>Used to find enjoyment playing anything and everything for hours on end >Now 95% of the games I see just seem completely uninteresting and most of the ones that actually do look good I get bored of within an hour or so
Is this just a "me" problem or are games actually garbage now?
Same here, though typically it's just a cycle of reinstalling games I once liked, suddenly losing all desire to play and then uninstalling them again.
Leo Morgan
It's mostly a you problem. Sure, games are different then they were back then but there are so, so much more of them nowadays. There is an immense variety of games with different genres, budgets etc. I often go through phases where I just can't seem to find any motivation to play games and put them down quickly like you described. But if this sentiment is a long-term problem then you probably have some sort of bigger, underlying issue that stops you from finding enjoyment.
Evan Bailey
Well, if you look at the some steam-trash like outward and left alive, then yea, 95% of games are garbage.
Joseph Cooper
legit a you problem my dude, it's the complete opposite for me.
Adrian King
I suspect you already know this but it's a you problem. Not sure if there's a way to train your brain to not get bored easily, you'd probably be a lot happier with life if you could do it though.
Nathaniel Foster
there were like 10 other replies that just disappeared after f5ing where'd they go? did they get deleted or something
Accomplish what you need to accomplish for that day or set plans and then pull out on them for videogames. Gaming is best when you're either avoiding responsibilities or waiting to do responsibilities.
Levi Ross
It's because they really are fucking shit. Ignore all the people that tell you it's because you're all grown up. That shit isn't true at all. Many of toay's games really trash. I'm currently playing Vampire the masquerade bloodlines and it's a brilliant WRPG. I never played it before so it isn't nostalgia, it's really fucking good. It just has so much personality into it.
Owen Hernandez
You're masturbating too much. Cut back.
Juan Johnson
>buy new game >play some and like it >park it for some days because I'm enjoying it quite a lot and don't want to get burned on it >never touch it again >in the meantime I replay older games I've already finished before
I'll finish you some day, Horizon Zero Dawn. And Dragon Quest 11. And Titanfall 2. And Breath Of The Wild. And Gravity Rush 2. And Xenoblade Chronicles X. And The Witcher 3. And Rayman Origins. And many others.
When you are a kid everything is new and exciting. When you are an adult you are able to see that things are actually unoriginal and derivative. Word of advice, find the niche you like and stick to it. For example I found out I mostly like arcade-style shooters like Enter the Gungeon and Nuclear Throne, so I can play these kind of games and get enjoyment and don't have to feel like i "have" to play super popular games just cause they get memed into being good. I just stick to what I like.
Juan Kelly
This is true, but with all the things being announced this year and late last things are looking up. I feel like this is a turning point for gaming.
This is me...Was playing Total War Warhammer II, took a break because I wanted wait until my new mouse arrived. Acquired my mouse but literally do not have the motivation to play Total War Warhammer II anymore so I'm playing Summoner 2, a game from the PS2. I'm ashamed of myself.
While most of these types of problems are most logically basing on nutrition (genetic expression; energy levels, social efficacy and motivation, skillfulness … ), games are very often similar – hence the rehashed labeling that's so prevalent.
Bentley Thomas
>or are games actually garbage now? Definitely this, and all the old, good games are dying out. I can't even find multiplayer lobbies for the old Call of Duty of all things
Jonathan Ross
Too much time of life wasted, too much time that could've been better spent on improving, achieving, knowing people. graphics aren't pretty to my eyes and music isn't charming to my ears anymore. And each day even going outside and improving has less meaning. Good thread op, hopefully we can help ourselves here a bit
For 2D top-down shooters I like the aforementioned Enter the Gungeon and Nuclear Throne. Games that I played in the last year in that genre that I enjoyed include Helldivers (played it with a friend and we were both new to it, heavily multiplayer so take that as you will), Nex Machina (more arcadey not dungeon crawly), Alienation, Ruiner (more of a brawler than a shooter, but still very fun) and I also got into the retro ancestors of these games Robotron 64, Smash TV, Shock Troopers 1 and 2 (Neo Geo title), Mercs, and Neo Contra (not really retro, PS2 game). I don't know why this perspective of shooter gels so much with me, but I'm enjoying these kinds of games.
Juan Reed
I like these kinda of pictures when there's something lewd hidden in the room. Like a where's waldo but my dick gets hard.
Games are actually garbage now, digital distribution killed gaming. If you have ever paid for a digitally distributed game then you are the cancer that killed gaming and have no right to complain.
Ethan Moore
I actually enjoy some new games but the novelty just wears off faster. I end up falling back into playing games that give dopamine in shorter faster bursts like Splatoon 2 or Smash.
dang it, I played all of those, my favorite genre i similar to yours, top down twin stick shooters are the best. Thanks anyway user, hope someone else grabs a couple off your list. You should check out android assault cactus. And if you're anything like me, and this is completely out of left field, look into myst-style puzzle games.
Parker Perez
>Be at work or busy doing other stuff >All I can think about is all the games I want to play >Day off final rolls around >End up sleeping in >"Fuck, I wanted to get up earlier and start playing X" >"Oh well still plenty of time in the day" >Play for about an hour or 2 >Lose all motivation to keep playing >Jump between other games but never stick to one >Spend most of the day browsing v
It's ok, all you have to do is play rollercoaster tycoon and everything will be fine. I want to point out that for me, I've found it difficult to get into a game sometimes because I'm always trying to browse here and shitpost when I'm trying to play. I alt tab and don't focus on the game. If you have this same problem, you're gonna have to dedicate yourself in avoiding the internet and not think about it when you want to play a game.