Just started playing IX. Does he have autism?
Just started playing IX. Does he have autism?
have you never seen/interacted with a little kid before?
He's a child you dumb bastard
patiently waiting for OP to kys himself
signor autismo
Do you?
Just started reading the thread. Does OP have autism.
Yeah. He's either full blown brainlet or a child himself.
I'm not a professional but I think so.
never okayed this game, thought there was a girl in there that was skinnier than implied and had a nice ass crack show when pants got loose or something. am i imagining this?
It's a literal 7 year old little kid with terminal magic leukemia who doesn't understand the concept of death and why his adoptive grandpa stopped moving one day.
Don't bully vivi
Posting best boy for worst OP
I'm high functioning
He is a child. Also doesn't show up in the ending because he is fucking dead.
Freya is best girl
>Bullying best boy
OP where do you live
Vivi is 6 years old. And is also best character. OP is a faggot.
he's not a real person but a mass produced puppet who slowly comes to realize this.
he dies btw lol
wheres her face then faggot?
Nigger mages don't have faces.
Vivi is my son don't ever bully him
y not they fags?
I never understood how Vivi arrived to Alexandria and wanted to watch I want to be your Canary
True, too bad her half-finished story isn't.
Tapping into the Void does that.
Good he ruined the game for me, why would i care about him? he was literally a man made weapon with autism
Rats genocide best day of a my life.
he was raised by someone who was going to eat him, he doesn't have an education
Wait, Vivi's a boy? Wasn't the Vivi in Kingdom Hearts a girl?
no, he wasnt
he just was voiced by one
Vivi in IX is a boy and he is all man, he bangs like 9+ monkey bitches to sow as much of his seed as possible
Can anybody name any autistic videogame characters role models?
The only one I can think of is Deus Ex
They had a girl voice the little boy. Happens quite a lot.
Only in stupid, slant-eyed jap media.
Fuck off racist.
aint you ever watch rugrats? all the boys are voiced by girls
Vivi is pure you fuck
Bart Simpson is voiced by a girl
girls playing small boys has been a universal thing since the invention of theater
pretty effective bait by the way
Fuck, I could've sworn otherwise. My memory must be fucking with me again.