Why gamer attracted to asian girl? Asian ugly!
Why gamer attracted to asian girl? Asian ugly!
those two are cute
Nothing will cure yellow fever like looking at normal Asians.
Why gamer blind?
at this point I would fuck a warm couch
Every race have ugly people but cute asian girls are the cutest.
acting like white women don't get braces and shit
marry an asian an get her the health care she deserves
Gee I wonder who could be behind OPs post?
would be cute if they kept their mouth shut
i mean jesus christ look at those teeth
applies to a lot of nip girls apparently
I live in Japan now and I'd say in Tokyo the normal girl you'll see is pretty cute. What will cure yellow fever is their obnoxious 'everything I say and all of my reactions are the exact same as everyone else's and it's all learned from TV garbage' behavior.
Not video games.
Western women do the same though
I went to Japan for Christmas and I swear Tokyo has the most beautiful women on earth. I fell in love every street I walked.
Why do women try to push the "b urself" narrative, when they're the first ones on criticizes people by their looks?
SEETHING white cunt.
It's my dream to go there.
This is the real truth.
Virtue signalling. It's like when they call a fucked up deformed baby "beautiful". They're lying cunts.
Post codes.
"come, come home white man"
Fuck you.
I'd say the difference is in the west you might have a list of derivative reactions you could pick from but in Japan the options are singular and the like "ええええ?うそ!" type of reactions you hear (e.g. get made fun of on Japanese livestreams by foreigners in chat) is more annoying. For my autism anyway.
At least women in Asia dress better than in North America though. Not having 95% of the population wear blue denim or leggings is good.
What is it with asian countries being against dental care
Come on like that is not the real point of threads like these.
I go there every year to visit grandma. And sure, the women are cute (about half of them, pretty good number still). But they are just as vapid as white women if not more, since their sense of humor can really be fucking trash unless you like nip humor. One thing I learned, never do sarcasm, they take that at face value unless you properly say JORDAN at the end.
Nips are bugmen just like chinks yeah.
it's europe too. Only the US cares about pearly whites.
ugly teeth but with good hygiene with them is a huge fetish in many Asian countries
>all of my reactions are the exact same as everyone else's and it's all learned from TV garbage' behavior.
Japan admires the US so much, i pity the day they fall for the nigger culture that is so prevalent in there nowadays
But western women at least have curves
As long as they are healthy, no one cares. They got fucked up by coffee and tea all the time anyway to bother with bleaching like muricans.
>White male attracted to Asian female
>White female attracted to Black male
Well that cures MY yellow fever, because sarcasm is like 90% of my humor
nah jk 3dpd is shit
I think it's just a personal thing but when I hear someone say or react to something and it's 100% the same fake reaction you'd hear on TV news or drama it annoys the shit out of me. The best type of Japanese girls are the ones who have lived overseas for a short while and have grown to hate Japanese culture.
Calm down /pol/
Is this an npc response
which is funny, because white doesn't indicate health. Your teeth can be extremely healthy and still be yellowish. Stark white teeth are just so fake
I only ever liked one women from my time spent in Japan. And she was a country bumpkin. Shame that she was married to my co-worker. Fucks me up when it seems like he doesn´t give a fuck about her. But I guess his deparment grinds him to dust weekly, so there is one excuse.
Why would you live in Japan if you hate Japanese culture? Is it brain problems?
Unironic ntr time.
I grew to hate that specific aspect of Japanese culture over time, and how would I find something like that obnoxious without living there?
Yeah i'm sure that you are all 10/10 like George Clooney.
>The best type of Japanese girls are the ones who imitate contemptuous western sluts
No one said that. And be bitter about western sluts if you want but a pinch of western girl wokeness + being raised Japanese is good combo. Girl ends up being pretty cool usually.
NTR never works in real life bro. If she is willing to abandon one male for another, chances are high she will do it again. And they are nice to me. Not happening. I don´t have yellow fever anyway.
>NTR never works in real life bro. If she is willing to abandon one male for another, chances are high she will do it again.
This hits home. My roomate is dating someone that isn't even out of their divorce yet. I hope it doesn't go that way but I'm concerned for them for sure.
You know that USA got plenty of Japanese born and raised women right? They are just as shit as the rest of white trash.
>Unironic ntr time.
If she is really treated like shit and user would be knight in silver time then it would be netori.
But normal Asians woman are more attractive than the normal western white woman. Browse through 1000 people on tinder or wherever and it gets sad really fast.
>the only real exposure to western people most JP people have are handsome movie stars
>people act shocked when they say that they might date a western man because of that
Westerners do the same shit, most of the exposure they have to asian girls are built from anime and occasionally tv(whenever streaming services start showing JP shows) and idols, so they start assuming that all JP girls look like that and that's where yellow fever came about... media tricks us into building our own standards for every group and it's not surprising that some things get a bit muddled along the way due to what we're actually shown...
I'm more talking about them being crooked, I think most EU countries they try to have them straight but couln't really care about the color
That's why I specified "lived overseas for a short time". I'm not talking about whitewashed asian girls who either group up in the US or go there for college to take part in frat orgies.
>Dating someone still married
Is rare, but the worst thing is that you get harmed physically by the husband in some unforseeable way. I know that my buddy is in a cracker gang. They beat the fuck out of men that date their exes.
Where are the video games
the game of life, and we're in the dating sim portion boyo
Don't worry about nutting in an ugly Asian, the daughters are usually qt.
Yeah, that's why my first question was basically 'what is the probability this dude will show up at our place with a gun?'
Apparently, he makes zero money, is basically disabled, and a cuck. So we are fine ha.
