>I'm not going to play one of the best games of all time because it's on a launcher I don't like
This is Yea Forums right now.
I'm not going to play one of the best games of all time because it's on a launcher I don't like
Other urls found in this thread:
how the fuck do you make that assessment before the game is even out
I'm going to play it on my Gaystation so I don't care. inb4, "shooters on console kek kek." Suck it nerds.
>implying I'm ever going to use that shitass launcher
Pirate Bay all the way, baby.
>one of the best games of all time
>best game
thats a bit of a stretch
it's his job
i can wait six months/a year unlike OP who can get on their knees instantly
PC fags in a shitstorm because of Epic.
Feels good to be a console pleb.
Borderlands 3 is: FPS; hobby-grade coop campaign; genre-blended, multi-mode competitive e-sports; meta-growth, choice + epic Borderlands heroes!
Randy Pitchford is a swindler and pedophile, buying his games makes you complicit in his evil crimes.
holy shit!
I can't wait for all the cuck and respecting women jokes
>tfw no Pirate Scarlet Vault Hunter
>Borderlands 1 is shit
>Borderlands 2 is mediocre, writing is turbo garbage
>Borderlands 3 is the best game ever
Almonds status: activated
1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre
>one of the best games of all time
citation required
There's always DLC character packs.
>best games of all time
Come on now, user. Borderlands is a guilty pleasure of mine, but it's not that fucking good. It's mediocre at times and good at others. Bad at high-end scaling.
And correct. I'm not even going to pirate it if that happens. Cause then I can get it for $30 via Steam along with half the DLC 6 months later.
>Borderlands 1 was good, remastered is great
>Borderlands 2 was GOTY of 2012
>Borderlands TPS is good
>Tales from the Borderlands was amazing and the best Telltale game
Yeah, looks like BL3 has all the signs to be GOTY 2019 as well.
No no no.
I'm not going to play it because all of the player characters are either diversity quota yas slay queen or downright lazy design.
Also poo in loo as a siren GTFO with that shit.
They're all bland and they suck so the game sucks.
>it literally tells you in the eula
Having taste this terrible is par for the course for a nononigger
>TPS is good
I wouldn't call 1/2 the content of base BL2 for $60 good.
Did I mention I'm a lesbian and that Torgue is a misogynist?
When tenacent will pay for exclusives, it's very obvious they will also pay for shill farms. Maybe you should be less obvious if you want wongs paycheque lad
>one of the best games of all time
Borderlands 2 was already a huge step down and the Pre-Sequel fixed very few of it's problems. What makes you think this will be any different?
Will pirate. And pick up on sale when it's on steam.
All these threads make me wonder is there any good BL porn?
oh naw. im gonna play it alright. im just not gonna buy it.
Look for Moxxi SFM, there is some good stuff.
I already use multiple launchers, unfortunately.
I'm not gonna play it because I refuse to give EA my money.
>Leaked As Epic Timed Exclusive
Nope fuck off NO STEAM NO BUY! i will pirate and if i can't i don't play fuck you fuck gooks fuck off and die you pile of human garbage. PC IS NOT CONSOLE
Just because I won't use Epic doesn't mean I won't play Borderlands 3, retard.
when is remaster out? I heard april 3rd but I wanna replay that shit right now.
There's a thread on /aco/.
I'm not paying for it because I can't play as my girl.
>I'm not paying for it because I can't play as my girl.
Your excuse is really pathetic
>white girl with a mech
>white granddad
>chocolate musclegirl
So....you're mad because there's a ni**er in it?
Not him, but that's for me, the nigger is ugly as fuck.
>BL3 has all the signs to be GOTY 2019
This is a very low bar.
This but switch this used good KRIEGED slut with Gaige.
Every BL game has had black people in it.
>Borderlands 1 was good
stopped reading there
I wouldnt install thst shit even if it was single last way to get new games
fuck epic
fuck tim swine
and fuck paid shills like op
PC gamers don't care either. Pcbros at it again. We play games, not launchers.
Did you reference the tweet? Or was that from memory?
Shit game
>one of the best games of all time
I'm going to laugh my ass off when it goes to epic LOL high chance it will.
I hate the launcher, the company that makes the game and the publisher so fuck them all
>one of the best games of all time
I agree.
