OldSchool Maplestory

Why aren't you living the good old days?


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but royals has four times the playerbase

Pre-BB Maplestory is unironically an instance of "you think you want it"
The game sucked shit back then, and sucks even more now. But it was tolerable through all the people you interacted with.

Because the good old days are gone, and no private server can emulate them or the feeling/sense of community MapleStory once had
You'll realize that soon eventually too
They always do

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So? Everyone here has played Royals, gotten bored of it, and wants something different.

hell yah about to play rn :D
guyise im only lvl 15 and only have 1.k mesos also a magician were i best place for me to go

>implying i havent played ever bbb maplestory server with a decent player base under the sun already

MS was never good, the only reason to remember the game fondly was the soundtrack.

Based retard, the community was more memorable than anything.

>arch mage IL

J>PQ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

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Remember becoming a Warrior for the first time at level 10?


why would you play this over maple royals? less content, less population and 1x rates.

Speak for yourself. Not everyone is a jaded sad cunt

>nexon makes it shit on purpose

That'll show those awful players

i was like in 5th grade when maplestory was at its best so I was to stupid to actually do anything past
monster carnival i got to lvl 51 twice
then i could no longer do carinval and it hit me like
now what..........

See x1 rates means you spend more time in the level 1-70 range, which represents peoples nostalgia the strongest. In Royals, you hit level 70 within a few days, and that's the point where the game becomes exponentially more boring. Don't even get me started on 4th job.

Oldschool also has no HP washing, whereas in Royals it's mandatory, and you are gimping yourself hard if you don't make a Bishop first.

>tfw rolled bowman as first character ever
I felt it being painful to level back then, but I didn't realize it was actually worse than I remembered when I tried other classes.

Yea it's nostalgia and totally not the fact that the game isn't balanced to be a game even though it could be.

You need to dream about the past because the maple2 is trash

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>always make a shadower then bowmaster
heh never made a bishop maybe u just need to get good haha
but yah fuck hp washing at least shadower doesnt really need it

>no x3 drop rates minimum
thats a yikes from me

oh buddy actual MS has been trash for YEARS now probably been trash for longer than it was actually good

cause the good old days had nothing to do with the game itself, infact the old game before big bang was incredibly fucking bad

You're right, it was the community more than anything.

As you can see from this image, Oldschool Maplestory's Henesys Hunting Ground is absolutely packed with noobs.

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When was the game good?

2005, before you were born.

>i cant play with actual 1x rates because im a shitter


nobody has time for that

apparently alot of people did

when they were kids, yeah, kids aren't playing oldschool maplestory pservers

>tfw dexless warrior

I rekt hard

>only kids played maplestory back in like 2004-2008
uhhhhhhhhh i dont think so

yeah let me relive grinding fucking days throwing some anime shuriken at slimes and pigs

or I dont and play anything else

this shit is a relic of unironic KAWAII DESU NEEEE XD!!! *glomps* era of weebs and i dont wish to relive that part of my 13 year old self

have fun not being able to even hit a green mushroom

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>he wasn't funded

>glomps u
haha yiffyiff awooooooooooooo

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>playing warriors ever
if pete wentz was fat and ugly and didnt wear eyeliner

threadly reminder that mages are shit and unwanted in bosses (the ultimate goal of this game)

ultimate goal of maple used to be just getting a high level

Maple 1 and that mobile port was fine but this seocnd is
>is unironicaly gay
>they wont translate it to many importante lenguages
>the comunity is trash
>servers are full of bots
>is obviusly a crapy port of a corean rpg game
>devs introduce items randomly destroying the in game market

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You probably played a sin like every other weeb and kid named xxXXnipponweebvietxXXXXX and thought he was good lol

Man old school 3rd job skills were kino as fuck. EVERY single class had fun gameplay skills with the exception of priest and page maybe.

a lot of people not the under 1000 on this server. maple story was designed to be played by thousands and the drop rates reflect that

Remember going down the Orbis Tower?


