>One mandate from Anthem’s directors had been to make the game “unmemeable,” a reaction to Mass Effect: Andromeda‘s jittery facial animations, which became an internet joke in the days leading up to that game’s release.
How BioWare's Anthem Went Wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
The original concept sounded kinda cool.
Then came Gaider.
But memes can at least make a game memorable.
Lack of memes is why Anthem has been forgotten in the matter of weeks.
After reading this, it sounds like Bioware is full of the kinds of people that wait for others to tell them what to do in group projects. How do you go four years without establishing a concrete vision? How did no one step up?
>When Mark Darrah joined the project in the fall of 2017, he began pushing the Anthem team toward one goal: Ship the game.
>“The good thing about Mark is that he would just wrangle everybody and make decisions,” said one former BioWare developer. “That was the thing that the team lacked—nobody was making decisions. It was deciding by panel. They’d almost get to a decision and then somebody would go ‘But what about this?’ We were stagnant, not moving anywhere.”
Sounds like they finally have someone who actually knows how to make a game.
Why do developers keep doing this sort of shit and burning years doing nothing?
>That was the thing that the team lacked—nobody was making decisions. It was deciding by panel.
jesus christ. Imagine getting someone with basic leadership skills and it's revolutionary.
imagine trying to make some gritty oppressive alien world exploration game and then Gaider comes along with his ancient evil awakens and and macguffins
beta males
>David Gaider moved over to Anthem, and his version of the story looked a lot different than the ideas with which they’d been experimenting for the past few years. Gaider’s style was traditional BioWare—big, complicated villains; ancient alien artifacts; and so on—which rankled some of the developers who were hoping for something more subtle.
fucking cancer
Fun fact: this happens across the games industry. It's why "crunch" exists - at some point everyone shits themselves and realizes they actually need to make a game which causes everyone to focus.
Almost all medium-to-large businesses have similar problems.
>tfw patrick soderland was behind the decision to make everyone use frostbite
Was he secretly /ourguy/, trying to kill ea from within?
EA killed the game.
I read the whole article, and yeah, this is pretty much the impression I got.
Along side finally knowing the truth that the game was actually only developed in the last year or two, everything makes sense now
So rather then make the game good, they decided it was easier to make the game's faults harder to make fun of.
...which means they put actual effort into their game faults...
it's not EA's fault bioware can't come up with a theme for their own game
>At one point, for example, the leadership team realized that there was no place in the game to show off your gear, which was a problem for a game in which the long-term monetization was all based on cosmetics.
>So the team brought on EA’s Motive studio in Montreal to build the Launch Bay, a last-minute addition to the game where you could hang out and show off your gear to strangers.
What a shitshow goddamn
>spend most of your time bouncing ideas around
>no one wants to take charge, so the same discussions happen over and over again with no real decisions
>cram everything at the last minute under the belief that everything will turn out fine in the end, like it always does
>it doesn't
Is Bioware full of fucking highschoolers or something? Christ, I got group assignment flashbacks throughout the entire article
Managers care more about covering their backs than creating something good. They care about discouraging risk rather than creating something good.
How appropriate that they’re all a bunch of nerdy 20-30 y/o liberals. Really makes you think
>You get plopped into a room forcing two loading screens just so you can look at each other in a blank room
>no romances
Their worst mistake. Nobody wants to play a pathetic beta male virgin protagonist like Freelancer.
>All the Bioware devs even kept calling him out for being a hack who only knows how to write the same story, characters, and tropes over and over again while they wanted to make something fresh and new
>Using Dragon Age as a derogatory comparison
Damn, no wonder Bioware has so much room for diversity hires, all the talent with any sense abandoned that ship years ago because of dumb shit like this. Can't blame them. Also not surprised in the slightest that Frostbite is God awful to work with, Star Wars Battlefront 2 is unbelievably janky because of it. EA needs to drop it or go back to the drawing board and make a new version of it from scratch.
>tfw Bioware is about to close down
fuck yeah, they have always been a bunch of hacks
>what is brain drain?
This is the result when all the talent either leaves or goes to work on FIFA
all the reports of Frostbite just say it's shit to work with because it wasn't designed for RPGs. everybody agrees it's god-tier when it comes to making a shooter or for grafix but terrible at anything it's not designed to do.
blame EA for shoving it on fucking everything instead of just battlefield
I hope EA realizes that their continued failures are at the hands of all their Muslim tranny otherkin diversity hires and purges the lot of them from DICE and Bioware. These are companies and brands that can potentially still be salvaged, but it will require a massive purge and very selective hiring processes to replace them.
>still blaming it on the diversity hires and not years of shit management
say what you will about gaider, if they let him have his way and they just made /m/ech inquisition the end product would have been way better.
BioWare fans want to fuck everything. Protagonist is the only character that can't fuck anything in Anthem.
It's because most of their employees aren't willing to take charge when needed. This isn't a problem when a strong central leadership is around issue marching orders, but that leadership team left before Anthem got off the ground. With them gone, these bumblers spent six years doing essentially nothing except talk a lot without any consequence.
>make the game “unmemeable,”
Funnily enough they turned the whole thing into a meme.
But don't those reports all come from Schreier?
And Schreier's connections are all "designers", "writers" and shit like that, not actual developers - he's always ridiculously vague about anything vaguely technical. Those sorts of people fucking love hating on tools, especially since shitty tooling is practically a meme in game dev anyway.
I'm willing to bet it's a ton better than all the custom engines from a 10+ years ago but now you have a ton more non-technical people using them.
Well I guess making everything as generic as possible accomplished that goal (well, it would have if they could stop fucking everything else up)
Is it worse to have a product people make fun of or one that nobody gives a shit about? Say what you will about the latter dragon ages and mass effects, you still see threads about them every so often.
You could just look at the games. Everything has a few common issues(the load times for BF4 are fucking legendary), Dice games generally run pretty nice while looking fantastic, and anyone else using it makes it run like dogshit and can make it look as bad as some UE3 shit.
Send help
The woman on the very right looks stoned out of her fucking mind.
If only they could drop the Frostbite engine. It sounds like massive aids.
I think it's just a mental disability to be desu family.
Kek'd at the part where most of the engineering workforce was ordered to port FIFA to Frostbite because it made the most money. Poor Anthem could have been Bob Dylan.
If everyone is equal, there is no hierarchy, no leadership. Anyone who ever did a school project would tell you that you need someone barking orders or shit will never get done, unless your entire group is really good and can get shit done late in the game, but you cannot account for that in a large company. No vision, no leadership.
poor leadership pure and simple. That fact that MEA spent years going in the No Man Sky direction only to scrap all of it and shit out the mess we got is indicative of the entire companies lack of clear leadership.
So i played the demo for 5 seconds and was pissed that Colossus sucked ass
so not only did they make the gameplay suck but they failed in every other aspect too?
I haven't been keeping score but how bad has Anthem failed?
An imageless meme sadly.
Not as badly as Fallout 76 but godamn it's close.
The engine in general just has this feel to it that you can notice in most games developed in it, including Battlefield, that just seems like they are uncomfortable in their limitations. It'a hard to describe, but you can tell when things are working in it and when things aren't. Battlefront 2, again, is an example of almost nothing in it working. It's a janky, outdated engine not even being used to do what it was originally created for anymore (destructible environments). The great visuals aren't enough of a trade off anymore when gameplay and quality of life are being sacrificed so heavily every time.
Corporate "maximize profits, minimize effort" mindset. You aren't risking anything if you just follow the trends. Take last year's efforts and add 5%.
ok i read the whole thing in 1 hour what did i win
How can you say the developers called him out on his shit and then say they were the problem in the same post
I don't understand. Do they not have bosses?
How do they even justify being at work and getting a paycheck if someone higher up asks?
Thanks for using Archive. Remember to report OPs which does not. They are actively shilling their own articles on Yea Forums.
See I don't know if this is true.76 is awful but it's ultimately a side project and I don't think it did a lasting amount of damage to fallout's reputation. Once 5 hits the normies will be lining right back up.
Anthem looks like it might actually kill off bioware.
>Within the studio, there’s a term called “BioWare magic.” It’s a belief that no matter how rough a game’s production might be, things will always come together in the final months. The game will always coalesce. It happened on the Mass Effect trilogy, on Dragon Age: Origins, and on Inquisition. Veteran BioWare developers like to refer to production as a hockey stick—it’s flat for a while, and then it suddenly jolts upward. Even when a project feels like a complete disaster, there’s a belief that with enough hard work—and enough difficult crunch—it’ll all come together.
These people are literal manchildren.
Just because he can't do anything but write the same exact stale, played out story and characters over and over doesn't excuse their inability to actually make games. Obviously the implication is that all the staff who had talent left when they realized the "Anthem" they wanted to make, one not rehashing the same Bioware tropes again and without the gameplay mechanics they wanted due to engine limitations.
Amusing article, Bioware really is the shitshow I expected it to be.
Wasn't it BioWare that hired the retard that told everyone she was raped in GTA? They deserve to burn.
That's actually a female mentality
Wow BioWare works the same way I do. That being said, I'm close to failing university!
Every game should be at least 5% glitchy for the memes. I guarantee people still buy oblivion based on youtube videos of it fucking up
That's a man, baby
I mean, yeah, with people like Manveer at your company, the forced diversity is a bad look.
>Many of the features those developers had taken for granted in previous engines, like a save-load system and a third-person camera, simply did not exist in Frostbite, which meant that the Inquisition team had to build them all from scratch
>"One former BioWare developer told me they would frequently find a private room in the office, shut the door, and just cry."'
