What classes should I pick [vee]?
What classes should I pick [vee]?
What do you want to do?
is soildier good class for str+constitution build?
soldier+oathkeeper for that righteous paladin build
I tried this game but the skill system just seems dumb. Why have no games gotten it better than Diablo 2 did twenty years ago? Why don't they just directly copy that system?
I tried playing a necromancer and your skeletons cap out at like 8 skeletons and you can't control the composition of it, it seems like. What is wrong with the Diablo 2 system?
If your game fails to do something as well as a game that is 20 years old maybe stop developing games.
>and your skeletons cap out at like 8 skeletons
that is absolutely not the cap and you're able to raise your skill levels to increase it on top of equipment which also raises the cap on how many you can spawn. Which is quite similar to how diablo 2 did it
I understand how that'd be frustrating but you clearly didn't play far enough into Grim Dawn to understand the system you found frustrating.
Different user but I've been really into the shit recently so I can give you a pleb response version.
>Put points into skills for summoning your bois.
>Put points into devotions for making your bois beefy.
>Equip Gear that has +X to [Name skill] to raise the value of a skill above the normal cap.
Shit eventually starts to snowball. Grim Dawn skills can use a mix of points spent and gear to take a skill that normally caps out at 12 skill points and push it all the way to like 22 or its 'ultimate skill' or some shit.
And once you get that skill pretty close to being its ultimate self it get exponentially stronger and apparently does extra shit or whatever.
The limitation of how strong skills get seems like one thing but in reality it goes a whole lot further.
There's gear that gives +to skills that go over the max number of points you can allocate yourself and every 4 points or so the skeleton number increases.
There are also items that straight up increase summon cap.
It's not going to reach D2 levels of 20+ skellies running around but you can have other summons and buffs that go on them.
You should know about +skill gear if you played Diablo though.
Well the first post complained that you can only get 8 skeletons while d2 allowed more but the numbskull for some odd reason doesn't understand that you need +skills on your gear to raise the limit of skellies (which is exactly how it works in d2)
Here's a random build I pulled off the forums and a piece of equipment for those too lazy to click. His entire argument is some real ignorant shit and he clearly has not played gd past level 10 or something because there are even items at low levels which raise your cap on skeles.
Yeah, Soldier is the tank class. If you want to be truly indestructible, pair it with Shaman.
Occultist and max out bloody pox + fevered rage.
Run around like a headless chicken while screens of enemies die around you.
Whats a good class to go with necro?
you're retarded
Im trying oath/occ with vit/chaos damage, mostly based on doombolt and the witchfire buff. No idea if it will work well.
My other character is Nightblade/inq with frost damage. pretty fun.
Where are the supposed mobility improvements? Went inq + arcanist but yet to see any movement abilities by lvl 30.
The first town you enter in forgotten gods has faction merchants which sell basic low level mobility skills such as charge, disengage and teleport. You have to finish act 1 to enter the FG area. For higher level mobility skills you will have to acquire them through dropped craft recipes
Depends on how you want to play.
Arcanist for Aether
Shaman for vitality
Occultist/Shaman for pets
Nightblade/inquisitor for cold
Soldier for boring
Is Necro/Occ the normal combo for pure summoner? Or are the doggo and crow from Occult still pretty useless and I should just put all points into Necro?
Ah, alright then. Was wondering why the expansion area opened at such an early level but that explains it.
More importantly, where is the new blacksmith that supposedly rerolls sets.
What damage do pets deal anyway? I used to just stack fire on my demo
Some SR boss combinations are FUCKING GAY
Necro, occultist & shaman are the most heavily pet-focused builds. Oathkeeper has one too but I haven't checked that out yet. Since most gear gives universal pet stat buffs such as offensive ability % you can build whatever you want as long as you also got some resist reduction for whatever damage your pets primarily deal.
Also since that extremely retarded user triggered my autism so much here's another picture of an item set bonus which allows you to summon an extra hellhound pet. You can summon extra crows too with certain equips
Im rolling necro and demo, how fucked am i
You can't go wrong with either shaman or occultist. Both builds are viable, just focus on different type of damage.
Shaman is more about buffing big dudes with phys/bleed damage.
Occultist is more about ele damage and common practice is slapping flame torrent from fiend devotion on skeletons while the crow and flame hound reduce enemy ele resistance and buff your ele damage
Where my dervish bros at?
Oathkeeper "pet" scales with player damage bonuses, not pet bonuses, so it's pointless in pet builds, but great in any other build.
