worth playing yet?
or just wait for classic?
worth playing yet?
or just wait for classic?
Other urls found in this thread:
Never get the expansion at launch.
classic won't be as good because none of your friends will play and nostalgia will only last for so long.
BfA is shit. Borthing grindfest with shit story and endless grinding for gear that doesn't matter. The game is just goddamn work to play. Aside from the visuals everything was phoned in by Blizz.
wait for nothing, just move on with your life. mmos are dead and blizzard is super dead. any investment of time/money you make in a blizzard mmo is just gonna give you regret later on.
It wouldn't be worth playing even if it was the only MMO
BFA isn't even worth glancing at
Unless Blizzard does something really stupid, classic will always be classic and is worth experiencing
BFA is fucking awful, gear is fucking flung at your head, then replaced again a couple months later instantly because fuck it why not. There is no depth to classes anymore, world quests are fucking trash, essential things are locked behind rep, which you have to do world quests for. The community is in tatters because of things like LFG, CRZ, sharding, warmode, etc. It's all bad. Bad bad bad.
>He doesn't know
They're adding sharding. LMAO
>He doesn't know
They at least claim it's only in starting zones and for the first couple days. Even that's a pretty big issue, but if it's only temporary I can't complain too much.
If it becomes a permanent feature, then yeah, it's dead.
Nigga u on drugs if you think theyre adding it to the code and only using it for launch.
Remember those huge pvp fights that would crash the server sometimes?
Not gonna happen anymore. Bye bye fun city raids, see ya later AQ event. Sharded. Sharded. Sharded. Its happening.
It won't be real Classic, Blizz will add all the QoL changes from later patches that they feel will improve the Vanilla experience.
>Nigga u on drugs if you think theyre adding it to the code and only using it for launch.
It's not an argument until we get confirmation or see it happen. Stop shitposting.
>classic won't be as good because none of your friends will play and nostalgia will only last for so long.
*nostalrius blocks your path*
>Having faith in Blizzard to do the right thing
I pity you
Every single announcement for Classic in the past month or so has shown they're listening to feedback.
Sharding in the starting zone makes sense. Vanilla didn't have literally thousands of people in Northshire.
the dev team seems to be pretty based with their announcements so far, stop being a negative little shit. wait for news before running your mouth
>QoL changes
such as? also source
I wish I could post a response sooner but I'm still waiting for my GCD to pass.
>Trusting Blizzard in the year of Our Lord 2019
Could do what I do. Be a greedy jew who hoarded gold for years then got tired of the game. I only go back at end of expac and buy a mythic clear. Though even this is getting old and worn out so I think I'm done with wow after legion.
I wouldn't wait for classic, it will have awful transmog, and 0 mounts and the grind will be mind-numbing. It's all nostalgia, it isn't actually good. Just play BFA and even if u don't enjoy raiding or doing mythic + just try to make your character look cool.
thanks for the bump shitposter
The beginning of the game is actually trash
sounds like a soulless experience, no thanks. i'll play classic
Is BfA really that bad? Why is it considered so much worse than legion? I have the urge to be in a comfy guild and clear raids with pals.
I am playing it since 8.01, us not as bad as faggots claim it to be, plot is getting very interesting, questing and history telling its as it best, game play is kinda meh, but is not that bad, azerite farming and RNG shit its the most annoying shit it has.
This is me playing
it's just a stripped down legion with more timegating and less stuff to do
The end game is trash too. Trannies and loading screens everywhere.
Pushing content is worthless because you barely get better gear for it. Classes are flavorless and have no mechanical customization. Itemization is shit.
You literally can't even tell someone to do better damage without a ban.
Holy shit thats my image
I made that
I shit you not, 80% of your damage on any class comes from random procs.
Every healer has been dumbed down for girls.
Tanks have absolutely no personal sway over raid content performance.
The problem with retail WoW is that its hard for new people to get into it when levels 1-20, the free trial is boring. Dropping money on an expansion + a $15/m subscription is not pocket change.
There's 120 levels. Give people MORE CONTENT in the early game or raise the trial cap so they can decide whether to even buy your shitty game or not.
Not until 8.2 or when they revamp leveling.
>worth playing yet?
It's trash. In fact it's so far down in the trash can that they can never remove the stench. The have no talent left and it's run by an idiot and his pet Lore. Wait till classic and pray Ion gets no say in it.
People said that when WoD happened and then people liked Legion. So it's more two steps forward, two steps back.
That's got to be modded, right?
>Sharding in the starting zone makes sense.
>Vanilla didn't have literally thousands of people in Northshire.
It literally had, there were very few servers on launch, and they were unstable af due to major overload.
But more so, incursion of sharding already tells more than any worlds can. About type of players ActiBlizz careter for. Toursists. Casuals. People who wont make it past lvl 20. And yet ActivisionBlizzard willing to change game for them.