To be fair, this is basically how software development occurs at the individual developer level. The vast majority of your time should be spent on research and planning, that way your computer time is spent programming something cohesive, with low dependency, that is easily maintained and only has to be done once. The "learn as I go" method always results in shoddy components that need to be redone multiple times before they're even presentable.
Bioware seems to have conflated this with "let's fucking party and play nerf wars in the office for 18 months and then try to do our homework the night before it's due, because there's enough actual talent or people that have been doing their work the whole time to keep us from drowning."
Hahahaha, fuck them. I'm glad people are suffering under EA, who the FUCK would actually work for them?
But little Johnny thought he would be making world changing games when he got hired. Maybe a 9-5 job isn't so bad after all.
>getting this personally involved in your work
Maybe that's why their games are shit, no one can take criticism without crying so they have to ship horrible garbage. QA can't write reports without getting referred to HR for "bullying."
>Within EA, it was common for studios to battle for resources like the Frostbite team’s time, and BioWare would usually lose those battles. After all, role-playing games brought in a fraction of the revenue of a FIFA or a Battlefront. “The amount of support you’d get at EA on Frostbite is based on how much money your studio’s game is going to make,” said one developer.
kind of sounds like they just don't know what the fuck they are doing at all, like they even all were excited to make this game but they still couldn't focus and actually do anything with their ideas
>the entirety of Bioware is having a stress casualty
Anybody who willingly applies to EA knowing they're consistently voted the worst company in the US deserved to huve their nuts crunched with a knotted rope like in that James Bond movie.
>a number of former BioWare developers brought up specific complaints that were voiced by players and critics, then shared anecdotes of how they had made those same gripes to the leadership team throughout 2017 and 2018 only to be brushed off. It’s easy for developers to say that with hindsight, of course, but this was a common theme. “Reading the reviews is like reading a laundry list of concerns that developers brought up with senior leadership,” said one person who worked on the game. In some cases, perhaps they just didn’t have time to address the issues, but these former BioWare developers said they brought up bigger-picture concerns years before the game shipped.
does Andromeda get better? I feel like the gameplay went from slower methodical strategy approach (on harder difficulties) to le ebin call of doot doot sprint everywhere jetpacking around and teabagging the ayylmaos.
>claim to have a mental breakdown
>get to go on vacation for 3 weeks to a month
Wow, it must be so hard to have to actually work a job that you were hired to do. God forbid if these delicate fucking flowers had to work the customer service industry where there are no breaks for stress and you're expected to work insane hours for little pay.
Post your face when Bioware taking an absolute shit was actually caused by internal employee HR politics purposefully not making good games.
no one cares for your woe is me bullshit
get a new job if you're not happy with your vacation, don't go whining about it here
The only thing surprising about this Anthem stuff is that anyone is surprised.
>The pitch was simple: Iron Man, but less cartoony.
>Bart Pointing Out Exactly When The Heart Was Shattered.wav
Not really
>lead designer widely hated for destroying loot in SWTOR
>let him be in charge of loot again
I always wondered if they looked at reviews looking for those things they mentioned in development.
>no one cares
And yet you cared enough to reply.
Casey Hudson leaving and no one stepping in to fill his shoes sounds like it really fucked them over.
Reminder that these "anonymous" interviewees are actually incel alt-righters intent on sabotaging Anthem's success
“The foundation of our new IP in Edmonton is complete,” he wrote in a letter to the studio, “and the team is ready to move forward into pre-production on a title that I think will redefine interactive entertainment.”
-Casey Hudson
This problem isn't isolated to the gaming industry. I've worked with plenty of companies where it feels like people are pathologically afraid to make decisions, because it means they'll have to take ownership of whatever consequences come from it, good or ill. Usually happens when management takes a zero tolerance approach to failure.
To be fair the exact same happens all the time with Kotaku, they tried to burn Riot Games to the ground over just 2-3 women coming to them with accusations. I think everything should be taken with a grain of salt, even if it does coincide with the belief system around here.
The only thing you need to navigate the internet safely has been posted at the top of Yea Forums for the past decade.
but most people at bioware are white men tho
this isn't a bioware specific thing. I have seen it in other game companies as well. The fact is, many games are complete shit shows until the last few months before ship
working at EA isn't that bad. sometimes people conflate bad games/business practices with how people are treated at the company. I think the king of shitty company to work for is still Rock Star
How well does Frostbite work with sports games?
See that's alright for an anonymous landscaping forum but Kotaku is sourced by other websites. People KNOW their name, they are NEWS. The fact that people can just make shit up these days and that not be punishable is absurd.
>but most people at Bioware are white men pretending to be women tho
Watching bioware die will be a pleasure
it's that way for the entirety of the internet since their main purpose is to say anything that gets a click just like the main purpose here is to say anything that gets a (you). Bait comes in many different forms.
Frank was in the right here.
the meme zeitgeist is the most powerful force in the world
multi trillion dollar international mega conglomerates literally cower in fear at the almighty power of the meme zeitgeist
To be fair, "My face is tired" probably dissuaded anybody who was on the fence about buying the game.
>Obviously the implication is that all the staff who had talent left when they realized the "Anthem" they wanted to make,
Based on what? A lot of people didn't leave and the most common thing in the gaming industry is being forced to work on something you don't want to. This entire industry is a huge slave plantation because of the culture of video game consumerism. Niggas run through a game in a few days and instantly need a new hit
>make the game “unmemeable,” a reaction to Mass Effect: Andromeda‘s jittery facial animations, which became an internet joke in the days leading up to that game’s release.
As opposed to making it stable and good.
>Strong Anthem Female.gif
someone on the animation team didn't get the unmemeable memo
Why is the vidya industry the only industry to reward failure?
No other industry would in the right mind would keep such liabilities.
Yet vidya seems so counter culture driven that it must do away WITH any common sense.
Games everyone wants never get made
Yet games that nobody asks for get sequals
Shit games get more spotlight than great games. Jfc.
>getting this personally involved in your work
I don't think it's so much getting personally involved but more they're working long as fuck hours, have an unbreakable deadline looming over them like a Sword of Damocles, an almost complete lack of clear leadership with what little there is not listening to their workers even though it's common sense shit, and the depressing knowledge is that you're basically shitting out an unfinished product and almost nothing you do can ever fix it so you're essentially just trying to limit the damage as much as possible. I worked a job with a similar environment and while I never broke down and cried I felt like a fucking zombie for the better half of a year and developed some nasty health problems from that bullshit. It's not like working in a warzone or anything but I wouldn't ever do anything like that again without a healthy pay increase.
any anthem memes ?
Was Anthem a financial failure, though? I was under the impression they managed to round up enough gullible rubes to turn a profit on the game.
>Why do developers keep doing this sort of shit and burning years doing nothing?
Because most of them are making $80k out of college working on 0.2% of the game each and don't give a fuck whether it ships or not.
Every facet of the entertainment industry rewards failure
do they make rogain for women
EA won't realize anything, they are literally the worst gaming company. Try to get a hold of EA if you have a problem even as a paying customer you will realize you are fucked without taking drastic action like filling a complaint with the BBB or suing them. I don't understand how they can keep putting out glitchy games like Battlefield and people keep buying the garbage while they have nonexistent customer support.
Game devs "HAHA! Fucking incels, like we're scared of a bunch of basement dwelling incels posting on alt right image boards"
2017: Mass Effect Destroyed by memes
2018: Blizzard destroyed by memes
Who's fucking next?
It's funny because one of the things tell people with gender dysphoria is that taking Estrogen will actually reverse hair loss in men. What they don't tell you is if you're not already losing hair it will make you go bald. There's entire businesses based on fixing tranny hairlines.
Bioware needs to die, but EA needs to go down with them.
> women (and allies!)
> photo has 14 women and 1 man
> mfw the fucking women of the team organized to have tea with anita and that one cuck was all "Oh can I come too? I'm a feminist this is so important" and they reluctantly had to let him awkwardly tag along as an "ally"
welcome to life
why do you think historians splooge all over primary sources?
How someone could write this line, and then make another person SAY that line, and then make someone put these things into the game without anyone noticing how fucking AWFUL and ridiculous it sounds is absolutely beyond me. It's just baffling.
You should be telling people who read Kotaku seriously that.
No, but Andromeda was such that should warrant liquidation
If a movie flops. Theres no sequal and the director is blacklisted. Like M.Night shyamalan
If a tv show drops in ratings, its cancelled
Like the Cleveland show
If a song sucks, no one ever hears of it.
If a game bombs. The studio gets another chance to make another AAA budget game
>When asked for comment on this, Gaider said in an email that when he’d started on the project, Anthem design director Preston Watamaniuk had pushed him in a “science-fantasy” direction. “I was fine with that, as fantasy is more my comfort zone anyhow, but it was clear from the outset that there was a lot of opposition to the change from the rest of the team,”
>Maybe they assumed the idea for it came from me, I’m not sure, but comments like ‘it’s very Dragon Age’ kept coming up regarding any of the work me or my team did... and not in a complimentary manner. There were a lot of people who wanted a say over Anthem’s story, and kept articulating a desire to do something ‘different’ without really being clear on what that was outside of it just not being anything BioWare had done before (which was, apparently, a bad thing?). From my perspective, it was rather frustrating.”
So what, just doing the same exact bullshit you've done before is the best option? Christ, he pretty much damned himself with his own defense.