The game of life is a board game and belongs on /tg/
>Retarded avatarfaggot with retarded fetish
There is not one happy woke family in my social circle. The dude that is the most happiest is a guy with a slavic wife. She is a real cunt to anyone that is not family, but she do honestly care for him.
That's not what that word means, and Jews aren't white.
They won't. Non one give a fuck about nigger music over there. There is no artistic worth in it to them. Their entire music industry is dominated by idol pop or weird math rock groups.
Bet they look similar without 10 pounds of makeup.
is that one of those fake channels were asian "men" are trying to expose how all "their" women are supposedly running away?
It seems to be the opposite in S Korea. All their mainstream is nigger inspired.
which is awesome. I'm glad japan is one of the few countries where rock is still the popular genre.
That is unironically a cute mother
Asian guys are notoriously clingy, especially the gay guys.
>those teeths
Does Japan not know about the existence of braces?
Would braces even fix those teeths??
Yuta is an asian guy who is super westernized. He makes content like this constantly. Most of his content is aimed at foreigners.
This is just an example of a shit teacher
Japs think crooked teeth are cute
The white DNA clearly improved them.
Video games preach fantasy of finding a girl only for you and owning decent wealth. Only place that allows that is Nippon/China where 75% of both genders are still virgins at 25.
It feels weird how Japan only imitated American individualism, now American media is the most homogenized trash ever.
>over your shoulder
>not kracked
>everything I know about Japan I learned from anime and memes
Korean girls (in Korea) are more interesting than Japanese ones. Taiwanese too.
I take joy in your suffering
>whit*id incels thinking they have a chance with Asian women
If thats true then Japan really have worse taste than I thought
That woman is just old
I like that he btfod people who think japs think anime characters are white
insecure cracker virgins are at this again? pitiful creatures
mancy is a hideous piece of ugly
>incel /pol/ poster unironically has images like saved
>the game of life
It goes both ways. Hapas are more qt than both whites and asians
it goes
They literally say in that vid that a number of them are white you fucking retard.
but asian girls are ugly as hell
nobody actually wants them, stop being paranoid chang
this is literally the biggest cope i've seen in weeks.
the fact that white men fuck asian women is the whole grounds for the aznidentity "movement" of cucked ricels sperging out over not getting any pussy
I don't think anyone in these threads is serious, if they are have they ever dated before? No one thinks like this. It's all about you and the other person. Not race.
>tfw yellow fever cured by lemon chocolate
Okinawa is a god send
lmao, that's gold.
I'd like to wife a jap but as a Mestizo I'm pretty sure our kids wouldn't turn out as well as happas Daughter might be fine but my son would probably be worse than Elliot Rodger.
no they aren’t you coping kobold rat, there’s a reason every ugly little fetishborn amalgam grows up stunted and possibly die to suicide by cop
If someone here lives in Japan, answer me this.
The birth rate is one of the worst in the world, so shouldnt they be happy when foreigners go there and fuck their daughters?
Why most of them still hate the idea of having foreigners joining their family tree?
that image is most likely the cringiest thing i've seen this year. If you actually think like this please kill yourself
sometimes his content can be a treat because of shit like that, like how they shat on Schemmel's Goku because it made the series seem too American and said the Naruto dub was good.
They gave diverse answers. Which is what it's supposed to be. But a lot of /pol/fags believe all anime characters are 100% white cause they've never stooped out of their basement. Trust me, it's a thing. Western Normalfags do it too.
Her gimmick is that I love her
>The birth rate is one of the worst in the world
objectively false, it's better than most of western Europe
>your women are ours
>his twitter profile pic is of some nigger with an anime girl
>kobold rat
I fucking knew this was a stealth tenda thread. How did you even come up with that? kek
>Why most of them still hate the idea of having foreigners joining their family tree?
Provide a Japanese source on this not a /pol/ inforgraphic
>The birth rate is one of the worst in the world, so shouldnt they be happy when foreigners go there and fuck their daughters?
Do you think the majority of people in most countries give a shit about this? "Dear god...our birth rate..." Most people see a poll in a newspaper about a declining birth rate and shrug and move on with their daily lives.
seething cracker incel
biggest delusion i’ve seen in the bidaily racebait thread, whitoids better have some money in their pocket to get the ugliest of golddiggers
Yuta is a fag, Nobita is better.
japanese math rock saved my life
That's his body you tard
post asian butte
Asuka just seems like a cool person. She is also sexy as fuck.
hapas being based and the very attractive probably pisses you off the most, doesn't it tenda?
>white race bad!
>asian race good!
>it went to number 1 on their fucking singles chart
Why are they so autistic?
I really like asian women they are attractive to me I lived in asia for a few years and enjoy the way they act it's really cute and fun. They sex is great for me because im so attracted to them. That being said im currently dating a hispanic girl with almond eyes like an asian as i find that feature to be very attractive.
I've probably fucked a good deal more pussy than you and yes people are serious when they say they are attracted to a certain race.
Take your "mature" bullshit and shove it up your ass people have different views on sex, attractions and relationships and theres nothing wrong with that as long as it hurts no one. Feel free to hate em at your choice.
the biggest issue with his content is the fact that everyone he interviews KNOWS that it's going onto the internet, so most of the time they have to give answers that make them seem interesting/will give non-answers that don't mean shit, like his video where he asked them about immigration, 90% of the responses were "there's nothing necessarily bad about every culture, but Japan has a really solid culture, but nothing wrong with other cultures :)"
you can see the resemblance to her mom but she doesn't really look anything like her dad