You missed the part that the Epic Games launcher is a Chinese botnet and is a confirmed spyware.
i am aware that game launchers are spyware
I control Maya.
And my Maya is pure.
Not after the game ends and DLC starts conducting her poop train
its already been confirmed that it will and pitchford is in full damage control blaming 2k.
Borderlands 1 was boring as fuck though, why would 3 be good? Also looks like they ruined Lilith.
And then the game ends.
>why would 3 be good?
Your right but i guess it's possible it could be good but chances are it's going to be shit.
Only launcher I'm using is qBittorrent
I used your mother's launcher last night...bitch gave me spyware.
I'm not responsible for what that bitch does, fuck off
But i am playing Monster Hunter world OP.
Man, fuck Gearbox.
Literally nothing wrong with either of them.
I don't care about token black man in my games just want to play as a hot ass young white chick i can fap to on fanart when i'm done playing the game is that too much to fucking ask for?
I don't care about token white man in my games just want to play as a hot ass young black chick i can fap to on fanart when i'm done playing the game is that too much to fucking ask for?
Hey, I own that Akira VHS too.
The only reason I bought it was because of the visuals, though. It's dubbed, so it's lower quality there, and then there's the fact that they tried to make a 6 volume oversized page spread manga into a single movie. It loses everything to do with the interweaving subplots that inform us to the actual narrative beyond Kaneda and Tetsuo's dispute, or the deeper origins of Akira himself.
I bought volumes 1 & 2 of the manga (Dark Horse translation) from that same used bookstore only a couple months earlier, and I haven't been able to find any others since, and that was a year ago at least.
sure nothing wrong, but claiming anyone who wears them are pure are
At the rate we're going an indie game made by like, 4 people, including a semi-dedicated composer is going to be PC's GOTY.
I guess it's time for the third round of marketers spamming Borderlands threads on this board non-stop until it comes out. And Yea Forums will still fall for it and say "it's a good game because mister marketer told me so."
Choker = my mouth is a second pussy.
Well for one, it was on April fools. Two, judging not only from this shithole but other sites seems to share the same feeling of fuck chink shit. Because exclusivity on a PC is fucking retarded and should be condemned for the console war tier faggotry.
Its when they turn their tattoos and piercings into their lifestyles is when I get annoyed. Same thing with faggots who make their sexuality their whole personality. It means you're a boring ass motherfucker.
Fuck off Pajeet
I want to genuinely curb stomp you
I'm not a poorfag user. I'm just going to get it on PS4 instead.
You're pathetic.
>They're all bland and they suck so the game sucks
imma direct you to
dubbed is the best way to watch Akira
copy paste
Don't be rude.
You think he still gets emails on the regular telling him how great Colonial Marines was?
contrarians hate him!
Sorry, I meant to say that it's the old dub, where they censor everything.
The handy launcher that uses 70% of your cpu when up and sends your data to Tencent. Yes I want BL3 on that please.
I seriously share his sentiment.
No Maya no buy.
And no, no amount of shitskin muscle sirens will change my mind.
Get fucked and face the reality that thirsty waifufags pay for all those costumes name changes haircuts and lootboxes that the industry desperately needs to stay alive.
>implying OP isn't a shill
maya is literally in the game
She is in the game, but not playable.
>self fulfilled prophecy
They have made new chars for every game. Nobody expected to play as the old ones...
Yeah, I have that problem with it too, but i don't know what to write there instead.
The main point is that every one of these threads has this nonsense in it, even if it's not necessarily a derail.
>he doesn't know
I'm sad because I rather liked BL1 and 2, and while i found TPS distastefully chock-full of SJW bullshit, I still enjoyed it. But i always play as the siren (Lilith, Maya), and now it's a totally fugly black muscle nigress? Why? Who do they think buys their video games?
Is the 4.6% of the US population that is black women a large marketshare?
Or even the 13.5% black base population?
4% of which is in prison for felonies?
which commits 53% of all homicide across the country?
96% of all black murders are by black men aged 18-35
why does 1/2 or 1/3 of all content need to reflect a demographic shift that is totally out of line with reality? is the new siren a mass murdering thieving welfare recipient?
if not, why not? it would be more realistic
did they?
i think they did
you just know these kinds of things
>Smug anime avatar
>Awful opinions
Checks out
Don’t know what you’re referring to. I’ll be playing on Xbox like always
shes indian tho
theyre 15% of the world population currently and india is on track to become the most populated country
and since its in the future theyre prolly be closer to 20%
you literally put into words what i think about this fucking game
It could be in whatever fucking borderline malware launcher they want.