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>Want to play pre-BB
>Also want to play Evan
>End up playing neither

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I like you ,buddy

i actually played dit because sin was litteraly the most boring thing ever
not getting ur next attack till 3rd job seriously what is this......

thats why up drop rate to like 2x
there solves that problem

I didn't like it before either

>The community
Which is something a private server cannot replicate. You will never be a 13 year old kid in a virtual world where the answer to everything wasn't immediately available in some comprehensive wiki

I tried OSMS but it's just too slow for me, plus Maple Royals has more people.
Even Maple Royals doesn't have enough people to truly represent the Maplestory experience you got back in the day, but with even less people and 3x slower leveling I can't get into OSMS

1. xXDexl3ssS4suk3Xx
3. are you israeli?
4. Got track?
5. cc plz
6. B>SCROLLS@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@2
7. Pan Lids and Kumbi were FKING expensive
8. Tiger and Suuushi
9. Falling into that golem pit when going from Henesys to Sleepy woods
10. That damn iron hog at pig beach
11. When everyone wanted a thief in the party for Haste
12. Accidentally taking the black cab to Sleepy Woods as a noob, and have no messosfor the ride back
13. Hidden-street
14. Going to Orbis and El nath, not having money for the ride home
15. Waiting for mushmom
16. Get freaked out when the C. Balrogs arrived
17. Party members going apeshit when their leader didn't get them into the PQ
18. Autoclick hack
19. Only Scania, Bera, Broa, Windia
20. Screwing up your hair with Amoria hair coupon
21. Hype when Ludi came out
22. People losing their shit when they got defamed
23. Henesys hunting ground
24. F3
25. Do quest for 60% ATT gloves scrolls, then sells it for like 1.5 - 2 mil
26. +15 speed with Red Whip
27. Playing cards or that omok game with strangers
28. That noob with the buzz cut, white tanktop, blue shorts, red boots asking for mesos
29. Those ATT work gloves that were freaking expensive
30. Fangblade first to reach lvl 200

Copied from another thread

MapleRoyals has a dead earlygame. Even sub-300 population can better replicate 2005.

sniffles a fwriend OwO
hehe mew mew :3

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The game really died when every class got some version of hyper jump and max speed with no effort. Also every class getting ranged attacks regardless of what the class represents.

Kinda fucked up what Nexon did to the game. I guess they lost sight of how to evolve the game and just took the easy route til it died

I hated everything about old maple gameplay, having skills with really short ranges without any stance?
annoying as fuck

That explains it, you're a tryhard. Dits suck lol

>if ur a dit ur a tryhard
say that to my face and not online u jerk
actually they are best class and ur just jealous u couldnt level one up

Made the game more challenging though, as annoying as it may have been

Does anyone still play Reboot?

remember needing an autoclicker to get into PQ

I feel like the only person on the planet that actually liked post-bb, I would kill for a server that was post-bb but not super recent, something like maplecrystal, that server was really fun

Maplestory was truely Kino (Japanese for mushrooms)

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Do you remember?



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what's the next private server we invade for a month and forget forever?

whats the prebb class tier list

Priest - Necessary for everything
Sinx - Boss DPS you absolutely need unless
Hero - Specifically the Hero as a warrior with god gear and brandish has enormous dps and does not need to be hyperbodied


You can't go back


Growing up I was into games but my younger brother wasn't. The only game he ever really got into was Maplestory. He used to play that mess for hours and hours. Nowadays hes in and out of jail, and stealing money for drugs. Feels weird to think about.

I do

>Remembering finding out about the game though my cousin Vac-Hacking as a Lancer way back in the day.

>same thread
>same shill images
>same replies
No, no. Something doesn't add up. I don't trust it. I don't trust it one bit.

>people losing their shit when they got defamed
I was levelling a legion mule the other day. Some guy came in, tried to take my channel, I told him to fuck off, and he proceeded to defame me something like 34 times over the course of an hour. I couldn't stop laughing.

there isnt a class even in maplestory with 100s classes called that???????????
uhhh what

Pls no not this thread again. Play mapleroyals or retail or old school and delete this

I meant Dark Knight, because I remember them being 3rd job at the time.
I don't remember the name of the specific skill they were using, just that it was a 3-hit one, and it was almost certainly removed in one of the many skill reworks.

Why would you not want to try hard? Doing your best is fun.

>importante lenguages
>anything not english

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uhh the 3rd job one is called dragon knight silly

>mobile port
yah no Maplestory.m is just horribly watered down unfun gacha version that if i had played that before i have ever played actual maple i would have never touched maplestory

In a normalfag guild?

dexless sasuke-sama

maple sutory...