It's called twitter persona. She was a self insert character that the writer used her "Twitter persona" as a source. AKA, YASSS GURL SLAY QUEEEN COFFEE HOUSES AND SMALL SANDWICHES YAASSS
The executives in charge of those flops for entertainment media usually fail upward to the point "failing upward" has become a meme. Just look at that retarded Sony exec Amy Pascal.
This is accurate, lots of writers spend more time on twitter than doing their jobs now and really the job just exists to get them more clout on twitter and they write their weird fake twitter personas into their work.
in real life they're all super autistic if you ever meet them
What the hell is wrong with you? I'm telling your dumb ass that, because you're wrong. I don't give a rats ass about your pitiable keyboard crusading.
>people can just make shit up these days
>and that not be punishable
that's always been the case. It's not journalism. It's not vidya "journalism". It's not fucking kotaku. It's everything, since forever, you stupid sack of shit. If someone won't present proof, his claims are only as reliable as the claimant. It's not an internet thing. It's not a journalism thing. It's common fucking sense, you knuckle dragging condom advert.
>that's always been the case
I'm getting mixed messages here, are you perhaps retarded?
Why do publishers do shit like this and ruin games? What makes a 55 year old boomer think he knows whats best for gaming when he doesn't even know what a video game is?
Companies like EA and Disney are too big to ever die. No matter how many flops.
Theres a point when a corporation or company becomes so big they can just flood multiple markets and come away with profit.
For every huge flop EA is raking in cash from tons of mobile games, microtransactions, subscriptions, sponsorships etc...
Same with Disney. They have networks,shows, movies ,theme parks, food, toys, vidya, books. Etc...
Im no communist but Government action is needed.
How appropriate that you're a fat politics obsessed pol turd.
Kathleen Kennedy murdered Star Wars. She's still there.
>these days
get some goddamn self-respect and get the fuck out of here
you, if anyone, do not need to pretend to be retarded
I mean it's pretty stupid to claim that journalism hasn't taken a nosedive in the last 20 years, and that it hasn't almost become blatant lies in the last 5-10.
that's always been the case. It's not journalism. It's not vidya "journalism". It's not fucking kotaku. It's everything, since forever, you stupid sack of shit. If someone won't present proof, his claims are only as reliable as the claimant. It's not an internet thing. It's not a journalism thing. It's common fucking sense, you knuckle dragging condom advert.
Lotsa PR speak here. You can tell they're trying really hard to save face.
>We don’t believe articles that do that are making our industry and craft better.
Holy shit that's hilarious
I think that's Disney trying to save face though. I think she'll be quietly let go after episode 9.
Nigga heaps of sequels have been made to "flops" and shows have continued on far past their prime.
>developers had taken for granted in previous engines
Infinity and aurora were made in house but they talk about them as if that isn't the case, it's obvious that the staff the new games had nothing do with the games bioware is actually known for
Your retarded it is punishable, And when their sister sites have posted lies it got them destroyed and the whole company sold, after bankruptcy. So maybe they dont get sued for shit because what they are saying isn't libelous, and therefore true.
>Your retarded it is punishable
How many years did the media run with the "trump colluded with Russia" narrative and how many investigates have come up with nothing? Hell some people are STILL pushing it, and nothing is happening to them.
>isn't libelous, and therefore true
Then why did everybody shit the bed for gamergate if it was always a thing? Was it just some spontaneous uprising or did it have oh I don't know, a trigger?
>Then why
Whataboutism isn't a form of argument. Address what's being said, or don't reply. It is a common sense thing. Has been, since forever. An unfounded claim is not a reliable source of information.
>white man bill gates creates a monopoly
>gets taken down instantly
>jew lords of EA and the new jewish overlords of Disney expand an empire
>not even touched
We're not having an argument we're having a conversation you mong. And I'm not obligated to agree with you on something you're not even willing to talk about without rubbing shit into your keyboard.
>tfw you lived to see Bioware call Kotaku "fake news" unironically.
What retards. The style of narrative Gaider prefers is obviously what's best suited to a Bioware game, it's the other writer's jobs to add complexity and depth to the characters and story to create a greater whole.
Worst thing is that Anthem will probably be a 6 of 7 after maybe 5 more months of patching. But by then Bioware will probably have been dissolved, and everyone will have moved on.
Several reasons
1) Lack of legitimacy and prestige. This in of itself is the gaming industry's biggest problem. The cost and time of development is about the same in terms of blockbuster movies at time yet they barely make a dent in the entertainment world. Nobody gives a shit. Therefore nobody gives a shit about its problems. This also ties into how much voice actors, coders, developers, artists etc. Are paid
2) Gamers are entitled jackasses. The large majority don't understand shit about game development from the pitch stages to post development. They don't know shit but are always incredibly vocal about how things should be or what they should do and they always get upset at shit that if they knew atleast 3 things about the industry and games themselves there wouldnt be a problem. Also never satisfied
3)Gamers again. They violently lash out against video games being normalized because they'd prefer to keep it to stink ass basement autism culture. Which clashes with every single movement in the industry be it e-sports, unionization, new regulations, new players. They abhor change while crying for better quality and fail to realize that as long as gaming is stuck in basement dweller child perspective not much is going to get better
4)publishers and companies putting their developers and game studios up as sacrificial lambs whenever they need a game to bomb or know one is going to bomb. This in turn turns the gamers against the developers who while skilled are products of terrible management and slavish crunch
5) Investors. These old decrepit boomer "we want fortnite numbers" detached faceless pieces of shit is what keeps this machine running the way it is now as well as being the source of every horrible development decisions ever
The gaming industry is about to start hemorrhaging talent and bodies in the pursuit of fulfilling gamers incessant need for more games if there isnt a change the next decade is going to get fucking rough
>We're not having an argument
No, you're not making one. You already disputed what I said, so we're having one. You just failed at it.
>something you're not even willing to talk
I did. You're just trying to change the topic, because you're too fucking weak minded to own up to being wrong on the internet. It absolutely is not, as you put it, a "these days" thing. An unfounded claim is not, has never, and never will be a reliable source of information.
This meme of releasing games before they're finished to put the games out on a specific date that some supercomputer shit out has gone on long enough. Anybody buying games from companies that aren't 100% reputable aren't intelligent in the slightest.
Oh you're still butthurt about that?
>yfw you see the inevitable "RIP in Peace Bioware" sticky thread when EA shuts them down
>complicated villains
>ancient shit awaken
yep that's most a bioware feature
We never moved past that, because you never addressed it and kept trying to change the subject. Now take your last word and piss off, you can have it.
>putting this much effort into a shitty bait
man thats honestly sad
>2) Gamers are entitled jackasses.
The business strategy at work here is to copy Destiny or warframe and have a dedicated community which spends a shit load of money and time on the game. If the consumers in that market have high standards, and the product fails to meet them, it is the producers fault. It's become in vogue to shit on gamers, but just because the barrier to entry is marginally higher then other consumer bases due to barriers of entry (having a decent PC) it necessarily means they don't just accept a game as delivered. I love the culture of absolutely shitting on a flawed product like Anthem, not only does it deserve it, but the culture that produced it also deserves every piece of criticism given, and no amount of saying 'GAYMERS ARE MEAN' will change that.
Gotten to the point that you need to wait maybe 2-3 weeks before a released game is in any state to be fucking played. I swear any other industry and this wouldn't be tolerated.
>and everyone will have moved on.
Everyone who made the good part of the game moved on 2 years ago and thats the problem.
Almost no one, and no one mainstream ever said trump himself colluded with russia, and 2 the mueller report specifically states it does not exonerate trump of collusion with russia. SO seeing as there is no proof one way or the other it isnt libelous. Thanks for continuing to be retarded.
>EA stole Bioware's most talented engineers and put them on FIFA
>This is why Andromeda and Anthem are glitchy pieces of shit
Bravo EA, Bravo
NBC and CNN both said Trump colluded with Russia
Someone says something terrible about me that is easily disprovable, and that is ruinging my reputation. Instead of sueing them for damages, and proving I didnt do it I just shut up and take it. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm seems like something no one in their right mind would do, especially a company with a team of lawyers laying around.
Are you retarded or are pretending to be retarded?
We have 3 somewhat recent examples of games that were in development for ages ... ME:A, Anthem and FF XV and its not a question of not being ready, its a question of years of nothing being done.
In Anthem and FF XV case they had to bring a new director to get then to actually START WORKING instead of changing their minds or start working on something and then go "but wait, we could" and never get anything done.
Someone out there was paid to put this word as an actual goal on a multimillionaire software project.
Welcome to corporate America kiddo
The worst thing about this article is the assumption that Inquisition was good. The writing in it was TERRIBLE
No they said his campaign did. Its easy to prove me wrong, just like it would be easy, for bioware/EA to prove kotaku's points wrong.
Can someone tell me what goes through the mind of these people that work on genuine trainwrecks for 7 years? If your ship is obviously burning and your mental health gets affected, why the fuck aren't you jumping ship? WHY NOT LEAVE? Some left, but I don't understand the others. There should've been a mass exodus is what I'm saying.
Ya inquisition was terrible, it was the first Bioware game I didnt finish, and honestly was the first sign of the end for bioware.
>Why is the vidya industry the only industry to reward failure?
You read the whole article and it isn't utterly obvious? The biggest problem in the industry is that developers don't have a clear vision. I mean this game was in pre-production for what, 5 years and they still did not know what they were making.
That's by far the biggest issue, everything else is bullshit. Generally vision and idea is by far the most important thing in any creative field. Everything else, the technical stuff can be learned, brute-forced and made.
The problem is when they don't even know what they make.
