
>spent another 10 hours in a single day
Fuck, that was the wrong version.
>tfw feel like playing again but don't feel like spending an entire day downloading all the mods I liked using
Why is John De Lancie voicing a leader of a bunch of psi-blade wielding psionics called the Templar, seems like heresy?
Dear god, that nipple
helmet mod?
Where can I get that swole mod
I miss Thin Men and their bullshit.
I miss Beagle's LW streams.
The enemy will progress whether you do story missions or not, you could grind out XP and gear until everyone is max rank and geared yes but the enemy will too. It just means you'd have to do all the story content one after the other and by that point you'll have outlevel/geared it so it just becomes a chore. I'd recommend doing them normally, unless you're super scared of losing
Don't do the story Blacksite mission until weapons are Tier 2, same with Alien Hunters/Shens' Last Gift if you have them
How do I git gud at this game?
Psh, casual. I spent 30 hours in a day once. I went that hard.
Shen's Last Gift is pretty easy to do with ballistic tier, just get everyone up a rank or two and the extra squad slot. The mooks fall easily and Lily can stun Julian for two turns letting you unload on him with impunity.
I miss /xcg/.
I wonder how it would have exploded if it was still alive when that shitstorm occurred.
Use all your items/abilities when needed, don't try to "save" them
Don't move forward too fast and aggro every enemy on the map at once.
Hard West is like a cowboy X-com
why were thin men so shit in multi?
Because it wasn't a batshit AI in charge of them.
shhhh, Central is sleeping
>autism to wait for Krogan
>not enough autism to wait for ME total conversion
Y-You to?
heh dont worry kid, I used to that too when i started. I do it from time to time still
Anyone here play Piratez?
I used to, it was one of the best mods ever made
I have way too much fun with this
The 2B and YorHa mods are some of the best ones