For normal/vet any combo will get you through. And if you can beat vet you can clear elite. Doubt you'd clear ultimate with that combo though.
it's pretty gear reliant to shine in late game and hard to build around but some vitality or aether focused defiler will work fine if you put the effort into it
I can't think of any decent synergy between those two, but what
said is true
With Grim Internals, am I supposed to start the client with the Internals .exe from now on?
Whats a good "caster" build for higher difficulties. I like dual pistols, so i was planning acranist and inq
Except to get it beyond 9 you need some really specialized gear. Hell to even get it to 9 you need to plax through the whole game and hopr for good drops. Meanwhile D2 necro has 9 skellys once he hits level 9. You get to 30+ levels simply playing the normal game, this means 30+ skellys if you want to.
Arcanist + inq is a good combo but you'll want to be focusing on skills like runes or aether ray for that. If you want to shoot guns I'd recomend tactician (inq+soldier) or purifier (inq+demo).
>dual pistols
purifier easily the best for guns but anything with inquisitor is solid really.
And casters have so much to work with that literally any mastery except soldier have spells you can build up. Arcanist is the most mage-like mastery tree tho
Only one set in FG that kinda supports it.
You have ravenous earth deal fire damage and cocktail deal vitality.
Wizard. The uninstall wizard. Now on a serious post, couldn't fully get into it. Got a 2h shaman/soldier to level 20 and a dw inquisitor/shaman to level 15 and never again. No expansions, just base and crucible
When was the last time you played d2? Blizzard changed the number of skeletons to quality over quantity
there are still builds that make a defiler work
Don't know anything about the new items. Is there is anything better than nightshade's reach for a poison/acid eye of reckoning build?
>aether ray
What's the problem?
Someone give me a Cabalist build that primarily uses Bloody Pox. I lost the one I was following
I also want to know more, is aether ray shit or unviable?
Demo + Pyro for big boom
It's fine. some autists don't like it because it doesn't pierce. these retards don't know devotion procs can destroy an entire room while single targeting with the ray.
it's kinda weak and a single target skill that you need to stand around to cast so it can't compete with the big boys but there isn't any skill in the game that's outright not viable. having AAR just means you gotta to use devastation or some aoe devotions to keep up in harder content
I wish this game had more focus on the multiplayer component. I'd play it if it had permanent servers with more focus on the online component
>there isn't any skill in the game that's outright not viable.
Even when it comes to killing the hardest super bosses? I've never fought one and I keep remaking classes because I'm retarded and refuse to copy others.
except the multiplayer is just fine. It's called having friends.
When people say viable they generally mean able to finish the game and finish stuff like rougelike dungeons
Doesnt everything want aoe devotions anyway?
ah yes, the pyromancer mastery
Are the secret bosses just not possible with some builds? I'm usually pretty good at dodging/kiting/reaction time, can I outskill it or is it a test for autist builds?
not him, but i dunno what he's talking about AAR being weak. i use inquisitor's seal with modifier and deadly aim and i clear ultimate.
Nemesis bosses can be beaten by any build, superbosses usually require very specific setups so the majority of builds cannot kill something like the ravager without careful consideration of what you're using. Again, AAR just like any other skill in the game can finish all of ultimate act bosses and nemesis bosses it's just not going to blow you away in the really difficult content like 160-170 crucible where you'd be relying on devastation anyway
What's wrong with it? I haven't payed attention to the meta or anything, I've just been playing on and off for fun since around the time of release whenever content drops.
Wait oo fuck I'm dumb I meant Occultist
As you can see, I haven't played in a while
nothing. it's just popular.
What immediately comes to mind is that it doesnt exist
>go full NB build
>put almost all points into cunning
>getting one shot by every other mob group
I've made a terrible mistake
I've got scorpion sting bound to eye of reckoning. Should I add rumor or acid spray to the avatars?
You get items to reset your points later. Just pick soldier as your second mastery and spread some points defensively in the meantime.
My first build was a demo/occult rifleman and i dumped my points in to spirit
I was dying left and right before level 40
>adding rr to your rr
why not
I think we all did that on our first runs. My first character was a melee pyromancer and it took me weeks to kill fucking Salazar of all people.
Its an acid/poison build and there aren't many devotion skills to use. I need something to bind to veil of shadow too, and that also has RR. Is there even a cutoff point for reducing enemy resistances?
So I never completed the game itself. Now I went in again and after 1st act it throws me instantly into DLC where rifts shower me with items/exp/devotions. Is everything else pretty much obsolete now?