Base EA knew Andromeda and Anthem were sinking ships and not being glitchy wouldn't matter.
proving someone's wrong isn't enough for a conviction
They're already calling Trump a liar right after the Muller investigation ended
Yup the giant empty world and terrible sidequests are b/c of their shitty production mentality supposedly
But the main thing that killed the game for me was how uninteresting and boring the party members were
>The fact is, many games are complete shit shows until the last few months before ship
This was definitely true for Red Read Redemption and you know what, most of my best papers in college were hammered out in the 13th hour
Meteorology rewards failure too.
>Will Rachel Maddow face a reckoning over her Trump-Russia coverage?
>With Trump has come two years of conspiracy-mongering about Russia – and at the top of the heap is none other than MSNBC’s Maddow
Not mentioned in article but in companies like EA's Bioware, people are moving alot before production starts. Maybe a few people were dedicated on pre-production, but people move in and out all the time to whatever crisis is ongoing. Actually one of the reasons why this game is so fucked is because the original team was given insane deadlines then just dumped with tens of people from other projects to speed up the production process. Which can help if these guys are brought in gradually and know what to do, but just dumping resources without proper direction means that time has to be wasted bringing them up to speed before they can do anything and it's just a big fucking headache.
This is exactly what the fuck I'm talking about as well. You faggots are adverse to taking any form of responsibility or having even five seconds of critical thinking towards the industry and wonder why nobody gives a fuck and shit is fucked
>The business strategy at work here is to copy Destiny or warframe and have a dedicated community which spends a shit load of money and time on the game
And why do you think that is?
>If the consumers in that market have high standards, and the product fails to meet them, it is the producers fault.
The continued existence of companies like EA show you to be a bold faced fucking liar
>It's become in vogue to shit on gamers, but just because the barrier to entry is marginally higher then other consumer bases due to barriers of entry (having a decent PC) it necessarily means they don't just accept a game as delivered
Except fucking PC is only a portion of the gaming industry and if you think it lives or dies by its whim your greatly mistaken and need to reevaluate where you think worth lies. Even having a shitty PC you can still easily play a shit ton of games. Difficulty isn't even a fucking problem either some of what is considered staples and the best games aren't even neccesarily difficult or complex in its controls. Mount and blade for example any of the total war games or fucking fighting games where the only ceiling is learning fundamentals and how those simple ass controls interact shitting out 1billion hit combos don't account for shit
I didn't like Inquisition either but it at least sold and reviewed well. Meanwhile Anthemcouldn't even impress the core Bioware fanboys.
Do you honestly think that no director or movie studio has put out a flop before?
wow thanks, glad you figured out how to google things for yourself. SO to state again, if someone is ruining my reputation and I can prove it isnt true I probably should. Whenever kotaku posts shit like this, that never happens and with LoL they even admitted it was all true. So ya maybe they cant win every court case but they could still exonerate themselves in the eyes of the public who buys their games. But they didn't and they wont. Because sorry, its true. If it wasn't they would do something about it.
Huh, it's almost like the AAA video game industry has a serious mismanagement problem or something
They also have correspondents on their show all the time that say Trump colluded with Russia.
Are you implying that all the talent was eventually replaced by grade A hacks????
dude you should calm the fuck down. im honestly too old to take this whole "hur dur gamers entitled" argument seriously. its just shows how young, naive and inexperienced you are in other parts in life.
go take a deep breath, jog a bit and calm down
You might want to flip through the search results. Or read the single sentence in the post you're replying to. Being wrong != libel.
> I love the culture of absolutely shitting on a flawed product like Anthem, not only does it deserve it, but the culture that produced it also deserves every piece of criticism given, and no amount of saying 'GAYMERS ARE MEAN' will change that.
You love it so much that I guarantee that 3 more anthems are going to get released and nobody is going to do shit to stop them because these companies have zero accountability, gamers give zero shit beyond if the game is bad or not and completely ignore all the bullshit surrounding the game and its development as well as the work conditions these employees get put under look at red dead 2 and how fucking fast nobody cared when the game released because as long as it's good who cares if you almost died making it and if it's bad fuck you I don't care why it's bad just make a better one NOW!
It doesnt even have to do with gamers acting like fucking rodents fearing the light it has to do with you assholes always wanting good games and ignoring the process and the problems that arise when these good games are made and nothing is done to alleviate them. Publishers and companies are content to wrong every last penny out of a developer and team and when they're used up you get another fucking bioware or telltale situation
>villain is revealed to have been the true hero all along
Totes, worst party members of any Bioware game. Swotor, and even DA2 had a way better cast.
I guess they really did make it "umnemeable", since Andromeda is still mocked to this day while Anthem would have been almost forgotten in its pit by now if it wasn't for this article.
Hell CNN implied since a Russian was at his first foreign policy speach that he colluded with Russia
>Anthem is the most blatant rip-off of Destiny there has ever been
>Management at Bioware are so insecure they scold their employees for even mentioning it
Oh my god this company is retarded. How can you make a successful online game if you won't let yourself learn from your direct competitors?
haha yeah. If the dev team was made up of red pilled white men none of this would have happened!
>now that we fucked let me tell you about my ex boyfriend's dick
Nigga I'm fucking 36 and been gaming g for fucking ever. You really think gamers are retarded is the crux of my issues with the industry? It's a fucking pillar of the issues holding it up and you dumb shits are too busy crying about being oppressed and normies to even give a shit
Literally one of my main fucking points is getting accountability for these fucking asshole people in charge of these teams so better games come.out free from terrible fucking management and oversight but because you saw gamers are dumb your fee fees are hurt too much to see that? Fucking christ
if the general gaming audience knew the realities of development things would be extremely different
>fully multiplayer focused from the start
It was doomed from inception.
>and she's the only attractive female in the game available to romance
And I like how they made Hawke a literal cuckold if he romanced the pirate whore.
numerous teams clearly have had problems with it.
The managers who failed were white guys. Wasn’t Heer’s fault, this time at least.
Fuck no. The biggest limitation was frostbite. Some author driving the train who has no clue what it’s limits are is doomed to failure.
You not know that the definition of Libel, is merely any statement made that is false and damaging to anther person is not my issue. The point of all of this, is that again, Bioware, could have people refute these points provide documentation around development, and timelines that state it wasnt a giant shit show and refute Kotaku's points but again like Riot they wont, because its true. If Kotaku was literally just making shit up that is libelous, if they are being duped, and are an unwitting accomplice that isnt.
>And Schreier's connections are all "designers", "writers" and shit like that, not actual developers
Where are you getting that from, the people he interviewed are directly speaking about their problems with Frostbite.
My biggest hope from this article is that people realize that it's not always that easy to just point fingers at the publisher and the studio is this innocent little thing just trying to make a game uguuu. Fuck no, BioWare is responsible for all the bullshit that happened to them. I'm not saying EA is faultless, EA being EA obviously had a hand in this desaster like forcing Frostbite on everyone, but people need to learn that studios are not innocent at all.
>yfw nobody took charge because women can't handle leadership but they'd yell rape if men gave them an order.
Yes. I know two skilled coders who went to other teams as a direct result of not wanting to be near her walking lawsuit of an ass.
Complaining or even just mentioning "gamers" show you have absolutely no life experience and most likely zero interests outside video games otherwise you would not say stupid shit like this.
Literally every single fanbase towards literally anything is "toxic" and "entitled" by your autistic standard. Have you been at a sport game? followed a band? movies? tv shows? fashion?
For fuck's sake, have you ever had a job in your life? If you worked at any customer service, people will threaten to kill you because they can't watch their shitty TV show on the weekend.
It's not that I'm offended, its that I'm tired of you literally shaking dysfunctional retards complaining about things that exist at every other part of life. Just because you don't interact with people, things exist outside your little experience
Jason writes too goddamn much, he could've said all he wanted in far less. TLDR: Anthem sucked because lack of a clear vision and Frostbite is a one trick pony that sucks dick when used in any other genre than FPS.
It feels like this kind of stuff is going to just keep happening until some meteor-sized shit hits the fan. Kind of feels that way with a lot of things in life and society. It's like everyone's just waiting for some huge catastrophe so we keep holding on and holding on and hope that things get better in the meantime.
>meanwhile both BG and NWN had engines that were house made and being developed at the same time the game was
>oh and they just have far more quality content than Anthem
>and NWN's engine just happened to be so powerful when it came to custom player created content that the game still has ~250-300 daily online players 17 fucking years after release
I'll be surprised if Anthem has the same next year, or hell, if it's not already lower
>You not know
ok bud
>the definition of Libel, is merely any statement made that is false and damaging to anther person
Again, you might want to flip through the search results.
Jason is a fucking idiot retard but he's literally the only one who manages to actually do his job as a journalist somewhat decent so I'll take it.
it must be nice to live in your fantasy world where the evil women are the reason for everything bad that ever happens
God damn that makes me cringe
True, this guy is the only thing that still makes me visit Shitaku.
Low-IQ poster detected
Notice what they’re NOT doing. Promising any specific improvements to anthem, or any measurable improvements.
what kind of dance is that? looks pretty cool imo
I'd think you were joking, talking about the "big tits are a pedophile fantasy" guy, but you're so painfully unfunny.
You ever consider suicide? Think it might suit you.
Its nice to get some information on what was going on inside Bioware besides speculation or low effort political musings that have no point beyond shoring up one's political beliefs.
Bioware did respond to the article (
That's a bad thing though. You don't want people still playing your game 17 years later. You want them to buy your game, play it for a year or two, and then drop it and jump on whatever else you shit out.