Also, if game cant handle 400-600 ppl in one place (server caps should be 2 to 3k) it wont be able to handle world bosses pvp.
I would play classic no matter what, but prety sure they would fuck it up.
Almost everything feels like a feature that was introduced in Legion, so a kinda fresh new idea, but somehow made worse. There's a lot wrong with class design too. A few people have said this feels like Legion 0.5 and I agree with that. I can give examples if you really care that much. You'll still probably find some enjoyment but most things rank from bad to okay at most. There is nothing that will make you go "holy shit this is so much fun I could do this every day"
>has 3d nipples
of course it's modded.
Shita nigga let's see an imgur link of what that race looks like nude, almost enough to make me want to go back...almost.
>I shit you not, 80% of your damage on any class comes from random procs.
They claim they wanted to add "meaningful choices to your playstyle" and by adding 7000 little perks on bits of armor that may or may not stack with very hard to predict/calculate information it kinda forced everyone to just use an external program like raidbots simming that just tells them what gears work best. All this "choice" just means I don't even know where my damage comes from when 5 random perks from my armor proc and I gain stats or do damage at random. I don't even care. At this point it's ridiculous, I'm just playing a simple class with braindead rotation and bright lights and sparks shoot everywhere until I'm close to top of the DPS leaderboards.
Well if you want to raid with pals, unless you do mythic progression that's pretty much less than two hours of raiding a week. "Normal" and "Heroic" difficulties are so mind-numbing and retard proof easy you can run that shit with your eyes closed, and outside of the very last few bosses you can pretty much just brute force your way even through mythic if most of your raid is not borderline retarded and can learn a few new mechanics for each fight.
And don't even dream about running anything but the latest content, since there is pretty much 0 reason to run the now completely useless first raid of the expansion. You get better loot from doing world quests and warfronts than running uldir. That place doesn't even have a mount to farm, and a whopping one set of items for each armor type with difficulty recolors.
>It literally had, there were very few servers on launch, and they were unstable af due to major overload.
Vanilla servers were capped at 2500 players or thereabouts, possibly even less than that on launch. Assume that they were roughly evenly distributed across the 6 starting zones and you only have about 400 players per zone. Crowded but works, if barely, and the congestion will clear up relatively soon. Now if you double, triple or quadruple that playercap like private servers do, that's how you end with retarded shit like dozens of players camping a single spawn.
The problem is that Classic will have tons of tourists. Cap the servers at 2500 and they'll be ghost towns a month or two in when the tourists leave. This is why sharding needs to be implemented, because that way you can cap the servers at eg. 5000 instead and just shard the starting zones to keep it playable, and then once the tourists leave you're left with a healthy population on the server.
I hate how heritage armor only really fits warriors.
>void elf
>horde elf i cant remember the name of
Literally only maghar and dark iron look like warrior gear
Man I really wanna play a tauren when this comes out desu.
Class design feels too far one. The hole they have dug themselves into is vast and I no longer believe they have the talent, leadership or will to dig themselves out of it.
Better farm Thunderbluff rep with one now.
>i dont have 90 exalted reps
Lmao who the fucks needs to farm that shit still?
They never had the talent. WoW was lightning in a bottle. Every piece of talent they had went on to do nothing.
Play Brood War instead
>simple minded mmo players can effectively switch to a genre that requires extreme autism and korean dna to play
People who don't hate themselves too much, probably.
Only vanilla. The expacs didn't really change the formula and just turned ever character into loot pinatas.
Classic my man. Bfa is bad, no class feels unique. Sharding for the start of classic is a great idea, imagine your first 10 hours played and you’re still in fucking northshire.
Legion was good for nu-wow. It was still nu-wow, but it actually had content and the artifact weapon system added an actual sense of progression and filled out the otherwise kind of empty class kits.
BFA just has none of that - there's barely any content, no endgame zone like Suramar was for Legion, no real progression because azerite gear is an abysmal system, gear progression is even more RNG-based than it was in Legion, and the classes are more generic and neutered than they ever have been in the game's history. They basically removed everything from the Legion artifacts and then also gutted the classes even further on top of that.
My other biggest gripe with BFA is that you get far better gear than raids by just pulling the slots each week on warfronts and world bosses, so it feels pointless to even do the raid content unless you've got a mythic raiding guild. Was it like that in Legion too? I wasn't there for most of it and put most of my time on alts.
yeah its good if you like the setting and RP stuff. bad if you like hardcore raids I bet. I'm a filthy rp'r so
WoW "Classic" doesn't exist anymore. You can bring the servers up on the same game version but having a new massively multiplayer game full of people discovering it for the first time in 2004. It's like OSRS. The "Classic" servers on that are back and seem to be more popular than the current "retail" game, but can you really say it's the same as back in the day? You can bring back the game but you won't bring back the community and the time period for the internet as a whole.
