Anyone really like a game that everyone else hates?
Anyone really like a game that everyone else hates?
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I fucking love X6
also i am more of an X5 kind of guy
is x8 really that good? I'm all the way up to X7 iright now and this is easily the worst game.
Do people really hate 8 though? Maybe it's cause all the plebs that started with 7 jumped into this thinking it would be similar.
Is this game underrated?
>favorite is X1
how can people be this fucking boring?
8 has a vocal minority of fans from what i can tell, but it is one of the bad ones by general consent
>Sticker Star
yeah, ds2 is my favorite souls game
The fucking double boxes boss and circle faggot were actually evil. The fact that the game had abusing iframes as an actual intended to be abused mechanic was cool though.
No, my favorites are probably x3 or x4.
X6 is fun. It's absurdities never make the game feel like a chore, but instead a joke that the devs and player are both in on.
The only real contenders it has are X2 and X4.
i dont get what's supposed to be bad about X6
i like X5 and X4 better but i dont get what makes X6 so much worse
quick rundown?
That patch tweaker make its way more fun. Fuck nightmare effect and permadeaths
that's a pretty popular opinion actually. DS2 objectively had the best pvp of any souls game.
>but i dont get what makes X6 so much worse
Did you play the game? It has some of the most fucked up fights in the entire series. Gameplay overall is actually good though.
it has a lot of good stuff for anyone willing to look for it. every character plays dramatically different.
The repetitive boss fights of blazenik probably traumatized a lot of normalfags. And the fact that you pretty much need a certain armor type to progress through Gates lab. Otherwise I really don't know. It had way more collectables, more stage variety cause of the nightmare effect, and it was probably the only challenging X game aside from X3. Also had the best music.
>Did you play the game? It has some of the most fucked up fights in the entire series
when i was kid. maybe i just couldnt tell what was wrong with it
I still don't know if playing the Wii version made it better or not
X6's soundtrack was kino.
I consider X6 to be better or should I say less annoying than X5 and X7,
>make a stage that's 90% miniboss
>random effect on a stage that won't let you see
>reploids placed right next to nightmare virus so you can't get 100% if you don't know about it in advance
>a boss you cannot damage if you happen to get to him too early
And don't forget this jump if you brought the Shadow Armor because spike immunity made perfect sense on the previous stage.
The Wii verson's boost mechanic wasn't OP and made the game more fun.
What the fuck is a mijinion
Water flea
The only people who hate 8 are either the ones who think Spoony's word is law or brainlets who can't understand a system even I could figure out when I was 10.
>Bububu-but the game is easily broken!
Yeah if you go out of your way to break it, dumbass. Play it like normal, go from place to place, and don't grind your ass off and it's not broken.
X6 is my favorite of the X series by far. I don't understand why people are scared of a little challenge for once in the series.
Making that jump is kinda fun desu. That whole lab is probably one of the only challenging platforming segment in the entire X series. X6 is the perfect Megaman game for hardcore MMX fans imo.
Sounds like you're fucking bad
X8 is a huge improvenent over X7, they fixed everything that was wrong, the only downside is the last boss and they basically ended the maverick wars and never touched elf wars afterwards.
>random effect on a stage that won't let you see
i remember this annoying me. the art direction was kinda weird. it had some bright / glossy effects that looked awkward as shit
it's been too long since i played so i dont remember the other stuff you mentioned
HOLY SHIT was right. Only plebs like don't like X6.
A good amount of people like this game its sorta gaining a cult following.
I actually just beat this for the first time recently. What would be the perfect route to getting everything 100% on nightmare mode? And do reploids disappear forever if they die during a level?
I fucking loved X6 it's the only X game that puts your skills to the test
>nightmare mode
sorry, meant Xtreme.
WHy would I hate the only game from X series that is actually challenging ?
X3 is pretty challenging in the beginning. Very challenging if you go buster only. Also has the most badass intros if you play it on PS1.
>do reploids disappear forever if they die during a level
Can I restart the level? And how hard is it to 100% X6?
You can only restart by getting a game over so it doesn't count to your progress if you're too far into the level
otherwise just die and the reploid will be back iirc
VIII is a game designed so you learn by yourself how the mechanics work as you go along.
playing it knowing how everything works can destroy it
I like X6 a lot but you're 100% right
I unironically think this is more fun than Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 and Heroes
It had a lot of good ideas, but it shouldn't have used the Heroes engine or used the Sonic X cast.
>zoomer shit more kino than GOAT Mega Man X OST
the fuck
Boomer Kuwanger and Storm Eagle are the only memorable tracks from X1 for me. And how in the unholy fuck is X6 a zoomer game?
Mega Man X 6 was release in 2001, making it a zoomer.
I can still remember all of them, especially the Boss Battle arpeggio.
explain this meme please