In the end all i want is to play as a cute psycho white bitch because that's what i fucking like, not some musclebound curry meatball with 8 arms.
>best games of all time
Ya okay, maybe if having a lot of fun at first then getting bored of the grind half way and dropping it is your ideal video game experience
>>Borderlands TPS is good
you fucked up
haram af
literal tranny mentality
Wasn't that an April's fools joke?
>plays as a wom*n
>calls others trannys
>I'm sad because I rather liked BL1 and 2, and while i found TPS distastefully chock-full of SJW bullshit,
Outside of some remarks at the start from Torque and Janey the game didn't really have any SJW bullshit.
>Why? Who do they think buys their video games?
Normal people who aren't bothered by this.
>if not, why not? it would be more realistic
>realism in a borderlands game
Is there going to be splitscreen on pc? I don't want to deal with the slowdowns on console.
Only if they are cute.
Muslim pls go.
>long hair Maya
>imagine krieg and her fucking
>first he removes his pants and she gets down on her knees and engulfs his dick until he becomes hard in her mouth
>she licks and it and even uses it to tickle the roof of her mouth
>then she pulls her straps of her leotard over her shoulders and he pulls it straight down
>she gets on all fours and he rides her like the meat bicycle she is
>as she gets closer to achieving orgasm, her tattoos start glowing
when she finally does she releases a nova of pussy juice and her wings manifest on her back
>krieg then pulls her wings as if it were a ponytail and she begs him to pull harder
She has long hair in BL3.
what's the deal with the enhanced edition that comes out tomorrow? So I don't have the handsome colleciton but have 1 and 2, do I get free upgrades or do I need the handsome collection?
I own most of the shit from the handsome collection already except several skins for bl2 and the dlc for pre-sequel. Should I get the handsome collection for the dlc? Or not worth it?
>one of the best games of all
free if you have the first one
dont need the handsome collection
>I'm not going to play one of the best games of all time because it's on a launcher I don't like
I did buy a ps4 to play bloodborne.
>I'm not going to play I game I've been excited for for years because it's on Chinese spyware
It sucks but it's the truth. If it's a timed exclusivity deal I'll wait it out. If it's forever then i'm not playing it.
when is the presequel and bl2 hd update supposed to come out?
>borderlands anything
>"one of the best games of all time"
i want plebbit to leave.
>4/20 is circled
16-18 hours
Anyone else notice that President Xi of China looks a lot like Winnie The Pooh???
Reminder that if you buy this game as a price Gearbox doesn't like, Epic will remove the game from your library.
anyone else notice trump looks like no buckle from gumby
BL TPS side dialogue and constant chatter in a fucking nutshell
>t. 2 playthroughs
Why are obvious bait threads like this allowed to exist when there already another borderlands thread?
t. fucking retard
Because that stuff rarely ever happens
You're just seeing stuff that isn't there.
Yeah it's all in your head retard.
>uses a dead meme as rebuttal
Low IQ faggot.
If you're so concerned about people not having your information, don't use the internet or any cellphones or TVs. Until then, enjoy being spied on
>lierally blue haired leblanc
>shown proof
>still denies it when it's literally right there
>calls others low iq
>giving tencent your money and your personal info
add regional prices and maybe i will consider it
>using the internet if you're worried about your personal information being out there
>inb4 incognito mod
>inb4 vpn
>inb4 TOR
Reminder: You aren't completely safe using any of these either
Also, good like finding a game launcher that doesn't collect personal info that actually has games
One line that I already mentioned happens at the start of the game.
Outside of that and a few other instances the whole muh SJWs shit by Yea Forums is overblown and has no effect on the game.
>willingly giving your information to chinks just so you can play the resurrected corpse of the original "ok" lootershooter
Because I didn't enjoy Borderlands 1 or 2.
The game being Epic exclusive is just adding even more reasons for me to not touch it.
absolutely seething over a meh joke, sad!
This doesn't justify the actions of Epic Games. I didn't allow the launcher to go and analyze the Steam folder.