Even in death, I still serve.
Warhammer 40k
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Have a burny one OP.
>A squad's worth of bolters in one arm.
Hurricane bolters are so cool.
Also, the Ironclad Dread in DoW3 was the best part of that game.
Thanks and I also like them crushing stuff.
*Blocks your path*
Imagine that dreadnought tripping on its robes, and being like a turtle on its back.
If that happens, his faith was clearly lacking.
This is what the Nu40k is doing right now.
Just a reminder.
At least they added proper annihilation mode before the end and the option to turn off those dumbass superweapons. They literally killed development right when they finished making a playable RTS, which was only lacking more factions.
Bravo to the artist. Why can't Disney be this creative.
>Disney dosen't know how to be creative and original with Star Wars
>smart enough to just stand still and shoot the enemy and not get a -1 to hit
Oof, that joke aged like milk.
>combining the designs of two popular intellectual properties is creative
>started reading lore W40k this week
jesus christ this series is bonkers
There are two comics based on this joke. One of them is less funny because it spells the joke out for you, the other one doesn't make sense because his companion seems upset that he has to purge his fallen brother.
I don't know which to post.
I just read The World Engine book, if I ever start collecting Space Marines I'm gonna paint them as the Astral Claws. Those crazy sons of bitches.
Astral Knights my bad
It's all in the execution, brother.
Now you post the other.
>chaos get new good looking figures to replace old marines
>loyalists must get shitty nu-marines
It's not fair!
im reading some of the books lore and watching some youtube videos about it
after that i going to see the audio books
Get off our lawn
>tfw no tomb world city builder like game or horror game taking place in the tombs.
Hurricane bolter are underrated and understated in the setting. In fact, any multi-variant of a weapon except for twin-linked deserves more love. Also props to the modeller for getting a Castaferrum's leg up in the air. It's nice to see the little box naughts show off some mobility.
Seeing one in robes just makes it clear how aamzingly dinky and cute Dreadnoughts look. Even Contemptors are squidgy.
>squad worth of bolters in one arm
Yeeee I love them, BUT bolters also suck. GW can't decide whether they want them to be hard rifles or smgs, so they've gone with "neither".
Does Mechanicus count?
It's not really a horror game because Tech Priests and Skitarri are powerful little shits.
Aye, fair enough mate.
Between Mechanicus and Battlefleet Gothic, I'm just happy the necrons have been getting as much attention as they have, hopefully we'll see more of them in the near future.
I'm just hoping for some new units in the future that aren't forge world.
What was your starting point? Share with us your stand-out examples thus far.
Gork is better then Mork!
They don't though
Here's your new Primaris Marines.
>Based Blood Ravens listed
Sons of Malice still canon?
What chapter is the one using purple? Third row down 5th from the right.
Lmao, nah. That'll be $200, plus tip.
Per unit.
I can't remember the chapter name but their original legion was the Emperor's Children
Embarrassing, the robe draped on an arm would have been 40kino
Yep, nothing becomes "uncanon" unless something directly overwrites or contradicts it, and even then that isn't usually enough.
Plus, in 30K you can actually play Malal Daemons in all but name as of Book 8: Malevolence.
Sons of the Phoenix, iirc.
Descendants of Rogal Dorn. Allegedly.
Dammit I have to get those new Havocs.
You know, in an age where videogames spew content non stop, I kinda hate that my armies hasnt gotten new units since forever and I am obliged to play soup while Space Marines get something new every month or so.
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Are there any games out there that put that feeling of being a guardsman in a regiment that has to deal with Xeno combat on a regular basis?
>You definitely don't have enough firepower to just kill everything in sight
>There's never enough ammo
>You're probably going to die, horribly.
I know Helldivers provides that feeling, but is there anything else?
>no alpha legion
just as planned
Used google to find them. They are the Hawk Lords it turns out.
I like the surpressor but it's not 40k enough. It looks like something out of Halo.
Reminder that Deff Skwadron is the finest piece of 40k literature out there and everyone should read it.
alpha legion and 1k sons are the only good chaos warbands, rest are fucking trash.
40k mod for openxcom
Magnus did nothing wrong.
emperor had it coming trusting horus like that
humanity should never be trusted.
Perturabo, please go.
I think it's meant to be a humourous piece. At least I hope it is... have a dread.
warhammer >>>>>>>literal shit > your opinions > 40K
How gladius? worth a pirate at least?
no such game as warhammer exists user
t. sigmarine'd lorecuck.
Havocs ignore heavy weapon movement penalty now
Absolutely non that I'm aware of. It's something I've wanted for a long time. But then that's nothing new for 40K vidya. You'd think they'd have released a game about the growth of a death world child selected for enhancement into a member of the Adeptus Astartes by now, but the people making decisions lack basic creativity.
Everything is pretty spot on save for the fact that the hand he has his light saber in wouldn't be a power fist. It would just be a normal gloved hand.
As if current 40k is any better.
Dawn of war > total war warhammer
This is where man truly becomes as frightening as demons
40k with all of its flaws is at least a game. Smegmar is a travesty that literally no one even talks about at stores and if they do it's never positive.
The Chad Chaos
the virgin Imperium
That fucking Supressor design can kill any boner I swear to god.
I once saw that one guy just replaced the dumb shovel boots with the ones from the hellblasters and replaced the backpack with a jump pack and that looked at least decent.
>trusting the opinion of salty grognards
>trusting /tg/ opinions
I bet you believe everything Trump says too you gullible retard
I want to play Warhammer Fantasy guys, where do I go to get the figures?
Buy a 3d printer.
reminds me of prometheus
they paid the price for their lack of vision
read the beast series
>tfw megalink of all the books
Why yes I do play Tau how vould you tell?
how many of you Yea Forumsiggers actually play warhammer? post your models
>painting models
>having fun
>think i did a good job
>feeling good
>go to sleep
>wake up
>look at model hoping to start day of right
>notice tons of little mistakes
>try to fix them
>make more mistakes
>model needs even more work
Is this what suffering feels like?
Just throw it in a container of Super Clean and start again. like nigga just strip you paint.
This is the better of the two. Subtle beats obvious every time.
This is what makes people turn to chaos.
Emperor help us.
thin them
I love the emperor he's great. I love sanguinius too.
The whole primaris thing is fucking retarded and whoever at Games Workshop thought it was a good idea should be sacked immediately and have their benefits and pension taken away.
While I still don't condone patch-era gaming, is DOW 3 finally playable or still a boring moba?
Every time i played this as a kid i would watch this and quote it word for word
And when you beat the game and the tyranids came i was hyped as fuck
I fucking love this cut scene
Some of the first 40k material I remember seeing was a few panels from Deff Skwadron and I made it my goal to track down the source material and learn as much as I could about it. They were great reads.
>Those projectiles
>From Wraithguards
Jesus, what a downgrade from 2
Giv orc gf