Cool or neat minecraft builds. Lemme see what you got. Pic related is my current house btw
Cool or neat minecraft builds. Lemme see what you got. Pic related is my current house btw
God fucking damn it. I haye posting from mobile bc it always flips my pics.
>he doesn't houses from random blocks or hollow out a mountainside
>he doesn't make his houses on servers as ugly as sin so everyone hates to walk by
Then don't post from mobile, ya cunt.
>Taking a picture of a tv screen
This is the most Australian post I've ever seen.
oath, cunt
Damn near gave me whiplash trying to look at that picture Aussie, but looks nice. Just ordered Minecraft for my switch so I can't wait to get back into it again.
It's not my best one but I don't want to launch the game now to take a pic
based autism poster
>he doesn't build his houses underground
LITERAL Homosexuals
>just recently decided to bite the bullet and download optifine + sesu
>actually made the game comfier
didn't think it was possible, it's default settings with motion blur off is good enough for me
I can't, user. I have life. I don't have luxury NEETing in basement like you
Fuck off Aussie cunt
reddit strikes again.
Oh fuck off my pc wont let me start a thread. Might be some glitch. Everytime i hit the button it doesn't allow me to.
Are you a robot?
you can reply but cant start a thread?
Yup. Its a bit strange.
What makes you think that?
What's this pack called? I used it years ago but can't remember the name
could you give me any tips? I'm kind of stuck deciding what the roof should look like. An earlier build of my house, to lazy to boot up minecraft and take a recent screenshot.