>No other industry would in the right mind would keep such liabilities.
Not true. You don't even have to leave Edmonton to find another company as ineptly run as Bioware
They get paid EXACTLY the same if the game is good or not.
Yeah, he's a fucking retard. But he also actually does some journalism. That's about as good as you can ask for in the gaming """"industry"""".
you might want to post some actually fucking citations. Instead of just wanting people to back up your assertions for you.
Nah, you should take your own advice there champ.
EA was beyond generous with Andromeda. Bioware had SO much fucking time and freedom to make it a great game, but they spent three or four of those five development years fucking around with procedural generation because they wanted to make it No Man's Effect instead of an actual video game.
Any group project flounders without a good leadership to take the lead. Even when the people are otherwise talented and know their shit. It's because leadership isn't really fun, it's vexing and it is often like herding cats. Or people want to be led but also want a leader that wants whatever they want. It makes you understand why companies always want 'leaders'. It's because without someone willing to take up leadership ersatz.
>First sign of the end
Since I'm an older fag for me that was Dragon Age 2. Exact same situation as you. So bad I didn't finish it past the 2nd arc.
>Undeserved success of Inquisition fucks over Bioware employees even harder until they cracked from the pressure.
I'm okay with this.
Something similar happened/is happening with the whole Bungie/Activision news from a few months ago. A lot of people are still convinced that Actiblizz were the ones who were responsible for the disaster that was Destiny 2's launch and subsequent DLCs even though that whole shit show as 100% on Bungie, Eververse included. So now you have a whole army of drones with the biggest smile on their faces thinking that Actiblizz dropping Bungie like a bag of bricks is a good thing and that their "best friend" Bungie can finally flourish now that da ebul corporate mans is gone.
I can not and will never understand how people are so quick to rush to the defense of a game developer let alone any company that consistently makes horrible decisions. They treat it like someone just shit talked their best friend or slapped their girlfriend's ass in the club. There's no middle ground where people hold the developers accountable in a rational and coherent manner that isn't either bootlicking or autistic meltdowns posted in 5 separate tweets. It all has to be black or white. Grey makes people angry.
I wouldn’t trust js. And ea’s not a hero. They weren’t the only failure here.
>first sign of the end
>after ME3
>after TOR
>after DA2
>first sign
>almost a decade after their last decent game
>first sign
Always happy to watch the WOKE people burn especially when they eat their own
What's more amazing is basic-bitch shit like FIFA needing so much crew it actually drained people away from neighboring projects. It's baffling that EA decided to use Frostbite on a soccer game. People who play soccer games are the least demanding gamers there are, these people would settle for Super Nintendo graphics and be perfectly content with it.
Just keep in mind that these are unverified claims from bioware employees.
most people knew right after EA took a hold of them
He’s terrible. He’s a rumormonger. He’s a tmz tabloid. But the other fuckers are even worse.
kill yourself
>Super Nintendo graphics and be perfectly content with it.
Hey man, Super Soccer was a lot fun, don't diss it.
those woke feminist you whine about are mostly writing staff and comprise maybe 10% of the employees moron
You still have people producing content as in modules, mods, textures etc for both BG and NWN, not to mention hundreds playing them daily.
I wonder if anyone will ever remember Andromeda, Cisquisition and Anthem a decade from now.
>You ever consider suicide?
I have, but not yet. Maybe in 50 yrs from now.
People who play soccer/football games are the ones that are easiest to woo with new graphics.
I came here to post this quote
>those woke feminist you whine about are mostly writing staff
so they are the people that killed any potential DA:I had as a RPG?
I guess those diversity hires aren't all they crack up to be hmm?
Being bought by EA is like getting the news about an aggressive malignant cancer that the drugs can't really treat. You know the end is coming, it's going to take years, it's going to fucking suck, but it's coming. If all the devs just preemptively quit their jobs the second the acquisition paperwork is done it would save us all a lot of time and disappointment.
Better than unverified claims from people who have never worked at Bioware, EA, or in the industry. Hearing people blame everything on things like "diversity hires" is on the same level of hearing people blame companies poor investment decisions on the central bank's monetary policy.
is that why all new bioware protags are pathetic cucks
this really doesn't have anything to do with that but i guess it's easy to spin that way
Pretty much, every bad thing he's said about gamers is pretty much customers in general.
Things don't get that much better in an environment where you can actually SEE your patrons. At least you can ignore Twitter tards and social media.
Sounds like a game that had to be made and not a single person in the company wanted to make. They might seem indecisive and cowardly but I assume management and executive decisions are a big part of that.
I like to think that northerners are the equivalent of townies here in New England
Damn dude you got absolutely BTFO.
Imagine being this much of a failure
The early draft seems like monster hunter but with guns.
Why has no one tried to make monster hunter with guns yet? Open world was a mistake, staged missions are better, like gears of war.
In addition to the other replies, I'll add: no one wants to take the blame. It's hard to get good leadership, one that takes risks and makes mistakes, if they've got no support when mistakes happen. EA is exactly that kind of company; you're either an asset or a liability. No one wants to hold the hot potato, and the fact Anthem/Bioware went through about 8 creative/executive lead changes during develop is testament to that.
You gotta admit, them teasing Dragon Age 4 probably saved their sorry asses from EA pulling the plug.
How? No one has posted anything that would say Bioware shouldn't disprove kotaku's article if it wasn't true? If Kotaku, had libeled them they would respond with proof it wasnt true.
>was the first sign of the end for bioware.
>the first
>sign of the end
You was 6 years late
I guess all you winners spend your time crying on 4 Chan instead, I didnt realize that was the dividing line...
Game development studios have always been staffed 99% by that lazy yet undeniably smart somewhat nerdy kid in your college classes who doesn’t show up to class the entire year yet still passes just by intelligence alone.
Even great studios in the development cycles of great games function like this, it’s fun to see the tour of Bungie studios back when they were working on Halo 2 and seeing how they had professional chefs and a basketball court and all this wacky stuff, but then you remember that halo 2 was rushed to fucking hell and the ending was finalized only a few weeks before launch.
It’s not because these studios don’t have time, they just don’t have people with a healthy work ethic.
As discord tranny as this may sound, unironically having people other than just that nerdy procrastinating genius kid get hired on to projects could in theory help push studios to not be quite so unbelievably lazy for 80% of their development cycle.
This is like watching two of your bitter enemy's fighting in a pit it doesn't matter who wins it's still fun
>tfw my 3 yearold pupper might have an aggressive malignant cancer
toby doesnt deserve this
>Many of the features those developers had taken for granted in previous engines, like a save-load system and a third-person camera, simply did not exist in Frostbite
Why the hell would you make a game engine built specifically for online FPS the proprietary engine for your entire conglomerate?
Why the hell WOULDN'T you have support for things as basic as third-person camera and manual saving in the build for a game engine?
What game do you think? I played through ever bioware game since baldur's gate atleast twice except jade empire and Kotor which I played extremely late. Some like NWN, or ME2 i played through even more times. DA3 was the first bioware game I was playing and was like this is shit.
Sorry to hear it user, hang in there, I'm glad I don't get attached to games or dev teams otherwise I'd already have suck started a shotgun.
Nah he's a giant faggot.
Mass Effect 2 was a first sign but the true sinner was Dragon Age 2 after that Bioware was never the same and that without mentioning TOR that literally destroyed the entire Lore of the Old Republic, that shit was so bad that never become canon in the old canon
Maybe because after the first few games, all the tools will be built up for all those new things, and now you control the whole engine experience. Unlike with unreal, where they could fuck you, as your are literal competitor to their company. Like DA3 looked, stunning and worked perfectly fine, and used FB, anthem was their third game useing it. The article states, they threw away all their previous work like retards.
It is possible for someone to both be an utter failure as a human being on almost every level AND be good at their job. Just look at SonicFox.
ME2 is arguably their greatest game, and one of the finest RPG's ever made. DA2 I could see, they hugely reused environments were strange, but I attributed that to EA basically having the game made in a year. I saw it as an in betweener really just setting up DA3. Little could I image, that DA3 would be a souless piece of shit without any good characters and maybe a 5-8hr story covered in collect quests for padding.
>When asked for comment on this, Gaider said in an email ... "There were a lot of people who wanted a say over Anthem’s story, and kept articulating a desire to do something ‘different’ without really being clear on what that was outside of it just not being anything BioWare had done before (which was, apparently, a bad thing?).”
>just not being anything BioWare had done before
>which was, apparently, a bad thing?
A normal artist tries to push the boundaries of their creativity. A hack is content to rehash other peoples' past accomplishments.
those are skids. Don't dance like a fucking skid
I agree, my fellow Redditor. MegaCorps need to be protected from the evil, entitled gamer that actually insist on quality. I bow to your wisdom.
you understand there's a middle ground between corporate bootlicking and screaming at a dev on twitter right
>ME2 is arguably their greatest game, and one of the finest RPG's ever made.
>ME2 is arguably their greatest game, and one of the finest RPG's ever made.
No. ME2 had good gameplay by the standards of an action RPG in 2010, but the real draw was supposed to be the writing which was a major step down and something from which BioWare never recovered.
Is greentext supposed to make something not retarded? Your image, says nothing about anything in ME2 being good, and the same system was used in ME1 and ME3. Why dont you actually post some critiques.
at least that guy had friends
Not OP.
Why does it have to be some dick measuring contest of who has it harder? There's a bunch of assholes in every product market who make life a pain in the ass for whoever has to interact with them. Most other customers are tolerable or cool. Same with game development. Some players are gigantic faggots and should've been aborted before birth. Most players are cool.