So far as I know, as long as it says -X% poison and acid resistance, you can stack as much of it as you want.
nightblade/arcanist shadowstrike cold damage build for true patricians
>exp sharing stops a swim as you move 1 screen away
>anything explored by another player isn't shared with you
These two broke the will to play for me and my buds
>exp sharing
stop falling behind
>anything explored by another player isn't shared with you
if it's your first time playing. make static characters with your friends.
Did you get the scrap?
>stop falling behind
>>anything explored by another player isn't shared with you
How can you type up that first piece, then copy him and not realize youre being a retarded faggot?
never had a problem with exp sharing and i play with lots of people. the problem is you.
I played it solo, the problem is youre a faggot
It's safe with me. Promise ;)
Nemesis bosses are goddamn meattanks
>run into beasts nemesis in Ashes of Malmouth, the hilarious one that splits into smaller meattanks upon every death
>shout OH NO NO NO NO NO NO as i ditch that motherfucker
i beat it once nevar wanna again you can't make meeeee
You're shit at the game and need people to carry you around like the little cunt you are lol. Don't reply to me anymore fag, you're complete trash.
What level should i start the new dlc
Okay first it's not that hard to get + to skills on loot by the end of act 2. Secondly thats JUST skeletons. You can still pick up the abom in necro and there are multiple other classes you can pick up for other summons. Not to mention the gear and devotions that can give even more summons. If you want everything instantly go play Diablo 3.
Eh whenever you feel comfortable with resists really. It's all scaling so there isn't a level requirement
hi I like to go very fast, what class do I pick
You're a fucking retard stop talking like you know fucking shit about anything faggot bitch
I tried this in beta. It had some weird-feeling movement and really lackluster abilities(most of the shit was just stacking a trillion on-hit effects). I'm not into what it was then, has it changed?
show me the step to build God Emperor soldier class
nightblade, shadowstrike
What's the best build if I want to rock some 2h swords and not have completely shit damage like PoE?
2h primal strike warder is insanely strong and warder is one of the best defensive classes too
> lvl 55 oathkeeper
> have yet to pick a secondary class
Help me, I’m doing eye of reckoning but not sure if i should go soldier or inquisitor for my secondary
Grim dawn more like Grim yawn
I'm going to hang out with the path of exile chads Later losers
Soldier is pretty good so far as a secondary
Inq isn't a very good secondary if you're doing an eor build. Go demo instead.
Oathkeeper+ inquisitor is literally called paladin and is imposible to kill
I want nightblade for my secondary. Veil of shadow and the 2 oathkeeper goons give rr without you having to press anything. Shadow strike to charge right in (and apply a nasty poison dot). Blade barrier just in case and some passives for more poison and acid damage.
Yes, steam will still rack them gd hours
Also, remember to install color coded to have damage types with colors which makes itemization and selecting gear easier
Either warlord or paladin
2h or s&b
Stack auras, passives and pick your favorite main damage skill
not anymore
Is blast shield and that fire weapon buff worth it? That’s only 3 skills, meanwhile soldier has like 8 passives worth taking
Either one is fine. Soldier for Phys damage and DW, Inquisitor for Fire damage EoR s/b
i prefer the tracking and insane range of shadowstrike, plus cold damage stuff is more aesthetic
I don't care what you prefer, shadowstrike doesn't come close to the speed of a full vire's might CD build. Fuck off
>That’s only 3 skills, meanwhile soldier has like 8 passives worth taking
You want to avoid spreading your points too much. Blast shield, flame touched and ulzuins flame all synergize really well with oathkeeper.
I did--that's the only other addon I have. I wish Internals didn't fuck my filter so I have to sift through yellows too.
except inq does spin to win just fine. You're forgetting how stupidly good buffs, passives and exclusive skills an inq has.
shadowstrike will always be superior to that janky skill, lmao
>I wish Internals didn't fuck my filter so I have to sift through yellows too.
what? works fine for me
Set up filters on normal exe then use grim internals, alternatively, try tbr x86 version
Isn’t that a 100% elemental damage conversion build, or is he physical/fire
It worked fine the first time I saw loot drop (was running SR and looting from the chests) then fucked the second.
Already had filters set up and x86 going.
There's a grimtools in the description, why don't you check for yourself.
If I pirate FG, I can't play it online correct? I'm wondering because I'm broke at the moment but wanted to play with a pal.
I don't think it matters
Holy shit
>Isn't it obvious
>Isn't it obvious
>Isn't it obvious
>Isn't it obvious
I was actually forced to read what this asshole was saying in order to start the boss fight.
It has LAN
*crashes to desktop*
Heh, nothing personell Taken