Rogues don't "do it from behind" anymore, there will be no WoW Machinima lame videos., we will get Twitch streamers dabbing and flossing on their enemy corpses.
The raids have actually been one of the only decent thing in BFA.
I mean, besides the fact the the gear is largely worthless. There are some fun fights though
Every Youtube WoW eceleb has quit. Haelvsbabyface, Nixxiom, Asmongold, every Blizzard bootlicker has jumped ship. That should indicate that this game is finally dead.
>>Sharding in the starting zone makes sense.
>>Vanilla didn't have literally thousands of people in Northshire.
>It literally had, there were very few servers on launch, and they were unstable af due to major overload.
come on man, you just proved it makes sense. the question is it being the right thing to do or not and ideally they wouldn't use it
>no WoW Machinima lame videos
I miss these
you know blizzard has fucked up when asmongold, of all people, starts streaming gardening in his backyard
>hit like wet noodle
>big shiny proc! press the button for big damage!
>go back to hitting like a wet noodle
i'll take frostbolt spam over this meaningless rotation shit
>Asmongold quit
no thats dumb. Why cant different classes play differently? Why cant some classes play the proc game, while others play a consistent style? Why cant some be bursty and some be sustained?
They make everything the same and end up pleasing noone
BFA is shit
Classic is being shilled for people who missed the train back in the day so they can feel special.
So wait till new expansion, play it for 1-2 months and wait till the next one. You cannot justify´em droping a patch with 8 bosses per 6 months (6x13=78euros). Fuck them.
Only way to save this game is fire all their class designers and release m+ for every single dungeon ever released
>Why cant different classes play differently? Why cant some classes play the proc game, while others play a consistent style? Why cant some be bursty and some be sustained?
because they're trying to dumb the game down expansion by expansion so they can eventually put it on mobile, of course
Because a huge portion of the playerbase are boomers that literally get overwhelmed by fast rotations because they have slow brains. This is why the GCD changes happened. This is why pruning happened. This is why haste happened.
Why can't you have both? I've been forced into Frost since it's the only truly competent Mage spec currently and it plays pretty much like frostbolt spam, it's not fun. I feel like I'm playing an idle/incremental game.
this is implying that the game has continuously gotten simpler. did you play in vanilla? if you think it's simple now then holy shit check out molten core and the fact that classes like mage literally (no exaggeration) spam only one button.
>no e-celeb shit tainting your game with their shitty fanbase 12 y/o faggots
How is that a bad thing again?
It's only gotten worse since mop (peak class design btw dont @ me)
Now braindead retards can't handle having to keybind more than a handful of abilities.
>It's like OSRS. The "Classic" servers on that are back and seem to be more popular than the current "retail" game, but can you really say it's the same as back in the day?
OSRS is just as good if not better than the original game. It doesn't need to be the same as back in the day to be good, and nobody fucking expects or even wants it to be the same.
The game was more complicated in every other way. Trash was more dangerous at all levels and needed to be CC'd correctly. Players had to be careful what they attacked or they would easily pull aggro off the tank. Dungeons still had actual RPG elements, demanding specific classes or items to complete some tasks. The classes also had far more utility abilities than now and weren't designed soley around their specific role.
>worth playing yet
nigger what
Does time go backwards for you? Retail WoW hasn't been worth playing in 10 years and it will never be worth it again. Wait for classic and toss that retail nu-wow shit into the trash.
Where did I say that, dumbass?
The game had a bell curve when it comes specifically to class depth.
You cant tell me that modern warrior or ret compares to MOP warrior or ret.
Or that current mistweaver compares to mop mistweaver. Or current frost dk compares to cata dk
IN another time planning and meaningful rotations existed, 1.1 version DK was fucking best, cycle runes, make them death ones, unload all six as a blood dk ina rapid heartstrike slice pattern, return to slow dance.
As frost you''re setting up diseases in a two-two setup coupled with dual blood runes to convert to death runes, save or spend runic power.. then you UNLOAD with a three strike nuke coupled with unblockable and undodgeable spell dmg melee strikes that ignore armor.
As unholy you set up diseases while your ghoul works it''s magic, once you're setup is up IT'S UP and you slowly Tighten the vicegrip with a climax of an empowered buff ghoul and never ceasing triple disease combo scourgestrikes.
And now low what we have in BfA, i will always be mad, always.
I want to marry and impregnate a Void Elf.
Playing WoW is like still going on Yea Forums today. It's just sunken cost fallacy at this point.
Wait for beta to end and blizz to fix the bugs/issues, should take approx forever.