Please no, pick a non Neet server.

Is the MapleRoyals Yea Forums guild still active? If so, is it actually cool and friendly to newbies or are they just circlejerkers?

t. braindead child who can't handle difficulty

o.O uhmmmmmmmmm?


>grinding for 9 hours a day for half a level is difficulty now

Do you think Pirates were a good thing? Or was the game better with just 4 main classes?

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Yeah I like choosing between whaling for cubes and getting cucked into playing Kanna

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Yes. They weren't grossly overpowered and they had a clear theming and executed it well. They also added fresh gameplay gimmicks like mounts, transformations, timing iframes, and chaining skills.

Having played pre-bb private servers I disagree. I could be in the minority however.

That's honestly the main thing holding me back from playing Reboot. I can't integrate with these kinds of people.

The last guild I was in, I defamed a guy for firing the cannon into me during a flag race, then that guy whispered my guild's leader about it, then my guild leader whispers me "I've been told you defamed someone for toxic reasons, is this true?".

How long did it take most of you to get to level 30 on this?

Maplestory sucks.

I could do it in about 6 hours with pq and hit 40 in another 3

I remember specifically having an att glove/steelies and making characters over and over to run the glove 60% quests

>str bandit
We were the absolute JUSTest class out there. Weak. Broke. I had to exploit the fucking streets just to live. Nothing was beneath me. Begging. Scamming. Ripping people off on Basilmarket pressuring them on the upsell. I stuck by that shit solely because the daggers were cooler. Str dit was true fashion suffering.

but meister cubes are abundant and easy to craft now


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I forgot when I played MS1 though, is that for reboot or normal servers?

croosade v105

if those are the only two server you will choose from suicide

normal servers. flames are also dirt cheap

because old school maple fucking sucks. The only reason anyone tolerated it was because of the community and even that sucked.


I've just started on Royals and it seems decent. What's so bad about it?

The old Maplestory videos I used to enjoy watching are now either gone or impossible to find.

Royals if you don't have enough time and patience for the slow grind that is Old School Maple.


If I recall correctly royals has completely incompetent dev's, I would wager that even now they have not fixed zakum to not crash randomly

Maybe read the posts in this thread before making an idiot out of yourself?

maybe kill yourself faggot


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>of the community and even that sucked.

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That's funny user, what did you tell your guild leader?. Fame doesn't matter in this game anymore. Especially in Reboot of all places. How much have you invested in Reboot time wise? I should have made a joke to the guild leader before applying to see if the guild was right for me. Leader creates a NSFW channel in discord then deletes it due to anime tiddies and porn. What did he expect from that channel then?

There was a Yea Forums guild called PageTen but I'm not sure if it's still alive at this point.

I only started playing Maplestory after 2007 when they had the fourth job and stopped playing in 2010. What was the fourth job? I remember Warrior, Ranger, Assasin/Theif and Magician/Mage.

>not going basically lukless with low base dex and even lower base str and not even touching it until like lvl 90.....
pfffft... okay retard u litteraly only need 75 str and 150 dex and u can get most of that from items

pirate aka gunslinger/brawler

I forgot to ask, which version of Mac OS X will Old School Maplestory work on?

fuck i meant dexless
................ :( lol typing fail


How was worst Korea able to make such a god-tier game? Why can't they do it anymore?

I basically told him I did it, and he's like "Do not do this again. This is your first warning". At that point I just left. Any guild that has these rigid ethical standards you need to abide by is fucking retarded.

I was in PageTen and it was fun until it started dying. They made a new one called Archived, which last I checked, is also pretty dead now, with like 3-4 people going online daily.

>Naruto music
Ah, truly those were simpler times.

What's the difference between this and maple royals?

I want to cry.

every maplestory-like game has been a complete failure, despite some of them even being pretty decent
they just won't stop playing maplestory so nobody is trying to make a similar game

I wi** *he best for you

Maplestory's the only game I miss where the music actually makes me tear up.