Legbeards will disagree, but that's pretty much the culture in Corporate America. Dickless men and hairy wahmen being played by ((())).
>You will never be a police officer that's also a techno rave goth dancer in your free time
>When you die your friends will never dance their hearts out with you one last time surrounded by love ones.
Sure thing Mr. Söderlund.
I think the issue is less wanting things to be lazily safe to what BioWare knows (Although if I'm being honest, I feel like a lot of Yea Forums would be fine with that.) It's that BW just wanted something different with no real concrete goal on WHAT they wanted to be different. And when the story we got is definitively less memorable than the safe option that could have been in the game, it's just not productive or justifiable to "experiment" when it's still a bland story and where it DOES deviate from the norm, it does so to disastrous results.
Shit I don't even think I'm going to get a funeral.
What do they do with shut ins that have no family or friends when they die?
Garbage bin
Libel honestly doesn't really mean anything outside of a court room. Not sure about libel laws in Canada, but in the US it's hard enough, and often not worth it. Their best play is to just shrug it off, keep their head down, and hope DA4 isn't a shitshow. Everyone will forget about MEA and Anthem if DA4 is successful. Also assuming Papa EA doesn't take them out back beforehand.
insectoid males and harpy females get put through the grinder by alpha chads of managment
Having a Big Bad and McGuffins didn't save Andromeda from having a horrible story. So either way BioWare is dead and it's corpse is paraded around until the brand is too tainted.
Ya hope whoever is in charge of DA4 can make some fucking decisions.
what are skids? im not american so im out of the loop on this kind of stuff.
Shit opinion. ME2 has the best party of any Bioware game, great dialogue, memorable enemy, great setpieces, and a entertaining plot.
Yeah sure was great having almost every party member afflicted with daddy issues.
>mentioning the word Destiny was taboo at BioWare.
>trying to make comparisons to Destiny would elicit negative reactions from studio leadership.
>They didn’t want to make those correlations
This is /pol/tard levels of denial
unironically true
So EA literally made this game better. Sunderland forced them to include the flying lmao
>Bioware will die soon
>It often felt to the Anthem team like they were understaffed, according to that developer and others who worked on the game, many of whom told me their team was a fraction of the size of developers behind similar games, like Destiny and The Division.
understaffed? big fucking el oh el
maybe actually hire people to work next time instead of posting selfies
>creatura gives white male the pass
more like "Destiny" is /pol/ in their eyes
Big industries can always money launder throught cooking their books, also just throw some propaganda gov (party) related, so they can only win. We are living cyberpunk.
there is no way this isnt bait
>maybe actually hire people to work next time instead of posting selfies
>There was also the fact that BioWare’s main office was located in Edmonton,
>a place where winters can dip to minus 20 or even minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit,
>which staff there say has always made it difficult to recruit veterans from more habitable cities.
>(One also has to wonder: How many programmers heard about Frostbite’s razor blades and decided to shy away?)
everyone knows that to succeed in business the best strategy is to completely ignore your competitors yet still repeat their exact mistakes
The problem is that Anthem WAS the safe option. It's the exact same thing as literally every other BioWare game:
>play as semi-famous or authority figure who must travel to 3-5 different locations collecting allies, mcguffins and the knowledge of an ancient precursor race to stop a big bad idiot from finding an item that will empower him to conquer the world
For such a screwed up game, the game feels more complete than it should
>a place where winters can dip to minus 20 or even minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit
Why would anyone choose to suffer this?
goddamn, i hate jason schrier with a passion but this article was really well written
it didnt have romances tho biggest mistake
Just about everyone on your squad has daddy issues, Garrus and Tali are returning characters, Miranda and Jacob are not memorable at all (outside Miranda's ass). Off the top of my head the only character I'd say was memorable was Legion.
Moreover the Collectors were not memorable at all, they job out in the same game they are introduced and play literally no role in the galaxy beyond introducing the stupid "baby reaper". This is also why the plot is bad: it's a total detour from the actual story of the trilogy and none of the events therein really matter, which forced BioWare to introduce the Crucible in ME3 which made things worse by introducing a lazy background deus ex machina.
Maybe if it was only supposed to be like an 8-hour single player campaign, yeah they have a very basic, functioning core of a game. But given its online multiplayer aspirations and looter shooter mechanics, it's pretty fucking bad.
endocrine signaling is such a complicated balancing act that messing with anything just flips the entire table over.
>How do you go four years without establishing a concrete vision?
Management that spends more time doing blow and whiskey at their desk until they pass out in their office than manage their workers in any constructive way.
All the people bitching anonymously were low level. So of course they are going to say it was upper management, EA, and frostbite. They are probably not entirely wrong.
But no one in any official capacity at Bioware can say their work force of diversity hires wasn't up to the task. Or any task. I'd wager it was true though. They were having to take months off for stress and didn't know what to do because all the experts were gone? Thats bullshit or only half the story.
SonicFox isn't even good at his job anymore. He got dunked on in the biggest tournament.
Now he's just a gay nigger furry.
It's clear Bioware's management is to blame. They couldn't make decisions because their meetings went around in circles without anyone steping up to tell them to make up the minds.
EA unironically was the good guy here
how is endocrine signaling even real like just eat tren nigga
The only reason DA:O turned out good is because it was in development way before EA got their dirty hands on bioware.
Basically EA asked them to use Frostbite and these "elite" developers shit themselves.
Pathetic. Why are we blaming EA again?
>Trying to make a game.
>Wish-fulfillment fag man fucking gays into your room and shits all over your PC monitor.
EA is a game developer vampire.
>“The amount of support you’d get at EA on Frostbite is based on how much money your studio’s game is going to make,”
No they weren't.
they deserve each other
It's the mentality of a slacker, /r9k/
>One former BioWare developer told me they would frequently find a private room in the office, shut the door, and just cry. “People were so angry and sad all the time,” they said. Said another: “Depression and anxiety are an epidemic within Bioware.”
Fuck me...
I think they'd be familiar with that.
If that's how it was then what's it like now?
They signed the deal with the devil. At least Microsoft left them to their own devices.
I imagine thats what its like in any EA owned dev team.
It was part of a company wide initiative to standardize Forstbite for use in all their games as to not pay Epic or other companies to help make their games. The problem is, EA had absolutely no guides or any competent support to help other studios they owned with any issues they had with Frostbite. And the people at BW who WERE proficent with the engine were literally just moved to FIFA. EA would absolutely be in the wrong IF not for the fact BioWare themselves not only agreed to the shift but also spearheaded it THEMSELVES. So in a hilarious kind of way, EA goes back to being innocent again.
Also a reminder that flying, the game's only redeeming factor for many people, wasn't even going to be in the game if Patrick Soderlund didn't force BioWare to get their shit together and make a competent demo.
This unironically
Rest in peace Visceral, Westwood, Bullfrog, Origin, Pandemic.
brains of that guy could be all over his face.
Game developers deserve what shit they get. Actual talented programmers find real jobs. Those who stuck around for shit pay and high turnover are just "muh dream vidya" delusionals who can only drag and drop, connect nodes + write basic scripting to survive their easily replaceable code monkey life. I hope game unions come soon so that publishers give up and start hiring foreigners so the game dev job can die already.
How, you are always at fault when you run into someone else
>Working on a video games.
>Make an actually pretty neat setting and story.
>Suddenly that worthless fat fuck in a wig comes in.
>Butchers everything, replaces it with an ancient evil awakens.
>Probably added a shit ton of wish fulfillment bullshit because the dude is incapable of writing anything else.
>Leaves you with a fucking mess of a script.
>Leaves a year later due to what is essentially "I'm just not having fun anymore."
I used to think Gaider was just a hack, now I know he's flat out just a piece of shit.
>And the people at BW who WERE proficent with the engine were literally just moved to FIFA.
This isn't in the article.
What I gathered from the article is that Bioware had 0 experience with Frostbite and that was slowing them down. Even so, they 6 years to develop the game and wasted most of it.
I think their real problem is that nobody wanted to take any responsibility by making decisions.
They were all afraid of responsibility. These are grown men and women, it's ridiculous.
>Also a reminder that flying, the game's only redeeming factor for many people, wasn't even going to be in the game if Patrick Soderlund didn't force BioWare to get their shit together and make a competent demo.
Yeah I saw that. That guy should have made more surprise calls to them.
>gaider was so unprofessional he got fired from beamdog
>fucking beamdog
1 and 5 point are the only i agree with
It's an industey DRIVEN by failure, suits have no incentive to change shit unless they don't make a profit because they don't give a shit about quality or video games at all.
>Fired from Beamdog.
What, why? How did he fuck up that hard?
This, any competent programmers who want to stick to games sure as fuck are not going to want to go to a big AAA studio where they can't actually put anything they know to use. They're best off finding a small team if not making their own thing almost completely alone while coding some shit that prints money for themselves on the side.
Who the fuck is Gaider? Why is this the first time I'm hearing about him?
>This isn't in the article.
"BioWare had programmers with Frostbite experience, so Electronic Arts shifted them to FIFA."
Madden and NHL are both shitshows right now.
