RIP Mortal Kombat
RIP Mortal Kombat
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Muh Powerlevels, Cassie will beat her.
What am I looking at?
Basically jaxs mk3 fatality but with a female elder god
An injustice reject that got thrown in MK that looks completely out of place and is only there to fit the role of yet another strong female character
Wow really nice of them to add my suggestion for a new fatality haha
Source please
a seething incel REE'ing about a woman, can you imagine, a WOMAN being added to the game that has similar powers to another character.
guy you had 3 threads you made fail why do you keep making them
but this is my fetish
Ochiko Terada
>he doesn't know
Terada Ochiko
Asura's Wrath did it better.
based and sizepilled
U mad mangina? I never said anything about her being a female, she is just not a MK character, she doesnt fit with the other characters, with the lore, with nothing in both design and moves
Impressive cleavage on this woman.
>she doesnt fit
how there are other gods in mortal kombat you know that right
is there any video where he squishes a city under her toes
>elder gods suddenly giving a fuck to move their asses
when the sfm comes out there will be
And they all have this asian warrior aesthetic, not that superhero/forest fairy bullshit of this new character
have you seen anything from mortal kombat
Have you?
All I saw was Rain and Tremor get dekonfirmed :(
>rain and tremor
Too based and chad for this shitpile of a game. But hey you got jaqui again lmao
>Rain dekonfirmed
>Sub-Zero's in, so Frost is deconfirmed
>Frost is in the game
Just because a character has similar abilities doesn't mean it nullifies others with the same ones.
i cant wait for johhny cage bantz with her
can't wait
>calling dlc-trashbags "chads"
Jesus user
wrong, Im reeing about the fact that its stupid. If you're going to give a women a strong female role then atleast make something of it.
you'll never be one so i dont know why you're seething so hard
All the other elder gods have similar aesthetics, this one has nothing to do with MK
>rain a well known fan favourite that produced massive outrage when was only used as an npc
>tremor an underdog that got put in the game by sheer popularity over some meme shit like pennywise or spawn
>not chads
Again. Too good for this shitpile of a game. But here have jaqui instead your "fan favourite" xD
>rain a well known fan favourite
Source on that? Rain is the worst ninja lmao