G*d I wish I was running the Sunken Temple fallacy right now
there's also threat and mana management and shit, modern wow is not more complex at all from a gameplay perspective. the "rotations" are meaningless since all your damage comes from procs and cooldowns. even with a simpler rotation in vanilla, your attacks, spells and even your white hits feel a lot more meaningful the entire time and not only when the glowing button pops up. boss mechanics in bfa are just superfluous, you'll have plenty of people wiping in mc
>tfw every healer has been gutted and simplified beyond reason just so girls and old ladies can play them
I will never not be mad at what they did to resto druid and mistweaver
void elves are probably sterile
Cum dumpsters*
sterile cum dumpers still can't be impregnated user
>healing is easy now?
Maybe if you're a fucking pve retard
Healing pvp now is the most frustrating thing in the world
>playing box canyon meme
No thanks
How is it not an argument. They said they will implement sharding for server stability issues on launch. They're just too fucking stupid to realize that world PVP and some events attract huge crowds. Once they see it happening I 100% guarantee they will put in more sharding and use the same excuse instead of investing in some proper servers.
>Vanilla didn't have literally thousands of people in Northshire.
It did, I was there...
They're already adding loot sharing and sharding as QoL. The game isn't even out and the QoL slippery slide is already in full motion.
This just goes to show that the only people that still care about WoW are lorefags.
Stormblood was utter garbage also.
Loot sharing is just for the first raid items, without sharding at the start enjoy your 24 hour stay in brill cunt
loot trading in raids with a lockout only to minimize tickets in vanilla which allowed the loot to be traded. and sharding they've only said will be for server launch in starting zones and a lot of how it will work post launch is up in the air so not confirmed a game breaker yet
No, it literally didn't. Your memory is wrong. Servers were capped at 2500.
teso is fucking garbage lets be honest here
Unless they sell Blizzard to a completely different company and fire every single person working on WoW, do not play BFA for any reason.
Really? That's why the playerbase everytime there was a complaint it was fixed. FFXIV cant even get genders or endgame right. WoW cant even get a good looting system right the fuck outta here haha.
Conjectures are not valid arguments, stop being retarded
Enjoy your incoming LFRs and iLevels after 2-3 months of play. You guys are really shit at recognizing when the slippery slope is real.
Scream and cry all you want, this is 100% invalid and meaningless until it happens
Enjoy being a pessimistic cuntboi
WoWfags bitch and cry that each expansion is the worst ever and that the game and the devs are incompetent, even back during WotLK. I can't take any of them seriously anymore when they'll eat supposed shit regardless. Legion was called the deathblow to WoW and now like two years later people remember it fondly because the beginning of the expansion wasn't the entirety of it.
When someone has already made all of these things in the past it's pretty reasonable they will do it again. Remember when sharding was ONLY used for multi-phased quests but then they decided to implement server wide for stability issues? Remember when only LFD existed but then they decided to include LFR? Remember when you had to look at item stats to decide what gear is better but then iLevel was introduced to simplify it?
Blizz shit on your plate once already. Right now they are squatting on the table and you're still thinking they won't do it.
I wanted to like eso, but just moving your character and attacking feels like absolute dogshit.
Saying wow or ff14 suck doesn't make eso good lol
The only question is what kind of elf would pop out of them. Blood Elves make Blood Elves, would they make little Void Elves or Blood Elves?
>they'll eat shit regardless
>sub numbers are the lowest they have pretty much ever been
Guess they wont eat shit after all, you absolute hobgoblin
>Sub numbers are the lowest they have ever been
What metric do you base that on?
remember when they said they plan on preserving vanilla as close to how it was as possible? you're making up boogeymen to be afraid of
various websites that track that type of thing.
Blizzard stopped giving us sub #s because they absolutely cratered in WoD. WoD was less shit than BFA, sadly.
>It's not an argument
100%. Blizzard is complete dogshit and we all know it, which is why Sharding will be a persistent thing in classic.
>As close as possible
>it's not possible to make vanilla without sharding or loot trading
Remeber when they said classic was never going to happen? Remember when they said WoD would be a great expansion? Remember when they said BFA was going to bring back the Horde vs Alliance shit? Remember when you weren't retarded and stopped listening to a company that has lied and lied in the past multiple times?
Oh wait, you can't remember that last one.
>could loot trade in vanilla by submitting a ticket
>sharding in starter zones vs server crashes all night
>it's going to be limited to starting zones
lmao. People actually believe blizzard still. Amazing.
BfA is not worse than WoD, don't exaggerate.
>Remember when you weren't retarded and stopped listening to a company that has lied and lied in the past multiple times?
i quit in cata when it went full retard, so this is just projection. speculating unconfirmed nonsense is a waste of time
okay time traveler, post a source. they listened to something as tiny as preserving spell batching, i'm pretty sure they know how the community feels about sharding. but go ahead and post your source
High Elves should be playable.