They forget that memes aren't always bad though. Plenty of memes spawn around the good parts of games too, or at least around benign things that people like to lovingly poke fun at. Case in point: "Shepard.... Wrex" or "finishing some calibrations". Those kinds of things may be poking fun at an awkward flaw but they're harmless and done in jest because the rest of the game was good enough to make up for some small detail like an NPC repeating dialogue because you've exhausted everything else they had to say at the time. Even Bioware got in on the joke. Andromeda's memes were anything but harmless though because they all spawned from glaring flaws in the game. They were born out of malice for a controversial product. But in all honesty, they probably still helped the game more than they hurt because they made it memorable, gave people something to discuss, and brought some amount of joy out of a miserable situation.
Making a game "unmemeable" is how you completely suck out any potential personality it could have had. It makes it boring and forgettable. Destiny had the same problem. Not a single thing in that game stuck out as even worthy of a joke, whether done in good fun or out of distaste. I don't remember a single line of dialogue, any noises the enemies made, and way any of the characters animated, fucking nothing. Anthem aiming for a goal of being "unmemeable" is just begging gamers to forget about it.
>Hudson left
>Gaider tried to throw his weight around and write the same old story again
>Frostbite is a piece of shit engine
>Lack of experience with online games
>Complete and utter lack of leadership
>Manpower shifted to other games that are much more profitable
>Couldn't get the necessary time to work with the Frostbite team because FIFA & BF are more profitable than RPGs
>Numerous ideas scrapped because Frostbite is a piece of shit
What an absolute shitshow of horrendous management. Bioware dying at this point would be a mercy kill.
Whoops. You are right.
Sorry about that.
David Gaider.
Just look for any picture of him, that's all you need to see and you can pretty much accurately picture exactly what kind of creepy incompetent fuckhead he is.
user, those in power are afraid of becoming the clowns they themselves laugh at too
The main story of the trilogy was shit from the start. There never should have been a trilogy with a single overarching story. It should have been an anthology series of loosely connected stories set in the same universe.
>This isn't in the article.
Yes it is:
>It often felt to the Anthem team like they were understaffed, according to that developer and others who worked on the game, many of whom told me their team was a fraction of the size of developers behind similar games, like Destiny and The Division. There were a number of reasons for this. One was that in 2016, the FIFA games had to move to Frostbite. The annual soccer franchise was EA’s most important series, bringing in a large chunk of the publisher’s revenue, and BioWare had programmers with Frostbite experience, so Electronic Arts shifted them to FIFA.
>Why is this the first time I'm hearing about him?
Because you're a 2014+ faggot. I'm even more mad that the benchmark is now 2014 instead of 2010 or 2007.
Oh... he looks like Andrew Dobson.
How many societies have been made and run by men who didn't make decisions and needed other people, or actual fucking robot arms look it up I shit you not look it the fuck up, to open their bottles of onions.
I am not joking about the fucking robot arms used to open onions. Google it.
>Ruins all your games
Is that stuff about leaders really true?
I've noticed in MMOs that people often want leaders, and I'm willing to fulfil that role.
But whenever I attempt to lead them, they just bitch the whole time about being told what to do, even if I'm telling them to do useful things like cast buffs or manage cooldowns or position themselves for AoEing.
Did they want a bloody leader or not?
You mean 2016 instead of 2014.
I started browsing in 2007, actually. I just haven't really paid attention to Bioware games.
>monster hunter but with guns
God Eater, it also has custom bullet autism in it.
you can't ruin what's already garbage!
well if you know Bioware you know Gaider
BG, and so on
those people like complaining and are cowards for not stepping up themselves
Good god i can't phathom how fucking angry i'd be if i was pulled to work on goddamn fifa because those lazy fucks can't be arsed to learn a new engine when they've been making the same game for 2 decades. Let this be a reminder for ANY retards considering selling to EA, they will mismanage entire companies to try to save money for minute licensing fees.
This. Suitfaggots want all the profits but want to take absolutely none of the risks, AND they're gonna murder anyone who messes up. No one can fucking breath long enough to have vision.
Just looked it up, he was hired in February 2016 and left in February 2018. He isn't credited on any game ever released by Beamdog.
damn so hard to write stuff to a file and change the camera position...
>i can't phathom
don't make me tap the sign
This is what happens with diverse hires..retards
But unlike Blue Inflation Bear who got nowhere in life, Gaider happened to be in the right place at the right time, part of Bioware since the 90s and coasting on the team's success. His seniority in the team allows him to just walk in and do whatever the fuck he wants, 99% of what he wants is to ruin whatever the rest of the writing team has planned in the script.
Will EA ever learn frostbite only works for swedish gremlins at dice?
Patrick did nothing (Nothing) wrong.
>what do you mean nobody except dice knows how frostbite works?
This nigga destroyed Battlefield 5's sales and forced BioWare to almost commit sudoku, what a hero.
if you ever worked with CS graduates they have a huge problem with hierarchy and seem to eat chaos for breakfast
You can see the bullet sliding out of the chamber briefly before it goes off camera.
Leadership is a power game. Humans are built to depend on a leader, but also built to tear down ineffective ones. It's a game so deeply ingrained that you won't be realizing you're playing it.
the word's autism
He did it all for his wife's daughter
Based. Gamers aren't entirely cucked like hollywood movie goers shoveling capeshit down their throats every month. At some fucking point, we expect a minimum amount of quality and effort to be met by these AAA developers. If that's too hard for them to do then they can fuck off. They can cry about how we're not being dumb goy sheep all they want.
Not a lot of people are saying Bioware is blameless, it's just that EA is responsible for a whole lot of the problems currently plaguing the corpse of Bioware. Releasing the game long before it was ready? Putting the current leadership in charge? EA. Hiring the incompetent new blood replacing the old guard? EA. Forcing Bioware to use their shitty in-house engine to save a few shekels? EA. Determining which game gets the most support and manpower? EA.
>make the game “unmemeable”
That all depends on how Bungie does on their own. Bungie was doing alright before they left Microsoft and went to an even worse corporate overlord and there's a lot about the first Destiny that seems like it was pushed out before it was ready to reach an arbitrary financial quarter date.
its memorable as piece of shit
>Releasing the game long before it was ready?
Yeah, should've given them another 6 years to add that bioware polish.
How do you fuck up TWICE???
You can blame suits all you want but the thing is the code monkey culture is very individualistic and they dont do well in teams. So it takes tightening the leash from execs to have to so anything.
But the issue is that there ARENT SUPPOSED TO BE ANY SUITS. You cant bring in a bunch of strangers to shit out a product like a factory when these guys are gonna be crammed in a cubicle 24/7, each being the "ideas" guy. As cliche as it sounds it has to be a naturally made group of like minded people who enjoy journey of MAKING the game.
You take the best talent from Valve, old I.D, and old Bungie and see how well they work together.
yeah well no one said vidya needed to be a trillion dollar industry. It's just old kikes ruining everything as they usually do.
Move to Japan, they practically have an entire industry based on that.
>Hire a bunch of women
>They break under pressure like women
is that some fucking harry potter
The stink basement autism culture was objectively the better culture.
If they actually had a vision and began working on it 5 years ago they probably could've had a decent game. They spent more time thinking than planing and doing.
Didn’t Gaydar leave after Inquisition?
It's just some good ole death juices from people not finding a dude's body until weeks after they died. They even got a word for it: Kodokushi
you could've done anything and everything and it still wouldn't have come out alright
No, in the box. Looks like harry potter.
So is this the end of Gaider's career in gaymin? They can sugarcoat it all they want but it sounds like nobody liked him or his writing.
Not that user but it does look like shota radclief on the box
>"One former BioWare developer told me they would frequently find a private room in the office, shut the door, and just cry."'
Sounds like they'll have lucrative future in game journalism.
Only 1 and 5 are right.
found it
Unless he moves. Edmonton only has the two companies, and he's apparently stepped on too many toes to go back to either. He can probably work freelance, I'm sure some cunt will be stupid enough to take him.
Looks like the failure of white men to me
“Everybody around me has died, one after another, and I’m the only one left,” she said. “But when I think about death, I’m afraid.”
That has to be the worst feel. To outlive your heirs and family
Senior leads don't do the grunt work.
It'd probably be better for all the devs that actually have some creative bones left in their bodies, since I wager most of them are too afraid to lose their current job and aren't looking for work at other studios.
I honestly feel sort of sorry for the actual devs given all the shit they have to take from the higher ups
You're right, they just decide where the grunt work is spent.
Which is the cause of most of Anthem's major issues
>le ebin call of doot doot sprint everywhere jetpacking around and teabagging the ayylmaos.
You're making it sound like Risk of Rain 2 which is actually very much fun
Wait so it's the SAME reason why DA2 and MEA were shitty? WHY DO THEY NEVER LEARN?
>One former BioWare developer told me they would frequently find a private room in the office, shut the door, and just cry. “People were so angry and sad all the time,” they said. Said another: “Depression and anxiety are an epidemic within Bioware.”
>“I actually cannot count the amount of ‘stress casualties’ we had on Mass Effect: Andromeda or Anthem,” said a third former BioWare developer in an email. “A ‘stress casualty’ at BioWare means someone had such a mental breakdown from the stress they’re just gone for one to three months. Some come back, some don’t.”
Lmao what is wrong with these people. I've worked in a big software company, just do what you're told, punch in those eight hours and give no fucks
Holy shit unironically this.
>anthem's general had like 100 posts
>fell off /vg/ yesterday
>no new thread
This shit is SO dead.
Sad because the gameplay is genuinely fantastic. Just suffers from bad bugs, poor decisions from not looking at other looters, and a massive lack of content.
>was the first sign of the end for bioware
Wait, not DA2? Not motherfucking corridor shooter ME2? Face it bioware was going down the shitter for ages.