Are you sure?

it offends me greatly that when given the chance to make a maplestory 2, they made an ultra-generic 3D MMO with aggressive pay2win mechanics

I'd play if there was more than 250 people online

me too, game felt completely soulless
not even about the 3d style or gameplay either, it was just a complete insult to what made maplestory fun, it was just a shitty dungeon / daily simulator, music was mostly remixes of ms1 music that didn't have the same feel, leveling was far too easy and involved no grinding or partying, just garbage forced questline, no job progression, you start off with your strongest abilities right out the gate, world is entirely irrelevant and the entire game after getting railroaded to cap via quests takes place in instance dungeons / "raids" where you'll spend the rest of your life running the same ones to upgrade your boring gear, not to mention how you would need to make alts and redo the whole boring ass process just to circumvent daily limits.

pretty much everything about ms2 is how you should NOT make an mmo

is there a guild on this server?

You are an idiot for having expectations for a Nexon game in the last 5 years. Seriously, how dumb are you?

I played Darkness Rising for a while on my smartphone, it was actually pretty cool. I don't play it anymore because I got sucked into playing Lords Mobile. Don't play Lords Mobile unless you have lots of money. And don't download the Facebook app, it messes up your smartphone and messes up some of your gaming apps.

I already play Legends

>I already play Legends

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I was thinking about it a bit more and I probably started playing MapleStory in 2007 when I was taking a Japanese language course during college/university. I stopped playing Maplestory in 2010 before I dropped out of college in 2011.

Which should I play? OSM or Legends? Do either have HP washing?

Unironcally royals most players

do you really think I have the fucking time for this shit anymore?

>do they have HP washing

just play Royals. I'm surprised Legends is still up actually, it might be interesting to log back in to my account from years ago.

250 is massive for an old ass version of maplestory that's using fucking 1x rates.

This, last time i saw anything Maple related was some stream throwing money at some item for his 12th alt, so much money Nexon (or w/e) thought the dude was doing CC fraud and blocked him so he had to go to a 7eleven buy a cashshop money card or some shit.
It is dead Jim, let it rest.

What was the guild's name you used to be a part of? I want to stay clear out of any guilds that are normie tier. I used to be in PageTen but left once it slowly started to die. It was fun while it lasted.

The type of guild we are both looking for will never be like the normie ones sadly.

>have high standards for dead game
>how come I cant find guilds doods

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>What was the guild's name you used to be a part of?
Sundae. This was only like a month ago.

The Yea Forums guild may still be alive, it's called Archived. You could check that one out.

Logged in with my 2003 character, and the game is fucking dead.

Attached: MapleStory.jpg (1920x1080, 877K)

That's what OldSchool Maplestory is for, my friend.

nuMaple is gone. It's done. It's a husk.

>search Archived
>see guild leader's name. Seems familiar
>check alliance
>my guild is in the same alliance as Archived

Well fuck.

its all coming back

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Were you the guy who said "S E N D D R O P L E T S" every hour in alliance chat?

its over lads. its over.

That is certainly not me. I don't even socialize in the alliance chat.

slime tree you retard!

i was a fucking child when i played that game

i remember when i got my magician to level 20. felt like a fucking god. but then again, it took a lot more hours back then. I just remember starting to one-shot the slimes, and it was like power was surging through me.

are there any anons just starting out on maple island?
i have the mats for biggs' quest on an islander if you're rolling a mage/rogue or something and dont feel like doing it

Give me a good reason to try oldschool maple over mapleroyals. They both look the same to me

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this is maplestory's version of the narwhal bacons at midnight

Deez nuts

For those of you who want a one-stop shop for all the music, SlipySlidy has a nice site with everything: maplestory-music.github.io/

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it is unlikely oldschoolmaple is rune by people as stupid as those running mapleroyals, royals does however have actual rates to play the server for more than 2 days on

just gonna leave this here

>some discord niggers
who the fuck cares
I just want to play an oldschool server that isn't hot garbage pretending to be "oldschool"

well it looks like proved wrong

well OSM is hot garbage, maplestory PServers have been in decline for years and get worse and worse. Games gone senpai

Can we play Maplestory alone or like create a server for yourself?

My most cherish memory was doing the Kerning and Ludi PQ.

Yeah. I remember making a personal private server back when I was a teenager. Must have been 10 years ago. No clue what website is used nowadays for private server development, though.

>unironically wanting this
Based retard.

>This map has closed temporarily please visit later

I dont know why this is so sad