I think it’s okay as long as you play one of the few specs that are not completely braindead.
How is it unconfirmed when they already confirmed they will be implementing QoL changes?
Thanks for the free bump shitposter
Ok then here's one for you. What makes you think sharding won't be implemented for AQ40 opening?
besides sharding in starting zones so the servers don't shit themselves on launch and loot trading in raid lockouts to minimize gm ticket load, what else is there
>worth playing yet
Its unbelievably repetitive. The problem with WoW is that Blizzard has created a content illusion. There isn't actually that much new stuff; its just locked by RNG and time gates which creates the feeling of their being lots of content.
Honestly it just a glorified collecting game now. If you like collecting mounts, appearances, pets etc, then by all means sub because its a huge time dump if you are bored. If you are looking for a meaningful MMO, wait until classic or play a private server.
>What makes you think sharding won't be implemented for AQ40 opening?
player feedback mostly, but this is the only case where i can see there being concern over sharding until we get an official statement. there is zero reason to be concerned otherwise
BfA has way worse class designs and has retarded shit like AP and scaling everywhere. Gun to head scenario, I'd pick playing WoD over BfA.
For me, it is much, much worse. I pvp.
>Classes even more pruned
>No pvp gear/vendors
>World pvp is meaningless now since you are sharded with retards you'll never see again. My server used to put bounties on enemy guilds and players, not possible anymore.
>Large scale wpvp is impossible because the lag has somehow gotten worse
>Sometimes cant even get on the right phase to fight a raid that just rolled you 40v1
>Retarded azerite grind that makes you do islands to stay competitive
>Retarded azerite traits that make most arena games go into deep dampening
>Warmode lets pussy faggots play in a gay pve shard instead of having to pick a pvp server and deal with the consequences
>Dungeons are worse, trash filled snoozefests
>No challenge mode dungeons
>No sets
>No unique class transmogs
>Ashran was unironically better than Islands and Warfronts
Warlords of Draenor was a better expansion then Battle for Azeroth. There is nothing you can tell me to change my mind on that. (It was still garbage).
Classic would be the same shit you're locked out of raids as well I believe.
I agree. Not so much back when WoW was good, but if you are going to add pseudo Night Elves for Horde, you may as well just cut the bullshit and add High Elves for the allies. For better than pulling a whole new race out your ass. Brace yourself for more furfags for the Horde once Vulpera get added.
vulpera are too cute to not want, sorry, thats just a fact.
>he doesn't think Blizz will cater to the scalies with the Sethrakk race
bro it gets better after the first 4k hours just push it bro
raid lockouts are far less impactful than the level of timegating we have today
Warlords has by far the worse lore out of any of the expansions. It should never have existed. BFA lore is still shit lore has been shit since Cata, and was dying since TBC if I'm honest but its nowhere near as bad as Warlords.
Plus no patch will ever surpass 6.1 for how little content was added. Selfie camera and updated Belf models was all you got for a whole patch.
Nothing yet, but QoL has already started and the game isn't even out yet. If that doesn't make you be skeptic then you are dumb.
Most likely they'll just let Void Elves actually look like Alleria.
What about Tarren Mill vs Southshore fights that would crash servers? See, the same excuse they use for starting zones is applicable throughout the game. The only logical conclusion is that they will use it throughout the game, since they have already determined that it was the right decision.
I just want Ogres and Furbolgs.
>Nothing yet
okay you can lose your shit when this changes. and there's a difference between skeptical and conspiracy theorist
I'd play a 2 headed ogre mage instantly if I could and if I was a degenerate that played Horde
At least Warlords had a somewhat Warcraft feel to it. It hit some pretty good notes in terms of nostalgia for people that played the RTS. What does BFA have going? Absolutely fucking nothing.
They made Legion again but without everything people liked about Legion and with everything people hated about Legion
The quests are pretty decent and a few of the dungeons are a fun time until they become completely irrelevant to everything but high M+ keys
How is it a conspiracy? I'm saying they will fuck with the vanilla experience if it's convenient for them. Obviously I'm not wrong SINCE THEY ARE ALREADY DOING IT. But keep eating blizzard's shit I'm sure they appreciate your money.
again, they are aware of how the players feel about aq40 and TM vs SS. until they make an official statement, sharding's not confirmed to be in the game post launch
They're just setting up Sylvanas for next expac. Like WoD, bfa is a filler expansion. They followed up WoD with the BC reboot Legion, following bfa will be the Wotlk reboot.
This expansion will end with saurfang challenging Sylvanas to mokgora. He will win and become warchief, she will somehow escape death and escape. She will then head to Northrend to kill Bolvar and take over the scourge.