>just do what you're told
That's the problem. No one told them to do anything and these retards thought they could self-manage.
>punch in those eight hours
This was probably during crunch time
>last thing you see before you fade into sweet release of death is Harry Potter
not bad.
>ME2 is arguably their greatest game
I never do this, but. Yikes.
>Garrus and Tali are returning characters, Miranda and Jacob are not memorable at all
Garrus was boring as fuck in ME1 and Tali's loyalty quest in ME2 completely renewed her character. Miranda is literally the best waifu in the series.
And the suicide mission and Harbinger were dope, fuck off
>and a entertaining plot
>Bioware is so retarded it took them 6 years to release a beta
>Mongoloid fanboys bought it for full price, even after Andromeda
LOL 'Anthchads'
Shoulda had romances BioWare ;)
settle down sperg
>doesn't mention Jack
this is such a low-iq post
I honestly can't tell if Patrick Soderland salvaged the game or doomed it.
Honestly, no wonder ME3 was such a shitshow, HOW do you recover from ME2? HOW? None of the galactic conflicts were solved, you spent most of the game dealing with daddy issues from your party members, no setup for the Reaper's plans or origins... You cannot make a good sequel for that, it's like The Last Jedi in terms of plot.
>her character
Nigga the game wasn't supposed to be about characters, it's not a fucking sitcom. A horror movie full of jokes is still a shitty horror movie even if the jokes were great.
Why does this makes sense?
And here we see that you need a toxic alpha male to herd the basedboys into fulfilling a goal.
>RPG about being a space-captain and interacting with your crew
>Not about the characters
Middle East suck
Waaaait wasn't that Cara Ellison? The new writer for VTMB2.
based and redpilled
>perfect body
>fucked up face with buck teeth
>"shepard i r prfct"
I miss being called a newfag because I arrived at 2009.
And he pulled the exact same shit too by nerfing apex activity loot
Not that it matters, game is dead regardleds
I literally did exactly this my entire college career and always got good grades. Some people do great work under pressure. These people did not.
Not defending Bioware or EA but I can imagine if you were a fly on the wall for pretty much any game's development process you'd see some really embarrassing shit
Sounds like roasties when they have to work.
>Parrish Lay
What kind of limp-wristed, panty-waisted, milksops are they hiring?
Loading screen images
Anyone that cares about the IP would get mad when a low-IQ brainlet like you defends the shitty decisions in ME2 that gave us ME3.
>they're consistently voted the worst company in the US
I can't tell if you know and this is bait, or if you're such a newfag that you don't know.
>muh diversity hires
Shut the hell up.
I've worked for a company like this. It's utter hell.
This. I had a similar situation. It's a fucking nightmare.
No, Cara wrote about her disdain for fakeout rape scene in Hotline Miami 2.
LMAO, women in the workplace was a mistake.
>faggots and women having mental breakdowns at the notion of hard work
Bioware are going to have to swallow a hard pill and get men back before their company goes under.
You're actually just straight up retarded my dude. The barrier for entry to get into gaming is MUCH higher than any other entertainment medium. Sure you can play some F2P games on your toaster, but you're not really INTO gaming to the point of belonging to the "entitled gamers". Same with mobile players. They aren't into the scene enough to be classified here. What you call "entitled gamers" are actually people that have taken a vested interest in this hobby. They are not entitled for wanting good products, especially with the budgets involved. Fuck off with your bullshit.
>eight hours
Devs regularly work 14 hour shifts
>blaming ME2 for ME3's flaws
top-tier autism right here
I wonder if Casey Hudson regrets leaving Bioware. Looks like shit went tits up the moment he left the door.
Casey Hudson ruined the Mass Effect series. He can die in a fire.
He rejoined after Andromeda came out and was involved with Anthem. If anything he's probably regretting not staying gone.
You haven't disproven any of the points made against the game, you literally just repeated endlessly "but I like the quips and characters" as if ME should have been about that and not the setting itself. Retard.
Most of the team were men incel
Why do they do this?
Patrick is the only reason the game even had a demo, they spent years debating whether to include the jetpack.
Right: Soul
Left: Soulless
>t. now-unemployed diversity hire
Strike a nerve there, Manveer?
Bingo. Add a few "we need to make 300% of the profit while cutting investment in half" executives and you've got a recipe for disaster.
See, and this is where I'm conflicted, because on the one hand he actually made the developers get off their ass and actually make some concrete decisions, but on the other hand he's been a faggot in ways like making them switch to Frostbite and then sending most of the Frostbite-related resources to making sure FIFA could get up and running smoothly, leaving them kind of fucked.
Also, I would say that the jetpack functionality hurt their game more than helped it. But at that point, it feels like the damage was already done with Gaider fucking up the premise of the game anyway, so any criticisms I could have of the jetpack system are sort of irrelevant.
They didn't go with Gaider's ideas though. That was the problem they were too indecisive to do anything. If they had gone with Gaider, thryd at least have a sembelance of a story that years earlier. They might not have had flying, but it would be a net gain because they would have had a vision and time to build it.
The fucker had the gall to say that he designed ME3's ending choices in such a way that they'd be discussed for years to come. While that's fucking true, I'm pretty sure at the time he didn't mean it in the way that it was going to be such a shitshow that we'd never forget how bad it was.
He's clearly not responsible for the great storytelling that Bioware used to be known for. And given that the games themselves were kinda dogshit to play that leaves nothing good that can be credited to him. The older games succeeded in spite of him and now that he's alone running the company it's clear he can't make a good fucking game to save his life and it has probably always been that way.
So fuck him.
>One private moving company in Osaka reported that 20 percent of the moving company's jobs (300 per year) involved removing the belongings of people who had died lonely deaths.
Not sure if I should be laughing or sad
They are still discussed.
>calls them retards after making a retarded statement
>wants to be spoonfed the same formulaic story over and over
Yeah fuck pushing the envelope and trying new ideas, let's bring in Gaydar so he can do his ancient-evil-awakens tropes and cliché bullshit.
they don't have to live with the bad orange man
you fucked it up
Anthem's main problem was that Bioware's leads wanted to make "something cool and new" instead of having an actual idea to put into a design document. If the company had the design document, development wouldn't stall in pre-production for 5 fucking years. Anthem's crash serves them right. Don't try to make "cool games" if you don't have an actual idea of what you want to make, fuck off you're creatively bankrupt studio
>other studios hire Bioware's female and soi staff and the epidemic continues to spread.
fuck your dumb
The last good game Bioware made was Baldur's Gate 2: Throne of Bhaal.
Change my mind.
>If a song sucks, no one ever hears of it.
explain Twenty One Pilots then
Anthem's main problem is no romances
Anthem's main problem is its boring as shit gameplay.
Once the thrill of flying around like Ironman wears off the game becomes shit.
Once again this was caused by frostbite, I mean HOLY FUCK who thought it was a good idea to force all studios to use this piece of shit.
Swedes, not even once.
He probably regrets coming back
Does this means I have the power to ruin a company if I continue to make meme like I always do?
At this point it would probably be better to write their own engine, like they used to. Or get UE4 or Lumberyard, fucking anything.
Unironically yes
Dragon Age 4 is using Anthem resources.
>Dragon Age 4 is fucked.
It has Anthem's code as a base. Development will be smooth. :)
Did they ever fix the faces in andromeda?
DA4 isn't happening at all.
Not even necessarily bad, I mean did you SEE why it didn't work out for anthem? All the progress made by the MEA and DAI teams was ignored, MEA had to fix the engine so it could have a larger map size, something anthem would benefit from, DAI managed to get an inventory system, both of those feats impressive considering the engine is an autistic dedicated battlefield maker. When you have an inhouse engine, what you do is build upon the previous works, taking a bit of time with each release so there's always a new tool, or an old tool is always improved.
Its true though. only thing 2 had going for it was the character stories and the general gunplay. If main Plot of ME2 happened before ME1 it would make no difference. The only thing that actually pushed the plot along was the arrival DLC. So in the end the 3rd game had to make up for the 2nd games failure to push the plot along.
This isn't part time at mcdonalds to afford extra weed between classes dude, these people will be on the streets when EA inevitably fires them without warning
I'm sorry you work at McDonald's instead of getting an education user
New thread
Welcome to the real world.
Laugh. That's gonna be us one day. No use worrying about it.
Why wasn't Andromeda built on DAI's codebase? Why wasn't Anthem built on Andromeda's codebase? Why are they just now actually started to reuse shit that works and not just start with fresh Frostbite?
It's "vocation", user. Vacation is taking a time off.
>2) Gamers are entitled jackasses. The large majority don't understand shit about game development from the pitch stages to post development. They don't know shit but are always incredibly vocal about how things should be or what they should do and they always get upset at shit that if they knew atleast 3 things about the industry and games themselves there wouldnt be a problem. Also never satisfied
>3)Gamers again. They violently lash out against video games being normalized because they'd prefer to keep it to stink ass basement autism culture. Which clashes with every single movement in the industry be it e-sports, unionization, new regulations, new players. They abhor change while crying for better quality and fail to realize that as long as gaming is stuck in basement dweller child perspective not much is going to get better
Mom it's not my fault I failed the test, It's your fault for expecting a son who can get good grades in an American public school
but the whole thing as a meme
it was
>video game the video game
it looked like what would happen if you made a game out of the front page of artstation
It's "vacation", retard, he's whining about not getting time off.
Bioware gave us:
It's more than memers could ever hope for and I am thankfull that EA wasn't able to sabotage these creative minds with their ideas off having an actual game that looks good and is fun or some shit.