Best nation to go fascist as?
Best nation to go fascist as?
Drumpf's America haha
germany obviously. or france. something about continental europe makes them mentally ill, they cannot help but to try and take over their neighbouring countries
Its called having a culture
this is why i dont buy into stormfag "race realism". you can have trash culture regardless of skin colour and continental europe is a perfect example of it
Non brits btfo forever.
Continental Europe and its spawns made everything that you are enjoying right now
ah just imagine....
Fascist Romania
United Kingdom allows you to snowball into some real bs with the new DLC
yeah im enjoying the 4th reich known as EU alright
your culture is worshipping an unelected kike queen, drinking flouride-leaf flavored water, and applying for licenses
The EU is an anglo creation
not a bongoloid sorry. try again
>kike queen
lmao read an internet article
Mere chance though, collectivism is still a shit ideology to live by
Yeah be an individualist,that is a sure way to make a society die out really fast.
anglos are borderline subhuman. only america is a good anglo country and even they are
so where are you from
>inb4 deluded mutt thinks he has a culture
You don't know shit if you think the differences between races amount to only skin color. Also:
lol, fag confirmed
the master race of course
Italy is fun.
Fascist Brazil doesn't sound bad either, and it's historically plausible too if you care, though Kaiserreich has a way more fun setup for that.
>its either collectivism or individualism
>not having the IQ to realize that a thriving society depends on harmoniously balancing the two
>people that play HOI4 vanilla
Kaiserreich is the way to go and even that is only kinda meh
you cant comprehend my superior culture
56% cope
t. Burger.
You accused americans of being mutts but you don't want people to believe in racial differences,really makes you think
i am no burger you freedom-hating commie. i am 100% mongol
Because individualism rejects the belief that a society exists on it's own and isn't merely a bunch of individuals acting on scarce resources. Collectivism eventualy needs a geist like a great man or class struggle to justify/solve it's problems.
Wow I wonder what country this poster is from
race doesnt matter. only your actions do. get a job you fucking mutt
Of course but being of a certain race will predispose you to do certain things.
doesnt matter. only your actions do. niggers are white trash get the gas equally
brazil !
fast civil war
weak neighboors
america cant intervene til pax americana
The answer as ever is a balance between the two and going full on one way or the other requires massive amounts of wilful ignorance. It would be ridiculous to genuinely claim that society as a concept doesn't exist, as it is to ignore the great benefits civilisation/rule of law/public bodies and works bring. Equally, it's retarded and self-delusional to suggest that the society has the right to trample over differences in worldview or lifestyle, or that the end justifies the means in a collectivist sense where individual rights can be ignored for the good of the state or group.
Thankfully the vast, vast majority of people are sane and are between these two extremes, it's just Yea Forums has a large concentration of insane people largely because many are largely isolated from real world experiences and live their lives primarily through social media propaganda or are exposed only to extremists of both sides through them.
Even if this is true it's not really something worth taking too seriously. It's easy to look at the world in terms of averages and for most things it's a reasonable thing to do. But for people it isn't given the huge degree of variance in individuals and as the poster said ultimately everyone is their own person and makes decisions for themselves. You can't apply averages to real people in day to day interactions because an individual person will never be an average. It's more reliable and more importantly more fair to the person to just take them on their own merits, be that from their actions or just first impressions. Even that is much better than just taking a blanket view of what will be one of millions of people of massive variance in whatever group you're considering an average of.
Libertarianism is a pretty mainstream "ideology", i just like the "Voluntarianism" part of it, which is kind of easy to defend online since every criticism is a strawman or "i don't see how we could fix X without an organization that holds a monopoly of violence, therefore coercion is a good thing"
Ahh...what could have been
But it's what most race realists talk about. They just talk about whites and non-whites which is stupid since you have so many ethnicities.
The whole white vs. nonwhite shit is coming from the USA and is just a means to split the people so the corrupted faggots can stay in power.
>The whole white vs. nonwhite shit is coming from the USA and is just a means to split the people so the corrupted faggots can stay in power.
Its not white vs non-white,its just anti-white.
And its not exclusive to America anymore.
You didn't really get my point.
Not that I'm not denying that there is definitely some anti-"white" shit around. Just by using white you completely ignore the vast diversity in Europe alone
How do you want to call them? The native people of Europe?
What's the point of asking this, everyone will pick their own country
>race doesnt matter
>you fucking mutt
I think China is overpowered if you beat Japan.