Wrath of the Lich Queen announced at blizzcon this year
Classic is great and all, but the real best expansion was Cataclysm because classes were at their best and the game was more challenging in heroic raids than Naxx ever was. Naxx was just spend a ton of time just to power through overtuned bosses with barebones mechanics that 4 year olds can learn. Just look how much better Firelands was than Molten Core. I’m not sure why so many like the unfinished prototype called vanilla, but to each their own. I’m just wondering why they aren’t rereleasing the best version of WoW when they are rereleasing old versions now.
They are aware of the issues in BFA tooThey don't give a fuck
>How is it a conspiracy?
read the rest of your post, the classic dev team's made way too many good calls to be as skeptical as you are now
>tfw bought wod day 1, legion day 1 and bfa day 1
>played one month all 3 expansions combined
Im an addict and I got what I deserve. I got scammed.
different dev teams and recent classic news shows that team is listening so what else you got
Most people are against sharding idiot. Here's a strawpoll from a post on blizzard's official forum.
Here's another one
3/4 against sharding, even if it's just starting zones. And yet they're still doing it. Now tell me again how blizz is aware of anything lol. Now go eat your nice plate of blizzard shit.
>Best expansion Cata
Cata gave us LFR. Do you realize how fucking stupid you are?
if you're not skeptical of literally everything Blizzard says you're just not paying attention.
A majority of players don't want any form of sharding, how are they listening if they're still going to do it?
I never said I was pro sharding dumbass, I said wait for an official statement that it will extend beyond server launch before shitting yourself over it. if they do end up using it at all that is, they had said they will try to find a solution without using it
They fit hunters and paladins better.
>but the real best expansion was Cataclysm because classes were at their best
Honestly, I'm inclined to agree with you. DKs finally got ironed out, and pvp wasn't a "healers are invincible" fest like it became in Mists.
>heroic raids were challenging
Early Cata was pretty hard; a nice throwback to TBC after the easy (and rehashed) shit we got in Wrath. Dragon Soul however is one of the worst raids ever created, and we had to endure a year of that. Firelands was fun, but entirely pointless as a raid lore wise. It should have been Abyssal Maw. Rehashed Zul Gurub and Zul'aman were also horrendous, as were rehashed Deadmines and SFK, although not as bad as what happened to Scarlet Monastery and Scholomance.
You can't argue Cata was good solely on those two things though. The world change has got to be the single worst feature Blizzard has ever implemented.
Objectively speaking in terms of overall qualities and gameplay it goes >Wrath>Cata>Mop>TBC>Vanilla>Wod>Legion>Bfa
Now when going full nostalgia retard
Since the further I go back in time the happier I was
But I agree cata was kino
the question is what are their alternatives to ensure server stability? obviously no one wants sharding, but do people really want long lines for quest mobs, long server log in queues, and crashes?
Your whole argument for why blizzard will not implement it into events like AQ40 or even mass world PVP(aka it has to be on at all times) to save on server stability is that they are aware of player feedback. There's a majority number of players that won't even touch classic if it has any form of sharding. Now explain to me how you think blizz is in touch with the players and won't make other dumb as shit decisions because of player feedback.
Is he too far gone? 30 hours of fucking Islands?
like i said, there's healthy and unhealthy skepticism. i'm not too worried based on the news we've been getting. obviously i have my concerns, i'm just saying to wait for more info before going around crying that the sky is falling
add more servers
>none of your friends will play
Nigga all of my friends are playing. I don't even have nostalgia for it being a BC baby, but I'm looking forward to it all the same.
People will take these over sharding yes. Also they could just get better servers, this ain't 2004 anymore lol. But can't take those shekels away from blizz.
Asmongold just plays WoW for getting mounts and collecting shit. I don't know why autists make him out to be some amazing WoW player whose opinion means anything.
they haven't made any confirmation on if they will implement sharding beyond launch, so yeah it's okay to be concerned but don't try to go around acting like it's confirmed when they haven't said anything yet
To be fair he did mythic raiding and got gladiator, bfa has just broken him
i think a recent tweet said they will start small and add more as needed, but you could still end up with a bunch of dead servers if people are spread too thin after the initial drop off which would not be ideal either
>People will take these over sharding yes
sure but it doesn't sound like a great experience either
>Also they could just get better servers, this ain't 2004 anymore lol
>But can't take those shekels away from blizz
Alright you're hopeless. Let me spell it out one last time, afterwards you're on your own with those 2 brain cells of yours.
Blizzard won't SAY that sharding will be everywhere because they know it will kill any hype for classic that could exist. What they WILL do is implement sharding bit by bit until you have sharding everywhere without even mentioning it outside of patch notes(which 90% of the player base doesn't read), because it will save them cost on servers. The same will happen for other QoL changes. Now you can either accept that or keep living in delusion, I'm done with you brainlet.
