Why there's not a lot of videogames on rethoric, like being an attourney, lawyer or politician?
Why there's not a lot of videogames on rethoric, like being an attourney, lawyer or politician?
Because that shit is boring.
Because those don't really mesh well with games.
Even Ace Attorney is basically a VN.
Though I guess you could say a lot of gsg fall under the politician category.
Ace attorney is good.
I still see an ace attorney JRPG + VN hybrid could be fun.
Those are jobs that game dev's parents wanted them to become. Making a game about them would be justifying their parents. Can't have that. Gotta make pee-pee poo-poo video games for other man-children
rethoric is fun though.
I never said it was bad, it is just 90% VN
cris work on your shitty poopeye game
no its not you're just autistic
rethoric can be used for entertainment.
Rethoric is used by mostly by shitty people who want to persuade people into believing them without actually saying anything and since most people are retarded it works on them.
Have fun in your quest for power. Slime.
Retoric is what elevates trolling from amateurs to profesionals, dumb newfag.
no it cant because it's inherently not fun
only people who get a kick out of it are pretentious homos who wanna look smart
>document written by some anonymous incel makes women angry
wow how fun
>retard has never read any satirical works
so you're a pretentious homo like i said in my first post
thanks for proving me right
Video games just aren't suited for character interactions at this point. Dialogue between characters and the player are basically a choose your own adventure with very limited outcomes. It's sad that Facade is the closest we've got to an interactive drama.
>normalfaggot gets triggered over written words
lmao tranny discord.
nobody is impressed by you googling wikipedia articles, my dude
>rethoric isn't fun
>No, satire doesn't exist and is not a real literary genre
>don't copy paste famous satirical works from wikipedia
>Retoric is what elevates trolling from amateurs to profesionals
I have no interest in trolling and gaining power has never really been my goal since childhood since I have seen what power does to weak willed people. Very few people deserve to apply rhetoric to gain power. Many people do it any way and end up being shit managers because they dont actually say or do shit. They divert and manipulate information for their own personal gain like the slime they are.
t.worked in management at a major US logistics company and had to sit through 2 hour long meetings where nothing is said and proof is refuted because they didn't like what they were reading.
>I hate rethoric
>goes to a website which the main entertainment is engaging in rethoric
Shakespeare is 100% rethoric, dumb nigger.
There used to be actual open discussion here before the internet got flooded by retarded normal fags. Now every board is basically Yea Forums and the only goal is to be as autistic as possible so that somebody gives you pic related.
Everyone ironically likes or dislikes something on this board for the sake of shit flinging instead of being genuine. This board as of today is a prime example of years of unchecked rhetoric destroying the original purpose of something.
Also Shit flinging=/Rhetoric
>gives you pic related.
meant to post a (you) image. Oh well. You're still a nigger.
Yea Forums rhetoric is just the most primitive version of it, but there used to be a time when rhetoric was used as intelectual entertainment centuries ago.