>Asmongold just plays WoW for getting mounts and collecting shit.
He gets given most shit because of idiots wanting their favorite e celeb to acknowledge them. I can remember when Argus was added, and there was an exclusive, rare plate set added to the loot tables of the rares. He formed a group of 40 plate wearers, and farmed the rares until he had a full set, most of which was traded to him by his 39 squad posse of morons.
>What they WILL do
okay i will ask one last time, time traveler, for a source. i agree they fucked up retail, but this isn't retail
How could you even wear that with pride? Knowing you didn't piece it together yourself but was given everything.
No, it makes other MMOs like ESO look good in comparison. Blizzard failed on recreating the micro society that made vanilla special plus doubled down on annoying shit like multiple rep grinds.
>i agree they fucked up retail, but this isn't retail
What hasn't blizzard fucked up recently and what makes you think Classic is different. They can't even do a touched up WC3 without the NuBlizz workers thinking they can make it better (Which we know isn't happening)
Wow is shit
Cata could never be the worse expansion just because it had a good begining unlike literally every other expansion save BC.
And while individually classes were pretty good for the most part, I played Enh shaman so Cata actually ruined my class, cata classes as a whole started to show problems.
Standardizing healer toolkits was shitty, especially because they one they didn't fuck with, Disc, ended up being fucking retard strong. Also their fascination with forcing combo points on every class was dumb. Balance druid bar? Fucking awesome. Paladin combo points? Fucking lame.
They ever explain Vol'jin's crazy loa whispers and how he became jesus?
I wouldn't say it had a good beginning. There were a lot of issues with Release Cata, especially the noticeable stuff that got cut. The highlights of starting cata was a decent raid tier and some great dungeons (Before the nerf)
Class Wise, I was a warrior and it had some issues going on with it (MoP was did Warriors far better) I also had a Rogue and a DK, but I didn't play them as much so I don't think I had anything tangible I can complain or compliment about them.
Will Classic kill retail? Blizz is going to axe half of the next expansion just to fix up classic, aren't they?
Arena and Mythic progression is still fun. I don't want the game to die.
>can finally have a totem
>game is fucking shit
Who wouldn't? It's a cosmetic set.
You wouldn't wear the set because it looks retarded
Blizzard is the one killing retail, though Classic might hack off the legs. It wouldn't surprise me if they BfA was so half-assed just so they can put more time into the next one like they abandoned WoD to work on Legion (Which were still bad).
Why the fuck would they axe retail when they hired a whole new team to work on classic? Retail isn't going to die, classic won't even maintain it's popularity. The gaming public has moved on from MMO's. There's no way to save WoW, it's a fossil at this point.
Is that a plate gigolo outfit? Jesus christ who thought this was a good idea.
I am playing but I will probably just let my sub run out at this point. It seems like every mechanic that was carried forward was done so with almost no thought, and the new mechanics are both far less interesting than they sound on paper.
Islands are really really boring. It's just a dungeon but also you have to click things, and you have to "race" the NPCs. Fighting the AIs is kinda fun, but they are pretty terrible so it loses appeal fast. The random elements are supposed to make it different every time, but instead they just make it the same every time because the random elements have little actual impact. Also, only 7 maps? Seriously?
Warfronts are trash. Since they are a 20 man PUG event they are just a brainless zerg. No strategy, no chance of failure, just a zerg. Put the time in and you'll win at some point. There is no epic back and fourth struggle, just a slow push to the end, with a few walls clumsily placed in the way that barely slow the players down.
The mission table was even made worse by having RNG troop recruitment. Even world quests are less interesting, because instead of a neat loot box for doing the daily 4 you usually just get a few of a resource. I really don't understand why blizzard got rid of all the loot boxes (or rather made them auto-open) because, even though it's a tiny thing, it was really satisfying to open a whole ton of those boxes in a row.
But none of that matters because the main problem is that almost every class is the worst it's ever been.
I think that there is never a single moment when classes were at their best. I have a friend who played up til MoP who played a Warlock and a DK, and he was very adamant about how MoP made warlocks perfect and ruined deathknights. Each class has its ups and downs at times.
Something that never gets talked about though is overall class meta, which I think peaked in BC. Sure individual rotations and mechanics weren't quite there yet for most classes, but what I liked about BC was that classes really had niches, where they could really stand out, while not being pigeonholed into just doing that role.
Take prot paladins for instance, what did they do best? AoE tank like motherfuckers, you absolutely had to have 1 or 2 for Hyjal and there were a bunch of bosses and pulls from earlier dungeons really went easier if you had someone who could just quickly grab threat on alot of targets. The thing about it is that if your guild is being led by a prot paladin and he damanded MT, it wouldn't be as good if he was a warrior but you could make it work. At the same time, Feral druids were also dank nasty off tanks because if a boss only required 1 tank for some reason, than the Feral could put on his kitty cat gear and actually pull his weight in damage.
BC had alot more depth to its meta I think than other expansions and that should be aknowledged.
I don't think retail is that bad, most of the stuff people complain about they really don't need to do at all. I hope you're right about them focusing on the next expansion instead.
Didn't they just get a bunch of people from their basement to fix it up?
And MMO's are still fine, even if they'll never do golden age numbers again. As long as the core gameplay, like raiding, dungeons, and PvP is good, it's a pretty low maintenance genre. If they'd just fucking focus on gameplay instead of pets.
I'm still holding out hope for a reboot/WoW 2, however stupid that might sound.
The problem with BFA is not the lack of content which it has, it's not the time gate grind which it has, but the stripped down classes that are the most boring they have ever been.
When the most basic feature of the game is shit everything above it becomes even more shit. The new 8.2 patch won't do shit to save the game, it is fundamentally flawed and only a massive change to classes can save it. They don't do these type of changes except for expansions they said as much. This shows how out of touch the devs are with the player base. They stated they will not be doing any overhauls to skills just small changes.
People say that about classes like they forget Classic, BC, and WoD existed.
>went down to help a grieving friend as she had to put her dog down
>she wanted me to play 40k with her and a couple other friends
>play one of her alts, an enh shaman
>'alright, I played this in wrath, I know how to pl--'
>mfw they turned enh shamans into less fun windwalker shamans
the fuck happened to classes?
Can I play solo and not talk or interact with others? What does classic do? Never played WoW before
Classic and BC were peak class fantasy. Yes the classes weren't as flashy but that doesn't mean the skills were boring or bad. I like the new animations and skills, but I do not like the removal of skills.
WoD was the worst received expansion except for maybe BfA depending on how the next patch goes. The skills were pruned and Legion gave back a few of them plus a new skill or two, yet BfA culled a bunch of skills and gave back utility skills which were removed to begin with.
Legion is liked so much due to the game moving forward instead of backwards in design. BfA is hated because it is a big step backwards. This includes class skills and rotations. The culling of skills becomes incredibly noticeable if you try to level an alt from the beginning. Not even WoD had this problem, go ahead enjoy leveling anything from 60 onward
I really am sad about this expansion because Legion was a step in the right direction and then they go further back then even WoD with this one.
Despite the flaws, this is why I loved MoP, which I consider the only good NuBlizz expansion. Shit like the Year long drought of Siege and flooding of Asian themes, I didn't mind because I was having fun tearing shit up on my warrior, then hopping into completely new class I never tried before and found just as much fun.
>Can I play solo and not talk or interact with others?
ask yourself why you would want to play an mmo if you did not want to interact with people
>lifetap removed
>every post is dick sucking blizzard for getting rid of the "worthless" spell
the story and world
Vanilla was cool back in 04 but it won't be in 2019. Let it go, let it die. You cant relive the past.
nice is the totem a weapon
Leveling in BfA sucks so bad. Can't even do Legion invasions for an instant level.
>you can't replay games
Everything is on a case-by-case basis. I wouldn't ever call Legion design good because it had so many RNG procs on top of procs. It's stupid how a dice roll could triple your damage, and your spec was balanced around getting a high number during bosses. The classes I've played in BfA are either the same or just plain better, even if some have 1 less cooldown. WoD did some things good and some bad. I prefer that specs are more individual since then, even if the prune made many boring.
You're playing the wrong genre, user. I'm sorry.
Anything like it that is a genre I would enjoy?
This. So fucking sick of having to see this cunt's stupid fucking face. YouTube constantly recommends his shit to me and I have to see his stupid fucking face.
Pandaren are the best race.
Meditate on this
Depends on taste, but it was worth the money imo. Same empty feeling like all later expansions, but decent content. Easy to plow through most of it solo, and island expeditions is a nice break from the normal grind - and there is usually a < 1 min queue for expeditions for all classes. After hitting 80 it's easy to get purple full armour and weapon sets on the bot battlefied thing. Then on to instances and raids which imo are neither good nor bad. Played both a warrior and priest to 120, finishing the entire alliance and horde stories, and I have no regrets.
A major + is how comfy the alliance city is. Horde city and maps are pretty crappy, lots of hills and waters, and shitty trolls everywhere, but boralus is pretty nice.
*after hitting 120...
Depends on if you count queuing for baby difficulty dungeons counts as interacting with others.
too high expectations. wow is what it is at this point, classic is what will save it. that being said, playing through the horde/alliance story + the additional content takes enough time to make it worth the money imo. that's really all you can hope for.
Better box art.